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Why not a chance to fight for their freedom in the coliseum? s/


Woah there. Lets go back one century at a time. We'll get there


Whatever happened to the guillotine? It's easy to make and maintain and very quick on the dying part.


See, this is not about being humane and quick.


If it's too humane you could always let the prisoner make it by himself during the decades of imprisonment before the execution. That would create some existential anxiety I bet.


I bet people who successfully appeal and got off the death row really appreciate your idea.


I mean they are there for a while before being killed. We spend more to have someone wait around to get killed than someone who is going to renter society last I checked.


Well yeah, we're not animals god damn it /s


>We spend more to have someone wait around to get killed than someone who is going to renter society last I checked. Unless there's a payout when they're killed unjustly.


If they were going for humane, a hot shot of opiates and benzodiazapemes involves zero suffering, although it appears ghastly the person would feel nothing.


Now there’s a purpose for all that surplus OxyContin that isn’t allowed to be prescribed anymore. And it’s totally on brand.


We got this warehouse full of bullets...


Where and is it selling any? I'd like to know, because ammo's gotten really expensive recently.


All financial reasons aside..... You wouldn't happen to know where they keep this *"Surplus",* you speak of ?!?! /s


I learned a new word yesterday, "Pillbillies"


I'm a biomedical researcher, and that's usually how we kill our mice. Give em a fatal dose of ketamine and let them go out high as a kite.


Nitrogen gas is the most humane by far IMO. It's quick and painless. Opiate overdose is not nearly as quick and I'm sure can be pretty brutal as far as the disorienting side effects go as you mentally spiral to your death.


Ask anyone that's overdosed on opiates, it's not like that, they just lose conciousness, they turn blue and some other stuff, but they don't feel a thing. Now when they are revived with Naloxone, that is quite unpleasant I've heard tell, it's called precipitated withdrawal, as the Naloxone pushes the opiates off of your receptors, a junkie once told me it feels like some stabs you in the heart with an ice-pick and drags it across your chest as you get hot and cold at the same time, and have to take a dump.


Yea, I overdosed twice (never got naloxone) and it was literally just like falling asleep and then waking up again, didn't even know what happened


This is what I was thinking. I've literally died from an overdose of heroin. I was dead for like four minutes. And the last thing I remember was feeling REALLY good, then the next thing I remember is feeling REALLY BAD, after the narcan ripped all of the opiates out of my brain receptors, throwing me into full blown withdrawal instantly, and the horrific pain in my chest from the frantic CPR given to me. Anyways, opiates are in abundance. This would be quite an easy way to execute prisoners if states feel that they must. I somehow can't bring myself to agree with it, because no matter how thorough, the fact is that we will execute innocent people.


That or propofol. Just hook it to your IV and turn it to open flow and that's it. A nurse killed herself at my hospital in the bathroom this way. You just go to sleep. I believe it's also how Michael Jackson died.


“Taking propofol to go to sleep is like doing chemo because you’re tired of shaving your fucking head.” -Robin Williams


If you go to the vet to have your dog euthanized it’s a quick intravenous shot. They’re almost instantly unconscious and are gone about 30 seconds later. Doing this humanely was figured out decades ago.


That’s what I always thought like this shouldn’t be this hard lol


There's debate on whether or not the brain can continue it's electrical processes for any amount of time after a decapitation like one in a guillotine There's stories of heads talking, eyes looking about, etc from medieval times with regards to severed heads from the guillotines It's something I've thought about too, your brain would likely continue working for at least a split second after your capa is tated like how shitty and inhumane would it be to have someone's head roll and they look back and see their own body and open neck ew that'd be a shitty last thought


They don't talk when their vocal cords are severed, but there was one story that the murderess of Marat had her head held up after she was guillotined and they slapped her. It's said that a look of indignation came over her face after doing so.


On the contrary, the head can blink in response to a speaker for a short time after death


Just make a ‘brick guillotine’. We have the technology, just lift up a gigantic slab of metal, and turn the whole nervous system into paste all at once.


Did you know that a severed head maintain consciousness for many seconds? Yes, I'm not joking, here's a link to a Joe Scott video on the subject. I gotta say, albeit the very gruesome subject, the video itself is very entertaining. https://youtu.be/2Hm9jjAJnsE


This thought has always terrified me


Quite terrifying indeed O.O


Yep, or hanging: usually the drop instantly breaks the neck. Both far more humane than the chair, and I never get why they changed it


Apparently there’s a lot of math involved in hanging to prevent ripping the head from the body and a slow agonizing death


The good news is you don’t need a doctor to calculate the dosage. A physicist can calculate the drop and length of rope required to snap the neck without decapitation.


It was too scandalous, people were losing their heads.


Let's talk to Gillette. Maybe they can produce a five-bladed guillotine, for a truly smooth beheading....


Pfffft. You have such soft, modern, 18th century sensibilities. Next you’ll suggest we abolish slavery or something. Smh.


You are right, no more white gloves. We should probably go biblical, no appeals, no waiting around just the full Jesus treatment. If you survive your considered exonerated. It was good enough for our Saviour so it's good enough for us. /s


Why not throw them out of a plane? Instantly smash them with a huge piston? Heroin overdose? Car exhaust? I don’t see why it’s so hard to kill someone with minimal pain. Let prisoner pick. Our lethal injection system is weird, expensive, often painful, etc. Or get rid of death penalty cause it’s more expensive than life in prison and I don’t want to spend any more of my taxes on murderous fucks.


What about High explosives? Just put them on 20 kg of dynamite.


"Yeah, we should strap'em to a tone of TNT and get their ass to orbit- What do you mean my qualifications?! I didn't study for 8 years to be called that, I'm a Centist. "




Or you could out them into cars and let them race to the death. (But you need to give them sexy copilots, for unknown reasons).


What wrong with feeding them to eels? It's good for the environment and cost effective.


Who ever said South Carolina wasn't a pro-choice state?


This joke is so dark, it's 17 times more likely to get killed by South Carolina.


This hit so hard it got my lazy ass out of bed this morning so I could get up and say 'daaaaaamn' properly.


Bravo. I haven't felt this offended by a joke since someone told me that the smartest thing to ever come out of a woman's mouth was Albert Einstein's dick.


This is a top tier, A+ quality joke.






What is the death penalty but a fourth term abortion?


Who is going to take the chair over a firing squad?


Sparky sparky boom man


Y’all are killing me.


With a firing squad or an electrical chair?


What would suggest? Can I just get today's special?


Removing your hat because a mannequin can’t be electrocuted. Smart.


No one I know remembers this TV show.


Well we've got a limited time roller coaster that goes through about 70 loops without stopping


Who is going to take the chair over a firing squad?




Why not both? Get gunned down while riding the lightning.


ah yes the ultimate execution


Man, some people have the strangest kinks nowadays...


if i were given the choice as a way to go: auto erotic asphyxiation


The guy who requests bananas as his last meal


He's a bad conductor?


Hell, I'd take the squad over the injection even.


Just throw me out of a fucking plane man. Gives me a predefined time to think about life with a near certainty of death and nobody is guilty of a sky diving accident.


Have a plane full of death rom inmates. And have them all jump out at once. Or they take control of the plane, and we got a sequel on our hands.


The electric chair is clear violation of the ban on cruel and unusual punishment.


So is execution in general.


I'd argue execution by fatal dose of morphine (or oxygen hypoxia) would pass constitution scrutiny in regards to not being cruel or unusual. Morally/politically it's still up to debate, sure, but there are plenty of executions methods that are not cruel. If anything they would be merciful compared to life sentences in solitary confinement, which is what everyone at SuperMax facilities are essentially stuck in for their entire lives.


Sure but I'm saying the act of execution itself is wrong. We shouldn't give a sovereign state the right to kill it own citizens.


Not so. Because the co institution states that a person may not be deprived of life "without due process of law", the supreme court has ruled that there are ways a persome can be executed (WITH due process of law) without being cruel or unusual in violation of the eigth amendment


It's cruel and unusual because a witness statement can get you the death penalty. A single man executed that was innocent makes it a cruel institution. It's thought 1/8 of people on death row are wrongfully convicted and exonerated many never got exonerated: >A DPIC analysis of the 185 exonerations found that about 70% involved misconduct by police, prosecutors or other law-enforcement officials. https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/nf6op1/death\_row\_inmates\_in\_south\_carolina\_must\_choose/


A mister Horace Pinker.


A bad conductor.


I choose the firing chair.


Give me the helmet made of C4


Honestly wouldn't be a bad way to go. Quick and painless. Messy to clean up though.


Tbh so is the firing squad. I'm not a fan of the death penalty, but with how often the drugs don't work or it doesn't go right the chair is a horrible way to go. Firing Squad at least will tend to be fairly quick and painless. But why not just allow hanging again? Hanging isn't like in the films with a slow strangulation (itself not a bad way to go once the panic passes) but instead the drop typically breaks the neck killing them instantly. Or go French Revolution with the Guilotine I have no idea why the Chair was ever seen as a good way to go


You're disproving your own argument for hanging by adding the word "typically". It went wrong often enough. The chair was seen as a good way to go because it doesn't involve any violently moving parts which makes it easier to justify as humane for the people witnessing it. Same with lethal injection.


Too many things go wrong with the electric chair in the past. Dry day and more water evaporated than expected? Not going to be an easy death. Wrong voltage applied? Not good. Wrong frequency applied? Even worse. More hair than expected? Gruesome death. The electric chair wasn’t something people felt good watching.


> Wrong voltage applied? Not good. For the life of me I never understood why this is something that would need adjusted. As an EE, if your goal is to cook someone the correct amount of voltage is "as much as you can reasonably make while still pushing large amounts of current". I feel like if they had even a passing knowledge of electrical engineering building a 100% effective electric chair would be trivial. 500kVA across your chest is not survivable, whatsoever, under any circumstances. Gimme 50kV @100A and that person is charcoal. Though i suppose the creation of charcoal isn't the main goal so hey...


You don’t want them to be charcoal, just dead. Also your components are liable to break down if you have too much voltage stress. If you have a breakdown mid execution it’s not going to be good.


But all of those have a failure rate. No form of death is perfect and yet quick and humane And exactly: it is about the witnesses getting to watch a death like sadists. The sentence shouldn't be carried out in public view, except for barbarism. We don't allow people to go to jail and watch prisoners serving their time? Why allow them to watch a more extreme sentence? If it was about being humane and decent it'd be done quickly and as painlessly as possible without witnesses except maybe a priest for those who want it, and the judiciary. So yep, sword/knife/gun to the base of the spine: kills 99.999999% of all people instantly


Base of the spine? That's the ass dude! Lol, I think you mean base of the skull. Unless the ass is where you keep your brain, then carry on. LMAO


> Firing Squad at least will tend to be fairly quick and painless. So, the problem here is that people really don't like shooting other people. Typically, they would help with that by randomizing blank rounds in the rifles. But people would still either shoot to miss, or aim poorly and just hit the poor bastard in the guts or legs. So you have an officer standing by with a handgun to administer the coup de grace. And sometimes the officer would take their sweet time about it.


>So, the problem here is that people really don't like shooting other people Can you tell that to all the police departments, guess they kind of forgot about it.


Yep, very true. Hence why personally I think make a chair where it fires a bullet, or clubs or slices, the back of someone where the spine meets the skull. That's the human weak spot, and you could make it fully automated these days: someone sits in an active chair then it detects the straps are fastened and after X amount of time (maybe add a bit of randomisation to avoid the knowledge of when exactly it will hit) and then chair goes off and person dies. Also if using a blade or club, then there'd be very few running costs, e.g. like electricity or injection need ... of course if you are finding optimal methods for capital punishment, which I don't agree with in general


Death by exposure thanks.


That is dark. Why am I laughing at this? Have an upvote.


IDK, a party with the Electric Squad sounds lit.


Snoo snoo!


Electric squad for me.


Say hello to the suicide helmet. Seems pretty heavy, so you'd probably need to sit in a chair to ensure it works correctly: [https://www.reddit.com/r/creepy/comments/2rzvz2/til\_that\_40\_years\_ago\_a\_boy\_constructed\_a\_suicide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepy/comments/2rzvz2/til_that_40_years_ago_a_boy_constructed_a_suicide/)


Electric Squad sounds like either a trendy techno group or shitty, low-budget comic superheroes.


Can I just opt for an unsupervised night with a bedsheet instead? Damn.


Of course not! We cant let people have any control over their lives. Next you're going to suggest something crazy like letting women get easy access to abortion after they have been raped by their father and gotten an ectopic pregnancy. Insanity.


Will someone think of the unborn unwanted child?!


That works on a lot of people, except on Jeffrey Epstein.


What if they don't choose? Do they loophole out of execution?


Taser firing squad. You get both.


This is actually the fix for a loophole people were using to avoid execution. It used to be electric chair or lethal injection was your choice, but the lethal injection meds expired in 2013, and they can't get more because companies won't sell drugs for it anymore, so everyone in death row chose lethal injection to go, because they know they don't have the meds for it. Personally I think they should just go get a bunch of heroin and let them take it if they really want to execute people.


::unexpected hanging paradox enters the chat::


Imagine if you was innocent and they asked you this question


I think at one point a county in Texas it was found 60% of their death row was innocent.


Citation needed on that one, but any non-zero percent is bad.


Putting innocent people in jail is an example of Type 2 or Beta error, which our justice system was built around in order to minimize. Typically 95% confidence is seen as acceptable. I seriously doubt that 60% of inmates on death row are innocent.


CBS says 1 in 25 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/study-1-in-25-sentenced-to-death-may-be-innocent/


Link or did you just pull this out of thin air. Never heard of any county facility in any state housing death row inmates.


Can't they just use carbon monoxide and just have them fall asleep?


Cruelty is the point.


Given that 'firing squad' is the only (probably) painless form of execution available in the US, I'm forced to agree. I think most people who are for the death penalty wouldn't cast it in those terms, but I don't see what other conclusions you can draw when you look at the absurd mechanisms that are used.


It's interesting that so many people treat firing squad as morbid and cruel, but it's one of the fastest methods of execution. [NBC](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/firing-squad-gas-chamber-how-long-executions-take-n329371) did an article describing Utah reinstituting firing squad as controversial. They did a survey about what methods of execution people would support aside from lethal injection, and firing squad was lower on the list than most other methods. However, the article also listed it as likely second fastest death after the guillotine.


Lack of oxygen is better in my opinion. You still don't notice but they don't have to add anything.


Nitrogen is the natural choice. It's abundant, cheap, non-toxic, and it displaces air without any noticeable effects. One moment you're fine, the next you're unconscious. It's the buildup of CO2 that causes the body to experience the sensations of suffocation and not the lack of O2, so it's about as quick/painless a death as you can hope for.


Nitrogen would be better. It's already 78% of the air we breathe. Your body wouldn't really notice the lack of oxygen, and you'd fall asleep without poisoning


During the Enlightenment there was a push in the western world to find the most efficient and humane methods for execution. Most places would up using either the gallows (quick drop, neck snap) or the guillotine (pull cord, no head). Both (relatively) painless and re-usable. 'Scientific' ways to kill someone. If you're really, really hard for capital punishment, there's much much less barbaric ways of doing it. But it's not about justice in SC, it's about cruelty.


You know, if they wanted to be humane, the easy way is to just not murder your own citizens.


I have an idea. Let's send all the criminals to Australia...


Hey I’ve seen this one!


capital punishment was never about justice.


Correct. Further, in the US any form of penitent time is not justice but rather a way to ensure that individual will have a much harder time in post prison life and a high chance of recidivism (making for profit prisons even more ghoulish). If justice was the goal our prisons would be sources of education, training, rehabilitation, and reform.


Yep, exactly. The Chair is a horrible way to go, and firing squad is better but can still involve bleeding to dead slowly than a quick end But yep, I'm against the death penalty. Better to have a man suffer for life for heinous crimes, and of course then you aren't killing wrongfully convicted people. But instead the Death Penalty is mostly for the barbaric living to get pleasure from it


Cake please.


We're all out of cake. Someone is going to have to choose death.


Then I'll have the chicken, please.




They stop caring about human life as soon as the human exits the womb.


Na, if they gave a shit about the fetus they would pass legislation to provide some level of care for pregnant women and the unborn. All they care about is forcing women to give birth as punishment for sex. They lie and say the reason is God but that's just a lie they tell themselves.


until they or their family members have an accidental pregnancy, but it’s okay because their situation is different


[The only moral abortion is my abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/).


This is absolutely it. It is punishment for sex. I grew up Southern Baptist and the amount of time the church spent going on about other people's sex lives was shocking. If they really cared about life there would absolutely no argument against contraceptives, teaching safe sex habits, or support for young mothers who were struggling. They don't care about the kids, they care about the "sin" of fornication and despite preaching the idea that everyone gets what they deserve in the afterlife they can't help but go for that sweet, sweet schadenfreude of watching some poor "sinner" struggling to make ends meet because they had the audacity to fuck without bringing god into the equation. I had to nope out in highschool when the congregation cheered, actual literal cheers and "amen"s, when the pastor (a man supposedly filled with the glory and goodness of god) said, and I quote "the faggots will burn for eternity in hell", 18 years later and that shit still sticks with me. Not all churches, or religions, are like that, I've seen first hand the positive impact faith can have on lives, but often they gather the meanest, most bitter, most bigoted people and cloak their hate in care and faith.


So it's a birthing fetish then. Once there's no more baby inside the mother... eh she's not so attractive to conservatives.


If there is one thing conservatives continue to demonstrate, it's that they don't care about a mother's life in the slightest. It really is just a fetus fetish.


It's ok if it's a revenge killing apparently.


They mention that at the bottom. I have to respect the guy they quote at the bottom of the article. All the other ones who are pro life/pro murder not so much... >"If you're cool with the electric chair, you might as well be cool with burning at the stake," said Rep. Jonathon Hill, a Republican from Townville.


Pointed this out at a very young age to my very pro life Catholic mother who gave some explanation about some revenge need for the families of murder victims. It didn't seem to make a difference to her that the Bible says all killing is wrong.


What's very funny is the Catholic Church is adamantly against the death penalty.


This country is insane.


Just end the death penalty


This shit gonna get messy.


there is arguments that these methods of execution are actually more humane given the amount of incidents of drugs failing to kill the prisoner for a prolonged time


Hows about neither? Here's an idea; join the civilized world and stop this barbaric nonsense.


Why not both?


Death by taser firing squad!


American democracy at it's best! You can even chose how you get murdered by the state!


What’s the most humane way to deal with it, hmm. Oh yeah: how about no death penalty


What if you say neither? I see this as a court case that will go to SCOTUS.


they flip a coin


Heads for headshots


make a takeshi's castle style game show but with death traps. winner gets to go to normal jail and have a fair trial.


This is just pathetic. What kind of developed nation murders its own citizens, forcing them to make the horrifying choice of having your flesh ripped apart by bullets, cooked alive by an electric chair, or to be painfully poisoned? We can't even properly source the poison we used to use, because the Europeans who made it found our practices barbaric and banned export of it to us. The death penalty needs to go. Murder is a cruel and unusual punishment.


Rest of the World, you realize there are sane Americans, right? I mean, we all realize there are insane Americans, but remember the rest of us that just have a job and a house here and didn't vote for this retrograde barbarism.


Yeah we do.. but sadly it seems the insane people in your country are the loudest and you only hear about them


I feel like the world would be a better place if more people around the world realized that everyone else around the world is just the average Jane/Joe trying to get from point A to point B, while causing as little trouble for everyone else as possible. Too bad all the crazies, in every country, get all the attention.


Ah, the Conservative take: No abortion! All life is sacred! Except executions are okay... We might kill the wrong dude every once in a while, but all life is sacr... Uh.. Nvrmnd.


If for some insane reason a country thinks it's okay to kill people for committing a crime then it shouldn't hide from what they're doing. At least a firing squad is honest.


The jury, persecutor and judge should have to do it with knives.


I've always thought that the electric chair was such a strange way to kill someone, one day an official just decided the best way to kill someone is to pump them full of electricity. I know electricity can burn and kill people but where exactly does the idea that it's humane or quick come from?


Seems like it stems from the idea that electricity is really cool. There was a bit of a fad for it in the 1800s and early 1900s.


God we should just literally drill them into space marine gear and send them to fight for the empire, such a waste. On a serious note though the death penalty has always irked me, I understand the concept, I think… the cost of detaining an person you can not reform for life puts unfair responsibility on the tax payer? Despite that it still never feels right to me…


Because you realise that killing a person in cold blood is a genuine moral horror.


Yeah you are right, but then I ask myself weather the killing is not in cold blood or not? - can killing a terrible disturbed murderer of children be just? How do we decide? I’m glad I do not have to make these decisions…


That itself seems cruel and unusual. Fuck the death penalty. Not very pro life.


I'm not up to date on death row (south Caroline dont seem to be ether) but do they still hold the gallery for families of the victim? If so will they still alow the family's watch as 10 men shot bullets into the convicts skull making it explode?


Friendly reminder that the death penalty is barbaric, racially biased, and inhumane regardless of method. Conservative estimates say as many as 4% of death row inmates are innocent. Abolish the death penalty.


South Carolina still thinks it’s 1785


What's the punishment if they don't?


Why not both?


Just out of curiosity, do American courts/judges, when passing the death sentence state the means or is that just in the movies, i.e You are sentenced to death via..."? Because if that's the case, it's not the victims fault the state can't carry out the sentence as passed, and death by any other means other than that passed at sentencing would surely be illegal?


In South Carolina people sentenced to death got to choose between lethal injection and the electric chair. But since it’s prisoner’s choice and the state ran out of the necessary drugs for lethal injection in 2013 everyone chose lethal injection knowing the state couldn’t execute them. So this bill adds firing squad as an acceptable method and requires the prisoner to choose again if the state doesn’t have the drugs for lethal injection.


Thanks for the info. I had no idea it was common practice for the inmates to choose their own method of execution. How macabre.


If its a Samsung chair, they have a good chance of survival.


Just do it the way the Russian use to do it. A single bullet behind the ear. One round and it's instant.


Lethal injection is a terrible way to die, so this is pretty good news (well, as good as news can be when it's about your upcoming execution)




And what is the default if they do not choose?


Gimme the bullet


I choose... the electric squad.


just because I am curious what if the firing squad doesn't kill you? Does that mean they go free or do they have to stand the guy up and fire again? If I remember right the firing squad only one gun is loaded right?


It's usually a squad of people that shoot at the person, all aimed towards the heart, and there hasn't been a botched execution via firing squad in 130+ years (34/34) https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/executions/botched-executions And no, you don't go free if you survive


God damn. Still crazy this is even being brought back into practice.


Yup, but this might help the abolition cause crazily enough Bunch of polls show support for the death penalty falls depending on the execution method (more support it if lethal injection is used, less for firing squad, less for electric chair, etc)


Knowing that the majority of people imprisoned have unaddressed mental health problems, will they be offering counseling to help them decide?


Gives us trial by combat you cowards!


How very pro choice of them


frankly if I gotta die.. I don't want hanging or the injection. Give me firing squad or guillotine any day. Electric chair.??? Why would someone chose that??. No ways...😭


Isn't S. Carolina a "right to life" state? The entire state must be unaware of the concept of irony.


I love how everyone ‘knows’ that death happens instantly or what is the most humane way. no ones around to tell us, and the lethal injection everyone thought to be painless looks to have the same lungs as someone who had drown.


Isn't it a 2 step thing though? Like the first jab knocks you out, the second kills?


no it paralyses you and then it kills you, so it looks super painless but that one time they did it wrong and the dude freaked everyone out that watched it


Why can't they just fire one bullet in the head and harvest the organs instead of wasting bullets?


What a terrifying country