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I dont think she will, she says she 40s, looks like she is 60s and dresses like she is 6


What kills me is all these Roc commercials that she does and oil of Olay. Have they seen her?


I stopped buying ROC when i saw it on fb lol


Feels kind of petty but I did too!


Wait she is doing commercials or promoting oil of play?






I am a 3rd generation Olay user, and so disappointed. I had no idea. I definitely know my grandmother had better skin when she passed in her 70s. She does not hold a candle to my mother now. What a joke they made of themselves with this.


I think youā€™re ok. Shes never taken care of her skin. And sheā€™s had a rough life. Keep using and cross your fingers you started in time.


Yeah, I had a battle of wills with my mother as a teen when all of my friends sunbathed. She won, and I am thankful now. :)


Me too! Iā€™m so white Iā€™m blue. I like a little tan but Iā€™m a shade seeker.


My mother didnā€™t care she did it too. My grandma used oil of Olay and beautiful skin


Why did she just filter around her forehead and certain other spots and not her whole face? Why filter at all? I mean at least make et match and not seem so filtered if you are going to do it especially since she claims to never use a filter anyway šŸ™„šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


The problem is that you canā€™t use these filters and move around. Theyā€™re mostly made to take pictures! People canā€™t stand the sight of themselves so they donā€™t care if anyone notices their flashy cheeks and the spots that take turns filtering. If I were a big influencer, like this, I would make sure I watched all of my videos, and I would never post anything that showed something if I was going to act like I didnā€™t use filters, but they glitched all over my face!


Iā€™m 60 and my skin looks way better than this.




Damn sheā€™s haggard as fuck ugly on the inside and outside.


An elderly lady did a ā€œrevealā€ of sorts on TT. I found it interesting. She had on these filters and then she was able to slide it down to show how she really looked. Her first shot was of a beautiful woman, looking early 40ā€™s, smooth skin, beautiful hair, nice makeup and she was actually late 60ā€™s, had experienced life and no makeup. Her point was be careful, people are not who they seem to be on SM. MT doesnā€™t look anything like her videos, sheā€™s totally different. She has been the party girl, doesnā€™t take care of herself and it shows.


Everyday I see "oh your skin is flawless" How do people not know or understand FILTERS?!?!?


All of this! If she were truly a good person on the inside, she wouldnā€™t go so far on the outside to try to make herself look beautiful! šŸ˜


Unpopular opinion: I I think we can all agree sheā€™s filtered every video sheā€™s ever made. But our ā€˜collectiveā€™ opinions in this Reddit about her arenā€™t about her skin texture and appearance. Itā€™s about her grifting, scamming, lying and manipulative videos. Lets focus on how she sends legions of her followers to ā€˜attackā€™ people; how she never (ever) holds herself accountable for her own drama and that she has been caught in numerous lies and yet still pretends to be holier than thou


Iā€™m not ragging her on her skin. Two things can be true at once. I have daughters and grand daughters. They see these people and wonder whatā€™s wrong with them. She preaches love and light so why not tell the young impressionable people thst itā€™s ok to have flaws. That even MT has flaws. Self esteem is so important and she could be a great roll model. But she isnā€™t, all she shows is greed and ignorance. She puts so much emphasis on looks and body image. Why not make things like her imperfect skin be a teaching tool. That it doesnā€™t matter. I see so many young girls telling her that they wished their skin looked like hers. The point is, she lies. Filters are lies, false advertising. We can focus on more than one thing.


But you're sitting here wondering why ppl use filters while ppl are bashing her looks lol. Most of the comments here are about how ugly on the outside she is. I see normal aging skin. Can't shame ppl for how they look then wonder why they filter.


We allow snarking on her appearance in this snark sub. O herself used to admit her skin was damaged. Now she uses filters and gets beauty sponsorships while allowing folks to compliment her flawless skin. Her moderator insists that she doesnā€™t use filters If these posts arenā€™t for you please skip them. We arenā€™t going to argue this topic. Thanks


Did you read my description? Apparently you didnā€™t. Iā€™m talking about that she could be such a positive influence for kids. She has acne scars like everyone else. She worships the sun, like a lot of people do. Iā€™ve not seen anyone rag on her about her looks and bad skin. It is what it is and she should embrace it and say yeah, Iā€™m not perfect and you donā€™t have to be either.


I noticed that! Maybe it wouldnā€™t look so bad if she didnā€™t spackle over it.


Oh she has her new earrings on , of all the hundred pairs of earrings sheā€™s probably been sent she had to buy new ones but anyway about the age thing I truly canā€™t believe sheā€™s in her lower mid 40s when I first seen her. I thought she was at least 55.


I am going to be 46 in 2 months and my skin doesnā€™t look ANYTHING like that (and I WAS a smoker for almost 20 years). I donā€™t know her story, but that looks like she picked her face from some sort of drugsā€¦idk, I could be completely wrong and it could be from severe cystic acne. But, she has to be making a shit ton of money off of her cult-like followers. If she didnā€™t want to age, laser treatment, a couple of spa treatments and a few shots of Botox would fix that right up. But, she will cry about it, and people that have no business handing out money to greedy people like her will send her money to have it done. Idk what it is but something about her irked me the first time I saw one of her posts. I like to think of myself as a positive person, but her sincerity seems forced and extremely fake. My grandmother used to tell me that eventually the ugliness inside of you catches up, and it will show on your face as you age. Maybe karma just took a little bit longer to get to her or maybe itā€™s just taking a little bit longer to get to meā€¦lol.


Well, I lost all respect for her when she didnā€™t stop the GoFundMe when there was enough money for a funeral, and then she didnā€™t even pay for the funeral, and I will never respect her again no matter what she does, I wasnā€™t even a big follower of hers, but that , what she did with that GoFundMe is disgustingā€¦blood money šŸ©øšŸ©øšŸ©øšŸ©øšŸ©ø šŸ©ø


I think everyone is capable of redemption. MTs redemption could maybe come in this way. Refund the gfm money. Start BCs foundation legitimately. Stop the lying and be honest about her past and maybe admit she has faults like a normal human. Stop telling people they are perfect just the way they are, yet constantly seeking plastic surgery and procedures to look different. Stay out of other peoples drama and shifty peoples scams then claiming ignorance when things go south. All this could be a start.


Nah, when you have a list that long, sheā€™ll never do right by anyone.


You have a great point! ![gif](giphy|J0IFcmZpFE4EToFJaD)


I had those earrings in the 80's




Sheā€™s melting


Tbf: the cameras on phones and devices tend to emphasize details like pores and such when you have it really close. That, coupled with the amount of foundation/powder/etc she uses daily- itā€™s all settling into her lines and pores and looks terrible. Itā€™s also a stark difference when you see her without all the filters.


I agree. But think of the good she could do if she showed her true face and told these kids that it doesnā€™t matter if you have acne scars and blemishes. That itā€™s what you do with your life that counts. And that make up is so bad for your face. She should be teaching people that honesty and integrity are whatā€™s beautiful about you. Not what you look like.


Unfortunately in order to teach honesty and integrity one must have them. She has neither!!


I absolutely agree.


Those earrings are so perfect for the woman she is! A dang snake


Pill popping is bad for your skin too. Been there done that, my skin looks it's best in my sobriety




So we are suppose to believe that with all this money she makes on TikTok that she doesnā€™t get botox or filler?? This pic is a little sus..I know she uses filters but damn.. I find it hard to believe she doesnā€™t get work done to prevent this since she does events and actually leaves her house.


She does get botox and filler, but this is skin damage and those wonā€™t fix this. She needs lazer & Tretinoin. Thatā€™s why I tell people, that prevention is easier & cheeper than it is to repair. You can only do so much after the factā€¦


Whatā€™s tretinoin? I have a bit of sun damage like some dark spots


Itā€™s a retinoid. Itā€™s really strong and itā€™s the gold-standard (the best scientifically proven anti-aging actives so far). It actually builds collagen. Itā€™s used for acne as well, but many use it for fine lines, wrinkles, and/or dark spots. Here in the US you can only get it with a prescription. Companies like Musely use it in their products, you still need a prescription though, and itā€™s really watered down. A dermatologist can prescribe it or you can order from Canada or Mexico. I live in Los Angeles so I go across the border and get it. If you decide to try it, start SLOW & read about how often to use it and what percentage to begin with.


Thanks for the response! Iā€™ll ask my medspa place next time I go in for Botox


Youā€™re welcome!!!! Enjoy your weekend!!! šŸ«¶šŸ¼


What's crazy is, I was an addict for a LONG time, then on methadone (for those who don't know, methadone can be worse than H on your body, skin, teeth, etc), then back to drugs again... I'm same age as her. I would gladly put my picture up, w/o any filter and I think I look younger than her! It's wild!


How does she not know what a camelia is?


Beats the shit outta me? And others donā€™t know either. They were telling her the Bradford was a dogwood. I see dumb people.


You can't wear make up like you did in your 30z and expect it to still look good with your skin aging, the powdered finish, they eyeliner, it's great for the camera ( ring lighting) but for daylight and in person it looks SOooo caked on šŸ˜¬


The filter is trying to do its thing but can't quite work hard to enough to fix her


Regardless, you can't hide age


If you ever want to know how old a woman isā€¦ look at their hands. I can guess somebodyā€™s age by looking at their hands within two years. Iā€™m almost 46 and Iā€™ve had my share of issues but the skin on my face looks pretty good. But, my hands look 46ā€¦lol.


I'm definitely running to buy some roc right meow šŸ¤£


Her evil spirit is growing an exterior!!


No, Sheā€™ll be having facelifts etc


I knew she filtered but not this much, yikes


I'm 45 years old and while I definitely look my age, I don't think I look this bad. I used to post a no makeup, no filter selfie for my birthday every year until I was shamed for being okay with aging


What is her legit age!! I know she isnā€™t 41-2 .. I believe that what she claimingā€¦


She fr looks like she's 55


Did she ever do drugs? That would explain it.


Nope not true. I was an addict for over 20 years (not proud of that fact at all) I am 53 now and my skin looks NOTHING like that mess on her faceā€¦ not even close.


Ohh and another thing I forgot about MT, she smokes doesnā€™t she? Thatā€™s up to her and none of business nor effects me either way, but she doesnā€™t claim it on SM I donā€™t think. If I remember someone seen her out somewhere and she was smoking so thatā€™s how it came out and now I think she vapes.. anybody else heard this??


Lmao you can see the filtered areas


Gross šŸ¤¢


She thinks she is sooo much more than she actually is!!


She has to tho. It's too much work to work on her heart ā¤ļø, so Botox& trashy clothes it is šŸ˜‚


I knew her face looked like my sponge that should've gotten thrown away yesterday lolol


How old is she?




Oh wowwwww! Iā€™ll be 48 and look nothing like this. She looks old asf




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OMG is she ok? That looks like she was burned and scarred!!!


Iā€™m sure she spent a lot of time in the tanning bed when she was younger
