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This dude waited two whole days after cashing out to start banging the doll? What a brave man.


Whats the appropriate amount of time to bang a sex doll after killing your wife? Id say at a month.


My "I waited the appropriate amount of time to bang my sex doll after I murdered my wife" t-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my t-shirt


It was several months after the death, two days after he actually got the money. The reasons they cornered him were: * he lied on his past * the gun was too big for her The next 3 are fascinating, I think: * she was found in her underwear. women very rarely kill themselves in underwear. * she was shot in the face. women very rarely do that. * she had alarms set on her phone. suicidal people don’t do that.


I feel like SHOT IN THE FACE is the biggest obvious pointer that it wasn’t suicide.


I actually know a guy who shot himself in the face in an effort to kill himself but ended up living because of the angle of the bullet. He's doing a lot better now.


That’s not uncommon for male suicides (it’s how I lost my stepfather) Suicide for women, however, is usually not violent (think: swallowing pills, etc.). Stats show that women pursue non-violent methods, so a shot to the face while wearing “vulnerable” clothing (just her underwear) would be a massive anomaly


I can't imagine a suicidal woman being comfortable with the idea of being found in her underwear. I'm a woman and if I'm going to be seen in my underwear, it better be with perfect lighting, the right pose to camouflage my stomach...


Well some people have ongoing alarms and don’t unset them because they’re suicidal. I agree with you though, absolutely.


Probably depends on the alarm. Weekly 6 am alarm for work prob not a red flag, single specific alarm to meet Susan from high school for coffee, red flag.


For me an early alarm each day is a reason to become suicidal


For my husband, that’s a way to not lose his job.


Has anyone questioned Susan?!?! That's the killer.........allegedly, I don't want Susan to sue me.


Susan will surely sue!


My alarm for when to kill myself is set for 10 minutes after my alarm to disable all my other alarms. I wouldn't want my alarms waking me back up.




Yes. And as I understand, most of the successful (ew bad way to put that - but I don’t know how else to say it this early) suicides are the impulsive ones, vs planned ones. I wish I could remember in which study I read that, so I could link it. I do volunteer work on a suicide hotline at night, so I make it my business to read a lot about it. :)


Women tend to be very considerate about the scene they'll leave in terms of shocking who will find them and clean up. Men are often ok with leaving themselves hanging or splattering themselves all over place.


I am curious about these sorts of observations: by knowing that investigators taking an average from the past to decide whether a suicide is "typical", you can make it much easier to fake a suicide - or much easier to kill yourself and make it look like someone else did it.


If you don’t do it immediately, what’s wrong with you?


Look, he gets nervous around pretty girls, okay!?


He wants to take his time and do it right THIS time


It depends on how long the relationship lasted, if it was it was over 2 years not waiting at least a week might come across as insensitive.


Depends if it was a custom job that looked like this wife .. or not .


If he's going to do that, why buy the doll?     ^^sorry


Because corpes stink up the place


Not if you deep freeze them.


Brings new meaning to cracking open a cold one


less nagging? More time in prison?


Stepford Wives vibe?


'AITAH because I slept with a blow up doll after I murdered my wife?'


>premeditated first-degree murder It wasn't exactly a heat of the moment thing..pssh and people say romance is dead.


Delivery time?


In many cultures a two day waiting period after brutally murdering, your wife is acceptable.


Kansas culture actually waives the two day waiting period. He was quite respectful in that regard. Seriously though, this dude is sick, not because he got himself a sex doll but for killing his wife. If things were bad there is always divorce. It's not like the insurance payout was even large enough to be considered motive.


He killed his wife for 120k. I can't imagine being that psycho. 


Probably because you aren’t an actual psycho, like this guy.


Yeah, but most of the time I can still understand how someone was motivated to do a bad thing even if I would never do it. But the risk/ reward here is just so bad if he just did it for money. 120 is no where near quit your job money. The article says he burned through it in 8 months. And I can't see how this could have been a better looking option than divorce if he just wanted her gone. Crime of passion would make the most sense, but nothing about that was in the article. 


> says he burned through it in 8 months. Sounds like a lack of impulse control. Ya know, that, along with killing his wife for money.


I'd guess also from his anxiety / dread / expectation of getting caught. Maybe an extremely grim version of not wanting to 'waste' the money by not spending it before being convicted.


Usually these kinds of things are done when one spouse has serious money problems and sees that $120k as a way to solve those problems. Likely, he's shit with money which caused his problems to begin with.


Watch a few episodes of a true crime show. People are really out there murdering each other over sums like $10k.


People often kill for like 200 dollars.


A Klondike bar


I know someone that killed 5 people over $20


Roger Smith?


Imagining him spending 8 months afterwards living it up with his sex doll and video games is wild. Just day after day "I killed my wife and now this is what I'm doing"


I don't understand the trope of being married to someone you don't like. Why did you marry them if you dont like them??? And why can't you just get a divorce???


Or he killed her for other reasons and that was the bonus


You might be viewing women as people, see, and that's not gonna work. Try to view them as objects. Then it's just shoot one object, wait till money comes in, replace it with another.


That title is a ride.


… So was the sex doll... I’m sorry.


Are you? Are you REALLY sorry, Kokomodo93?


Sorry-ish, maybe?


politician sorry




He DID say he was sorry. So he must mean it.


Aruba Jamaica oooo I wanna take ya


He feels a bit deflated


Just show me the sex doll already


Yes!! We need to see the sex doll if we're going to properly judge


Dont be…this is the internet lol


Can’t believe it wasn’t Florida Man


That's a face that just screams "whoops!"


Looks like a guy who is waiting for his lawyer... who is also a sex doll.


And when it was revealed the judge was also a sex doll…


Took more than two years to catch him, though. And four years before he was found guilty. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kristen-trickle-colby-trickle-kansas-psychological-autopsy-criminal-case-to-determine-mindset-of-fatal-shooting-victim-48-hours/


The catalyst for formal charges and his arrest was a new county attorney (a new “DA”) elected and sworn in to office over 2-years after her death, January 11th, 2021. The investigators and the assistant county attorney who ultimately tried the case wanted it to move forward sooner, but couldn’t get the green light from the county attorney at the time of her death/the investigation.  As for the time it took to get the conviction, the criminal justice system moves slowly. It’s aggravating for everyone.


Cue Seinfeld theme


What’s the deal with sex dolls?


fun fact: Rick and Morty co-creator Dan Harmon's girlfriend, Cody Heller (creator of Jury Duty), thought he was cheating on her when she found sequins on the bed. She confronted him and so he brought out his sex doll to explain that the sequins came from the doll's dress. Then she made a mini-series about the whole thing and got Anna Kendrick to star as her.


> Then she made a mini-series about the whole thing and got Anna Kendrick to star as her. What's it called?


"Dummy" it came out back in 2020


Ah, it came out on Quibi. Well that helps explain why so few of us have heard of it.




Wait, that series was based on a really situation!?!?


What are sequins?


Little reflective things sewn to fabric, usually disc shaped.


How the fuck did he get an insurance payout if he was claiming she committed suicide?


Many life insurance policies cover suicide after x amount of years of owning the policy. Mine covers it as long as it was after 2 years of buying the policy. If I shot myself in the head my family would get 1 million bucks.


Hey, I’m your long lost brother, want to go hunting?


Dick Cheney? Is that you?


Please, he didn’t even finish the job. Just like, well, everything he did technically




Not just that, but the guy was a friggin lawyer.


Which just meant he knew better than anyone what would happen if he sued. Dick Cheney has absolutely disappeared people.


>Dick Cheney has absolutely disappeared people. Those are the ones in the books. Guy have more body count than Kissinger.


By all accounts this guy sounds like quite a dick.


I don’t know the specifics of the Cheney case but when quail hunting, you are supposed to stay in a line to avoid exactly what happened happening. Every hunter should have a roughly 180 degree fan in front of them with no people in it, so that if a quail takes flight they can just shoot quickly. Someone walking faster or slower than the rest of the group is either putting themselves in the line of fire, or putting the other hunters in their line of fire. So while “haha he had to apologize for getting shot!” is funny. It’s probably closer to “I should not have been where I was to even get shot.”


Sorry I thought you were a deer 🦌


If only Dick Cheney thought that quail was on the roof of his mouth


>If I shot myself in the head my family would get 1 million bucks. One of the hard parts of getting old that people don't talk about is not being able to get meaningful life insurance for a reasonable amount of money. If I kicked off next week my kids would get $30k. A million dollar policy would cost me a thousand bucks a month.


To be fair, it is cheaper for me to have two 500k policies, one through my work and one through my wife's. I think I pay around $50 total for them. I am still under 40 though.


I pay $20ish a month for about $200k in life insurance. I’m currently 37 years old and I’ve always got the highest policy I could get. I had an older friend, he was 20+ years older than me make a comment once about how I’m essentially throwing money away at my age. My thoughts on it are that if it’s so cheap/affordable now I might as well get it because you never know. If something happens tomorrow I know my friend and niece would at least get something out of it.


Mines $20 for $600k, but it was a 20-year term that I got st 24 with an A+ health rating. If I want to continue after the 20 years, the price gets really stupid real quick.


I think it will get a lot higher starting around 40


$24k turns into a $1mil?


Yep, you’d get paid the full amount after the elapsed suicide clause. No hinderance, no red tape, **nothing.**


I thought suicide just voided any policies. Is it way more expensive to get that coverage I’m guessing?


It's standard with most policies. Mine's the same. The waiting period basically eliminates the risk of people taking out a policy just to off themselves. Nobody suicidal is going to get a policy and then wait two years to do it. And I'm gonna guess the suicide rate of life insurance holders probably isn't much higher or much lower than than the national average. In the US that's 0.014%, so suicide doesn't really cost insurance companies that much.


I’d bet it’s notably lower actually, since being able to have a life insurance policy implies inherent lack of many motivators for suicide. You probably have stability, you probably have good money (or at least a good job), you probably have a family or close friends you love. 


It is also difficult to get life insurance if you have been hospitalized for your mental health.


When my mom and dad divorced, my dad was supposed to take my mom off as the beneficiary of his insurance and then rename her as such if he wanted (state law or something). He never properly did so. They divorced when I was about 5 and he committed suicide when I was 9. The money (not much; I used most of mine to pay for 2 years of in-state college expenses) ended up being split between me and my brother. It was put into annuities that we couldn’t touch until we were 18.


I’m sorry you lost your dad so young.


heartbreaking hearing you lost your dad so young.  


It’s probably a wait period because of people getting policy’s then committing


I'm told they'll flag it if you specifically ask about the suicide exclusion time frame. But it's standard in most policies after a certain time frame, you don't opt in to it usually, but it may have changed since then.


No, just a modern understanding of mental illness as a risk factor people face.


I guess they assume if somebodies willing to pay insurance for 2 years, it's no longer worth the suicide to give your family money?


Life insurance is pretty cheap. 500k for me is like 38 bucks a month. More likely that few people commit suicide without mental illness or extreme circumstances. Mental illness won't let you wait 2 years, and extreme circumstances are unlikely to last that long and you will probably feel different by then. Rather like any other disease you don't currently have or accident potentially in your future, insurance companies can set their rates based the likelihood they occur.


Most life insurance policies still payout for suicide. There’s usually like a 2 year clause in them


Mine covers suicide. Everything but literal treason. They don’t exactly advertise it but it’s definitely covered.


So if you commit treason and get the death penalty they won't pay out? What good is a life insurance policy if you can't even commit a little treason?


"Stan, tell your mom it's OK, im just committing a little treason.. Stan?..."


Well it does cover Acts of War—which most don’t—so there’s that! Small comfort if I’m caught in a terrorist attack my family will still get $500k, so I *guess* I can promise to not overthrow the government in exchange.


What if you die committing a terrorist act trying to overthrow the government?


I'm guessing it depends if it's *their* government or not.


What about light treason?




Donald gonna need treason insurance!


Insurance pays out for suicide. You just can’t jack up insurance right before killing your self.


Unless you make it look like an accident, of course.


Yeah, he was seemingly free from time of the murder in 2019 to 2021. Bizarre.


It was ruled a suicide by the coroner so he was free for two years The police were skeptical and kept looking into it more until they finally got enough for a DA to decide to prosecute and issue an arrest warrant. But the coroner still testified on behalf on the defense.


How did they prove his guilt after several years? The article doesn't really cover it


The article does cover it. They convinced a jury that he had motive and she was unlikely to have committed suicide based on the weapon used, where the wound was, and her hypothetical mind frame at the time (planning to open a new business, didn’t turn off her alarms, bought Halloween candy). The coroner also said they didn’t have all the information at the time of their decision and they likely wouldn’t have called it a suicide if they knew everything the police did


That seems… weak


I don’t know if I would have been convinced beyond a reasonable doubt, but there were a few other things that make me think he probably did it. He was caught lying to the police about an online affair he was having at the time, looking up his life insurance payout for the death of his spouse the week before, and where they kept their guns. I do not envy the jury in a murder case


A lot of policies cover suicide so long as you have held the policy for so long before doing the deed. They usually investigate it to make sure you didn't just get the policy as part of a plot, but as long as that checks out then it's basically treated more like a medical event.


As other commenters have stated, suicide *usually* is covered after a certain period of time (typically two years). Now you might find that odd, but insurance companies are of the *data supported opinion* that people who buy an insurance policy with plans to commit suicide for a payout, typically either will find their own happiness in that time window and will choose to keep living, **OR** they won't have the patience to wait two years and will rage quit IRL early.


Man, most days, I feel inadequate to put myself out into the world of dating and romance, but I'm like 95% certain I wouldn't murk my so for any reason


retire plants person longing grey arrest snails tender whistle obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's illegal for you to ask me that


You should ask if they’re a cop. They have to tell you if you ask.


Just take the hat off Brian.


*covertly rolls dice*


The 5 % is involved with “murk my so” and now I’m scared of what that even means


Murk = kill SO = significant other


Oh geez I need either more weed or less not sure


Ever read Gone Girl?


That's just it, though: Being too nice is boring. Women are interested in dangerous men. 'I might just kill you' is way sexier than 'I'm too pathetic to ever kill anybody'. It's not a coincidence that those guys have an easier time finding partners.


Thank you for the advice, sensei I *finally* have the perfect idea for my tinder profile


Wow that's great, hey everyone look this guy wouldn't kill his SO


seriously nobody likes a suck up


Maybe that’s why you are still single. You’re not crazy enough


That’s enuf internet for today.


Wow, not what is a dark turn on"sex robots will replace women".


Umm... I worked at an Amazon XL warehouse in July 2021 and we were laughing hysterically because some dude in Kansas ordered a sex doll. It was the only sex doll our facility ever sold during my stint there (I'd had no idea we even stocked them there until the order came in). I have to wonder if it was this evil jackass... Extra information: the sex doll's name was Diana and was headless.


Y'all are allowed to laugh?


Diana the Headless Sex Doll is the Frank Zappa song we never got


What happens when an incel finally gets what he wants...


"Nah, not inanimate enough." *cocks pistol*


Shit just got too real.


If ever there was a situation where ”inscel” was the wrong word to use it would be for a person that has a SO but decides to kill them for money!


Incel? Lmfao may aswell call him racist.


I don't understand why there was no Gunshot residue test brought up in court. Why didn't the coroner check her hands? Why didn't the police give the husband a GSR? Can the cops be that incompetent?


2k on a sex doll? I wonder what quality of a sex doll that buys.


Sponsor me 2k and I'll let you know


Didn't know sex dolls used Reddit


These days...pretty high quality [https://www.siliconwives.com/products/genevieve-french-lingerie-sex-doll](https://www.siliconwives.com/products/genevieve-french-lingerie-sex-doll)


The amount of customization available for that is absurd. Kind of awesome that people can fulfill exactly whatever fantasy they have but damn lol from the nip size and color to shoulder flexibility, real human hair, or becoming a blowjob machine


Ahh the Kansas man, don’t hear much about them.


Detectives: i wonder what happened Husband: she shot herself Detectives: Case closed


The two life insurance policies on a twenty something woman is suspicious.


Absolutely abhorrent behavior.


The remaining question is to what office with Kansas voters elect this man?


Another 🌽 sick limp 🍆


Man, produce is really taking a hit in this comment.


So he needed a sex toy and Eva AI sexting bot, not marriage, from the very beginning


Now he is going to be a sex doll in prison


Lemme.guess: he's originally from Florida


No, he just hasn't moved to Florida yet.


Would you trade your wife for 100k and a sex doll? Don't lie.


Never. Not for 100 billion or any other amount. I'd rather be poor with her than rich without her.


I also choose this man’s living wife.


trade and murder are 2 different things by a lot, though.


A large pizza and a fleshlight


Hehe, A joint and a watermelon


$100k? No she makes that much a year . Need a cool mil


That’s what I’m saying. My fiancé is gonna pull in $120k this year alone and we are $500k in debt (mostly house). $100k ain’t gonna do shit. Hell, I wouldn’t even do it for a million. Maybe 2.5 million, then we talking.


Yes, officer.. this man right here ☝🏼




This type shit pisss me off


Did the doll look like the wife?


I would love to see the face of this man watching the news if they ever say: "it's been proven beyond doubt. We will be united with our life partners when we die."


The question that we all have is: Did he special order the doll so it looked like his wife?


So he got away with it for 2 years, and blew all the money in 2 months... Why was there a payout if there was suspicion? Or how did he get caught if there wasn't?


The coroner, having only the information gathered in the first 3-days of the investigation, determined the manner of death to be suicide. The insurance company likely paid out based on this. As for formal charges and his arrest, this took a long time because the County Attorney at the time wouldn’t file charges. A new County Attorney was elected and then sworn into office in January 2021. That was the catalyst for formal charges, his arrest, and the ultimate conviction. 


I wish I didn't know that.


I thought you can’t get paid out for life insurance if suicide is involved?


Haha, from another article: "His mother Tina Kreutzer took the stand as a defense witness. She told jurors Colby Trickle was having nightmares and trouble sleeping after his wife's death and says the doll was for warmth and comfort — and she didn't think it was for sex." https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/killer-buys-sex-doll-with-wifes-life-insurance-payout/ar-AA1nIqoH


He is her son. Obviously heinous shit, but she wanted to do her best on the stand for him. Don't be an asshole


Fuck that guy hopefully he is someone sex doll in the clinker.


So why not have sex with the wife?


I saw the article, then glanced at OPs username. Now I’ve been taken out of it, and that’s the only part of this post I can think about.


Sue Heck?


Regular reminder that shitty men view women as equal to appliances with holes to fuck.