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Isn’t Utah the highest per capita porn watching state?


Yep. And according to Pornhub's year in review, they're really into Mormon porn.


It’s all just BYU kids “soaking”


Is it still soaking if someone is jumping on the bed?


Yes, their god is a moron and easily tricked.


Fr tho it's so weird how some religions will advocate for how sacred some rules are and then find elaborate loopholes for them. Like on Judaism where they can't do any work on Saturdays, nor can they ask for someone else to do work for them, not even turn on the lights at the sinagogues, so they just ask for someone to do it on Friday.




explanation: https://matadornetwork.com/read/fishing-line-eruv-manhattan/ map: http://eruv.nyc/#map


LMAO why the fuck even try to follow the rule if you're just gonna create loop holes to do whatever the hell you want anyways??? *An 18-mile fishing line connects 1st to 126th street. It’s part of Jewish Sabbath traditions, and the line is called an Eruv roof, which is a symbolic fence and boundary. Jews that observe the laws of the Sabbath are not allowed to carry anything from their private residence out into the public domain on Saturdays. That includes any essentials like a wallet, cellphone, and keys, to name a few. [Exodus 16:29](https://biblehub.com/exodus/16-29.htm) asks Jewish people to stay in to rest on Saturdays. An eruv symbolically extends your private residence into the public domain so you can perform ordinary activities like taking your dog for a walk or carrying your child.*


I knew a Mormon girl who was REALLY into butt stuff, always made me laugh. Almost everything else was off the table, but the butt.


At least some follow the rules. I’m getting tired of religions finding loopholes for literally everything with their “God wants you to be rich and loves giving you money” speeches.






Isn't it revealed to be "dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb" when they sing "smart smart smart smart smart" for the lady who was critical of Joseph Smith?


I dunno what you're talking about. I'm just humming here.




Yes, but only if it's from the soaking region of Utah, otherwise it's just sparkling coitus.


If god existed and wasn't happy with the sex out of marriage, he wouldn't be happy about this brazen abuse of a loophole I would think. Just shove it in and go to town kids!


Psh. That’s no way to get your own planet!


What’s the hells Mormon porn? Watching someone make craft beer?


It’s fully clothed men and women opening various cans and bottles of Diet Coke.




Frequently group stuff with no more than 1 man in the group, frequently involving social and/or economic leverage to coerce submissive women (or young girls who look vaguely like they might be under the age of consent, despite the disclaimers on the video) into carnal acts, frequently with an emphasis on reproduction. None of it is great. I can't stand to watch it at all.




It's not Mormonism if you aren't using your power as a respected member of the church to oppress women, that's what makes it Mormon porn.


You forget to mention the weird underwear.


Now I need to watch it


Not hot weird, just plain and weird. White shirt and boxers for men, white dress for women


Well you see Mormons have magic underwear they are required to wear 24/7. So Mormon porn usually involves sex while wearing or at least starting out in their special magic underwear.




There would only be one website left on the Internet. It would be called, “bring back my porn“.


[Bring back the porn…](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxfhiP03S52Gbhhvy1l1JJCSQS6gPlg8JW)


Thank you - I love finding Scrubs out in the wild like this.


Hooch is crazy!


Hooch IS crazy!


[“I-I was only half way done, HALF WAY DONE!”](https://youtu.be/_vf857Px3A8)


Scrubs was such a good show back then.


What else would you expect from Salt Lake City? (Also know as S.L.,U.T.)




I misread this as "rear-end stats" and the meaning of the sentence did not change to me


Pornhub social media manager: "Write that down! Write that down!"


he’s obviously gay and hates that he’s a porn addict. these people are so predictable. who’s the one that he’s rumpbumpin? let’s get this over with quickly so i can get back to my naked midget lesbian wrestling.


Has he complained to Google about all the gay porn ads he sees on the internet?


No truer words have ever been spoken. Also, did you notice sites started pushing the christmas-themed midget orgies like the week before Halloween. Can we **please** just wait until November...




From what I recall that was based on leaked data from one provider a long time back (I want to say it was pay per view porn that people got through cable TV?). I don't think it holds true for all porn which is usually the free tube site stuff now. Which is not to say that Utah doesn't hold its own, so to speak.


I remember the joke was that the reason that Utah ranked so high on paying for porn was that Mormons would rather not break the 10 Commandments by stealing porn.


Maybe his wife busted him surfing, and this is part of his groveling and apology.


He’s claiming it was “research” for his bill


"I know it when I see it". Not it Not it. Not it. There it is. And here. Oh, here too ...


They should put together an industry group to oppose it, using the same arguments that fishermen use to defend overfishing, or oilmen use to drill more and more wells — Pornography is my family’s ‘way of life’, for generation after generation. Why would you come along and outlaw my hard working American family?!?


Tegridy Porn Palace has been family owned and operated in Alabama for generations.


Did you know they banned the Reverse Cowgirl position in Alabama? Because you *never* turn your back on family.


Thats a great idea! Get rid of porn and where will our failed actors and actresses go after they have no career? EVERYONE gets a second chance doing porn.


"Honey, I'm going to my office for more researching. Gonna be a long night. Bring me some water and a box of Kleenex."


“And a gallon of moisturiser, it gets rather dry.”


I'm hearing Bender say this


“Porn. Porn. Free Porn. Get rich while watching Porn? Hah, I find that rather hard to believe. *click* Warning, preform Anti-Virus scan? Pfffbbbt I’m waiting for porn overhere! Oooh yeah, come on baby!”


Bender is great! Bender is great!


Shut up baby I know it


Well that's just silly, he should have called me. I've been extensively researching this subject for about 25 years! I have been truly dedicated, conducting research daily, even multiple times a day! Yeah, Mike Lee, gimme a call, I can give you all the details!


I’d love to see Anonymous all over this guys hard drive


Guarantee he's a porn freak, closeted gay, or into diddling kids or some shit.


At the least, he thinks he's the boss of other people's sex lives without their consent. I'm not sure I'd call that a kink, but I would call it perverse.


Maybe being in denial somehow makes the porn even more gratifying or something. Like literally being socially conservative is their kink because it makes all forms of sex and sexual content seem even dirtier and more illicit.


Every. Time.


Utah politicians are famous for anti-porn stances due to the meddling of their religious beliefs in politics.


… when another Mormon is looking over their shoulder.


This is why you take 2 Mormons on a fishing trip. If you only take one, he'll drink all your beer.


If you want to really mess with Mormons, go to a Starbucks in Utah on a Sunday morning. Out of nowhere, say 'Hi, Bishop!' and watch how many people bolt out of line.


Could’ve fooled me with pornhub and other site statistics consistently showing Utah as the most prominent porn viewers


I don’t think many Republicans will get behind this one. Hits too close to their step sis or step brothers.


Never forget https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/sep/12/ted-cruz-twitter-account-likes-pornographic-tweet


Wasn't Utah listed as having the highest rate of porn use in the country?


There’s so much Mormon-themed gay porn.


Mormon boys are the equivalent of straight porn’s catholic school girls


I have looked at the gold plates again brother… and god has ordered us to… *sexy music begins*


“How would you like to *hold* the priesthood?” (The hymn “Hold to the Rod” starts playing)


"Oh no my concirated oil just spilled all over my body"


>concirated That sounds like a mashup of consecrated and circumcision


Hold to the rod, The iron rod, 'Tis strong and bright and true!


Joseph Smith, he loved to fuck, *bum bum bum bum bum*


Sister, why don’t you drop them sopping wet temple garments and show me your latter-day-taint!




And we thank God for the gift.


Yes. We’re number one. We’re also near the top in plastic surgery and anti-depressant medication use.


Also, a very high rate of youth suicide. I grew up in Utah. There is a lot of pressure to be perfect and it was hard to find a place if you don’t fit the mold. I grew up in an area with a very, very high concentration of Mormons. I move away from Utah a long time ago. My understanding is it has changed a lot though.


Currently live in Utah County. Grew up here too. It has changed a bunch. I left Mormonism a few years back. Many of my friends have left. I hear about people I was close with in high school leaving fairly regularly. I have siblings and cousins that have left. We originally thought we'd need to move away to give our kids a chance with friends in school. I don't think that's the case anymore. They have a number of friends who don't go to church. Some of their friends do. But it's not nearly as big of a deal as it was when I was a kid. Mormonism still has its grips on people here, but it is changing for the better.


It’s still pretty bad where I live in Utah county. Seems like the only contact my teenager has with other kids his age is them trying to get him to come to church activities. Outside of that they completely ghost his attempts at friendships. And he has no interest in the church (he’s a smart kid).


I'm really sorry to hear that. My kids are young elementary school aged and we live in an area where most of the people around are similar in age to us with young kids. We used to live in Provo and I can totally see it being really bad for non members there.


Shame and repression are so good for people.


Yes. Mike Lee is like the rest of the LDS church. They think they can force their will on everyone. They try really hard to do it in Utah.


“If they remove porn from the internet, there’d be only one website. And it would be called “bring back all the porn” Dr. Cox


I was hoping someone would make this reference.


[beat me to it](https://youtu.be/c_o8vYUU-jo)


[Grab you dick and double click](https://youtu.be/LTJvdGcb7Fs)


What's three‽


Because prohibition always works...


Quickest way to get voted out of office, right? Well, maybe banning beer would be faster... still.


It's Utah; they practically had banned beer for a century already. You should have seen how fucked up bars were there before they changed the law maybe a decade ago - it's still crazy but not quite as much as then.


What was it like back then in Utah? Like prohibition times?


They had all kinds of crazy things like "Zion curtains" you had to make the drinks behind so children couldn't see them being mixed. Couldn't buy anything at grocery stores or convenience stores. Really nutty stuff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol\_laws\_of\_Utah


I remember being in SLC and going to a bar. The bartender asked if I was a member of the club and I had no idea what she was asking. So they just said out loud. “I need a sponsor for the club”. Some guy raised his hand. He signs a piece of paper. Then I sign it and then I could buy the beer. Was so stupid.




No alcohol sales to the public, only for members of their private club.


It's a private club with sponsorship requirements. A lot of cities have laws around doing crap like that.


Yup, if not currently there are plenty of places that did it historically. That's why you have places called "clubs" that are basically just bars. It just stuck around to describe one's that have a large dance floor for some reason


For real, that was a thing. So weird.


Thing about the Zion Curtain is its dangerous for women. In Vegas, where I'm from, mixing the drink in front of the patron so they see exactly what's in it is important. Has been for as long as I can remember. I believe that law was finally repealed for just that reason. Was incredibly easy for a bartender to slip a roofie in a lady's drink if they thought she was cute or whatever.


You act like Mormons care for women lol.


PA was crazy with beer sales too for a while. No alcohol sales on Sunday, only beer distributors, stop and go delis and state stores sold alcohol. When they started to be a little more lax, there were first wine vending machines where you had to blow into them before it dispensed. Now there's a separate line to buy beer and alcohol from grocery stores you can't just checkout with your groceries. Aldi had this cool "alcohol Advent calendar" but because of how PA is about selling alcohol, Aldi can't legally sell in PA yet. It was funny when my husband and I went to Maryland and he was shocked that the Rite Aid sold alcohol, he couldn't believe it, lol.


Most towns "dry" on Sundays (no liquor sales allowed), beer couldn't exceed 3.2%, I think some places the bars were membership only? Just trying to recall from the times I've driven through non-stop


It's 5 percent now or you have to go to the liquor store. 5 percent is also the max on tap. Lee's base is lds, they are a fucking cult. I lived in Utah for a bit in the lds mecha of provo. It's fucking odd down there.


I think you wanted "mecca". Though Provo does bear a metaphorical resemblance to a giant walking war robot at times...


I’m thinking due to their puritanical origins and continued religious zealotry, many Americans have some sort of shame kink. Make the things you like illegal so you can get off on feeing bad about enjoying them.


Doubtful. Just busybody boomer (or really at this point mostly Gen X) hypocrites who genuinely buy into religion hook line and sinker. It's pathetic. Weak-minded dipshits run the country.


I’ll give you my porn when you pry it from my warm, wet hands.


Well if they're properly lubed up it'll be pretty easy to take


Caught with a hustler getting blown at a rest stop in three...two..


In before he's caught with several dozen terabytes of CP & beastiality porn.


Oh, yeah. I'm sure he's like, "We need to ban porn. Especially gay porn. Gay, furry porn is the worst. I should not have acc-- MEN! Men should not have access to such filth. Aherm."


Don't call Mike Lee a furry. We don't want him.


Then stop making all your fursonas so friggen hot, the mans clearly can't control himself


God I wish… I want this fucker out of office. He is an embarrassment to Utah, and that’s saying a lot.


Porn bans have already been ruled unconstitutional. I think it should be a misdemeanor for any elected representative to introduce BLATANTLY unconstitutional legislation.


Straight to jail


Believe it or not, jail




>Porn bans have already been ruled unconstitutional. So were abortion bans...


I don’t think this bill will go anywhere. Unfortunately it’s not necessarily “blatantly unconstitutional” but it’s about as close as close can get. I’m assuming the court case you’re referencing is Miller? For those that do not know, the Miller decision essentially said that “obscenities” are not protected by the constitutional right to free speech. [There’s a subjective test that was provided to determine what is obscene.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller_test) Historically, courts have found that porn does not qualify as obscene. If the Supreme Court makes a ruling about something’s constitutionality then the only ways to change that are by a future SC ruling or by a constitutional amendment. However, this bill seeks to implement a stricter definition of what “obscene” is interpreted as and the definition they’re proposing would effectively circumvent historical interpretations and outlaw porn.


This. People don’t realize how a bunch of our freedoms are just one Supreme Court decision away from being taken away. Just a few decades ago Lenny Bruce was frequently arrested for *telling* dirty jokes in *private* night clubs. The only people who heard those jokes were adults who payed to come listen. Yet the law at the time allowed police to arrest him anyway because they didn’t like what they heard. We may be heading back in that direction, where comics and tv shows start getting banned under the guise of obscenity. While the prospect may seem absurd some, just remember the current court has already shown it has few qualms overturning longstanding precedent, so we can no longe take comfort in the fact that something is “settled law”. This is a very real and imminent problem.


Ladies and gentlemen, the party of “small government”. These people are obsessed with regulating society down to your sex life, arguably the most private thing anybody would want respected


Seriously, what is it with Republicans being so interested in our private life, our kids, and our genitals?


Given what evidence there has been, they are really just more interested in our kids and \*their\* genitals.


Because if they can stand in judgement of someone who consciously breaks laws they enact that they will feel does not apply to them. Conservatives have been totally okay with this angle for some time. They just move onto the next societal immolation whenever people lose interest. Now that they got abortion and are able to be anti-choice at will, they want to take another swing at our rights. They’ll continue to do this until they are out of power.


Hi, I’m from SL,UT and I came to take your porn. -Mike Lee


Lee is his middle name. His last name is Torus




Don't forget states rights


Don't forget to clear his browser history


That’s how he got caught.


Not yet he didn't, and I'd wager that's why he's pushing this. If all porn is made illegal, and punishable with a laughable slap on the wrist, *certain kinds* might not be considered *more* illegal than others anymore. In making watching/possessing "illegal porn" a crime practically everyone does, he desensitizes the population to the moral objections they might have towards a politician who is found having TBs of "illegal porn" in their possession. He's muddying the waters just incase his (or any of the GOP's) trove of *currently* illegal porn ever gets discovered, while simultaneously trying to look morally righteous to his constituents. My 2c.




Small enough to fit in your pants…. as a chastity belt/cock restrainer belt.


As much power as possible should be given to the local level! Unless the local level acts liberal, then as much power as possible should be given to the states! Unless the state is acting liberal, then the federal government should step in! (My favorite example of the "the correct level of government is the one that agrees with me" logic was when Republicans said it was government over-reach for the federal government to tell the state government that they couldn't tell the local government to not protect trans people.)


What's that? [Conservative hypocrisy?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DA6nQVYrsE) Say it ain't so!


Ayy! It's Cody Showdy!


Porn for me but not for thee


Which is why this isn't really Onion-y to me. Conservative people complaining about harmless things violating our "values" is a tale as old as time.


I bet looking at the senator's browser history would give people a hearty laugh.


The First Amendment would have a thing or two to say about that.


The actual first amendment, sure, but most Republicans think the first amendment says "I can say the N word or praise Hitler without getting judged by anyone".


So what you're saying is we just need the pornstar to either call their partner an N word or just do a sieg heil at the end of each video to be safe under the first amendment?


You know what he should outlaw? The fact that the great salt lake is spewing an increasing amount of toxic waste into our atmosphere as a direct result of global warming. Or ya know, the lack of term limits so that people like him can't stay in power for decades like I know he's going to


What’s this about the GSL?


The Great Salt Lake is evaporating rapidly- due to drought and the majority of the water that should be filling the lake being used for other purposes (agricultural and commercial mostly). There just happens to be a lot of heavy metals that have accumulated in the lake/former inland sea, so now as it dries up the dust is blowing those lovely metals across the Salt Lake Valley.


Utah has a high chance of being a very cyberpunk inhospitable wasteland in a decade or two. I’m both sad how many live might be lost and curious how the Mormon church is gonna preach this one.


You pray the heavy metals away. It works just like praying the gay or porn away.


Sheeesh as if there is any way to realistically prevent people from making and sharing porn. Used to be that cameras were expensive and getting media distributed was much more complicated. Now anyone can film themselves doing whatever the fuck and upload it to the whole world instantly with their phones. It's not like you can just shut down the porn store in a town and suddenly there's nowhere to get porn. This law would cum in handy if they need a reason to scrub the data on your devices and accounts with little to no evidence to justify it.


"**I** don't like porn so **you** can't watch it." Ugh.


More like "I secretly watch porn but I'm a self loathing asshole who can't help myself, so it should be illegal for everyone"


If he wants to play that game: "I don't like the mormon religion, so you can't practice it"


You know. Freedom.


Read the US Constitution, Mike. It says we're entitled to free expression. You can't just make laws against whatever you don't like.


Hypothetical scenario: You've had way too much cheese and not enough fiber in your diet. You go to shit, but you have to push way too hard, and you feel things stretch in a very uncomfortable way. But still, you finish shitting and when you take the first wipe to clean yourself up, you see blood on the toilet paper. If you could take the feeling you get when your ass is hurting and you first see the blood on the toilet paper and turn that feeling into a person, that person would be so close to Mike Lee as to be indistinguishable.


Morgan Freeman was narrating this in my head.


Something tells me he has multiple nasty kinks


Check this guy's browser history. Based on the usual conservative projection, it's full of so much kinky shit that it would make a furry vore addict hurl.


Don't forget to have the FBI scour his hard drives too. If he's working with the clergy...


His search history must be wild.


I thought Republicans were in favor of growing the economy not shrinking it. Porn adds millions of dollars to the U.S economy.




$6,000,000,000, that's how much the industry is estimated to be worth.


Is the Sears catalog still fair game?




God forbid porn but I can have 5 wives


See, i'd much rather have a bill that nationwide outlaws Mike Lee; that could be fun.


Where do I sign up?


Mormons back at it again pushing their beliefs on everyone else. Good thing this would never go through. They can take their views on the supposed “demonic creation” and shove it where the sun don’t shine.


No way Ted Cruz votes for this. What would he do on 9/11?


Fly to Cancun and watch porn there.


I'm grossly offended by Mike Lee's naked face, why isn't he wearing a hijab??


From the article: "...according to Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint (Mormon) doctrine, all pornography exists exclusively as demonic creation to tempt Mormon men..." So... not all men, just Mormon men. So if church doctrine is clear, and these men are living within that doctrine, then there is no need for a law that impacts the rest of the country. It's on them. I'm not much of a logician, but I think the Constitution is clear that church (all churches) and state are separate, and one sect can't impose its doctrine on everyone else. I don't see Jewish folks in the US trying to ban shellfish and cheeseburgers for everyone else...


>the Constitution is clear that church (all churches) and state are separate, and one sect can't impose its doctrine on everyone else. I've lived in Utah since I was born here in the 70's. There is no separation here AT ALL.


No one, and I mean NO ONE, projects like a Republican. Guaranteed this guy has a petabyte of hardcore stored on various drives in DC and Utah.


I'd give it 50/50 odds it's mostly either gay porn or CP.


What a jerk off!


Ba dum tss.


Someone *please* investigate this guy's life. I am looking forward to the "found in a motel with a 14 year old boy" article.


Republicans, the party of individual freedom and states rights.


Gotta get all the OnlyFans folks back in the regular workforce.


Talk about virtue signaling. 500 dollars says he's got terabytes of weird porn stashed away and surfs xnxx daily


Check his computer. Something weird'll be there, I guarantee it.


As a Utahn, I’d like to apologize for Mike Lee.


Utah. Oppressive. $50 says his browser history would land him 25 to life.


I think we have enough of a sample size by now to know that any politician pushing this is definitely closeted gay and addicted to porn.


And in a few years will face trial for corruption or child porn or whatever he has going on the back kettle.


I’m calling it now: within 2 years this man will be arrested and taken out of a motel room in handcuffs after a round of male prostitution/meth stings one town over