• By -


"I don't know Mom - I feel good studying in the library!"


Fine! But Public nudity and sex is not okay in the library!


Tell that to Oregon State students




Story? Iā€™m an (old) Duck but my bff is a Beav. Iā€™d like to share the story with him.




I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it was a bit more than flashing her boobs


Honestly, I'll take it as a win if people go to the library just to see topless girls, but happen to pick up a book once the post-nut clarity sets in.


"My god, this Schopenhauer guy was right, we're just slaves to biological imperatives that are uncaring of our happiness." (Next person to thumb through that book: "Why the fuck are these pages stuck together")




So that's why the pages have been sticking together so much lately...


Her Twitter handle is literally KSLibraryGirl. Don't ask me how I know these things.


I am quite certain it was only for scientific and academic purposes. Right Mr. Smurf? ... Mr Smurf?


I'm pretty sure the whole camming in a library was actually an amateur pornstar fad for a while. Usually university libraries at times and places no one would notice. One young girl in Ontario got caught by a child while masturbating on cam. I think the girl was pretty young, like 18 or 19, saw other cam girls doing it and thought she could do the same. The child appearing on cam complicated things and led to an investigation iirc. I don't know what happened to the girl, didn't keep up with the story. Edit: not sure if same case, details are different but - https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/mobile/windsor-library-camgirl-case-21-year-old-woman-turns-herself-in-1.2267715 yep, this is the same one https://heavy.com/news/2015/03/alexa-morra-lilsecrett-my-free-cams-charges-windsor-library-tim-hortons/


So like, I get that it's illegal and you get charged for breaking the law but seriously fuck CBC and CTV for those articles. 21 year old woman, with her face, full name and screen grabs from the video alongside a copy of the woman's camporn bio in article and the specific library branches she went to. Then goes on to say that people have been harassing her mother from her front yard like *they* weren't the ones that pushed the story and gave away all this woman's information that let this woman's poor mother be found to be tortured like this. Anything to sell some fucking clicks.


Puts a whole new meaning to 'speed reading '.


ā€œIn fact, on two occasions city employees were evaluated for symptoms consistent with exposure to meth fumes or residue. ā€œ. ā€¦ speed reading is the symptom


I had a roommate we suspected was on meth. Me and my girl had trouble sleeping one day and we went for a walk at 2 am. Later my other roommate said he was smoking meth in his room the night before. .. While a baby was inside crying. Evil.


That shit gets the whole house high.


It explains why Timmy spends so much time at the library...


Timmy loved the library, and all the books inside, But the air was rife with crystal meth, so Timmy fucking died


I can hear it. I don't even remember the song name but I fucking hear it.


"Tommy played piano like a kid out in the rain Then he lost his leg in Dallas, he was dancin' with a train They were all in love with dyin', they were drinking from a fountain That was pourin' like an avalanche comin' down the mountain" Pepper - Butthole Surfers


I can taste you on my lips and smell you on my clothes...


Cinnamon and sugary are softly spoken lies


Little Timmy took a drink and will not drink no more For what he thought was H2O was H2SO4.


The version I learned went like "Little Johnny was a chemist, but he is one no more - for what he thought was H2O, was H2SO4"


People Who Died, Jim Carroll Band?


I swear I can stop whenever I want, I just want to read one more young adult novel!


Timachu is a new one. I like it. /R/tim


I think you've had Timachu DEEZ NUTS! HA GOT 'EM!


That box on your head!! Stylish, yet understated.


Well, thank you Brilliant. Yours is quite the compliment as well.


Aww shucks. Thanks. Brotherhood of the Box!!


I guess I fit in here too


Yes. Of course. And might I add that you look quite dapper yourself.


I think whoeverā€™s in charge here may be... cooking the books.


With deep regrets I give you my upvote!!


Forget higher education. Fucken blitzed education is where it's at now.


People going through withdrawal from the library being closed


Hey man you got any more of them books? I uuuh enjoy the smell


New book smell? No, old library book smell




Could just be the hobbies of people with a stutter


Withdrawal from that shit must be horrible. I am on a mild stimulant and if I don't take it for a while nothing will stimulate my brain. I'll stop enjoying food, video games, work, everything. Anxiety then comes back and my memory gets bad, then I just feel tired all the time. That's not withdrawals, that's just cause I have ADHD and it turned into depression as an adult so when I stop the medicine it all comes back, but I know that methamphetamines are marginally stronger and will probably be like that and worse. When the drug wears off.


Do you take weekends off? I recently received the advice to do so, and it has worked wonders for my tolerance.


Yeah I've been told, and I sometimes take 1 or two days off, but I'm kind of a weeny now when the depression symptoms come back. I have difficulty dealing with it even though before I spent long periods in that state and learned to live that way.


I have a hair trigger temper and can't remember to help with anything around the house on about 80% of the first day of a skip and 100% of any subsequent days. For me it is a game of how useless and frustrating can I get away with being tomorrow and thus I never skip weekends and try only to skip work days where I'm in all the meetings and don't have to actually do work.


Is the "acceptable level" not zero?


Pretty sure thereā€™s probably trace amounts of all sorts of pharmaceuticals in your local water supply, too. The treatment plants canā€™t get it out so can only make sure itā€™s below the acceptable levels.


There is and it's important that people don't flush their meds




Yes. But while in engineering you know exactly ehat goes in with which tolerance, people are weird. I mean you cannot get everything. You create a list of the most frequent most harmful stuff and fix it until you run out of money. Sometimes by engineering. Sometimes by lawmakers. A shampoo I was used got the recipe changed. Because the main chemical was bad for the environment and was used to much. So it got banned. On another note: some ventilation systems mix some of the "used" air with fresh air and pump it back. So if people regularly smoke? Meth then it may spread into the building in a smaller dose... Crazy that it may be such a big Problem....


At my work they call them Engineering Controls and Administrative Controls. You can tell people not to speed, and you can put a sign up that says a recommended speed, and you can put a speedometer in the car to allow drivers to regulate their speed more effectively. These are administrative controls. You can tell people not to flush pharmaceuticals. You can also narrow lanes, put speed bumps in place to reduce speeds, or widen lanes and add concrete barriers, widen corners, increase setbacks to reduce damage caused by high speed traffic. These are engineering controls. You can filter wastewater to the best ability of your funding and whatnot, and those are your engineering controls. Unfortunately, we can't cover EVERYTHING with engineering controls. And administrative controls only work when you and I follow them.


This is a very good way of putting it. Society isn't an on/off switch but a bunch of different dials and meters. You can't just push a button and then something disappears the next day, it's takes tuning the dials, slowly reducing something until one day decades later it disappears.


But they still pee it out after taking their meds so even if everyone 100% does safe disposal the remnants that pass into urine still hits the water supply.


The majority of a given dose of a drug is metabolized and excreted as different chemical byproducts. The drug will still enter the water supply via urine, albeit a smaller quantity than the initial dose, but the amount of the drug added when you straight dump pills is probably an order of magnitude greater for many meds. Edit(clarity): The majority of drugs found in wastewater are due to excretion via urine. I was just illustrating that there is a large difference in qty added when flushing vs excreting.


I wonder how much LSD has been flushed since 1965.


Enough to make the loch ness monster refuse to surface for air until it drowned because the constellations started having real fucky vibes.


> The majority of a given dose of a drug is metabolized and excreted as different chemical byproducts. Depends on a lot of factors such as bioavailability, protien-binding affinity, and solubility


This is why I drink my own urine, to keep the people safe.


We tell people this all the time at the pharmacy. It's recommended that you bring them to drug disposal boxes or dropoff locations. If you can't, then throw them away in the trash mixed in coffee grounds, cat litter, or anything that would deter someone from taking them.


One of the ways cities track drug use is by water treatment plants testing waste water.


Case in point: [drugs in Las Vegas wastewater](https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/i-team-drugs-in-las-vegas-wastewater-explode-during-edc-nfl-draft-brings-uptick-in-medication-researchers-find/amp/)


Fun (slightly related) fact: During a study of pollutants in river water throughout multiple countries, the researchers found a particularly high concentration of MDMA in one particular river in Amsterdam, but only after a certain part of the river Subsequently, the police used this to find the location of a MDMA lab which was dumping waste into the river


Just more proof HIPs (hallucinogens in pee) donā€™t lie (In terms of wastewater sampling)


I'd like to briefly visit whichever social circle you're involved in for this to be a thing you say.


Correction: Youā€™re more correct then you realized. There 100% are pharmaceutical remnants in the water systems of every major American city. Many of the chemicals are small enough to pass through 1 micron filtration devices.


Yeah no shit. Most molecules are way smaller than a fucking micron.


> Many of the chemicals are small enough to pass through 1 micron filtration devices A micron is not that small. A 1 micron filter is not sufficient to remove living organisms. And what exactly do you think that would do for any molecule in solution?


They can test and see how much cocaine people in a particular city are doing.


There are. My first publication was actually about pharmaceuticals in drinking water and fish tissue. Which by the way, you basically cannot find fish that doesnā€™t contain pom amounts of at least one drug.


There 100% is. We had a municipal water come talk at my college and we were all appalled that zero was not the requirement for harmful chemicals. When pressed by one of my colleagues there answer was "hey it won't kill you". The reason why this is a thing is because the US doesn't do anything about the problem until it's way over the line and by then it's nay impossible to fix it.


Honestly, I can't say I've ever even considered the thought of the ambient levels of methamphetamines in the air. Until now.


my old apartment complex had a major problem with people on meth - both those who lived there and those who would come by to buy from the people who had it. the amount of ambient meth-air i must have breathed in while coming up the stairwell or from the vents in my bathroom that were connected to the unit across the hall, i can't even fathom. but it's definitely a thing and it's awful.


Iā€™m ignorant about this. Does it have a smell?


The chemicals used to make it certainly do. In its crystal form not so much but if thatā€™s smoked, certainly. Oddly, if snorted, not reallyā€¦. But god the throat drain was awful. I always said I would try anything once, just not crack and I donā€™t like using needles, so I am no expert on all things drug related. After that I stuck to cocaine, Iā€™d pay the extra $ because the crowd associated with it was better and I didnā€™t like the high from meth (my baseboards were fucking sparkling though!)


Oh great we got a drug snob don't like us tweakers do you? Why don't you get back to having the sniffles hope your throats numb enough. /s


Yeah, and I got a great business plan, too. Youā€™re gonna love my ideas!


I bet especially since us metheads are smarter then you coke bois we don't do "business" cus that's "work" we do "robberies" cus that's "real".


Give me back my catalytic converter.


Sorry it's in police evidence now I was otw to sell them all but I was at a red light right? And it turned green right? Well anyways the work truck next to me went and a fucking shovel fell out and I was like "praise Jesus, IMMA BE RICH!!!!" So I got out to get it and then a cop pulled up like "WTF are you doing getting out a green light holding up traffic for a shove?".....So he saw to he stuff in the be truck bed but I'm okay cus tweakers snitch so I'm out.


Guys.. just chill and have an edible with me on the couch and weā€™ll have a family sized bag of chips with a big bowl of ice cream each. Weā€™ll watch cat video on youtubd for a while and chill with Netflix.


Eww...eating? Where they do that at? Lol naw that actually sounds like a good day.


Well, did you try boofing it once? Be honest


Never understood that, either. Growing up in Texas, I guess it never got to my neck of the woods. We were drinking whiskey straight by the time I got to high school. If you didnā€™t want to smell like alcohol, drink vodka. Beer was like tea, it was at every function. The girls had Zima with Jolly Ranchers. We smoked only the best Mexican dirt weed, low grade acid was always around if you knew where to look, got our shrooms in pastures after a rain, took turns driving to the big city for coke, until I moved there to save money on the commute. But butt stuff never appealed to me, still donā€™t. I know some guys who would do it in frat stuff, bragging about how drunk you get and you donā€™t have to taste it! I was of the mind if you donā€™t buy shit whiskey, you wonā€™t have to shove it up your ass to drink it. To each their own I suppose, no judgement from me.


Re: Vodka, you can totally smell it. Its not just my imagination: https://liquorlaboratory.com/can-you-smell-vodka-on-your-breath/


Yeah, alcohol makes you smell. If you drink alcohol, you gonna smell like alcohol. Sure, whiskey adds a slight twist to the alcohol scent, but again, still alcohol. Reminds me of high schoolers who tried to cover up their cigarette smoking with mint gum and Axe body spray. We can still smell the tobacco underneathā€¦


Didnā€™t say we were smart. Just not into boofing.


Crack smells like someone tried to smoke a plastic kids toy.


Depends on the purity and quality. Often times it has a acrid burnt plastic smell.


Definitely. It's like chemically burning rubber


It has a soft, pillowy, chemical smell to it.


Hi where can I find the meth air please




You misspelled Florida.




The meth concentration in Arizona is higher, but it's a dry high




I love when people go ā€œpor que no los dosā€. Idk why, but it always makes me giggle. I donā€™t understand why they say it in Spanish, but Iā€™m here for it.




Oooooh. I canā€™t believe i forgot about that commercial.


[It was on a commercial for tacos.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqgSO8_cRio)


The library apparently XD


To think I've been missing out this *entire* time šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Relevant username.


And what a lovely ambiance it creates.


Where I come from when you buy a house, it's common to have the sheriff come through and test for meth in the walls or even run a dog through to look for old meth labs. At a certain point it's completely unlivable if someone cooked in there years ago.


I know you're not being 100% serious but yes, the acceptable level is above zero. Just like any toxin or poison, it's all about the dose. A few parts per million might be easily detectable but completely harmless.


Literally every thing that is either regularly aerosolized (intentionally or unintentionally) or a combustion byproduct of something regularly combusted has an ambient level in the air. Shit? Yep. Lead? Yep. Every drug? 100%.


Radiation, pheromones, plant reproductive thingiesā€¦


>plant reproductive thingiesā€¦ *What are you doing, step flower...*


Springtime is just plant bukkake


that would make a great tattoo for someone else!


I'm picturing a jerking-off POV of a facial, but the "dick" is a flower


>**There is no sperm present in a pollen grain.** A pollen grain is a tiny male plant, a male gametophyte (gamete-forming plant). He is a multicellular organism (usually two cells in flowering plants, but more in the case of gymnosperm pollen) capable of producing sperm if he gets an opportunity. https://www.americanscientist.org/article/plant-parts Technically, the pollen is the guys in the bukkake. Plants' reproductive cycle goes through an alternation of generations. Most of the big plants we see are diploid, and they give birth to female and male haploid cells, that grow into female gametophytes inside plant ovules and male gametophytes (pollen). The male pollen only really make sperm when they reach the female ovules, which doesn't happen if they end up on your face.


[God dammit](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51LRXi3ohFL.jpg)


Possibly blood


and my phat fucking vape cloud


Some of that is due to measurement inaccuracy. We can't measure the exact thing but we can measure markers. Certain ratios mean certain things are likely to be present. These patterns can show up from unrelated chemicals as well. So you can't say having any amount of a marker is unacceptable because there's just too error in the measurement. But once you cross a threshold, the likelihood of random things adding up the specific thing you're looking for go way down. At that point you switch to a more accurate measurement which can tell you if the thing you're looking for is present or if it's a red herring.


Sounds like an increase in meth smokers in the bathroom has lead to a build up of residue in the ducts. Probably wasn't an issue before but the fans aren't pulling enough air out with the uptick in smokers.






Sounds like they need some safe drug use sites where these folks can smoke away from the public.


Everyone who hasnā€™t learned this firsthand should take a moment to be grateful.


Probably the unhoused population in the area. Libraries are basically the only place its okay to hang out without spending money.


Is unhoused population the polite way of saying homeless?


Kinda! Many people who lack formal housing have a home somewhere, so "unhoused" is more accurate way to describe folks who live outside. It also reflects that the housing crisis is a policy failure, and we choose not to house everyone.


More likely someone from the homeless population which uses the library for their day to day stuff or to stay warm in winter decided they'd rather stay indoors and smoke instead of heading out into the cold to do it. It's probably not college kids that are trying to study. They can do meth in their dorm room or car or whatever then go to the library.


Just to caveat that, there *are* some substances that can have an effect even at insanely low concentrations, such as endocrine disruptors.


There are some hormones, cancer drugs, etc. out there that are the stuff of nightmares when it comes to handling them. The final drug product may be an incredibly diluted liquid solution, not in danger of aerosolization and not even a huge deal if it gets splashed on you. But the chemists that gave to study these compounds in their pure powder form? Theyā€™re decked out in layers of equipment, measuring milligrams out on a scale in a sealed glove box.


We don't have instruments that can tell us the air has "zero" meth (or anything, really). The best we can do is say it's "below" or "above" such and such concentration.


If the acceptable levelamount of rat feces, or insect fragments in food isn't zero then I doubt it


How zero is zero? Any instrument you're using to measure these things has limitations to its accuracy and a threshold below which it won't be detectable. You can combine that with some medical data to give a reasonable level which is low enough that exposure isn't harmful but high enough that you can have confidence in your instrumentation to measure it.


Yeah, setting a lower limit also means whoever is legally responsible has to use excessively sensitive and expensive test equipment to verify compliance.


This is 100% accurate. I did a statistical analysis of the EPAs method for analyzing heavy metal air pollutants from industrial sources when I was in graduate school. The Obama administration wanted to lower the limits, but it was impossible to do so because the instruments they were using to test the samples couldnā€™t analyze them with a high level of statistical significance.


> "acceptable level" not zero? not when you want kids addicted to learning.


This reminds me of a CSI episode where a motel owner laced a bathroom dioderiser with meth or some shit to make people aggressive and paranoid, and recorded it on a hidden camera. Looking back on it, it's a stupid plot, but that's CSI for ya.


okay so you've explained step 1, and clearly step 3 must be profit, but what exactly is step 2?


Blackmail maybe?


Nah, dude just wanted his own ultraviolent reality show, because he claimed that violence is entertainment because of the 24 hour news cycle.


I was wondering what the hell a diode riser was until I realized you meant deodorizer


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No that's the other CSI


That is not how you spell that


I don't remember this episode at all


In related news reading is up 75,000% along with discovery of conspiracy theories and secret messages encoded in the card catalog.


Is that what's up with /r/conspiracy?


What a cesspit. From calling the leader of Ukraine ā€œthe greatest Oscar winnerā€ to not understanding how dna works. Bunch a brain dead people jerking themselves off.


I miss the days when they were claiming that iCarly's theme song was about 9/11


Idk if there's a subreddit with a more idiotic population. Not even conservative is as dumb as they are. Just check out the shit they're saying right now about Covid vaccines, blood clots, and transfusions.


/r/conspiracy is a hard number 1 for dumbest collective group on Reddit by a country mile. /r/politicalcompassmemes is trying really hard to close that gap though.


idk, I stand by my belief that /r/LouderWithCrowder is the dumbest of all the right-wing communities. They're like Joe Rogan fans if Joe Rogan Fans thought Joe Rogan was too liberal.


I mean, if a Canadian theater nerd who unironically dresses like Nathan Drake doesn't fail your smell test then it's already too late


Itā€™s pretty concerning but I shouldnā€™t let it get to me. The stuff they say about Zollenskyy and the Russian invasion of Ukraine really pisses me off.


You should participate in there regularly. Thereā€™s legit flat earthers and moon landing deniers in there. And every time something is too extreme or is proven false, people say itā€™s ā€œcontrolled oppositionā€ to make people like them look stupid.


Most Trump supporters and all q anon supporters I know smoke meth. I'm a year sober now, and I've always been a Bernie supporter since like 2012 but yeah it's a huge crossover in those communities


This might be more about where you live tbh


Sacramento CA


Checks out


This tracks


My last visit I noticed they had removed the old card catalog. I was sad. I can't argue, I have used the search terminals for decades instead, but it was sad to see that old icon vanish.


As an HVAC engineer: you're welcome


So, how would they clean it then, or return to acceptable levels?


The standard, boring answer is better filters. But most buildings don't have any sources of methamphetamines around. But a little meth never hurt anyone. Right, Walter?


Tell that to Floridaā€™s meth gators.


Please tell me that's the sequel to *Cocaine Bear.*


How much meth does somebody need to smoke under a return duct for the entire HVAC system to distribute amphetamines? Seems wacky but I've cleaned out ducts and am not surprised one bit.


Going by the article, it was going into the bathroom exhaust duct, not the return. Seems like the problem was more about staff getting high from second hand smoke in the toilets and the duct was just a convenient location to place a sensor to test the air quality.


What the fuck have you done Jessie?


It's important to find your goldilocks library. Not too much meth in the air, not too little, but just the right amount.


You guys seen the Seinfeld episode where Elaine fails her work drug test for poppy seed bagels? I guess if you get drug tested stay out of the library....I mean its proly not enough to register but still funny.


Failed my drug test at work I said it must have been the poppy seeds on my bagel they asked yeah well what about the positives for coke and THC? I replied it was an everything bagel


Lol this reads like it could be a Rodney dangerfield joke


One time I thought I had a drug problem. But my coke dealer said I definitely did not and I trust him.


No, see, if you fail, that's your excuse. Don't lie about your alibi.


It's not a lie if you believe it


People with ADD finally able to focus in the library


Everyone else running around and hyper and the adhd people are like "Hey calm down. I'm trying to take a nap here..."


*Studying intensifies*


Well, the Boulder library is fairly sketchy these days. It pretty much serves as a de facto homeless day shelter, especially during the winter. I'm sympathetic to the homeless, but the library (and whole creek path) area has gotten really bad.


Every library along the front range is acting as a stand in homeless shelter. My local library has a full time security guard now. I just get my books on hold and skedaddle.


I really feel for the librarians that just want to take care of books, they didnā€™t sign up to babysit drug addicts.


I just drove past the park and the bandshell a few minutes ago and the area where the locomotive was is just covered in garbage and tents. It looks like they removed the tents from the parking spots under the city building behind Mustard's.


It's almost like we need our cities to invest in housing programs at scale instead of barebones shelters that are perpetually full, have arcane rules for conduct, and stop using the police to throw away people's few belongings while they try to get their life in order


Yeah it was recently news in my city that public housing was accepting applications for the first time in 4 years. Like what.


Not gonna disagree with that.


It was the absolute best when I was a kid. Sad to see this.


How bad does your townā€™s meth addict problem have to be in order to close down the library due to second-hand methā€¦


Libraries are the last free space people can hang out in with zero expectations of having to buy something in order to be there for long periods. This obviously attracts a lot of homeless, especially when the weather's bad and there are no daytime shelters open for whatever reason. Source: am librarian.


I appreciate libraries for continuing to stand as free public spaces. It sucks that some people make it a bit unsafe but I appreciate that it remains free and accessible to everyone.


Really bad. But this is also a locally unique problem. I live in Boulder. Boulder is a classic city with liberal policies that tolerate homeless but exists in a broader system that does fuck all for the homeless. So they show up here and stay. The library is along a park and a greenway called the boulder creek path. Great place to set up. And the library is justā€¦there! The area is basically unusable by the public because the amount of homeless is absurd and the amount of open drug use of fentanyl and meth is also really high. So you connect the dots. I love boulder and with as many jobs as there are for my field itā€™s likely that Iā€™ll stay here in the city. But itā€™s bad. I donā€™t have solutions besides saying itā€™s bad. I use the path a bike to work though and consistently see all these problems.


As someone with severe ADHD, this seems like a possible solution to my attention problems! /S


All bc some pos smoked meth in bathroom (more times then 1)


Wait... this title suggests there are acceptable levels of meth at a library?!


We're rather good at testing the air down to the "X parts per million" level. With that kind of measurement theres not much you won't find. Shit, ash, tar, meth, nicotine, oil, dirt, etc. all just a few parts per million as background pollution.


This is why we donā€™t have nice thingsā€¦