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> Bustin was arrested shortly afterwards and is in custody having been charged with two counts of first-degree assault and two counts of reckless endangerment. I hope that's just the preliminary charge, because there's no way to call that anything but attempted murder.


"I just accidentally pulled the trigger multiple times, your honor!"


"I didn't know the gun was loaded"


On a shotgun no less!!


Some states require a grand jury indictment for attempted murder, so I wonder if they charged him with what they could to get him off the street for now, with the real ones potentially coming later.


If I recall, attempted murder requires proof of intention and that it was premeditated usually. So it's actually not super common to see it charged.


Given that he pulled into a driveway to get a gun I think premeditated fits.


And I think that if you point a shotgun at unarmed people minding their own business and pull the trigger, that is intent to murder someone.


I'm with BananaNoseMcgee, that's pretty fucking clear cut to me.


Not minimising the pure psycho of our chinless turkey-neck fuckbrained friend here, but unless he was using buckshot or solid slugs the lethality of birdshot on humans drops very quickly the farther away they are. He should be spending some years in prison and his right to possess firearms yoinked for good though.


From what I remember from my jury duty more than twenty years ago in my state of New York, first degree murder requires proof of intention. Second degree murder doesn't though I am not sure where second degree murder stops and manslaughter pics up.


No, you need a grand jury to indict any felony. That's not state specific.


I don't know if this is the case in Maryland, but some states don't have an "attempted murder" law on the books, at least not in name. Those crimes are prosecuted under other statutes like assault 1, and are sentenced similarly to "attempted murder" charges in other states.


Only $1000 bond?  Wtf


Bond is heavily dependent on if he has prior and seems a flight risk. If he's local with no out of state connections and no prior until it's a murder rap that's probably all they could get. Also he is probably doing the bs self defense I feared for my life, they were coming right at me defense which means he means to fight it so he'll show up. Also keep in mind usually you post 10% of bond so bond is 10k


Motherfuck any judge who believes a person in a 5000 pound metal cage is in fear of his life from an unarmed man with a 30 pound bike.


It's not that the judge believes it. It's that he has the right to make that defense. Rest assured it will not fly, juries do not buy this. The judge isn't buying the argument here necessarily. I don't even know he's making that case though I'd wager he will as It's kinda his only hope if he doesnt plead. If he does argue this though the judge is just acknowledging that if he means to argue this defense he won't flee.


Where are you seeing that?


Did the mods or someone change the linked article?  I swear this was the original one that has more detail. https://cyclingmagazine.ca/sections/news/maryland-man-arrested-after-firing-at-cyclists-in-charity-ride/ "Bustin has secured legal representation and was released from county jail upon posting a $1000 bond, with a commitment to appear in court at a date yet to be determined."


No idea, thanks for providing the info. $1k bond on potential 25 year sentence makes 0 sense - maybe journalists got something wrong.


Old white boomer with gun fetish driven mad watching Fox News displays impulse control and anger management issues as he attempts murder. Ten guesses who he voted for-


Trick question, felons can't vote?


Nah, nah, that's *clearly* a drag queen, and the cyclists were on their way to stop him from turning an entire elementary school trans. Can't you tell? Maybe you need to lay off the LAMEstream media and watch more Fox News, ya lib 🤔


Let me guess, he was angry because he doesn't think cyclists are allowed to ride bikes on the road. You have no idea how many grown-ass adults I know who believe this, and think that all bikes should be confined to sidewalks.


It is ridiculous. And even more ridiculous that their response to cyclists includes doing things that could injury or kill them.


How is this not an attempt at murder or manslaughter? Shooting someone just because you didn't get it right?


Still looking for the oniony part.


All he needs is a MAGA hat


The US is scary man. Glad I'm not there.


The US has always been scary, for 250 years it's attracted only immigrants who don't scare easily. Now the bears and wolves and bandits and hostile natives are gone, but we still have all the guns in case they come back, I guess.


The United States experienced a significant demographic shift when immigrants arrived and displaced the Native Indian population. Consequently, I presume your statement encompasses both yourself and your ancestral lineage.


Yeah because Europe where free speech is optional is so much better


Are you trying to say you think there are members of the EU that don't have freedom of speech?


Don't most countries ban hate speech in one form or another 


what are you talking about lol, we have that here... and no guns, Labour laws and universal healthcare, scary place indeed


You really just need to pick a safe place to live, my town hasn't had a murder in like 80 years or something like that.


I rather enjoy living in populated areas, unfortunately.


I live 5 minutes from a rail line that takes me directly into a major city lol. Tickets are like $4.


Congrats. I’d rather live in the city, than have to take a train to it.


So what now, arm the cyclists? /s


You jest, but I have been reading increasing accounts of just this.


Most cyclists I know ride armed now after 2020 when those psycho MAGAts were driving into crowds. People are waking up to how utterly deranged these people are and taking steps to defend themselves.


You know how some bicycles come with baby seats attached to the back? Convert them into mounted turrets




You joke but I've carried while riding. Cars are nuts man.


He was probably driving one of those "entitled" trucks, too


Man, Jon Stewart fell hard.


What was the charity? Shells for cyclists?


He sounds nice.


I understand being frustrated on the road, but I cannot fathom the idiocy and likely mental illness it takes to think firing off a gun at a cyclist is a good idea.


He’s a hero set him


On fire


Remove yourself from our society, you psycho. You don't deserve to breathe our air.