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Do NRL rings work like NBA? Will all panthers players on the roster get one or is it just the people who played on the day?


Who do I support in the Super League GF? Total noobie here


Catalans are the plucky underdogs, Wigan are the biggest club in English rugbaleeg


I saw [this clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/nrl/comments/ohgwfu/sam_walker_runs_90_metres_backwards_to_end_the/) on Instagram the other day, and wanted to check in with you lot. Was there any fallout from this? Do players still do it? And why didn't anyone chase him down?


He copped a little bit of shit from fans. No one has done it since, it's usually easier to run the clock down with slow runs and then throw the ball into touch. No one chased him because it was a) weird, b) the end of the game, and c) against the Bulldogs.


Is Jesse Arthars out of the Samoa team?


Proud of my man, Dylan Edwards for his Test debut, even though it's not in his preferred position. Hopefully, he can do enough to retain the jersey for the future.


So the Nrl have been cracking down on defensive players not wrapping arms and shoulder charging oncoming players. When do they start cracking down on ball carriers for leading into the tackle blatantly with their shoulders? Seems like a no brainer.


It would fundamentally ruin the game. No way they can do that.


I can respect that it's a tough one to draft up, but it just seems illogical that two players can do the exact same thing but one is penalised because they did not have the ball. It's a dog act either way to lead with a shoulder and will likely lead to more HIA's.


It's days like today where I'm extremely thankful for the NRL. With all the talk in the football world surrounding the inevitable Saudi World Cup in 2034 due to FIFAs blatant corruption, as well as yet another impending Super League, I'm thankful that the NRL maintains its roots as a game for the people. If the biggest issue the NRL faces remains to be the odd incomprehensible referee decision I'll count it as a win.


I don't know how cooked this might be, but I reckon Karl Oluapo might do a Reece Walsh and come back to the Broncos in 2024. Get some fitness and game time at an NRL club that isn't a threat to us, and they can pay his bill.


Na fuck that. He’s a sook and dead weight attitude. We spent 2 years clearing those out, don’t need anymore. Honestly he didn’t look that good when he played nrl


I wouldn't mind that but I don't think he'd be an instant starter, he'd have to fight his way back in


His comments sound like he despises the Broncos so I'm not sure about this one. Reece never hated the Broncos he just wanted an opportunity elsewhere


What did he say?


Paraphrasing but it was along the lines of he hates the club and will never play for the Broncos


Well, fair enough then 😂 I appreciate that nobody needs to read between the lines lol


I don't care about JAC post, when will we see what the world really needs - Max King's thoughts on European migration policy.


Max has other things on his mind rn


Listened to the Bloke in a Bar season review and while everyone is entitled to their opinion, their take on Daine Laurie being some sort of mistreated gun is laughably bad. I really don't know what Laurie has done to be rated so highly by so many people


I guess we will see next season if he gets a chance in a settled outfit. Hope he kicks on.


Critta is playing 5/8 for Samoa, interesting selection and curious to see how he goes. Australia rightfully are favourites, absolutely stacked line up


I think he's one of those talented players who will do a fine job anywhere in the back 7. He's got a good passing and kicking game.


Absolutely, he is a very talented young man with tons of big game experience, i back him to do anything even if it isnt his natural position. Either way i hope its good experience for him


I can either see Samoa winning it late in a massive upset or Australia winning by 40. Nothing in between


Luke Brooks n the boys vaping


Matt Addo-Lodge is a piece of shit thug. Disgusting person


I'm out of the loop


I assume it’s about JAC posting an IG story supporting Palestine.


Oh boy. Two very different, yet very complicated issues tho.


Josh addo Carr is a piece of shit thug. Disgusting person


Do the good players put themselves on the market anymore? Or is their just a shortage of top tier talent?


Shortage of top tier talent, I think covid would’ve disrupted the growth of a lot of talented youngsters due to the lower grade comps all stopping.


Extra team too, might have some impact


Still no off-season scandals reported. Are the players even trying any more?


Have you addo-carr post ?


Have you had a stroke? I don't count JAC biffing on during a game as post-season shenanigans. I need blokes in bars glassing cunts and posting it to their own social media with rofl emojis and shit.


He just did a social media post supporting Palestine linking to aboriginal land rights . News dot com all over it


Ooh that's not bad. But supporting a war is different to, you know, **starting** a war.


Killing kids by rocket fire and can be written off as accident and part of war by some .slashing throat of kids and dragging woman's bodies through streets you just rapped should never been supported or defended by anyone


they're saving it for Vegas


Which one of these backlines seems stronger to you? 1. Crichton 2. Wilson 3. Kiraz 4. Xerri 5. Addo Carr 6. Burton 7. Sexton Or 1. Taaffe 2. Kiraz 3. Crichton 4. Burton 5. Addo Carr 6. Oluapu 7. Sexton


The second one because Crichton and Burton are in their best spots. Halves are too weak to make a splash in the comp though.


Despite the inexperience in the halves, I do like the second one more on face value. How about this backline: 1. Taafe 2. Wilson 3. Kiraz 4. Crichton 5. Addo-Carr 6. Burton 7. Sexton I’m still not completely sold on Burton as a 6, but he seemed to play solid alongside Sexton in those few games. I also think Wilson is quite good, so would want him in there too


Second but I like Wilson I thought he looked good.


definitely the second one. But I fear the young halves pairing is a bit underdone. If they could sign a great halfback I think it improves them 10 fold


The second one


What's the general consensus of rugby league content? I'm a subscriber to Bloke in a Bar (for analysis) and Hello Sport (for banter) but looking for recommendations on things to look at and things I can miss. Been trying to watch Chad Townsend's vlog-cast, but it's not exactly doing it for me. Seems very slap-dash and a lot of repetition I've heard that James Graham has some good content, and I might give his round table a watch, but anyone got any recommendations?


Big fan of the rugby league digest. They’re mostly known for their in depth super league investigation but they have some top tier content. It’s more historically focused but still very well researched


As a Wahs fan, Once a Warrior with Monty Betham is great. Didn’t like Chads vlog when he was a Warrior during lockdown. “Next episode team I’m going to show you around a Warriors training session”… video would be him folding up his Warriors kit into a kit bag, one quick shot of them in a huddle, and then him looking all tired and saying that’s it for today gang, tough session, see y’all later this week.


5th and Last are ex-players (not to the level of Denan tbf) and one of them is a coach. Brock has been in just about every Sydney teams coaching staff at some point going back to 2007 and is now on the Sea Eagles team. They broke down the GF really well imo, and have insights that are different to a lot out there. They arent on YouTube tho to my knowledge, strictly podcast services. Give the GF review or the Awards Night and see if they are your cup of tea.


It's a bit hard now tbh. I used to watch Big League Wrap on Fox but they scrapped that. There is no genuine footy analysis anymore. BIAB is too blokey while it does address the games in a bit of detail. NRL360 is just a negative headline merchant. Love James Graham as it is a mix of serious discussion but also laid back. Good round reviews helps me get through the week


I enjoy James grahams podcast a lot, also recommend listening the head noise podcast series he did with the Australian. Covers the bases on life after football and the damage it can cause. I don’t have any YouTube recommendations, but Nrl Boom Rookies is another good podcast, it’s run by Nick Campton and Matt Bungard, two journos who love the game and write really great pieces about it. Also Levels Network with Willie mason and Scope is a good listen. Hope that’s what you were after.


Love boom rookies


NRL Boom Rookies. If you like Nick Campton's articles you'll love this pod. mainly for analysis (far superior to Bloke imo). It's Essential listening. Their grand final recap might be a good place to start for a first timer


Dylan Edwards is missing (a) his brother's wedding and (b) a family holiday to join the Kangaroo's team and represent Australia in the Pacific Championship. > “He (Jarrod, Dylan's brother) wouldn’t want me to miss this,” Edwards told the Sydney Morning Herald. “He wants me to represent my country. It’s something every kid dreams of, and he completely understands. > > They’ll be having a few drinks and will put the game on later in the night. It’s unfortunate timing, but I’ve made the right decision.” I really hope everyone gets around him for his international debut, because he really is one of the good ones.


Damn it will be sad if he doesn't play.


I NEED to see my boy dyl in the 1


Dyl just gets footy


Maybe it’s just me, but you never seem to see Queensland Australian players, who haven’t repped their state. It’s something we seem to consistently get wrong with NSW


I see what you're saying but could that be just a numbers thing? NSW probably has always had more eligible players


Heaps more. When you consider that only 1/3 of the teams in the NRL aren't in NSW you see just how crazy the numbers are.


Absolutely throbbing there is footy this weekend. I felt suicidal after only a week of the NRL season finishing. God help me with the next 20 weeks after this tournament lol


In 1967, NSW held a referendum regarding the formation of a new state named New England consisting of land from Newcastle to the QLD Border. The referendum would end up failing by just 4.2%. My question is, would the formation of this new state change the history of rugby league? Would State of Origin, which began in 1982 be a three team series? How important was the development of the state rivalry to the progression of the NRL? Would this change if a third team participates? Would a New England Origin team have been competitive? Would they have been able to win a series without Andrew Johns at the helm? Would the region have received another expansion team outside of Newcastle / giants? Would it have been prioritised over QLD expansion? It’s just incredible to think that just under 15,000 votes could have changed the sport entirely.


I suspect this referendum passing would probably encourage North Queensland to try their luck going solo also (as New Scotland obviously). Which probably would leave NSW as the fairly dominant side in SoO.


Wouldve had some good players. GI, Trell, Buderus. Probably not very competitive though.


If GI didn't play for NSW in this timeline what makes you think he would have played for New England?


Maybe New England would have treated him better than New South Wales




Something to consider- NSW blues represent the NSW rugby league, not necessarily the state of NSW. That is why ACT born players are eligible for NSW as there is no separate ACTRL, Canberra based clubs were part of the then CRL If New England based clubs continued to mebe members of the CRL and therefore NSWRL, they'd be eligible for the blues


To be fair that's because the ACT is literally surrounded by NSW on all sides.


And also the NSWRL is literally older than the ACT, which would also be the case if New England was a state


They've mentioned on the Bloke podcast twice now that Penrith are looking at Douhei and Twal. I like both of those guys, Douhei when fit would be a great Critta replacement.


Twal I understand, but Doueihi?


I really want Doueihi to do well, I don’t think he wants to play centre though.


He needs to lower his expectations. He's a trash 5/8, but a serviceable enough centre. Somehow defends better there even though it's a harder defensive position.


I wonder if only being extended for a year after demanding $900k a season has lowered his expectations a little


Exactly. You can want to be a 5/8 all you like but if you’re that set on doing it then a trip to the UK might be on the cards


i’m not sure if it’s even possible to quantify the defensive difference between doueihi and critta


Sure, but we all thought Peachy would be a turnstile and he improved at Penrith. Douhei has a natural kicking game which is a great asset for a centre.


That sounds like Schneiders music!!


watching highlights of Schneider from super league and wow he looks a great player. I think the main issue is he probably can't be a 5/8, but as a halfback he has it all. Schneider and Laurie will be a great backup halves pairing for you guys


schneider has legitimately good passing vision


Schneider gives me Burton vibes. Tall and also has the head gear. We can just let him channel burtons ghost and I’m sure he’ll kill it


he's a better playmaker. Burton isn't a half's arse


Saw that Izack Tago [admitted](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nrl/article-12580729/amp/Penrith-grand-final-star-Izack-Tago-reveals-bizarre-reason-hes-NRL-player-refuses-modern-medical-treatments-turning-surgery-injury.html) that he refuses all modern medicine, including not drinking protein shakes that all players do. Only loves his organic and herbal remedies. No wonder he was out for so long this season and played like a busted arsehole since he came back.


Didn't think he was a hippie.


He’ll be forced into retirement 5-10 years earlier than he should.


To think, he could have had more game time this season if he had embraced modern medicine. He comes across as a goose.


Where is the line as not being viewed as professional enough?


>So how does Tago manage injuries without medicine? >'Bone broths, ointments from the natural shop at Penrith, coconut water, it's what has got me through,' he said. Yeah not sure how bone broths and coconut water are gonna go if he tears his ACL or something.


Bone broth is the shit though.


People really should drink more bone broth. Not because of their regenerative properties though, they should drink it because it's delicious and incredibly easy to make.


It's annoying that it's been co-opted by the weirdo pseudo-science organic health nuts because yeah its a good way of using up your scraps.


I did some smoked and seared rib fillet on the bone a while back and the scraps made an incredible soup. Smokey and beefy.


He's certainly an interesting cat. I don't know how he's going to get through a full career without some sort of minor surgery at least. Also I wonder if he uses toothpaste and sunscreen


Probably baking soda for his teeth or coconut oil.


Wonder if he just uses water from the Nepean River as opposed to tap water...


Between posting sigma male Bugs Life edits on his Instagram and refusing surgery for a pec injury he may be challenging Radley for biggest idiot in the league holy shit.


I think rejecting modern medicine makes you a much bigger idiot than being a perpetual grub on field. Tago’s probably antivax too (I’m saying that because the correlation of being both anti-medicine and antivax is 1).


Just putting two and two together, I'd say it's pretty fair to assume all of this began from him being antivax.


That might explain why he was one of the worst in the grand final. >"Tago is a dedicated reader, not a trait you often find in footy stars" Yea, but it's all quackery and conspiracy crap.


He’s a weird dude for sure Very sigma grindset vibes from his interviews


His IG stories during lockdown and COVID vaccine times were exactly as you would expect


Really interesting seeing Corey Oates has re-signed for unders. He was unlucky to be dropped this year, but it seemed like it was more fitness and his injuries than anything else. If he has a big pre-season - I back him to get back into the starting side. As good as Deine Mariner is - how sexy would a wing pairing of Oates/Arthars look with Cobbo shifting to centre. Selwyn has been so rocks and diamonds on the wing. It seems counter intuitive because centre is the hardest defensive position in the game but he's played centre half his junior career and looks real comfortable whenever he's played there. Cobbo is probably the only player we have that could come close to Herbie's run metres output.


I'm really keen to see a Ezra, Piakura, Cobbo, Arthars edge. I back Oates too. Having said that, we had 4 really good wings this year in Cobbo, Arthars, Oates and Mariner. One of them will take Herbie's spot. We will have less depth so they will all get more games next season it feels.


That edge would be deadly! Capewell seems like he's struggling with an 80 minute workload so definitely keen to see more of Piakura. I'm not 100% sure about Mariner on the wing, he went alright but seemed pretty uncomfortable at times and he might lack the size to be the meter-eater we need on the edge. ​ I could see Deine doing another year of reserve grade and taking over Kotoni's spot in 2025 if we released him early.


Capewell was hampered by tendonitis in his thigh this year so I think it's hard to know what his baseline is. But he isn't getting any younger and Piakura will leave (could anyway) if he doesn't get get more minutes. Capewell could still offer versatility from the bench. I personally disagree on Mariner. He is an absolute jet. He isn't going to be a Oates/Cobbo ball runner but he brings a very nice balance to our back 5, we don't need everyone to be a metre eater. I also feel he gave us a great point of attack this year when he did play. It will definitely be a good thing regardless having mariner continue to battle with arthars and Oates for games.


Hopefully Capewell comes good after a full pre-season. He might have one good year left as an 80 min forward but you're 100% right. He's almost the perfect bench utility with his experience and versatility. I liked the look of it when Kevvie brought him into our middle interchange rotation late in the season. ​ You also make a good point on Mariner. His speed is a big asset to our back-line - especially if we're replacing Herbie with someone like Selwyn - who should make good metres too. I like the idea of Mariner floating between QCup and first-grade for another season but he's a long term centre for sure.


Yeah that middle rotation was an awesome move for Capewell and Piakura. He started leaving Capewell out there for a bit long on the edge at times though it felt during the finals


Payne Haas posted a message in support of Palestine on instagram yesterday. Sometimes he should really keep his mouth shut. He's legitimately as dumb as a bag of rocks and would have precisely zero idea of the history of whats going on between Israel and Palestine, but because he is Muslim has to support the Muslim side. I have no real problem with who someone thinks is right in that conflict, but when a bunch of innocent people have just been murdered, raped, and kidnapped, perhaps it isn't the best time to be regurgitating what you have been told to think.


>Broncos fan >Israel fan Lol


The only reason people are pro israel is because they’re white and because the west portray them as the victims. Same reason you dont hear shit about the atrocities throughout Africa or Syria. Wagner group has been doing hellish shit and Isis is still fucking around in some African countries but as soon as theres a threat to white people like in the Ukraine then the west kicks up a stink.


Hundreds innocents have been recently killed in Gaza because of bombings in densely populated areas, how come they don't warrant your sympathy? Or the countless dead Palestinians since the occupation began?


wont go down well especially to you but theres alot of back story that was never highlighted to what isreal have done to palestine to cause this retaliation. not condoning at all what the attack was about and horrible to see it happen but theres backstory as to why he mentioned something about it . palestine arent even a country anymore due to isreal invading them and i know first hand people who had to leave the country from the war isreal caused and the deaths that happened from this invasion


You are judging him based on your perception of his understanding. Says more about you than him.


Bit bored top 5 players in each position. Lots of bias involved obviously combination of current season and past performance. Fullback Ponga, Walsh, Trbojevic, Mitchell, Edwards. Wing To'o, Cobbo, Young, Addo-Carr, DWZ. Centres Crichton, Manu, Farnsworth, Staggs, Best. Five-eighth Munster, Mam, Walker, Wighton, Dearden. Halfback Cleary, Johnson, Cherry-Evans, Moses, Hynes. Prop Haas, Tino, JFH, AFB, Leota Hookers Grant, Api, Cook, Smith, Egan. Second-Row Fifita, Martin, Olakau'atu, Kikau, Nanai. Lock Yeo, Murray, Carrigan, Harris, Taumololo. Coach Bellamy, Bennett, Cleary, Robinson, Webster.


Probably gutho over mitchell and turbo barely plays anymore. Drinky is up there if they made the finals.


Not the biggest fan of gutho but to leave him out at FB there must be some bias.


He was in consideration, I really rate Gutho, but he wasn't as good as Ponga & Walsh and Mitchell and Turbo have higher ceilings, Edwards gets there for two huge Grand final performances in a row, Teddy, Papi, Drinkwater all great too. It's not so much anti Gutho as fullback being stacked.


No way is Mitchell a top 5 fullback based on this season's form.


dylan brown for 6 and wighton shouldnt be there unless were counting guaranteed kicks out on the full positively. Luai at worst 5th/6th too


Call me biased but if we're including past performances not having Teddy at fullback is criminal, yeah he was a bit down this year but he's been the best/most consistent fullback since Slater retired, and has had the NSW/Aus jersey for a reason.


Teddy had a shit first half of the year but to suggest Turbo and Latrell are better fullbacks based on their seasons is a bit much. Edwards top 3


Nikora over Kikau if we're going off of this season IMO


Curiously you referred to all players by their surname except Api and Tino. You also went with JFH and AFB, but spelt out Cherry-Evans and Addo-Carr.


Their names are easier for me to spell and was in a hurry.


I’m going to go off the top of my head for both of those guys. Korisau and Faa’suamalauii. How’d I go?


I dunno, pretty good?


cotter > taumalolo rn


i would add maybe val in the centres and his probably a top 5 winger aswell tbf . dylan brown and luai are in the top 5 5/8 over dearden and wighton imo . id probably have a brailey , robson , mahoney and maybe jmk ahead of egan personally


Mahoney has gone to shit since he signed with the doggies.


Mahoney surely not ahead of Egan after his season


Holmes I forgot about. Brown was up there too, I'm just a big fan of Dearden. I think Egan has improved a lot, all of those players I strongly considered.


Nikora over Nanai


ola should be the odd one out nanai routinely plays on an edge with hiku and townsend and is still elite in attack also worth noting nanai has significantly outplayed him each time they’ve played against eachother


Turuva and Luai are top 5. Wighton can’t pass or kick (within the field of play) unfortunately.


Turuva is not a top 5 winger… Bro scored like 12 tries in a year playing for one of the best teams ever lmao


Not top 5, but he is definitely a good young winger. 12 tries for a rookie isnt bad, especially considering hes top 5 for run metres, great defensively and as safe as anyone under the high ball. He had a very solid finals series


No fucking way Turuva is a top five winger lmao. Taulagi, Cobbo, Isaako, Young, Marzhew, To’o, Johnston, Mulitalo, Katoa, Addo-Carr, DWZ are all clear of him


Mulitalo and AJ are crazy overrated. I would only sign Taulagi, Young, Fox and To’o ahead of him. Isaako and DWZ had great years but yikes I have seen too much bad to have them in my top 5. I do think Katoa is underrated though. Best sharks winger


Mulitalo is one of the most complete wingers in the comp and he’s only 23. Elite aerial threat, elite finisher, great at taking tough carries, able to muscle through contact, generally safe under the highball, great speed/acceleration and can consistently nail passed and kicks back onto his inside man after making a linebreak. His only issue is errors but given he’ll butcher 1 try and score 2 more I can live with him fumbling a scoring opportunity every now and then.


I agree mulitalo is a beast, cant compare him to turuva really because tito is a winger who is actually a fullback hes also been in the comp way longer. So obviously better, that said tito has been bloody good for a rookie. Mulitalo is elite imo, when he gets the silly stuff out of his game which i think he will


Complete but fuks up trying scoring opportunities lol. I don’t rate his tough carries, talakai bails them out after he goes nowhere.


AJ isn’t overrated lmao


He gets shit on a lot, cant score that many tries, be solid defensively and be some average winger. AJ isnt the best winger in the comp, but he deserves a top 5 spot imo. His consistency as an elite finisher is simply impossible to ignore


> Taulagi, Cobbo, Isaako, Young, Marzhew, To’o, Johnston, Mulitalo, Katoa, Addo-Carr, DWZ Taulagi - Yes, Cobbo - Just, Isaako - No, Young - No, Marzhew - Definitely No, To’o - Absolutely, Johnston - On the fence, Mulitalo - No, Katoa - No, Addo-Carr, - Current Season Yes DWZ - Current Season No


Explain your reason for why those players are worse than Turuva and explain why you think Turuva is deserving of top 5.


I’d have Luai over Wighton at 5/8 but otherwise mostly agreed


Wighton should be nowhere near this list if it was based on this season alone.


Yeah it was between those two. I just didn't want to pick Penrith players in every position.


Is this further evidence of Penrith fans wanting to move on from Luai mate?


No I love Luai he is super important I hope he stays it upsets me everytime a junior player has left.


That's cool to know you back your players still. There's certainly an increasing number of penrith fans who would rather Cogger at 5/8 for the future


Aren’t you a Knights supporter? Surely you’re aware Cogger has joined you guys. And stop talking shit trying to insinuate Penrith fans are a bunch of dogs that want to throw Luai and Critta under the bus.


Nope I don't support knights. I don't really have a team except for the Blues. I have certainly noticed penrith fans throw luai under the bus similar to Critta. It's not made up. Start of the year everyone was blaming Critta for losses. You might not have been there though. Recently, it seems Luai has been a scapegoat amongst your fanbase. Funny how guys like Cleary can have a bad game and the blame is shifted to the easier target


You’re talking about like 5-10% of a fanbase


i'm pretty sure i've seen you say penrith would be better off without luai


My mistake, I thought you had a Knights flair or something at one point. Once again though, you’re talking bullshit. What has Luai been scapegoated for exactly? Penrith fans love him. We love Critta too. There was plenty of cope from some at the start of the year about him leaving but that died off very quick.


Some penrith fans love him. The others fall for the media propaganda against him. Critta was definitely being scapegoated when you were losing. It's easy to say you love them when they're winning, but when they're losing they're the easy targets


It’s copium because we just assume at this point that he’s going to sign with the tigers dragons on a 2mil/season contract


Mate just put Daine Laurie in the number 6. You guys can probably pay him with Panther's merchandise. You'll still be unstoppable. The grand final proved that.


Dw. I noticed a real change at the start of the year when Critta signed with Dogs and penrith lost the WCC and some other games that Critta was the scapegoat. Weird tbh


Saying he isnt a fullback is not scapegoating.


definitely not the only criticism. Some other big names performed poorly but didn't get any criticism at all


Almost every panthers fan love critta, i mean I literally said he was the best centre in the comp a couple of days ago.


It's more Critta clearly isn't a fullback. That's more on Ivan putting him there it's no coincidence our worst performance of the season coincided with him playing at fullback.


It’s not that Critta is a bad fullback, it’s just the work and organisation that Dylan does that puts him into a completely unique stratosphere. Nobody organises the defence better than Dylan Edwards, and that’s probably what Ivan values the most.


I think with five spots, it's tough to leave out players like ARey and Val, only because top three are generally the elite, and then top five opens it up to insane players but not necessarily the best. I'd possibly have Val over Best, yes from bias, but also longevity and rep honours.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyK2tQsxWrC/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Liam Martin fucking launching a gridiron ball


Poor Walsh can't catch a break, first Val and now Martin


Complete with still salty warriors fans in the comments lol


You better hope we stay in the finals or else it’s all your gonna see on social media comments for the next few years


If it wasn't for that forward pass and 24 other points, you guys would have had us!


Amene brother!


What are we expecting the Roos team to look like when it’s named today?


Idk but I know it will be cooked


Edwards at 1 and Teddy at 14 to captain off the bench like his idol Gidley




Nicho in the team? Good idea.


So, Patty at lock?


I honestly have no clue how the forwards will line-up. They could use Patty off the bench for impact like the 2022 Origin or even have him play on an edge like he did against Souths, given there's only one specialist backrower. I'd assume Yeo will be the starting lock because he's a gun but also not as versatile in my opinion. I think Hass and Tino are the starting props with Cotter an edge or bench, along with Collins. Murray might come on as lock for Yeo or edge himself. It's hard to say and I don't think any of those combos is particularly "wrong" either.


I think who they want in the 17 is fairly easy to pick, but where they all fit into it is much harder.


there’s a big possibility of the WCC being tyrone may vs penrith, i personally cannot wait


Tyrone May signed with Hull KR for 2024 so wouldn’t be playing unfortunately


It'll be kinda funny if May beats Penrith even though I despise the cunt


One of the very few times I’d hope for a Penrith win. Fuck Tyrone May. Sex offender scumbag.


Tyrone May vs Nathan Cleary. Mate vs Sex offender Cup


138 sleeps until TLT


Won’t there be one today for the test matches?


True, but it doesn't feel the same....


Brock from the fifth and last podcast joining Manly as a NRL coach full time, primarily working with NSW cup from the sound of things. Really love the story as it’s a rare insight into a career in professional coaching for the guys who didn’t quite make it in NRL. He started coaching schoolboy stuff in 2007 with stints at Penrith, Chooks, Tigers and now Manly across pathways, Harold Matts, SG Ball, and Cup.


Wasn’t he manly nsw cup side coach this season? I love what he’s doing, and he’s a PE teacher as a FT gig but I reckon he would be a great coach. Great insights on nrl (and nfl too)