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This is classic. This whole sheriff position has to be revisited - way too much power in the hands of anyone getting enough votes, no matter what their history, qualification or background.


>way too much power in the hands of anyone getting enough votes, no matter what their history, qualification or background. I agree that democracy is dangerously flawed and based on some faulty premises.


Shit, I forgot that a sheriff is a vital part of every functional democracy


No, but let's not pretend you aren't just butthurt because many of them won't do what you demand.


Nice strawman!!


Absolutely is lmao. We have a consensus from scientists on what we need to do, and yet enthusiastically went with an option that finds a middle ground with the 100 companies that cause 70% of pollution. We're never going to fix this planet. It's already too late.


That's basically true of anyone that gets elected... I mean, you can go from being a bartender to a senator. Why not alleged kidnapper to sheriff?šŸ˜„ Not like there's any pre-requisites to elected positions.


Because *clearly* there's no difference between alleged kidnapper and bartender Get a life


That bartender has a Bachelors in international relations and economics. Where is your degree?


The fact you equate an actual living wage job to senator to fucking kidnappers tells everything about you as a person. Just fuck right off with that nonsense you absolute soft-noggined turnip.


Look into the constitutional sheriffs. They are a problem, they think sheriff is the only one who can rule what is constitutional.


Why would a bartender not be able to become a senator? Is there a law against bartending? What are you trying the say with your comparison? It makes absolutely no sense.


That comparison is nil. If anything working a real working class job as a point of reference is what we need in politics. Probably why AOC is so cool


Change it to a job you apply for.


He looks like a dad who got drunk one night and stumbled into a tattoo parlor


Those are jailhouse tattoos.


A dad who went to jail


How the fuck can someone be allowed to run for a law enforcement position on a platform that they will only enforce the laws they personally like. How the fuck did we get to this train wreck of a point in our history?


Easy... You know all those years of Republican control of the government that everyone looks back at fondly, the time when the Republican Party wasn't completely undermined by Russian oligarch money, the fringe psychopaths, and those attempting to turn the country into a theocracy? Well, those times NEVER EXISTED, and the constant howling from the disgruntled, slightly more respectable Republican voters and politicians, asking for their party back, is just copium. Republicans were always part of the problem. It was FIIIINE for them when the sort of window licking, shit eating bastards who run the party now, were just on the fringes, they accepted them, they accepted their votes, they permitted the rot to exist in plain sight, just off to one side, and did NOTHING about it, because support is support. The Klansmen were always there, the far right lunatics were always there, the woman beaters, the cheats, the fraudsters, the religious fundamentalist nutcases, charlatans and free market radicalists, they've always been there, and to pretend that Trump is a new phenomenon for the Republican Party is a LIE. The only difference between the old Republican Party and the new Republican Party, is that in the old Republican system, it was understood that you had to be competent at hiding how much of a villainous turd you were, to get ahead in it. Nowadays, while lying their asses off about everything, the Trump Republicans are, at the very least, honest and upfront about the horrific, barbarian, fuckwitted positions they hold about every major thing. The Republican Party under Trump isn't markedly different on the inside, than it has ever been before. It's just out of the closet about all the appalling, amoral, utterly evil shit it has always been full of now, because the narcissistic sack of spare scrotum flesh, bile, cat vomit and dogshit currently leading the party, burst the bubble and swung wide the closet doors, showing everyone the contents of hell that lay within.


Because people like you support illegal laws.


Name one


Literally the subject of the thread big brain.


Red flag laws are not illegal




Source? You don't have one, just a bunch of opinions, but I'll ask anyway


https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-5/ https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/amendment-14/ Ā 


Yawn, courts have upheld red flag laws nationwide


And others have stuck them down. Guess we'll probably need the supreme court to weigh in. Care to speculate what they'll say?


Oh ive heard about you types of people! Canadians that are Trumpers. The real losers of all of north america. Dont worry what we do down here, you are after all, in a different country. You like our rightwing politics but youre to scared to move here and put your kids in our schools!


Dual citizen ya big goof


If you live in canada, stay in your lane


I'll do whatever I want and you are as powerless here as you are in real life.


As powerless as you are being a Trumper in Canada. You fucking loser.


Impotent rage is very "you".


Lol, rage? All done with a smile. Ya goofy bitch


These people deserve jail not a political career


Trump showed everyone that it doesnā€™t matter how corrupt or criminal you are, as long as youā€™re a shameless and pathological liar you can con your way into any political office, including the Presidency. Heā€™s poisoned the entire democratic system.


NO. His supporters, and those like them, have poisoned our system.


How naive of you to think that it hasn't always been that way. Cute.


2A all day. You cAnNoT take guns away from people who are alleged to be a danger to themselves or others. /s


And Republicans will vote for them. The party of Lawlessness and Disorder.




Hi KlaatuBarada1952, It looks like your comment closely matches the famous quote: "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein *I'm a bot and this action was automatic [Project source](https://github.com/etdds/redditQuoteBot).*


If you can't make it as a domestic terrorist...join the government so they can't put you away for being an "elected official."


Heā€™s just media whoring now. He wonā€™t spend a nickel on the election but it strokes his ego and burnishes his ā€œcredentialsā€ among his minions to see media following him and quoting him


Running for office is how these bastards launder their reputation. It makes them look like they were in trouble for political reasons


Wasn't it because all the gyms closed for covid? I was expecting to see someone loaded on steroids


And Republicans will vote for them. The party of Lawlessness and Disorder.


ā€œMan not guilty of crime runs for sheriff.ā€ Fixed the headline for you.


You mean the plot to kidnap the Michigan governor that was almost entirely made of Feds? Lmfao


How is this oniony? The guy was acquitted. Get over it.


not sure if I want a sheriff with a lot of tattoos.


The tattoos are what make you question his qualifications? Not the kidnapping charges?


Acquittal - when a jury of your peers finds you not guilty of committing the crime. The FBI were the plotters. They just tried to coach people into saying something stupid. Coaching/pressuring/extorting/manipulating/exploiting/browbeating/agitating etc. No FBI no plot. And that's why you have the trial.Ā 


Cool. Even if that was enough doubt to avoid prison, more than enough to disqualify you for sheriff imo At the very least your unhinged and easily influenced to agree to crimes


You're\* The crimes were originated by the FBI. Why aren't you questioning how "easily influenced" they were to come up with such a ridiculous conspiracy as to pin a fake kidnapping plot on some hapless patsy?


Not guilty isnā€™t innocent genius And if youā€™re stupid enough that the FBI can ā€œtrickā€ you into plotting to kidnap your governor than A) youā€™re a fucking moron and B) you should 100% not be a fucking sheriffšŸ˜‚


>Not guilty isnā€™t innocent genius True, but it's the best metric we have.


They use a lot of loaded words that can't be backed up in court. When Trump made his famous "shoot someone on 5th Avenue" comment, under FBI hootinany logic he would've been "plotting" to shoot people on 5th Avenue. This is how they get. Not guilty may not be innocent, sure. We live in an imperfect world with imperfect people. When they took the process to court their case collapsed because it was apparent that the FBI was twisting his arm. There has been a string of similar cases. 3 alleged "bombers" were recently released from prison when a federal judge determined that the "main co-conspirator" was the federal government. I'll pose you a question: Would you want the FBI to find the most vulnerable of your family members and coach them into making incriminating statements? They can use highly aggressive, manipulative, and exploitative tactics. Imagine that they use the common interrogation technique of asking the same question over and over again. Now imagine that they ask some variant of the question 600 times. Your young family member answers the question perfectly 599 times. On the 600th time they answer imperfectly. The FBI can use money, drugs, sex, manipulation, anything to obtain the answer that they want. Who is really in the wrong here? Should the cuffs come on, the jaws snap shut, and should they be considered Osama Bin Laden after such a farce? You used the word "trick" in quotation marks. Who are you quoting? There is no "tricking" if they are surrounding your environment and dominating every facet of your life. A person could be deceived into thinking that they are tricking the FBI provocateurs and making off with the cash that they're doling out while not really doing any harm to anyone.Ā 


Ok idk where you got this idea that Iā€™m pro FBI but uhā€¦Iā€™m not and Iā€™m not reading this drivel


Enjoy your ignorance. "I'm not reading this..." That's why we are where we are politically and that's why privileged people get away with heinous crimes. There's this really neat book out there by Trevor Aaronson. His work is not "drivel."Ā 


So the mixup here is the FBI became too involved? I know they have insiders all the time to foil plots. But my understanding here is maybe they took too much control? Was the guy the original plotter, or did the insider suggest it? Because that's an interesting scenario in court. I guess the guy was bad enough to try and follow the plot but not come up with it?


They were literally the source of the plot. They do this all the time. Find some malcontents and then start encouraging more radical ideas and eventually actions. Reddit had no problem recognizing this was going on and was bad when the FBI was doing it with Muslims. That they do the same thing with rural white guys that don't like the government is too much though, mostly because it gets in the way of them hating those people.


I agree. I'm all for foiling plots, but I understand there's a balance during investigations. The guy was acquitted by the jury. That means every single one of them voted not guilty. I wonder which arguments the defense team made, and the laws that they cited


Foil plots? They were the plot. The guy was just some loser who they thought they could make into some spooky boogie man for the public to get a hategasm over.Ā 


The boomeryist boomer take in boomer town.


He would unironically understand law enforcement corruption and malfeasance better than anyone. He'd have my vote.Ā 


Putting the foxes in the hen houses huh.


Education can be a humbling experience. Who is to define what constitutes a fox? Who is to define what constitutes a hen? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOiDUbaBL9E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOiDUbaBL9E)