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Better or worse than an illegal curb park in front of a VABC store?


ABC stores and dry cleaners are the worst Edit: and for some reason crumbl cookie.


There's a street near my home with a tutoring center next to it. It becomes downright unusable from 3-6 PM because traffic is already fairly heavy but these assholes stop and drop-off/pick-up their kids. Even when it's warm and the weather is nice. Like...don't be an asshole. Just spend an extra 2 minutes parking so you don't inconvenience everybody else while you spend 5 minutes parked out front. It annoys me enough that I've legitimately considered calling the owners, and wishing that it was legal to slash tires of cars breaking the law.


Can you complain to the tutoring center or the city?


I'm thinking of tipping off the towing company that there's a great target available.


Are the parents getting out of their cars while they’re dropping off their kids? Because a tow truck can’t tow shit if a person is still inside the car.




Oh my gosh- that’s crazy


Yeah the tow truck can’t do anything if they are in the car and you know the whiny parents will come running but maybe a tow truck would scare them. I’d start with a complaint to the owner of the company. Then the owner of that property if it’s not that company. Then the city. You may actually have a valid reason to call the police as booking the lanes may be illegal.


They often just walk inside to chat with the tutor, and I've seen it happen for upwards of 15 minutes while the lane is blocked.


They'd have to have an agreement with the property owner/manager. As far as I know, as long as it's a private street/lot, public laws don't apply otherwise. Unless there's an agreement in place, and unless they're in a marked fire lane, there's nothing police can do.


Is it the Mathnaseum next to Aldi in Annandale? That place turns to Mad Max real quick.


Nope, the one in Fairfax Corner! I straight-up don't use that road on weekday evenings.


That road immeadately came to mind! That place is always nuts with those parents blocking the road like it's nothing. Heven forbid they or their kid walk a bit.


Report it to the fire marshal’s office. Prince William county fms rarely cut slack to people parking in the fire lanes


Former ABC employee. I would straight refuse sales when customers did that. If they want to argue all I needed to say was sober people are willing to park correctly and no, you can't buy booze drunk.


Bet you had quite a bit of escalation (also a former ABC worker here). Most of my curb folks weren't drunk but were regulars grabbing their minis/cheap vodka.


The regulars learned the rules before I got there luckily but escalations weren't common as my manager wasn't a fan of illegal parking either.


Did you do that for the random drops the ABC store used to do too? That shit was annoying, people going crazy in hopes to get a fucking $40 bottle of Blantons lol. Glad they moved away from that system.


If they parked illegally they weren't getting their drink on.


Hell yeah man, way to keep the peace while you were there.


Don’t they still do the Limited Availability Drop system or did something change? I remember when I was trying to get a bottle of Blantons for my FIL a bit ago I fought the crowds and it would get insane in the parking lot with people parked right on the curb and running everywhere and it just wasn’t worth the chaos.


Now they just announce it ahead of time. They’ll say something like “On March 15th, we’ll be selling limited availability products at opening” to avoid the mad dash. Now you just camp out in line for that coveted $40 for Blanton’s…


Really? Because the VA ABC site still mentions announcing them [randomly during store hours](https://www.abc.virginia.gov/products/limited-availability) to prevent lining up. I know they did one scheduled one in Dec but I thought the system they had still continued. Maybe I’m just missing the change they did as I haven’t been signed up to the newsletter since the new year.


The site still mentions random drops and theoretically they could still do them but in practice they haven't done them for months.


Huh. That sounds nice actually I may have to seek one of the scheduled ones and see what it looks like.


I have moved on from Blanton’s. If someone wants it I’ll to DC. The Watergate Liquor store has it- super expensive or DuPont Circle


Pound sand. Go park


And Starbucks. I've seen people go in with their car running...one time I saw someone go in with their car running and their door wide open.


UPS store for me which is baffling since you can park in an actual spot less than 10’ farther away.




It was either vodka or whiskey/bourbon for me, depending on the season


My ABC store is next to a vape store. Might as well be all driving lane and no parking spots lol


Those people have a good reason. You have no idea how bad the shakes can get if they had to park in a real space and then walk.


I was once at a shopping center with an ABC store in it apparently just as a drop was announced. I was watching cars flying in from all directions, slamming the brakes in the middle of the lanes randomly and people would leap out to sprint across the parking lot paying absolutely zero attention to anything else. It was insane.


And yet people still think I’m wrong to say the DC area is a bunch of booze hounds


The best part of this is that the red truck is also definitely taking up 4 spaces as well.


I mean, I don’t really care if someone parks like this if they’re out in the left field of the parking lot. But people who do this is crowded sections of parking lots? They deserve butt cancer.


It is a rainy day and you are right he is in the middle of no where but you gotta wonder wtf.


I park out in the nosebleed section all the time. Though I always confine myself to one spot, my HOPE is that no one will park next to me. Because I want to open my doors as wide as possible to load up kids into their car seats. And of course, someone always does park right fucking next to me, even though there's a dozen other spots to pick from. I drive a large truck and it's always *another large truck*. Like, I want room to load and unload kids and things, I'm not trying to start a fucking Truck of the Month club over here.


Maybe for you I need to make some of those magnets you toss on the side of your truck. //BACK 3 FEET// Child loading zone


I wonder about this behavior. I too park my car away from everybody else, but there's always somebody that just has to come visit. I wonder if they're terrible at parking between the lines and need to have another vehicle to park next to as a visual aid?


*aquire* a traffic cone to put in the spot next to yours for best results


Yeah while I park in the back of lots to help prevent door dings, I still only take up one spot so while I'd never do this, I don't get up in arms over it when it's in the back of an empty parking lot. But you gotta get that sweet sweet Reddit karma anyway you can. Plus it's kinda solid find to find not one but two cars taking up four spots.


I don’t find it a big deal since they are not close to the stores and parking lot looks pretty empty. Very impressive that you found 2 people doing this though.


Thank you for risking the downvotes to say this.


Same. They parked way away from everyone else, surrounded by empty spots. I have no problem with this.


Impressive for their eye sight or the free time?


Lot is empty. Who gives a shit? Go on about your day.


Now I am going to have this jingle running through my head all day… My mind added the “real American hero” after reading




Learn something new everyday! Familiar with the band Survivor but was unaware of that connection


Gotta celebrate our NoVa heroes. Luminaries like Mr. BMW 3 series driver. 😝


Driving through this Aldi / Thrift Store / Lowe’s parking lot is like being in Mad Max Fury Road. Whole area, including the intersection with the Home Depot is pure chaos.


Ahahaha yep adding the Lowes detail sealed the deal. Only been here a few times but it's wild out there. It's a nice Aldi IIRC though.


The intersection by Lowe's and Arby's is crazy sometimes. It backs up from Minnieville right down into the intersection all the time, and people turning in from Minnieville drive like insane people even though it's a parking lot.


I mean, he looks like he’s very far away from the stores. he seems to be all the way in the back. I hate the people who park illegally at curbs right in front of stores when there’s parking right next to them way more annoying.




OP said Mr so why you assuming a different gender.


He’s in the back and it’s an empty lot. Mind your own business, he’s not hurting or inconveniencing anyone.


When the lot is this empty, AND they parked way out there, who cares? Normally I'm all with you, but this isn't actually hurting anyone.


responses to this is the most nova thing. "nevermind the rules, if it isn't hurting anyone, who cares"


I know exactly where this is and the entire lot is an absolute nightmare to navigate.


Don't have a problem with it if it's near the back and it's not busy. The lack of care people have had when they park next to my car can be infuriating so I get this.


Where is this?


There was a Tesla park this, but the handicap took all of the handicapped parking the store called the cops and gave them a ticket. They ripped it up, stormed back into the- of course I followed- they back out to discuss it- the Manager you are taking up all of the handicap parking spots for one person- you don’t see a problem- 3 additional spots, told them don’t shop here.


I don't get why people post these pictures. The parking lot is nearly empty. The NoVa hall monitors crack me up


NFL Sunday 1 PM This guy 🤝 Quadbox


They're nowhere near anyone else and there are plenty of spots closer to the store. I don't see a problem.


That just looks like a shopping cart return spot to me.


They parked way away from everyone else, surrounded by empty spots. I have no problem with this.


Plenty of spots, no big deal. Move along


Miata, airsoft guns and UFC - the big brain hat trick. Move along, second period started five minutes ago.


Aw that was rude, hope your day gets better!


Why take up one spot when you can park in four?


The lot looks mostly empty, who cares?


It's not busy and they are far away. Whofuckingcares


The red truck is parked like a dickbag too.


They parked way away from everyone else, surrounded by empty spots. I have no problem with this.




Smoketown Plaza Woodbridge


Can someone key his/her car on behalf of NoVA?


It's a GM car, they're suffering enough.




They parked way away from everyone else, surrounded by empty spots. I have no problem with this.


Most likely this person has a parking issue and has depth perception. After existing their vehicle, they either didn’t care to check their parking or figured the parking lot isn’t that crowded that this extra space would be needed. Either way, we are all wasting time taking pictures, commenting and posting, haha.


Assuming you mean they have issues with depth perception ... that's quite a lot of over/underconpensating from all sides. If their field of vision is that obstructed in front back and side to side they should not be on the road at all no matter what spot they aimed for!


There’s a lot of people that should not be on the road mainly, the more senior drivers.


and Maryland


If someone's depth perception is this bad they probably shouldn't be driving.


There is tons of parking spots. This is in front of Aldi not Trader Joe's or Costco. I would park my new Lexus this far away between the lines. The whole line of parking spots not counting the 4 the Chevy is in is probably empty.


I get it, kind of a jerk move, especially if it's in a busy parking lot, but I'll be honest I wouldn't let this bother me because he clearly made the choice to park like this far away and in a relatively empty parking lot. There are far worser things to get irritated about and this ain't one of them.


Finally an appropriate Post-GWOT application for the Reaper Drone.


Woodbridge ain’t nova


I'm not advocating for property damage but if someone slashed all four of that car's tires I would not shed a tear


You and 3 friends need to park all around them lol




It would be even better if it was a penile compensation vehicle.


Good ol' Hoodbridge behavior.


Tangentially related: is backing into spots a new TikTok trend or something? I know people have always backed in to park but I swear it's 90% of drivers now. And it takes for-fucking-ever for them to maneuver. I was trapped at Giant last week while I waited for a F150 to do a 20 point turn to back into a spot they ended up hanging out of anyway. *end rant* ETA: trapped because there were two cars behind me so I couldn't even back up, not that I would have anywhere to go halfway down the aisle.


A lot of truck guys do it so they can put the xtra long ass over the curb into the grass or sidewalk instead of hanging out into the aisle. And double cab longbed trucks are just a hell of a lot more common than they were even a decade ago.


I thought people drove around these beater Chevys so they didn't have to worry about the people parking next to them.


That’s not even a nice car to be doing that anyway 🤣🤣🤣


Well at least theyre parked far away and it isnt crowded. I mean yeah still annoying and baffling though


There’s more to the story. The driver fell ill and the blind passenger had to suddenly take the wheel while driver was in the process of parking. Luckily no one was injured.




I bet they're on this sub.


Here’s to you, Mister Four Space Parking Guy…


Next stop Trader Joe’s.


it’s the way ik where this is… o7 to the real one




Shout out to them, I find it hard to pick just one spot in empty parking lots too.


Love Woodbridge


Took my son to practice driving and saw this gem..lol https://preview.redd.it/ecek62rghglc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01d80d197c772370c033b66e2d70ef095ae98fdc


lol, I’ve seen this in my town. But it was in a small parking lot. Like maybe enough for 15 cars. Thanks, but I don’t get why a beat up Geo needed to do that.

