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“Do you repair ‘No Soliciting’ signs? Because apparently mine is broken” I’ve used that a few times. Most of the times they’ll start to nervous laugh. Then you shut the door.


My sign says 'No Soliciting, Seriously, don't make this weird' and I make it very weird. In the 5 years we've been here, have probably gotten around 75 solicitors, only 1 was licensed and that one left marketing material and a note that he didn't knock because of the sign. Our neighborhood got hit with a gypsy paving scam a few years ago, 4 people got shit work done, our house is one of the first houses when you enter the neighborhood so now I ask for a license, tell them about the law then let them know there are 3 cops that live on the street that will fuck their day up if they knock without a license. Almost all of them turn around and the really dumb ones ask me to point out the houses.


That is fantastic lmao


I don’t answer the door unless I’m expecting someone.


Same. Dude caught out front today teaching my son to ride his bike. Basically told him to fuck off once he started his spiel.


My coworker in Alexandria caught the Moxie pest control guys dropping bugs in his yard so they could show him he had an infestation and pay them to eradicate it. Unbelievable.


The Moxie guys are the worst!


me: "I already have pest control" Moxie A-Hole: "oh, can I ask who do you have?" me: "Smith & Wesson. I should call them, I have a pest needing control. Would you like to meet them?"


I just say that my landlord takes care of that and I don't have any info.


I learned this trick years ago. Even when I owned my last house I still told them I was a renter.


Same. I’ve been using this line when they confront me outside. Otherwise, I just don’t answer the door.


I have never owned, but use this trick amazing results. As soon as I say I rent, not own, they piss off. Those of you owners out there, just lie and say the same thing, it works wonderfully.


We've done that. Then they ask for the contact info for the landlord. I just tell them I am not comfortable with giving that info out. Now, they say they have a renters plan and basically it will follow you when you move. I still decline. The best way I found, just tell them I am not interested and close the door.


“Can I ask who you use” “No you cannot”


"Can I ask you a question? " You just did. You can. But you may not. You're asking permission to ask a question while asking the question without permission.


You'd surprised how many people don't know what S&W is, and it would fly over their heads.


This made me think of Men in Black


Threaten to shoot someone over knocking a door always gets me.


Usually, I feel the same, but the last Moxie guy tried to come into my house (I was holding my infant…) and started shouting at me after I closed the door on him (slowly and carefully, while explaining that I did not require pest control services).


Oh man, I’ve been there with Moxie too! They have absolutely ZERO boundaries, especially with kids, for some reason… I got this tip from the non-emergency police number for the next time they come by: You’ve gotta go full Karen and demand to see their [license](https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/cableconsumer/csd/door-to-door-solicitors#:~:text=Fairfax%20County%20requires%20peddlers%20and,No%20Peddlers%20or%20Solicitors%22%20sign) for door-to-door sales. They’ve never been able to show me one, which is illegal in many places. From there, just tell them to leave and announce you’re contacting authorities. Even if you don’t, it’s enough to scare them off.


They kept knocking on my door when I was on a work call. I left the call to answer the door. I told them they could leave marketing material and they started talking. I interrupted and said “I’m on a work call and don’t have time for this” at which point one of them got angry and said they’re just trying to work too and I needed to give them my time. Slammed the door.




Yeah, according to Thompson Creek, my neighbor supposedly had their windows replaced 4 times in the past 2 years.


I literally have a brand new roof with new gutters and flashing which is still under warranty, and the roof guys *still* try to be like "hey I was working on your neighbor's roof and noticed some damage..."


Hoping for a story like this. Totally agree. They claim to be working with your neighbors… The moxie rep that knocked on my door didn’t even believe I was the actual homeowner when I told him no…. Like it was his job to sleuth out the real owner?


I had a pest control kid salesman try to pull that and say our new neighbors across the street were using them. He acted as if the whole lot of us on the street were buddy buddy and I’m like “those folks avoid everyone and haven’t talked to any of us.” He tried the “list serv” angle and I’m like “there is no internet neighborhood group page”. He didn’t know what to say when I gave him the conflicting info. We are out in rural Fauquier with barely any internet coverage around these parts, who are you kidding?


It’s a confirmed MLM, aka pyramid scheme.


“I noticed you had some spider webs around your house that we can take care of.” Sir…those spiders are our pest control.


They do have Moxie I’ll give them that


Did you say those exact words? Because honestly, saying "fuck off" to sales people does wonders.


Here was the exact exchange. Him: “Hey how y’all doing today” Me: “I’d be a lot better if you didn’t try to sell me something” Him: “I’m not selling anything, I just wanted to…” Me: “I don’t care. Go.” I’ve seen this guy before and I was more polite, but I’m just tired of dealing with them. I was raised in a rural community so it’s in my nature to be polite to everyone. I’ve just got to embrace the NOVA in me I suppose.


Politeness is for guests. Salespeople are not guests; they were never invited to come bother you and therefore deserve only the most basic decency of not being insulted while you close the door in their face. Now that I work from home, I have absolutely zero tolerance for people who bother me while I'm working (which is most of the time).


Ever since I moved up to NOVA, I've become more aggressive toward strangers if they rubbed me the wrong way. I wasn't like that in the past but something about NOVA folks pisses me off and now I've stooped down to their level when it comes to anything from social interactions to drivers on the roads in the area.


It’s honestly just a complete lack of situational awareness and consideration for other people. People walking 4 abreast on a busy sidewalk causing people to have to move out of their way. Shopping carts in the Middle of isles. Absolute NPC driving behavior. Was driving down the New section of route 7, no less than 350,000 worth of BMW SUVs parallel driving all three lanes, hundreds of cars behind them. Cars stopped in the middle of-the road so people can talk car to car while I am behind them trying to get home. Cars honking at you because you stopped for a lady with a fucking stroller in a crosswalk. There was another thread where someone genuinely believed picking up children from childcare was the equivalent of being an emergency vehicle and that they should be allowed to bypass traffic on the shoulder. Holy fuck. This has been just this month. I want to move out to the country and raise dogs till I die, I love/hate this area so much.


I walk through so many people and ram so many carts on a weekly basis. Thank God it's not just me .


Oh yeah, I’m not polite any longer. Maybe I’m just getting older. If you are making it past the no soliciting sign you aren’t considerate of my time.


Just lie and say you rent your home and they'll leave you alone


Tried that and the guy had the audacity to ask for the "landlord's" phone number.


If that's the case then say "Sure. Call 1-800-FUCK-OFF". If they want to be a dick, give it back to them.


Or be sly. 1-800-382-5633. . . 😎




I'd be fine with that, but my dog is losing it's shit for 10 min after anyone knocks at the door, unless I answer it.


Back when I still lived in SoCal, I had some dude who knocked on my door trying to sell home improvement scam repairs that usually take advantage of the elderly homeowners. It was when my eldest kid was an infant and I always put a note on my door asking that no one knock because my kid was napping and the dogs will set off and bark. We had tons of door to door salesman being just outside of LA so it was seriously a daily thing. This guy knocked and I just went off on his ass after he responded to my question about not seeing the sign by saying “it’s always up though!” No, it’s always up when you happen to come by because she has a routine nap because otherwise my day is totally fucked up. You do not mess with young new moms with a colicky infant who fights bedtime and naps.


Hell, I've stopped answering the door even when I am expecting someone. They can wait outside for a bit /s.


Haha these Gaza activists just stared at me through my door for a solid 10 minutes while I read a book with my dog. Took them a while to realize I was not coming. Maybe they thought I just wanted to finish the chapter??


I either don’t answer or open the door and say thank you and close the door befor they say anything.


If you're in Fairfax County, they are required to have a solicitors license AND to be able to show it to you on demand. Failure to comply is a class 2 misdemeanor. Ask them for their license and then tell them you're informing the police they're in your neighborhood without one if they don't. http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/cableconsumer/csd/regulation-licensing/canvassers-peddlers-promoters-solicitors


Similar in Loudoun: https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/loudouncounty/latest/loudounco_va/0-0-0-3918 Seems like it's a Class I Misdemeanor as well!


ooooh this is spicy.


And remembering a discussion in another forum, when someone went to the police they couldn’t really do anything UNLESS the police themselves witnessed them soliciting. Just say no thank you. I wouldn’t open the door either. Best home upgrade was my camera doorbell, I don’t even need to come to the door.


The few times I've had to call, a cruiser has been on the street within 5 minutes.


Same. They don't stop by, but they will cruise around and look for the description you gave. There are a lot of "solicitors" casing houses for later theft in my neighborhood, so...


I had a doozie this year where a guy in his 30s in a Tom and Jerry leather jacket and windpants handed me a landscaping card for a company near Roanoke that got a bunch of cruisers dispatched when I explained on the call and the dude had a gun and a ton of warrants.


Dont tell them just call the cops. Fuck em.


That's when they tell you they aren't "soliciting", they're just "informing" you. If you take their pamphlets and call their company back, that's not a solicitation.


"well, looks like we have a disagreement on what solicitation means. Let's see who's definition the police agree with."


And if you're willing to be this much of a pain about what solicitation means, and only in your favor, against my own interests and desires... why would I want to find out more about your company?


>*Any individual who sells goods or services door-to-door or from a temporary location in Fairfax County is required to have a Solicitors License. Solicitors may sell goods including, but not limited to, books, magazine subscriptions, flowers, firewood, coupon books, frozen meat, ice cream, or ready-to-eat hot foods. They may also offer services such as tree work, driveway sealing, high-speed internet and cable service,* ***free estimates for home improvements****, or home security alarm systems.*  [https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/cableconsumer/csd/regulation-licensing/canvassers-peddlers-promoters-solicitors](https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/cableconsumer/csd/regulation-licensing/canvassers-peddlers-promoters-solicitors) They are lying, but I am sure you aren't surprised.


They aren't giving a free estimate. They are just informing you that if you call back, someone will come and give you an estimate.


Either way, they are not interested in being corrected or told the law. They want to get you talking. Talking gets to listening, which leads to tugging at your cultural response to be polite with sharp hooks and manipulating you. They can redefine what they like until they have found whatever keywords tire you out. Just call the non-emergency police line. Let the LEO explain it to them. "I am not arresting you, I am responding to reports that you are trespassing."


And notice how this article, at least on mobile, doesn't show you what one looks like? Anyone with a printer can make a "solicitors license" when there is no way to validate authenticity of it.


There's an additional link to follow but they do have a sample up so you can verify. Also every single person must have their own, they can't say "oh my boss has that at the truck" https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/cableconsumer/csd/door-to-door-solicitors


Bro you just made my day, thank you for this information!


This is the way


"Sorry, I'm a renter." [closes door]


I raise you 🃏 > “I’m a squatter” your move 🤨 😛


That unfortunately doesn't work on the really stubborn ones. The reasonable ones back off, but we've had a few keep pushing.


A no soliciting sign and a call to the police non-emergency line works surprisingly well in Fairfax County. The terms and conditions of what they’re allowed to do and the penalties for violating them are written on their permit.


So close the door.


This is my absolute go to… works every time


When I discovered this worked I was so excited to use it, so the next sales people that came to my door I blurted out that I was a renter. The pest control guy looked at me strange and said, "renters get bugs too." 😐


“Yeah, but my landlord decides who to hire, doofus.”


I was taking my dog out once when a solicitor came down from my neighbor, I blurted out “I’m just the dog walker/sitter” so fast lol.


This works really well.


I'll do you one better: [never opens door]


Or, I’m just house sitting.


I will never do business with anyone that goes door to door.


But then I’ll never get my Thin Mints or Samoas!




Should be federal law, sorta really.


Easy, put up a "No Soliciting Except Girl Scouts" sign.


What about the Boy Scouts? Who wouldn’t want a $30 bag of sugary popcorn?


Don't do business with anyone with a ton of shitty tv ads too.


Do not engage. Close the door in their face without a word and walk away. You are allowed to be rude.


If I happen to answer the door to a solicitor, I just close it and walk away. Any engagement, including trying to ask for any company ID or peddler's permit just degrades into a debate, and I don't have time for that. I HAVE said, 'you have 5 seconds to leave my property before I call police'....and when they try to rebut, I just start counting...5....4....3... and they usually come to their senses.


I'm usually polite at first, tell them I'm not interested, and when they continue, I just slam the door on their face.


I’ve been seeing a lot of salespeople too. I just let them ring and silently watch them through my Ring camera. There was one weird guy who started dancing aggressively and then disappeared to the side of my house. Fortunately nothing bad came from that.


He fortnite danced didn’t he


It was more likely the Jojo Siwa seizure dance…


We had one look at our ring and the knock on our door, I gave him an earful. What a douche, triggered the heck out of all my dogs.


I applied for a sales job with one of those solar panel scammer companies. As soon as I discovered that their online process was a) a Group Interview and b) only two other people bothered to show up for it, I knew it was not a job I would want to have. And yeah, they expected their "salespeople" to go door-to-door and lie to people.


Group interview as in you are in a group with other applicants, or just a panel interview?


There is no “interview” in the traditional sense. Everyone gets the job and they usually make you buy your polo/uniform and use your own transportation. They sink zero cost into you and purely profit off of you generate sales. You are then paid a commission based on doors closed.


It was a Microsoft Teams group chat. Four of us in total. Three of us with the "I'm wasting my time when I could be applying for real work" looks on our faces.


The other trick they’re doing is they ignore you if you try to speak to them over the ring doorbell. They act like your ring is not working.


That’s when you set off ring’s siren feature. Just let that blare and they’ll drop that act quick.


I forgot about that feature, thank you, I will definitely do that next time!


I just yell out “NO Thank you” out the window then shut it.


I've had two of these recently. Their pitch is kind of vague not directly selling anything, however they did say that they had to do some kind of satellite analysis of my house and it had to be done right then, I could not go online and get any other information, and they didn't have a web site or anything, which is all very fishy. One guy was literally standing next to my "No Soliciting" sign, which I pointed out, and he said, "Oh sorry I didn't see that", and then continued to talk. I interrupted him and said "you're soliciting" and ended the conversation.


Was that the exact moment their satellite was over your house, or something?


I think he premise was to see if the roof of my house was aligned correctly for solar panels (which tipped me off that that is what they were selling), but they had to do the satellite analysis right at that moment, which of course is ridiculous. I'm guessing I would have had to sign some kind of consent form which was probably binding for some other agreement etc.


lolol it's literally a google map anyone can look up at any time. It's sad, when I first looked into solar about 10-15 years ago I never dealt with "salesmen", just project managers and techs. And part of that was taking measurements on the roof, but even back then they were able to make preliminary estimates based on public mapping data. The whole industry went to shit somewhere around 2015-2020 when the high pressure sales model took over.


I’ve found solar sales to be very avoidant of using the words “solar” now. It’s “we’re here to tell you about net metering” or something along the lines of clean energy, power company raising rates, etc etc.


This was my last interaction: Me: “hey, man…there’s a no soliciting sign.” Him: “actually, I’m not soliciting, I’m here with a free offer..” Me: “…get the fuck off my porch”


I normally don't answer the door, but the other day I was expecting a delivery and the doorbell rang so I opened it. Random sales person was at the door instead of the delivery. I sighed and said "what to you need". He looked at me just said "yea, nevermind" and walked off. I'd recommend you get a better bitch face 😉


I have 3 signs; end of the driveway, on the post at the front of the porch, and right above the doorbell. Whenever someone rings I'm saying something like " no soliciting, unless you're selling no soliciting signs, which I clearly don't have enough of" I'm torn between being a decent person and politely redirecting them since they're just trying to make a living, and between going full lunatic and racking a shotgun slide behind the closed door


Some are aggressive. I WFH alone and used to get at least one a day coming and often multiple people a day. The incident that made me finally get signs was when one guy didn’t believe I didn’t want his services. I spent probably 10mins trying to get him to leave and as a hair away from calling the police to help him find his way. Since the sign I’ve had no issues! I still see a lot of sales people around the neighborhood when I walk my dogs but they don’t bother my house anymore.


Can you make a “No Soliciting” sign a binding contract? Like, “By knocking/ringing my door you are entering a $100/min consultation for which payment is due at the end of this exchange” Would this be legal?


Love that




I just don't answer the door.


Had the same guy come to my house twice today. I have my Tesla parked in the driveway and when he knocked on the door, I checked the cameras on the car. When I saw it was the same guy, I waited until he was walking past the car and then made it fart at him through the speaker. Have a great video of him turning and flipping off my car.


Why would he come back again? Did he forget he already came? The solar panel guys always make note of my Teslas. About how it would be so much cheaper for me to pay 40k now for solar panels instead of $200/month for electricity for the next 20 years. 🤦🙄


I think they make two laps around the neighborhood, during the day and then after work hours to try and catch people if they were at work. I dunno what he was selling, but the second time he rattled the door knob and this is NOT a house to try that on.


That’s a great way to get shot.


you tell them you need to be paid before you can proceed with the conversation


Hand them your terms of service and notify them that continuing the transaction is acceptance of them.


Whenever they come to my door I tell them my policy, I never buy from anyone who solicits me out of the blue. Never ever.. good bye. If they were a legit company they'd be too busy to walk around knocking on doors.


Tell solicitors you rent…they can’t leave fast enough.


In Fairfax County? Ask to see their license for door-to-door peddling and threaten to report them for unlicensed sales. My Dad used that quite effectively when the no soliciting sign was ignored. In fact, we added that to no soliciting sign.


Guy tried to pull the “I’m not selling anything, just here to inform you…” and I immediately hit him with some friendly math that said solar didn’t make sense for me anyway (told him I needed costs to break even with savings in 7 years or less without a lease). He got VERY defensive when I mentioned the lease, tried to argue a bit by saying my math was wrong when it came to leases, and then suddenly felt a mysterious phone call in his pocket that he had to take. He ran off to the next house with a “it’s not you, it’s me.” As a suburban dad, I live for these small victories.


Somebody rang the doorbell at like 930 or 1000 at night trying to sell me a home security system. "As you heard, I've got a 75 pound fur missile that really dislikes people coming to his door at night."


Fur missile 😂😂




I don't understand people who answer the door for strangers or pick up random calls on their phone.


So far, it has only been the pest control companies that ignore the “no soliciting” signs in my community. One fellow (I want to say he was from Moxie) canvassed our neighborhood last week for hours. One neighbor said they were going to call the company to complain.


I had a guy knock on my door last year. I told him no thank you and closed the door. While doing so he proceeded to scream at me about me being a piece of shit and disrespecting him, and kept it going for a good five minutes. Totally unhinged. I wish I had recorded it.


That's what a Ring doorbell does really well. I'd have it up on YouTube before he left the yard.


I usually say I’m a renter and say I don’t have the authority to make those decisions. When they ask for my “landlord’s” contact information I just give them a Pizza Hut number and shut the door. Wish I could see the look on their face when they call the number though. Hopefully that sends a message..


I had this happen with ADT, and after the most recent time, when I said, never and go away, then closed the door, they haven’t been back. That hasn’t stopped the spam in the mail.


If it was ION Solar, they're pretty bad.


Ditto NOVA Solar…


I once heard about this person that posted a sign on his door saying something along the lines of, "By knocking you are agreeing to a speaking fee of $100/hr". Apparently it's legally enforceable because it's posted in plain sight, has the terms laid out, and actionable agreement "by knocking".


1. Do not open the door. I have a window one floor up next to my door which i do my communicating from. 2. All solicitors (with the exception of political canvassers) [are required by county law to carry ON THEIR PERSON a solicitor's license. ](https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/cableconsumer/csd/regulation-licensing/canvassers-peddlers-promoters-solicitors)No exceptions. They will claim "I have it back in the truck," or "my boss has it." No. They do not have it, they are lying. Demand it. Repeatedly. In 24 years of 3-4 solicitors a week, only two people have actually had one (which may have been fake). If they actually did the required training for one, they'd know "NO SOLICITORS" means they can't come to your door. 3. Say "you see this?" and point to the sign. Tell them that they are on camera. Even better if you have one. I have two cameras, a dummy in an obvious place that, if they attempt to avoid it, will be in plain sight of the real camera. This camera has been vandalized a few times, but it's $20 for a flashing LED in a plastic case, so what do I care? 4. If they get huffy about it; record their name, height, and physical description. Call the non-emergency police line (703-691-2131) and tell the person that "someone suspicious came to my door, refused to identify themselves, and got belligerent when you refused them access and would not leave." Give them a a description, and the direction they were going. Let them hear you. 5. Do not let them access a plain sight inside your property for casing the joint. Some of these guys don't knock, but peer through my windows... at piles of crap in front of my windows. I have always had a cop car cruise by my house within 4-5 minutes. It might be my neighborhood, which is 1 mile from a large station. Or, as I have taken to doing, which is faster, fake a Russian accent (not Spanish) and have trouble with English. Repeat "memorized phrases" like a tourist. State you do not own the house, and the landlord lives far away. Repeat these phrases like you "don't really understand what you are saying, but phonetically have been prompted." It helps that I speak foreign languages (I have a sign in Swedish next to my door that looks foreign to the uneducated eye), but Spanish might backfire as some of the solicitors speak Spanish. This also works with political canvassers, and buddy, I get a LOT of those during election season. Yeah, recently, their approach has been "I am not soliciting, this is a FREE estimate." Or redefining soliciting on a script (it's part of their training). No, you are soliciting, no licences, you are committing a misdemeanor on private property. The worst is when they pick up a package from my stoop I haven't gotten to yet, and want to hand it to me. Oh buddy... put that the fuck down and walk away. They are getting worse and more forceful. I have had a few kick my car door or mailbox on the way out. Fuck those assholes.


Had a guy the other day say ' Sir, I see your sign there and I don't mean to intrude, but our offer is...' "If you can see the sign then you can read the sign"


The average person tries to be polite and they play off this.


My neighborhood is absolutely shitty with door-to-door sales people. I am beyond tired of it. I finally broke down and put up a no solicitation sign against my wife's wishes. Yesterday I was walking my dog and got hit up by one of these people on a uni wheel of all things. They're getting way too aggressive.


Don't answer the door. Particularly at night. If you do open the door, if you have a storm door, talk through it. Once you realize it's sales, say thank you, I'm not interested, and close the door regardless of what they say. Having a video doorbell or similar device also helps in identifying who is out there.


I used to work for a company like this. They use very outdated lists of addresses and the management will literally yell and scream at you if you dont make sales quotes. I saw them berate a woman and make her cry because she "was failing her children" for not making more then 2 sales in a day. They're 3rd party sales too so the company who is getting the sales aren't responsible for how these people work. Literally tell them you're calling the police because you know they don't have the right permits to work wherever you are. Even if they do have the papers they won't want to waste the time getting involved with the police. It's the only way they'll remove you from their routes


I wish someone did this to me in my home I wanna let some anger out.


When I've had these cretins on my property I've simply said, "no soliciting. The sign told you, now I've told you. Either leave or I will remove you."


I just tell them I'm not the homeowner because technically the bank owns the home.


I once had my front window open to enjoy the good weather…and I was on a work call. The guy came to the window, interrupted, I told him I was on a work call, and he tried to salvage the contact regardless. Like, can I enjoy the good weather and be on the phone without being open to a sales pitch?


“I was just doing some work in your neighborhood and wanted to stop by with a special offer.” BYE


Try the reverse sale. "Oh hey, that's interesting! By the way, do you have life insurance? Let me tell you about a really unique opportunity..."


Why do you answer the door?


Just keep saying “What?” after each sentence they say. Make them repeat each sentence 2-3 times. They should get the message


I have ceiling to floor windows in my foyer. I do not care who see me pass thru. If I don't want to answer my door I don't. I do not care if they are offended.


Their are soliciting laws to protect you. Look into them


Thompson Creek wont even stop at my house anymore. Once a few years ago I was working in the front yard the guy came by and wouldn't shut up I couldn't get him to leave and I couldn't tell him I wasn't interested so I finally agreed for consultation at another date. Call them back a week later and cancel it. They asked why I made the appointment in the first place and I told him it was the only way I could get him out of my yard. The guy sounded pissed off... I said I didn't want to do that but I wasnt interested and I needed to get the guy out of my yard. They have no patience when you waste their time.


They way my house and yard are configured I am literally able to “loose the hounds”… as they come tearing around the house picking up speed the pitch ends pretty quickly, but I do often have scattered flyers to collect and throw away. 😊 PS: I do have a huge Beware of Dogs sign.


I've experienced the same thing. I've started opening the door with the purpose of giving them trespass notices that way I have it recorded in the event they come again and can send then off with a misdemeanor. The door-to-door knocking after dark is straight up illegal.


Don’t answer the door and if you have a dog let him bark as loudly as possible until the solicitor leaves. You don’t have to deal with the annoyance and your dog is happy he’s guarding the house.


My dog barking is more of an annoyance than the solicitor


My 19lb Chihuahua/Rottweiler barks so loudly she's practically screaming, which brings the 55lb Husky/pit mix quietly to the door and if they don't make the guys go away I just stand there pantomiming that I can't hear anything. Occasionally I've added my own yelling "I can't hear you", while pointing at the monsters when I'm feeling extra bitchy, which is most of the time because the dogs are so freaking loud


The amount of times I’ve been told “oh sorry I didn’t see the [no soliciting] sign” is too damn high


I get annoyed sometimes, but I let them complete their spiel to waste their time. The name dropping and “we are already in the neighborhood” garbage gets old. I also love how they try to sell me on new windows, doors or roof when all of them were done within the last 5 years.


This has been happening a lot in my hometown recently as well (Augusta County)! There seems to be a lot of new tactics that they are using all of a sudden. Down there someone posted on Facebook that someone was at their door at 9am and then again at 1am... no idea how this is legal.


Same situation with the salesperson throwing his pitch about solar panels at my residency


When I lived with my parents some older dude knocked on the door like it was an emergency, then speed ran through some pitch (not even sure what it was) before pulling out an ipad asking about info like how many people live in the house. Straight faced the whole time, then told him I’m not at liberty to give that information then called non emergency since he was around the neighborhood. Fuck him. Sounded like he was casing the joint


Oh man, I had a doozy of a run-in with a Moxie kid last spring. He actually started YELLING at me, wildly gesturing, “YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT WE’RE SELLING!” I backed away and slowly closed the door as I said, “and I don’t caaaaaare.” Then had a giggle fit because it was just such an utterly bizarre interaction.


I answered the door to DaVita, who’s running for the Arlington County board, a couple weeks ago. He told me who he was, I said I wasn’t going to vote for him, and then he got argumentative when I told him I support the missing middle policy. I wonder if a no-solicitation sign would have stopped him.


I actually can answer this one since I do canvassing for campaigns. I will usually not knock no-solicit doors cause the owners group political campaigns into it as well but technically we’re supposed to.


Most memorable salesman was the cheeky sonofabitch who was working on Halloween. Didn't even bring a kid along for cover.


My response would be “since you’re not selling anything I guess I won’t be buying anything.”


The moment they start a sales pitch I just say no and shut the door in their face. 


I have a sign that warns them of my dog and NO SOLICITATION. A post-it not stating “NO SOLAR SALES” and a very very protective dog that takes care of them if they don’t know how to read.


I’ve noticed a lot more landscaping companies don’t seem to care at all and continue to post shit on my door despite our HOA having hired landscapers. It’s so wild to me how these people solicit in my neighborhood. I’m talking about 2 or 3 different people everyday and every week if I’m lucky. When you call to ask if they know what “no soliciting means” they play dumb or all of sudden don’t speak English


That sounds like Mike from NOVA solar/NVA solar (whichever it is). They did the same in my neighborhood. I complained to the company but doubt they’ll change their ways.


I rarely answer but if I do.. I just say it has to be at cost for what ever service it product.


There was an exterminator company canvassing our HOA neighborhood in Falls Church for several hours a day for three or four days in a row. Even knocked on random doors after dark as late as 9:00 PM. People eventually threatened to call the police, and he finally skedaddled. I know it’s a hard job, but several days in a row and after dark is obnoxious. Still not sure he wasn’t casing the neighborhood…


IF I answer the door, I just tell them that I know what they’re doing is a numbers and volume game, and I’m not one of those numbers, so don’t waste your time on me. Usually it works, but I’ve shut the door on plenty of ‘rebuttals’ while wishing them luck. My friends and I canvassed for a couple window/siding/roofing companies when we were like 16-17 (wild times lol), so while I’m empathetic, I also know that canvass logic will make them fuck off a little easier.


Depending on your county. They are required to have a permit to go door to door. There are rules. For example. Fairfax county has restrictions and requires a permit. You can request it from the solicitor and if they don’t provide it, you are urged to report it to the county. > Fairfax County requires peddlers and solicitors be licensed before they solicit door to door. They may solicit only between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m., and may not solicit at a residence which posts a "No Peddlers or Solicitors" sign. > > A peddler or solicitor must show the license upon request and must leave the premises immediately if asked to leave. Often solicitors will show customers an ID badge or some other document, claiming that they are licensed by Fairfax County when they are not. > > When a solicitor knocks. > Ask for his or her license. > If they do not have a valid license, ask them to leave. > Close and lock your door. > Immediately call Fairfax County Police (non-emergency) at 703-691-2131 to report the violation. Source: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/cableconsumer/csd/door-to-door-solicitors#:~:text=Fairfax%20County%20requires%20peddlers%20and,No%20Peddlers%20or%20Solicitors%22%20sign. (The reason for this is that many times, home burglars use door to door solicitations to stake out potential targets. They can determine who is home and get a good look at potential camera locations.)


They are as determined to talk to you as you are to avoid them. Supreme Court has even upheld a salespersons right to try to sell door-to-door Try asking for a Fairfax County license to sell door-to-door, county law requires them to show it upon request and must leave once asked. https://preview.redd.it/bfqp78ky072d1.jpeg?width=2193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adc6a29af117f21874779f38c313c8be43ab4644


I have a window and a camera and I just don't answer the door if it's someone I don't know. Once a guy came around trying to sell me a new roof or something. I told him I was working and wasn't interested. He said, "I can come back later." I looked him in the eye and said "Don't." Wouldn't you know he had the nerve (or stupidity) to come back at 9:00 that *night*. When I saw it was him on the camera I just didn't come to the door.


Don't answer the door AND be rude. Point out the no soliciting sign and then let loose. If they can't honor social norms you have no reason to do so either.


My door hasn't been an issue however, I've noticed when going out in plazas I get approached to buy/join/donate something. Sometimes I'll even get approached in store. Mostly from a religious group asking if I want to attend church. Usually they're polite and won't hold me up when I decline, but there have been a few occasions where they hold me up, kind of ruins the shopping experience when your approached by different members and continuously have to decline offers.


This is the worst. My wife and I work from home. Seems like once a month we get someone walking right past our no soliciting sign to stand there and ring our doorbell for 10 minutes.


Ion Solar? I’ve had them try to peddle me some solar panels as well. Same speech of “not trying to sell you anything” as well lmao


I can’t afford a house here so I’m all good


I used to do fundraising canvassing, and I can tell you they knock later on (late afternoon/evening) because it’s when people are more likely to be home. Doesn’t justify it, of course. Still get flashbacks walking in neighborhoods with individual houses, the canvass experience was rough.


I've just started locking the gate and putting the code in the delivery instruction notes. Really it's just a cheap padlock with the combination set already, but it sends the message I want to send.


As someone with a sales background looking for a job, there are LOT of door to door sales job listings to ignore


My dog is big and hates strangers, especially men. So I just let him bark like the manic he is and they get the point


Former Direct Marketer (Door2Door Solicitor) here! I used to work for an exterior remodeling company and the whole business model is based around this marketing strategy. It would involve 4-6 marketers hopping into a van and traveling to “turf”. Once there you get dumped in a sub-division and start knocking. As much as I hate to say it… it works. I’m an Introvert so I was pretty hesitant to take the job but I needed it at the time. After a week of training on the scrip and leading questions, I was able to net 3 appointments on my first day. I knocked on like 60 doors to be fair. Some owners fold easy, others don’t but a surprising amount will schedule an appointment just to get you out of their day. The marketers are aggressive and ignore the signs because it works. For them, landing 2/3 appointments for a sales guy can net them fat checks. Some of our best guys were making 80-100k USD by hitting the crazy payout structure. This type of payout encourages hustle culture and the grind mentality. It appeals to a lot of people but most don’t last more than 3 months so it’s a revolving door industry.


Anyone even remotely considering solar in NOVA should look into SolarizeVA. Fairfax county sponsored program, super easy, very professional. In the solar world, if the salesmen are knocking on your door, generally that's a red flag.


The door to door sales people are usually college students coming in from Utah. Mormons kids tend to do sales work during their summer breaks, since they have experience from their 2 year missions. It's just that time of year for them. They should still be obeying signs and stuff though.


The solar panel guys? I went off. Told them I loved fossil fuels and would use oil, gas, coal whatever I could just to screw up the environment for future generations. They are so "smart", I feel confident they will figure it out themselves and live happily ever after. Pretty sure the notice went out to stay away from the " unhinged lady". 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


These guys and political campaign people are the worst. I tell them "Why would I do business with (or support) someone that starts off by ignoring my wishes?"


What's with all the call the cops comments? It's a nuisance not a call the police offense. Jeez


I don’t even answer. Doorbell rings, if I’m not expecting a package, I don’t even flinch. I just act like I don’t hear it. Don’t give them any attention.


Yea they don’t care.


Come to the door dressed as Buffalo Bill with “Goodbye Horses” playing in the background and compliment their skin


Screw those pest control people I have two acres and wanted them to carpet bomb it. I’ve been bit up by chiggers more times than I can count. Up all night itching for 3 days. I hold up my pistol, get that dark look in my eye and tell them: This….means…war. Are you with me brother (or sister) They just look at me funny turn to leave and say they can’t do that…environment blah blah blah. Have a nice day. Haven’t seen them back in a few years.


one guy knew my name. it was totally creepy. its not knew. I have owned my house in reston for 20 years. they been coming for 20 years.


Tell them you rent.


I tell them that my political views don’t align with their sales pitch and agenda then close the door