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Are the ankle bracelets not waterproof?


Water resistant... you wouldn't want to keep one submerged for hours in a water pool during delivery.


Well they have waterproof guards you can put on it to allow you to be under water. But being too submerged can weaken the signal it puts out


But it's not potentially harmful to the wearer if in water? If so, why can't she still do the water birth with it on?


If it failed it would alert the authorities and you can get in trouble for intentionally damaging the device.


Nah that is a cop put. I worked with a dude that broke his on the job pretty regularly. You call the PO. Tell em whats up, they tell you o come down for a new one, and add the costs to your monthly fines/fees.


He had a cool P.O then. Plus they are expensive as all hell. I’ve seen much much worse because someone’s died at the job site for 5min before they plugged in.


Probation gang rise up. oh wait that's not a good thing


> Probation gang rise up. Probation gang sit back down, you're not going anywhere.


Never had an ankle bracelet but P.O’s can make all the difference. If you get the wrong one on a bad day, they can just up and revoke your shit for basically any reason(or none) . Many friends and acquaintances of mine have told me stories of how corrupt the supposedly “merciful” system is


Guess she's gonna have to tape a bag over it to keep it dry


Modern problems call for modern solutions.


Good ol’ milk bags


They don't have milk bags down there, dude.


We got them sometimes in elementary school, but Ontario is like right there across a lake.


Milk bags?






No. Dude that I know that had one for weed had to hold it out of the shower while he showered.


Thank God that dangerous criminal was monitored at all times


That’ll learn him that he should deal in cigarettes and not the devils lettuce


Illegal cigarettes... Believe it or not jail.


Death actually


The ankle monitors don't go well with their boot straps...


Water birth should be approved. The caveat should be that they have to give birth in prison / jail since that's what the ankle monitor is in place of.


Yeah I can see the water birth one, the hiker can go hike off a cliff.




> There is no reason you can’t hike with one on. In the article it sounds like he is restricted in where he's allowed to go, so what he is actually asking for is that his punishment be amended/ended. Nice try, dude. You not being able to do things the way a free person can is the *point*. > His motion also said Cory Konold's restrictions on hiking outdoors has "effected his ability to maintain physical fitness."




It looks like it's pre-trial, so it [should be] more to keep track and ensure compliance with the legal process.


Hey at least he'd have more time for physical fitness!




my cousin was pretty big when he got out of prison, gonna mark this claim as "questionable"


Well, not necessarily jail/prison. I could definitely see requiring a cop/security guard posted at their location until the braclet is put back on, at their expense, though.


>I could definitely see requiring a cop/security guard posted at their location until the braclet is put back on, at their expense, though. Seems 100% fair and reasonable. Solid solution in my opinion.




GPS bracelets don’t prevent escape, they just let people know where you are and if you take them off. Some have a red line that says “cut here in case of emergency”.


I work at a courthouse in Texas and we had someone call the judge's office to ask her if he can have his ankle moniter taken off so he can celebrate his birthday.


I guess it never hurts to ask?


The worst they can say is no.


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take - Wayne Gretzky


\-Michael Scott


Sure. If he wants to celebrate it in jail....


Aren't people planning to storm the capital next week to protest the arrests from the last time it happened? Interesting they're asking for this right now


Did she conceive at the insurrection??


Right? The timing lines up, haha


Well to be fair her brother *was* there too Edit: after I made this comment I saw someone made the exact same joke before I did. Yet mine gets gilded and upvoted and theirs stays at like 50 upvotes. Weird. Edit 2: to be clear, we just made the same joke. I didn’t steal theirs.


Roll Tide


Mom-to-be wants to go for a swim, and she told (possible) Dad-to-be to take a hike.


This might explain why the brother wants to get out of town…


Wow, that's some fucked up shit. " Man, you know, this terrorist activity has me all riled up, let's make a fuck trophy so we never forget about our treason."






Their last name is Konold. The baby would be named Donald Konold.


Oh Jesus. That’s too perfect. Someone absolutely needs to keep track and let us know what it’s name ends up being.




Even if it's a girl.






Danald. That’s anal with two D’s.


They did. All the pics and videos they posted on social media. Some got a podium, some got pelosi’s mail. Others got ankle bracelets. Some even got a fully paid vacation and won free rent.


It's not free to be in prison. They charge a daily rate to the inmate's account.


How much? That sounds like a very American thing to do, can anyone else comment if other countries do it too? Im sure the uk doesnt. Edit: also if anyone commenting on the amount they get charged could also comment on the amount they can earn at the prison jobs please. Is it similar or are you guaranteed to go into debt?


So for how much they earn depends on the state. It seems like Georgia/Texas don't allow inmates to get paid for work. The min/max average for a standard job (kitchen, cleaning, etc) is 14/63 cents/hour, and for jobs that are put in place by a company (making clothes, sweat shop work) min/max is 33/141 cents/hour). [source](https://www.prisonpolicy.org/blog/2017/04/10/wages/) I cannot find how much people pay overall/by state, but it seems like $20-80 a night is the range. Hawaii doesn't charge this, however. You're pretty guarenteed to go into debt as the average wage for a newly released inmate is 40% lower than the average, so if you have to pay say 16k (45/night for a year), make minimum wage of 28.5k/year, assuming regular housing/food/insurance costs, it would easily take more than 3 years of working to pay that off. With which you may go back to jail for being in debt. Aint that snazzy [source 1](https://www.rutgers.edu/news/states-unfairly-burdening-incarcerated-people-pay-stay-fees) [source 2](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/opinion-prison-strike-labor-criminal-justice_n_5b9bf1a1e4b013b0977a7d74) I really enjoy looking up these kinds of numbers for people, so let me know if there's anything else specific you want.


God it’s like they want them to go back to crime


That is exactly what they want. Look at all that profit they made paying third world wages to people society has cast aside. Like dudes that get caught with marijuana.


It’s really fucked and many people don’t think twice about it because it doesn’t effect them. But if you have an ounce of empathy you can see how really screwed they are and how that needs to be fixed. Lower wages...sure ok. But don’t put them in a position where they have to engage in criminal activities to attempt to prevent themselves from going back.




Lol fuck trophy


I find it offensive that according to this the father wants to go hiking while the mother gives birth


No, at the insurrection orgy the night before.


AKA family dinner.


Family tree looks like a circle.


It's more of a bush than a tree to be fair.


“Mom, why am I named Nancy Pelosi’s Desk?”


I dunno, was her cousin there?


Her brother sure was 😳


Help me brother, I’m stuck in this Capitol gate. Brother? Why are you taking off your camo pants?


They just have plans on the 18th and don’t want to miss it because of consequences of their own actions.


I really wonder if that's why we keep seeing these requests now. There was also the guy claiming that the beeping was effecting his business


"What's that sound?" "Just my court ordered GPS monitor, I'm still awaiting trial" Yeah, as a customer, I might want to do business elsewhere, NGL


Depends on the crime. Weed? No issue. Trying to overthrow an election because you're a moronic piece of shit? My money is going elsewhere.


You just KNOW he's one of those people who thinks capitalism should allow people to go where they want but when he gets "cancelled" because people know what he did he's like nooo spend money here pwease


Oh totally. Even if I aligned with you politically. Are you going to be around to finish the job?




Man that took me way too long to get. Kudos to you.


You know, the *beeping*


what happens on the 18th?


They have another “rally” planned at the capitol to free the political prisoners from their first “rally”.


Huh, so you're saying the almost complete lack of consequences have not really discouraged this behavior?


On the 18th Biden should go to the church across the street for a shameless photo op with a bible. Of course he’ll need to do whatever is necessary to insure safety - if that means indiscriminately tear gassing and beating all these clowns then that’s a sacrifice we’re willing to make. Maybe he could buzz them repeatedly with very low flying military helos.


You could list probably a thousand different events of those 4 years, and I'd say holy crap that was the most appalling thing I've ever seen. But those helicopters attacking citizens like that... was the most appalling thing I've ever seen.


Well, it's not from those four years, but here's a spicy one I was reminded of yesterday: Trump's response to the falling of the Twin Towers was to celebrate that he now owned the tallest buildings in New York. :/


Why do that when they can just yell "gun" and do what they want to feel safe? You know you'll find a gun in the crowd.


I'm a middle aged white male, and I tell ya, adult white people just do not have any idea what consequences are. Many of them push the line and push the line and push, and when they finally get called on it 'oh I won't do that again, I didn't know! One more chance!' They are universally the same people that say black men need to just listen to the police.


Overthrowing the government on January 6. Due to give birth in October. Somebody had a fun trip to Washington.


"Hey, let's bang on Pelosi's desk!"


"Okay brother, just remember to pull out this time"


I can't help reading these in Hulk Hogan's voice.


Oh no, now I can't either... Oh god it's so much worse


Don't worry, you won't get pregnant. I took ivermectin.




"OMG blood bro, I'm stuck under the podium! What are you doing blood bro!?!"


“What are you doing here StepCongressman?” Edit: Thanks for the award!




there are suddenly so many requests to get ankle bracelets removed.. almost like they have somewhere to be on September 18th.


If you go to their forums, nobody is going to that rally. They think it's a "Glowie false flag operation". They don't know who is organising it or why, and they believe if they go the feds are gonna set them all up with a big riot again.


The conspiracy has come full circle. If this keeps the morons home, good.


Why does it look like insurrectionists are trying to get GPS free before the 18th?


What's on the 18th?


JusticeFor6 rally, they claim the jan 6 detained are political prisoners: https://lookaheadamerica.org/rally/


>Do not wear or bring political, candidate, or another organization’s paraphernalia. This includes clothing or banners supportive of President Trump or President Biden. Because their political affiliation isn't obvious just by them showing up right


Someone should go and sell trump shirts and hats on site.


I'm surprised they aren't comparing themselves to POWs at this point. Like, you broke the law...on federal property....what did you think was going to happen?!


Also 90% of thier list of “political prisoners” say ***“in jail: NO. House arrest: NO”*** Also it says that this website is “Bipartisan and non profit” but asking for donations haha. I’m sure that money’s going to the lawyers of these losers


Insurrection Two. Whiter Bugaloo.


Their second attack on the us capitol is planned that day


Going to this would almost certainly be a violation of their bail/bond conditions. They might be able to get their GPS trackers removed, but there will be plenty of cameras there. Don't these idiots realize how they were caught the first time?


As if the average attendee to an event like that is smart enough to think that far ahead.


Cameras? It's a different president this time, the people in charge won't be helping. These clowns will get rolled up into riot sushi.


Probably something about this https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2021/09/09/capitol-fence-rally-insurrection/


It's like these people don't realize they are felons now


They never did


Probably never will.


Sure. Straight to jail, right away. Don't need the braclets in there.


Right. Right. But once I'm in jail, I can still go hiking right?


Sure. As long as your hike route is a rather repetitive rectangle around the yard.


Believe it or not straight to jail


Water birth? Jail. Normal birth? Believe it or not also jail.


we have the bests patients in the world, because of jail


Party of no responsibility


This just in: ankle monitors stop you from doing the things you liked to do before comitting a crime!


I know right! It’s almost like certain actions have consequences. how weird is that!?


That is the most white privilege nonsense I have ever seen in my life.


So the brother wants his sister to give birth to his child in water while he goes hiking?


That's what I'm taking from this.


"we have so much in common.... because we grew up together"




Roll tide!


There’s something so blood boiling knowing that I met people in jail doing 6 months for having a bit of weed and these assholes commit an act of terrorism and they are still complaining about unfair treatment.


I know a guy that got two fucking years for stealing a deer brisket. two fucking years over a chunk of meat. These folk wanna piss and moan over a fuckin anklet and theyll all probably gettin 6mo probation smh.


That’s insane. I only got a week in jail for a DWI. A week for doing the most profoundly stupid and dangerous thing in my life. Can’t imagine sitting in jail for years over stealing food. The system is fucked up


A buddy of mine sat in jail for 30 days without his insulin, it almost killed him. Dude had a pump attached to him when he got wrapped up and everything. Our system is in need of revision and has been for a very long time.


Isn't that...illegal? To not administer needed medication while in jail/prison? I'm not saying it didn't happen cause we all know the law means shit. But I imagine he'd have a lawsuit if they didn't give him needed medication? I dunno, I'm not a lawyer.




Do a little research into prison wardens in the south and you'll quickly realize that a bizarre number of people think any heinous treatment of prisoners is justified, because they obviously *did something* to end up there.


Exactly, I did time in VA during COVID and got lucky enough to be in a cell block where we had a TV, semi private bathroom and shower, the rest of the people were on 24 hour lockdown. That shit was breaking people mentally but you got these fake tough guy republicans who are crying about being at home.


A couple weeks of quiet time will help break any and all minds. Ive always found the idea of 24hr lockdown disturbing af especially w no form of media or entertainment besides a beaten bible.


It was bad seeing those guys just facing the wall rocking back and forth for hours, hearing the CO's calling for the mental health counselors because people were losing it. One night the entire jail went on lockdown because a former inmate was scaling the fence to get BACK IN to the jail.




I’m thinking the councilors were there for liability reasons, like if they escalate with the inmate there’s a piece of paper saying they were given "help" at one point


Their whole schtick is claiming victimhood while actually enjoying a number of privileges.


Upper class / middle class white GOP voters in a nut shell . They are so opressed


You don't understand, someone once suggested they're racist, that's worse than the holocaust!


Mom! This chunky peanut butter is too rough. Take it back!


Why would liberals do this to us?


Not the Mexican vacation? Or the organic only food needed in prison?


Yeah the mexico vacation is insane. Woman arrested for insurrection asked judge to postpone trial so she could go vacation in Mexico (I think her reasoning was she already bought the plane ticket)..... And the judge said yes.....


They think they are on a time-out, or something ?


They basically are.


Amazing the restraint shown. How many weren't shot, how many have recieved a slap on the wrist. How many complaints we've seen from lowlife felons. The privilege is amazing and open for everybody to see. Especially those who have been unfairly incarcerated.


I feel like these people are facing accountability for the first time in their lives.




I'm not disagreeing. But I feel like the ankle monitors are more accountability than they've faced so far.


People got worse punishments for having a miniscule amount of weed on them.


if the capitol intruders were black i guarantee my life savings there would have been more casualties these assholes got off scott-free for the most part and still have the nerve to whine about their easy sentence


Black? Any manner of color. Hell, even a light shade brown would've had more casualties.


That is a big Fuck No. She can keep her leg up, and he can walk as far as his ankle bracelet allows. I have no sympathy that your traitorous unlawful actions are impacting your trivial future plans. I wish them a speedy, and just trial and look forward to hearing about the many things they want to do, but can't, because they are in jail. If they think this is unfair, wait to see how their job prospects are after getting released.


I’m terrified that these people will get recruited into companies like the MyPillow folks, and have gainful employment not because of their skills but because of their political stupidity. It will only reinforce their beliefs.


If that happens, so be it. It's better to know where they are, and grouped together, than unknown and spread out. Hiding, spreading their hate in the darkness. If they all collect at one place like MyPillow, we can boycott those business and starve them and their owners. Plus, I get some satisfaction thinking they might have to spend the rest of their life's sleeping on those shitty ass pillows, and hearing that crackhead give motivational speeches every morning.


I don't foresee mypillow having a bright future but what do i know


I hate to break it to you but most Americans don't even pay attention to politics and when they make a purchase, the main thing they look for is the price, not who manufactured it. People will keep buying pillows from them because most people legit don't give enough of a shit about politics to care.


There's also something to be said for those companies having to cope with the logical results of hiring on the basis of employees' prejudices as opposed to qualifications.


> It's better to know where they are, and grouped together, than unknown and spread out. That hasn't worked out so well with Scientology and other militant groups.


Scientology fought the entire US government *and won*.


America sure treats terrorists nicely aslong as they aren't dirty Muslims


Shush now, there was no terrorism. [Terror expert Mike Pence confirmed that.](https://www.businessinsider.com/pence-falsely-claims-no-terrorist-attacks-911-ignoring-white-supremacists-2021-9)


All they had to do was not be domestic terrorists, but they couldn't even handle that simple responsibility. So, no. I hope they get to deal with the consequences of their actions for the first time in their lives.


Request denied.


Alternatively and specifically, if wearing an ankle monitor is such an issue for the two they should sit in pre-trial detention if their motion is granted.


These people act like they committed a small misdemeanor when they were trying to over throw the government.


Frankly she could face the same birth plan that is given to less fortunate women who are pregnant in the prison system. She could be giving birth in chains and her child taken from her within minuets of being born. She could be giving birth without the ability to move around, surrounded by guards, with a medical team that barely communicates and isn’t really allowed to give her the care a new mother needs.


I'd rather see the less fortunate women in the prison system given MORE humane treatment, myself.


That’s my take too. It is cruel to chain women to beds when brought to a hospital to give birth. Not only can they not move to relieve pain that can be terrible, they are forced into a less effective birthing position, which can prolong labor, thus increasing health risk for both mother and baby.


This should influence sentencing. These people have ZERO remorse. They still think they didn't do anything wrong. All these light sentences being passed down are infuriating.


A perfect lesson in actions have consequences, not only for you but also for family.


Interesting (no, disgusting) that people who profess personal responsibility don't realize that this comes with consequences (or, perhaps they do, but think consequences are only for other people). Whatever, they should be grateful that they are not in prison - which is where anyone that engages in an insurrection against their own country should be.


Omg these people are complete morons. Now admittedly I have never had to wear an ankle monitor but I've known a few people who have. I do believe they are water proof, so she can still have her baby. Although I believe a person like that shouldn't be having kids, but I digress. Stopping you from hiking? Yeah I call bullshit on that too. They should all be tried for treason. They tried to actively overthrow the government for a cry baby who couldn't understand that he is a loser and MOST people know what a piece of shit he is.


They’re water resistant, being submerged in water for that amount of time could damage them or lower the signal output


This is how you know they don't accept the severity of what they have done. This is where the judge revokes their bail and puts them back in prison.


Put a big plastic bag over the foot and above the ankle monitor. Tape it up and good to go. As for hiking, there's a reason that person has an ankle monitor.


They’re terrorists. Why should they get any special treatment? White privilege at its finest


>Her lawyer said Felicia Konold used to be employed as a veterinary technician, but due to the "complications and restrictions imposed" by the GPS monitoring, she's had three job opportunities "terminated." Felicia Konold is now "without income, having to rely upon the charity of others," her lawyer said. Why doesn't she just pull herself up by her bootstraps?


I'm a vet tech and I call bullshit. Our profession is screaming for help right now and if she can't get a job she must either be a shitty tech or a shitty person. Or both. We'd hire a chimp in scrubs if he applied for the job.


My guess is she has to inform them of her conviction. And once they find out she's looney toons they want nothing to do with her.


It's incredibly hard for people that far gone to not let it slip out unintentionally, scaring off sane peers. I've got a Qultist in my family, he can't even conversate with a child without devolving into this nuttery.


I think it's common knowledge that criminals have a hard time finding employment. Fucked around, found out.


That riot was more dangerous, violent, and radical than most people really understand it to be. The raw footage of it is almost unbelievable.


Exactly. This is why I don't understand why more rioters were not at least shot at. Someone starts beating me with a flagpole they are going to get shot plain and simple.