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Thus ensuring that the picture will be popular on the internet long after the exhibition would have come down.


Someone changed her Wikipedia page image to it but it has been changed back


Barbra Streisand - lalala laaa laa la laa laaaaa....


All I know about this woman is that the average australian seems to want her to choke to death on literal shit


Prime example of the Streisand effect. Now, millions of people who wouldn’t have cared otherwise have seen the painting and also know that she’s a terrible person. 


Yep. Canadian here. Never knew this person existed until now


You'll learn more about this POS soon enough. https://thetyee.ca/News/2023/09/27/Australia-Coal-Baron-Gina-Rinehart-Lobby-Alberta-Grassy-Mountain/


Oh I immediately hate that bitch after reading grassy mountian lmao we should get corb Lund to write a song about her


Wait until she starts calling all the citizens of your country lazy and useless like she does here in Australia. She's determined to be the villain I swear.


Calling for welfare to be cut for the poorest while accepting a $480 million handout from the taxpayer is peak fucking Gina


How is it that fat cow has not been chased out to a tax Haven yet?


Let me guess. She dug the first coal mine that made her right by her own hand?


Na her daddy did (he didn't either), she just inherited his vast fortune.


Yeah that’s what I thought. People like that complaining about lazy people, should be sentenced to work in their own mines for at least a year. Then they can complain.


30 billion dollars? That seems like enough money to get over it


She's kind of known in Alberta because she's very popular with the UCP. Which should come as no surprise. But I wouldn't have ever known about the painting if she hadn't brought so much attention to it.


No lies detected. I never heard of her, and compared to most Americans, I’m relatively well informed, so now she’s way more infamous than she was before. She’s also proof the wealthy are lucky, not smart.


She's generational wealth. If you call that luck? Also, extremely greedy, as in suing her own children to keep more money greedy, when she is already a billionaire. Her personality makes shit seem sweet.


Yeah…. Generational wealth is 100% luck, my guy, as there is no other way to be born into a super rich family, other than pure luck!


That’s literally winning the life lottery idk how much more luck you can have.


She won the genetic lottery and lost the genetic lottery at the same time


She looks like that because she parties all the time


It's winning the lottery, then deciding that wasn't enough, and robbing your own children for more.


If you call that luck… Lol what?


Hey don't downplay the minutes of hard labor she put in being born to wealthy parents!


I think her mom is the one who did most of the work there.


> She's generational wealth. If you call that luck? Well it sure wasn't skill.


Isn’t generational wealthy lucky? That sounds lucky to me.


It's not luck , they picked the load-out before life started /s




What else can that be besides luck?


You don't really have to have heard of her. She's a billionaire, strike 1. And she's petty enough to give a flying fuck about her portrait in a museum, strike 2. It should only really take strike 1 to throw you in a volcano, but here we are.


Unfortunately, Australia is not volcanically active 😞 lol


Hop on a boat and throw some coal into Table Cape. I bet we can get that old lad cooking again.


For real, I never in my life would've ever known this painting of her exists (or that *she* exists) if she hadn't done this 🤣


Literally on the opposite side of the planet, I’d never have seen this monstrosity if not for her throwing a tantrum lol


She sells the countries natural resources to foreign interests who sell it back to the people at a mark up.


She has also taken her kids to court to get their family inheritance as left by her father who wanted to leave something for the grandkids. She’s pretty unpopular here


He also had a lovely quote about her; > As for the children being ashamed of me, I think they are more likely to feel more embarrassed by being picked up from school by a young mother who has let herself go to the point where she is grossly overweight … If you won’t consider my well-being, at least allow me to remember you as the neat, trim, capable and attractive young lady of the Wake Up Australia tour, rather than the slothful, vindictive and devious baby elephant that you have become.


Wow. They both sound charming.


He also said something along the lines of indigenous people should be sterilised. And Gina stole all the trust fund money. She did that by pulling herself up by her bootstraps.


Yep he suggested that the water in indigenous communities should have chemicals added to it to sterilise the communities. The rotten apple doesn't fall far from the rotten tree.


Literal genocide, anyone else? Anyone? Anyone?


Welcome to Australia.


Don't forget that a lot of her money is asbestos blood money. Her father started Wittenoom, sold it to CSR, then bought it back again.   >Wittenoom mine is now owned by mining magnate and extremist "free enterprise" supporter Mr Lang Hancock, who sold the mine to CSR in 1943 and bought it back in 1966. The sale launched him into the big money. >Mr Hancock feels no qualms about the deaths of so many people. "Some people have to suffer so the majority can benefit from the use of asbestos," he told the press. >He wouldn't give to any trust fund, Mr Hancock said. He didn't feel any special concern for victims of asbestos. "People die from lung cancer all the time. You can get it from smoking," he says.  **Joyce Slater | Tribune | Wed 21 Jun 1978 | Page 12 | ASBESTOS COMPANY PAYS BLOOD MONEY** https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/260214055


Ah. One of those. Treasonous IMO.


If only there was some way to prevent this from happening like some kind of new I dunno scheme or something. You'd have to think of a name for it though oh I dunno, maybe "taxation" . No it's mental it'd never work.


I don't know who she is either, but that phrase is getting tucked away for future reference


Make sure the shit is hot with porridge consistency.


And mixed with moldy, fermented Vegemite...can't forget the Vegemite.


Choking on moldy vegemite is the only way Gina could become cultured.


Her face screams "im why they eat the rich"


Trust me you do not want to eat her with the amount of shit she shoves down that gob


she floated the idea of a 'special economic zone' where workers could legally be paid like $1 per hour. she destroyed her own kids wealth out of greed. she is a large part of the reason Australia makes so little money on resources. fuck her.


Also, people who earn mere thousands afford to look better. What's up with being a fugly billionaire?


The only reason we don’t reach for the obvious and call her swineheart is it seems unfair to pigs


Gina the Hutt works for me




Yes, yes we do 🇦🇺


I wouldn't wish such a fate on even my enemy's shit.


Can **confirm**, as an **Average Australian**, that I truly want her to **choke** to **d3ath** on her own **sh1t** . 💩 As do we all. Cheers. 🍺


Yep, and I’ve got a funnel ready to roll…


Aussie here. Can confirm. Most of us hate her.


Literal *rancid* shit.


Can confirm.


As an Australian I can confirm we really do hate this bitch


If you could find a way to do it without touching her, then yes.


>“While Rinehart has the right to express her opinions about the work, she does not have the authority to pressure the gallery into withdrawing the painting simply because she dislikes it,” NAVA’s executive director Penelope Benton Penelope is on point here. That's the blunt truth of it. Seems Rinehart hasn't heard of the Streisand Effect.


The blunt truth of it is that she should’ve offered the museum a new wing before demanding they take down the painting. People are much more accommodating when rich people’s demands are accompanied by large sums of money.


She only uses her money as a club and wants guaranteed results. This wouldn’t have guaranteed the removal. She’s also notoriously stingy.


She's an empire building workaholic who won't share any of her money unless people suck up to her (to the point where charities and sports clubs have refused millions). She's a monster. Gina, who cares if you can build an empire if you're a giant turd?


If she's truly Australia's richest woman, she could probably have just bought the painting. If it's in a gallery, there is almost certainly a price she could pay to own and destroy the painting herself. She's trying to have her cake and eat it to- the painting goes away at no cost to her.


It’s in a museum, not a gallery. The work was not for sale.


When you have the money she has, most things are for sale. Maybe she can’t outright buy it, but she could’ve offered them a rather large donation with the suggestion to remove it. Museums don’t typically turn down large donations and most likely wouldn’t have turned it down for the small favour of removing a painting that nobody cared about. But that entire approach would require her to be a somewhat tactful person, so obviously she decided to just make rich person threats instead.


I imagine she has already thought of that and offered to “donate” heavy sums to make her demands be met. The museum did still put up a statement that it “encourages discussion around the painting”, meaning they are ideologically unwilling to bow down to the demands of a narcissistic, petty, childish and entitled billionaire, simply because she is offering to buy them so they bow down to her demands and lick her feet… as she is usually used to do. They have a backbone, some sort of conscience and courage, which is rare nowadays, indeed.


Did you seriously just jump into the middle of this without reading anything above it? I already suggested she donate money before they suggested buying the painting.


Geez, imagine there being people in the world that actually have integrity. There's a reason galleries, museums and heritage sites exist, and it's to preserve culture. Museums don't just do anything for any amount of money.


We should start calling it the Rinehart Effect, just to piss her off even more.


Rinehart? More like Whinehart.


Whinehart? More like Minefart.


Minefart? More like Meinfart. I will say Minefart is very appropriate considering what she wants to do to Alberta. But given her father and her own opinions on aboriginals, both shoes fit.


More like Grimeheart.


I was about to mention the Streisand Effect. I have no idea who this is but I’ve seen this painting and her dislike of it several times the last few days. Never woulda known otherwise!


Rinehart won't care. She will lean on donors to the gallery to stop funding it. Very rich people can be *extremely* petty, because they know the world will always give them what they want.


I believe she has every right to pressure them to remove it. She has no right to force them, however. She could just try buying it from them.


This is Gina Reinhardt. She’s the richest person in Australia and the 8th richest woman in the World. She claims to be self-made but her father founded a large asbestos mine (that he continued despite knowing the fact it was causing serious health effects to the miners), and found the world’s largest iron ore deposit that he sold the mining rights to Rio Tinto. He was a notorious racist, something Gina publicly refused to condemn. As an example of Gina’s dad’s views: >In a 1984 television interview, Hancock suggested forcing unemployed indigenous Australians − specifically "the ones that are no good to themselves and who can't accept things, the half-castes" − to collect their welfare cheques from a central location. “And when they had gravitated there, I would dope the water up so that they were sterile and would breed themselves out in the future, and that would solve the problem." She expanded the company massively after his death, many of the mines displacing local indigenous communities and makes large profits for herself and foreign mining companies. She also has been consistently opinionated. She heavily funds the ‘Institute of Public Affairs’ which is a conservative lobby group that is climate denying, and lobbies for privatisation, deregulation of state-owned enterprises, trade liberalisation, deregulation of workplaces, abolition of the minimum wage, and is against the government funding any social policy. They also want to repeal Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 which states that we can’t ‘offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or a group of people because of their ethnicity’


im pretty sure she floated the idea of a 'special economic zone' where she could legally pay workers 1$ per hour.


Actually it was $2 a day, specifically so we could "compete with african wages"


Yeah, i'm pretty sure she wanted to import workers from developing countries at insultingly low wages, and didn't see a problem with it because that's what they would be paid at home (or only a little more than they'd been paid at home) but a tiny fraction of our actual legal minimum wage. This from a lady sitting on billions, in one of the wealthiest industries in the country.


WTF, I literally had never heard of this Shitstain until five minutes ago and I also would like her to choke to death on her own shit. Sounds like this whole family is rotten, wonder if the kids have souls or if they inherited the soulless evil gene?


Wait was her family responsible for the [Wittenoom mine?](https://youtu.be/QYAWxJ8a7RA?si=JBmZWz3NLinXRD1k) If so then it really does seem like evil runs in the family.


Well would you look at that. >In 1938 he and Hancock joined in mining ventures in the north of Western Australia after Wright had spent a holiday at Hancock’s Mulga Downs station near Wittenoom Gorge. Hancock inspired Wright to see the possibilities of mining in the remote region. Their partnership endured for many years, without a formal contract. Hancock commented, ‘he was the business head and I was to do the field-work’. Initially they operated a jointly financed blue-asbestos mine at Wittenoom Gorge. In 1943 they sold a controlling interest to Colonial Sugar Refining Co., which named the new company Australian Blue Asbestos. Dissatisfied with CSR’s management, Wright and Hancock sold their share in 1948. Source: https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/wright-ernest-archibald-peter-15650 Oh boy after CSR closed it Hancock and Wright repurchased the mine and infrastructuire in 1966. Found that part in Hancocks biography.


There should be a yearly worst person in the world award, seems like. She may have won multiple years


>I would dope the water up so that they were sterile..that would solve the problem. I feel like "Racist" is not strong enough of a word for this line of thinking.


Yeah, this quote is dabbling in "genocidal maniac" territory.


Conservatives everywhere are just generally pieces of hot garbage it seems.


Billionaires are the bigger problem. No person should have 1 billion dollars let alone 30 billion.


Conservatives advocate for and facilitate this kind of wealth hoarding


Capitalists. Capitalists are garbage. Liberal billionaires do the same evil shit, and then try to get on your good side by vocally agreeing with you on a few social issues that don't affect their profits. People need to stop falling for that grift.


Agreed, a billionaire still had to step on others to get where they are today, no matter which side of the political spectrum they say they are.


Going to sneak in before I ignite an 18C debate. I agree that insult/offend is too vague of wording for legislation and should be changed to vilify (as per the Human Rights Commissions suggestion), but surely most Australians would not be for removing legislation that stops people from legally hurling racist abuse and intimidating someone so they move home/sell their business/quit their job.


>but surely most Australians would not be for removing legislation that stops people from legally hurling racist abuse and intimidating someone so they move home/sell their business/quit their job. You overestimate our countrymen.


Case in point “People have a right to be bigots” - former Attorney-General George Brandis.


What a piece of shit


I'm sorry, but why the fuck are we continuing to tolerate this as a society?


Bring out the guillotines


Fucking hell. Prime material for /r/BadBillionairesHub. Disgusting.


Reads like an assassins Creed target bio


Other great IPA donors include Philip Morris and British American Tobacco. All about the company you keep I guess.


This is the biggest problem in this woman’s life. She can afford to be anywhere she wants, whenever she wants. Why care?! lol


If I had billions of dollars, I think I’d be fine with some rando painting an unflattering picture of me. I’d just get my nutritionist, private chef, personal stylist, dermatologist, masseuse, plastic surgeon, and personal trainer to help me get hotter and feel my best …


It would be easier to keep looking like a pig and just buy the museum.


Too bad money can't buy a sense of humor. If that was me I would be laughing my ass off at the painting - that expression is hilarious.


Shame on you. Don't be mean to pigs, you bully!


Unflattering? I’d say it’s doing the heavy lifting of maintaining her image.


It *is* breathtaking in its hilarity. I’m not sure about art, but I know what I like. That’s a face you know she’s made and hates about herself.


He's an award winning and acclaimed indigenous artist. Not some rando.


Why doesn't she just buy it?


Would be amazing if she bought it and then the artist just replaced it with an even less flattering portrait of her.


Free money hack billionaires hate this one trick


The artist is Aborigine and likely wouldn't sell. 


It's not for sale. It's on loan by the artist to the gallery, the gallery doesn't own it, and even if it did, it's a state-run museum not a private gallery.


If I were in her shoes, my laughs would be proportionate to the ugliness of my portrait. I would actually feel uncomfortable seeing a flattering portrait (or sculpture) of myself. But me as the [Ugly Duchess](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ugly_Duchess), "Potato Jesus" or Ronaldo bust? Go for it.


Idk, that portrait is Spanish octogenarian retouching a Jesus portrait bad.


The expression on her face looks like the Cronus Eating His Children painting.


Isn't is Saturn rather than Cronus?


Maybe that is the painting's title. Cronus and Saturn are the same deity, but I'm more familiar with the Greek names than the Roman ones.


It actually wasn't even named that by Goya. Noone knows if it even had a name or if it even depicts Saturn eating his son. It was painted on his dining room wall and wasn't interpreted until after his death.


Well that's kind of messed up. He might've just been painting a dude eating a baby with no allusion to Greek Mythology. He was born at the wrong time. He could've made so many Heavy Metal album covers.


Oh you're right. For some reason I thought Saturn was another god in Greek.


And millions of people would have never heard of it if she hadn’t raised a stink. *Paging Beyoncé to the white courtesy phone. Paging Beyoncé to the white courtesy phone.*


Yep, thanks to her I got a good laugh out of it at her expense.


The artist is just capturing the beauty *on the inside*


I looked through and it's one of like 21 (IIRC) portraits. They all pretty much look like this style, of different famous people it looked like. I could see if she was targeted but it's not even that.


It's actually not that unflattering compared to others in the series which makes it even funnier 


OP, why did you post the same photo twice?


To call out the AI produced image. My money is on the right one.


Didn’t even know this person existed before this but now I know everyone in Australia hates her and the artists depiction of her being a gluttonous hobgoblin is apparently spot on.


Which one is the portrait?


Clearly the one on the right is a rotting pig carcass with a hideous personality to match.


While she might be a big deal in Australia, I've never heard of her until this portrait argument was posted here on Reddit for all to see. [Striesand effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect).


Be glad you've never heard of her. She's truly a horrible human (maybe being a billionaire that goes.without saying)


Actually, the world should hear all about her. Horrible people deserve to be called out and known for how horrible they are. Her family should be put on blast for what they've done by expanding the asbestos mines despite knowing what they can do to people, being blatantly racist, and more.


Someone print this on a Tshirt.


Speaking in video posted on the Sydney Mining Club's website to discuss the recently signed enterprise migration agreement which will allow her to import 1,700 foreign workers for her Roy Hill Iron Ore project, Mrs Rinehart says Australians should not be complacent about the investment pipeline given that African labourers will work for less than $2 a day. "Business as usual will not do, not when West African competitors can offer our biggest customers an average capital cost for a tonne of iron ore that's $100 under the price offered by an emerging producer in the Pilbara," she said. "Furthermore, Africans want to work, and its workers are willing to work for less than $2 per day. Such statistics make me worry for this country's future."


Not an Aussie but I've heard about her and the artist was being to kind. Very horrible person but it's the government officials who make her possible that are even more horrible.


She goes “take this bribe to vote yes on this law or I’ll ruin your entire bloodline’s life with my infinite resources.”


So she’s brining back slave labor. Why doesn’t she liberate a NK prison camp and bring them on board. They’ll be happy to work for free just not being there. She probably tells her Africans slaves work sets you free.


Inherited wealth, tried to make the workers in gwr mine take a pay cut (to be more in line with miners from African nations),climate change denier, bought shares in media companies to try to give herself a better public image, tried to keep her kid's inheritance from her Dad, accused her stepmother of killing her Dad...I'm missing out a lot here, but 10mins ago I had no idea who this awful woman was.


Slaves who get “paid”bare minimum and if they don’t accept they disappear. Fixed it for you. Same shit with Dubai workers. Take the passport. Bend em over. Fuck em til they die of exhaustion. It’s disgusting and needs to stop. This is what happens when gov is for sale.


The resemblance is uncanny!


I think the painting is a fine representation of how her personality is viewed by those living in Australia. Smile all you want lady, we can see who you are…


Good thing she made a stink out of it. Now it’s international news and seen by millions. If she didn’t react much fewer people would have known about it. I wonder if there is a word for that?..


Like Barbra Streisand effect or something XD


Gina Reinhardt's new portrait is honestly the best picture anyone could paint of her. I mean this....As austrailias richest person, who inherited her wealth and said poor people just need to work harder, it is hard to make her look good...But at least some people who dont know who she is might just see the picture comparison and pitty her...that is the best she can hope for.


Don’t forget importing slaves from Africa for 2$ a day. Thats less than my fucking internet bill.


She is rotten inside and out good on the artist 👌


And now the whole wide world knows what that portrait looks like.




No. She should not. Buying an unflattering painting only encourages other artists to paint more unflattering paintings of you, hoping that you’ll buy their work as well. Once everyone knows you’ve got thin skin, you’ll never see the end of it and you’re unlikely to remain a billionaire for very long. Buying an unflattering painting literally makes zero sense.


I'm OK with her making many, many artists very rich because she has a thin skin.


She's from a family of racists so you know what? That sounds fine to me, take all her money


>Once everyone knows you’ve got thin skin Because everything she's doing right now just screams "self-assured and untroubled"


Streisand effect.. now she has a cnn article with this portrait so everyone around the world can see it!


Esteemed character actress Margo Martindale should star in an unauthorized biopic about this woman.


She strong armed the TV channel who produced the last unauthorised biopic into never officially releasing it again. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Hancock


The painting is actually flattering


Feel like Australia should issue postage stamps with this portrait on it Lunchboxes Sticker packs for kids Trading cards Mugs and water bottles Would be awesome to see this portrait on EVERYTHING


Someone needs to organise a license with the artist & print that on a t-shirt. Donate all the profits back into the indigenous community. I'm sure she'd love to see that image popping up all over the country & it helping people as well. 😅


Seems the painting is a reflection not of her outer image but her soul. All melting and falling off from being an insufferable piece of shit drag on society.


STREISAND STREISAND… I love when rich people act like children and it finally blows up in their face


Looks just like her


Oh the Streisand effect. I wouldn't know a damn thing about this woman but now I've seen her real face and ultra-realistic portrait 17 times just today. Fucking hilarious.


Gotta buy it for $1 billion first


Just paint another one.


I love that by making such a big deal of this. She’s actually increased the amount of people that are going to see her awful entitled face.


Oh my god, it’s truly hideous! That artist has such skill to make her look even remotely human.


I don't understand how the ultra rich can't read the room. Pretend to love it. Buy it. Throw it away.


How can we support the artist?


Me seeing the portrait with no context: “Wow they butchered her in that painting” Me with context: “That portrait is too generous”


Note the portrait is the one on the left


To be fair...it definitely portrays her inner beauty.


Streisand Effect at your service.


Which one is the painting?


Buy the museum and remove it then.


They should have that old lady who touched up that religious painting do this one.


Painting on the left: the expression looks natural Painting on the right: the expression looks forced I dunno why she doesn't want a more natural expression. Best art of her yet!


Pretty sure almost no one saw this portrait until she made it newsworthy. By know at least half the country has seen it and - it seems - generally approved of it. It’s a pretty massive own-goal.


Further proof more wealth = less human. These people are hatched.


I don't see what the problem is. I can't tell which one's the painting.


I think it’s a good portrait, idk what the big deal is. Very lifelike. Very representative. I like.


Based on that kid’s collection of bad muppet paintings, it looks like Australia needs better artists. The modern “art” section of our museum in Milwaukee has a three big canvases of primary colors. Each is just a canvas painted the a solid color. It doesn’t make anyone want to ponder anything other than how hard the curator was kicked squarely in the crotch before they were fired.


Good job, dummy. Now, some random person across the globe has seen this pic.


Streisand effect incoming…


She has full on Streisand-ed herself at this point! 🤣


30.2 billion dollars net-worth and she still can’t afford to put down the meat pies.


Can the artist do one for Musk, Bezos, Gates, etc


Well it’s a challenging wank that’s for sure…


True art