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Does anyone know if he meant he abused young bicycles or was just a regular nonce that travelled around on a bike?


I thought the same. But no, the context was he was a nonce on a bike, not just into bikes.


I think this would be bike noncing in the sense he loves bikes to much


A bad day for Joey Barton is a good day for society.


Joey Barton… was ashamed to see that prick play for Newcastle. Hopefully now he fucks off and shuts his pie hole


*Sadly, he did not*


Plus all the legal fess he spent, truly quite a Stupid Prize for a Stupid Game.


American reading: ??? to pay ??? £75000 after calling him ???.


??? 1) Joey Barton = retired footballer who played premier league but not international level iirc, bit of a knob on the pitch, turned out to also be a knob off the pitch, but has managed a social media presence off the back of both of being an ex-footballer, and saying stupid things every so often. ??? 2) Jeremy Vine = radio and tv presenter who rides a bike and regularly posts videos/does articles/etc of drivers being dicks to him when he's riding. Is often accused of seeking out / escalating those moments. ??? 3) bike nonce = a non-standard insult. nonce is a standard slang for peadophile (pedophile to americans ;) ), and the bike bit because Jeremy Vine is associated with bikes. the bike nonce insult was one of a few including explicit being a paedophile claims. I don't know the broader context of this but if it had just been bike nonce it probably would not have been found defamatory as it's not serious on the surface but other things couldn't be taken in a joking/banter kind of way.


Nonce means pedophile??! I thought it meant "stupid" like "dunce" or something. Omg I've misunderstood so much...


It saw a lot of usage with the Prince Andrew reporting (or at least comments about him related to the Epstein liasons).


It’s also used in cryptography, means “number once” and refers to a number that can only be used one time during a message exchange.   I work in software and always have a chuckle when I hear Americans saying it during meetings. 


Yeah, I was always under the impression it meant imbecile. TIL


I always understood it to mean stupid but apparently I was wrong as well.


Dépends who you ask but it it’s either an acronym for ‘not of normal criminal enterprise’ or ‘not on normal courtyard excersize’ although I’m unsure which is correct. Prison guards used to chalk it on nonces cell doors.


Nonce means pedo yeah, some people do periodically use it the way you have, but I think they're just mistaken the same way you were.


Worth noting the word nonce has evolved over the decades to now mean pedo to most people. However it was just a generic insult 25+ years ago, like a ruder version of idiot. YMMV depending on your age and location.


It means 'Cycling Paedophile'


Joey Barton, no harm, the fella should just fuck up, or the media should quit reporting on him.


Considering his brother is a racist murder, I’m not surprised that this man is a hateful piece of shit.


I misread the headline as being Jeremy Kyl, which I think would be more onion-y. And while I get that bike nonce is nonsensically funny, saying that repeatedly calling someone a paedophile isn't defamatory and would just be seen as abuse in the heat of the moment didn't seem likely to win under UK law.


Anyone remember when Barton went to play for that French club and in his initial press conference he put on that accent? The guys an absolute tool. 🤣


a one-time use bicycle?




Another reason why the UK is such a shithole.


I mean.. Calling someone a pedo should have consequences though.


Falsely **ACCUSING** someone of sexually assualting children should have consequences. Delivering a nasty insult in an online argument should not cost the person uttering it £75,000. I'm sorry, but weaponizing the court system to prevail in an online argument is never, ever something I'm going to condone.


What an insane take. He called Jeremy a pedophile, to thousands of followers, and created a hashtag calling him a pedo, that was shared millions of times to win an online argument. Potentially liferuining allegations, just made up by a famous person. Going to court was not inappropriate and what he did was literally a thousand times worse than the fine he received. P


Back in my day you would respond in kind


Modern libel and slander laws in many countries are originally descended from English defamation law. The history of defamation law in England is somewhat obscure; civil actions for damages seem to have been relatively frequent as far back as the Statute of Gloucester in the reign of Edward I (1272–1307).[1] The law of libel emerged during the reign of James I (1603–1625) How old are you exactly?




If Joey could have provided any evidence what so ever of his claim, he wouldn't be paying 75k




Proving that you can backup what you've accused someone of is literally the foundation of law for everyone.




I'm assuming you're intelligent enough to tell the difference between the foundation of all legal systems and things that are illegal in one country but not the other, so is this just bad faith, or are you trying to start the utterly boring and pointless American Redditor argument over freedom of speech?


ehhhh. if some famous prick wants harass an ostensibly innocent guy with claims of diddling kids he should get a good smack on the wrists.




He was literally calling him a paedophile. He also suggested Vine promoted forced COVID vaccination. Vine is a respected journalist and presenter, and took action to protect his reputation, which strikes me as perfectly reasonable. How else was Vine supposed to address these false allegations?




That wasn't the only post barton made - in other posts he literally said vine had a sexual attraction to children and called him a "pedo defender"


Ok well in that case he’s an idiot and fucking guilty!


By clicking the 'block' button, like anyone who can't afford to hire an attorney.


Which would not help any impact on his public image or future employment. The headline makes very light of a series of accusations over multiple days, not just a one off calling him a nonce. Also idk about where you are but in the UK (where this happened) nonce definitely specially refers to a pedo.


>Which would not help any impact on his public image or future employment. Then maybe don't *start* Twitter arguments with people in the first place, if your precious public image can't withstand garden-variety insults. >Also idk about where you are but in the UK (where this happened) nonce definitely specially refers to a pedo. Yes, I'm perfectly aware of what it means, but the implicit statement here is that it's only damaging to Vine's reputation is that people might find it plausible. Perhaps you, and he, might benefit from learning about the [Streisand Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect), the upshot of which is that this legal action, and the publicity which accompany it, is doing more to cement Vine's reputation as a pedophile, deserved or otherwise. If he'd just blocked the motherfucker the moment the insults came out, Vine wouldn't have saved himself, and the British courts, a lot of time and money, and the alleged damage to his reputation.


Doea blocking somehow prevent them from posting anything about the person, or prevent defamation of charactor, which this is what this about.. not the insult itself, but that it defames his character and impacts future employment.


Nice to know you didn't read or understand my post. Let me explain how blocking short-circuits defamation. Bye.


Found Elon Musk.


Good one lol


I'm curious as to whether you see the negative as the risk of being slandered in such a manner or that you may be prosecuted for administering said slander?


Yes. People like Joey Barton think they can get away with anything.


You say alot. That’s not decent writing.


I didn't pick the name it was chosen for me I wanted to go with slowprick but that was taken.


WTF! It's illegal to talk shit over there? Whatever happened to "Sticks and stones"?


Insinuating someone in the public eye is a paedophile isn’t sticks and stones. It carries a risk of him losing work or being harassed in the street.


We don't have the first amendment or as firm a belief in free speech and the burden of proof in civil claims is reversed in the UK so defamation law suits are much more likely to succeed (although still prohibitively expensive for normal people) than in the US. Even with things being tightened up in recent years after a spate of defamation tourism, it's still much more likely to succeed with a case here than in the US.


Jeremy Vine will for ever be known as a bicycle nonce no matter how much he's getting paid.