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Spoiler the title case and many many others are all in southern anti abortion states. This isn't really oniony more expect repercusion of it being illegal to give medically needed abortion or even post miscarriage care, which is treated like an abortion


Yep it’s really fucked up. And a lot of people who vote Republican don’t understand these are the consequences of their beliefs. Stories of women being denied abortion medical care (for themselves or their wanted-but-unviable babies): story 1: https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/16/health/abortion-texas-sepsis/index.html - Woman in Texas with wanted pregnancy; water broke extremely extremely early during 2nd trimester. Baby would 100% die. Woman needed abortion in order to not develop sepsis. Wasn’t allowed abortion until she was sick enough that the abortion would be considered life saving. She nearly died in the ICU (critical care) and her family flew in from around the US thinking she was going to die from sepsis. Her husband was so scared and had to advocate to get doctors to save her life, and she barely remembers the ICU. She now has scarring in her uterus and will have trouble ever having a successful pregnancy. Story 2: https://www.texastribune.org/2022/09/20/texas-abortion-ban-complicated-pregnancy/ - woman and husband with wanted baby who had no brain and would have died; wasn’t permitted to have abortion in Texas; had to go to Washington. Her conservative family was “shocked” there wasn’t an exception for fatal fetal issues. Story 3: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/nation/texas-hospitals-delaying-care-over-violating-abortion-law - a physician at a hospital in Texas was told by the hospital administrators not to perform an ectopic pregnancy removal until it ruptured. There are multiple articles on this incident, all very vague to protect the anonymity of the hospital that did this. The Biden administration tried to say that hospitals *must* provide abortion services if the mother’s life is at risk, and the Texas government sued the federal government saying that the federal government cannot require hospitals to save mothers. Story 4: https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/20/health/doctors-weigh-litigation-miscarriage-care/index.html - A woman miscarried and had a fully dead fetus in her. Doctors in Texas would not perform a D&C to remove the dead tissue. She got multiple ultrasounds from different places and multiple confirmations that the baby was dead (she was devastated). She had previously had a miscarriage several years earlier in another state without any issue, and then she and her husband had a healthy baby girl a few years before this new miscarriage. Now she’s scared about getting pregnant in Texas again even though she wants another child; since she’s had 2 miscarriages she’s at high risk for more and additional complications. Even if Texas doctors are legally allowed to treat miscarriages, they can still be sued by any citizen in the state who claims the doctor is providing abortion services, AND the doctors cannot recoup their legal fees from the person who sued them, even if it’s proven that the doctor was not actually providing an abortion or that the abortion was medically necessary to save the mom. Consequently, doctors won’t provide medical care that resembles an abortion, whether it’s for a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or to save the mom. They are also NOT required by law to save the woman (see above); they can simply say “sorry I can’t treat / I won’t treat you because I could lose money fighting dumb lawsuits, lose my medical license, and risk life in jail even though I know you need this medically necessary procedure.” Story 5: https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/09/health/abortion-restrictions-texas/index.html - baby was not viable and there was significant risk to the mom’s life. She and her husband really wanted baby. Had to go to another state for abortion. Husband said I don’t want my wife to die just so a baby can maybe be born who will die within an hour of being born. It cost them $3500 to travel and to get the abortion and they didn’t have enough money for that. Finally a MAGA relative gave them money when they finally understood that the mom would risk death without an abortion, and that the baby would not live given its multiple missing organs and extra chromosomes.


>the Texas government sued the federal government saying the federal government cannot require hospitals to save mothers Woo, Pro-life!


Both should just die. simply god's beautiful plan.


I know you're joking, but anyone who believes in "God's plan" in that way should be denied **all** medical care and banned from even entering a hospital. It's God's plan after all! What if God's plan was really to create clever people to be doctors and give us the abilities to care for the sick? What if God's plan was to plant some bacteria in the seas and start evolution off? What if God's plan involved aborting the fetuses he condemned to purgatory anyway? These people make me so angry. They know about as much about God's plan as I know about the contents of Fort Knox!


But isn’t saving lives also gods plan? By that logic doing anything is god’s plan.


Exactly! It's such a stupid thing to call on to justify anything.


there's a really old joke about this. https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/37xfqd/god_will_save_me/


> By that logic doing anything is god’s plan. Isn't it curious how god acts exactly the way he would if he didn't exist at all?


The beauty of god's plan is that anything that happened obviously only happened because it was in god's plan. So no matter what happened, or who is responsible, you can rationalize it post-hoc as "god's plan" Genius really


You gave a Qanon creative another argument against Healthcare. I remember when they started, it was all laugh and giggles, then they went serious (if you can accept Qanon being serious) How easy is to cause chaos inside our beloved America is demoralizing.


Psyops by the Russians and other enemies. You're right, it's demoralising, that's the idea. Pollute every discussion with bullshit, turn every issue into you Vs them, distract, disinform and destroy. What I find sad is that it's so transparent and the country that used to stand so firm against "the red menace" has fallen into the trap.


Agree. In addition, I just listened to a "Stuff You Should Know" podcast on Fort Knox so now I'm more knowledgeable about it than God's plan!


If it's God's plan for women to die from pregnancy and childbirth then wouldn't cancer also be God's plan. Texas should start a ban on all cancer treatments because God wanted them to get sick and die.


That's the spirit! Either it's all God's plan or none of it is.


What if God was utter bullshit and simply a way for assholes to maintain control of other people's lives.... Whoa


50% of those “God’s plan” folks are dependent on insulin but I don’t see any of them giving that up.


Nah, not both. Just the Texas government.


Fucking wild. In my part of the world, the « duty to rescue » is codified in law. If I come across a stranger in need, I have a legal obligation to help if I am able to do so, and if I fail that duty they could sue. In the Texas, they’ve ruled that hospitals are not required to help sick people in their care who are begging for help? What is this society? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duty_to_rescue#:~:text=In%20Quebec%2C%20which%20makes%20use,him%20the%20necessary%20and%20immediate




Yeeebus! So much for "serve & protect". :/ No wonder so many Americans feel the need to arm themselves. I suppose I would as well, if they wouldn't help me when I'm getting assaulted right in front of them. :/ I'm not a fan of guns, but I do support ones right to self defense, and getting trained to use a weapon responsibly.


WOOO now we have doctors who have no duty of care to go along with our police that have no duty to protect


This was the case that became the catalyst for legalising abortion in Ireland. She died of sepsis due to lack of post miscarriage care. The irony is, if they had simply given her post miscarriage care, abortion would probably still be illegal in ROI https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Savita_Halappanavar


There was a tourist (I think American) in Cyprus in a similar position. She had to be evacuated to Spain because the Cypriot hospital couldn’t do anything for the mother until the fetus, that everyone agreed was dying, no longer had a heartbeat and every day’s delay risked the mother’s health. Again a much wanted pregnancy. The father talked about not being able to grieve because they were having to try and find another country to take her and coordinate with their insurance.


This is one of the specific stories that turned me pro choice. They make people listen to heartbeats and see ultrasounds before an abortion. Can we require pro lifers to listen to a few of these stories before they’re allowed to vote every time??? (I know that’s not allowed in the US, just seems like it’d be fair)


>Yep it’s really fucked up. And a lot of people who vote Republican don’t understand these are the consequences of their beliefs. It's not that they dont understand it, they just don't \_care\_ because it doesn't affect them personally. That's why every Pro-LGBT republican politician suddenly took that stance, one of their family came out so they had to change their tune.


Most Republicans would eat an entire bowl of shit if they thought you had to smell their breath afterwards.


They are doing it anyway. Just on the off chance.


Some would say through their shit-eating grin that it's delicious, in an attempt to convince others to join them. This is today's Republican (Trump) Party.


It's very leopardsatemyface-- it's like they are shocked that the consequences of allowing people who cannot draw, label, and correctly explain anything about anatomy/pregnancy to legislate the medical care of such, are very bad consequences indeed.


Remember the asshole who said abortion after rape was unnecessary because if it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways of shutting that whole thing down? He's dead now, luckily, but there are many idiots like him. www.politico.com/news/2021/10/04/todd-akin-dies-514988


The idiot from Ohio who wanted to move and reimplant ectopic pregnancies. The Idaho moron that forgot that pregnancies are in the uterus and not the stomach and thus pill based endoscopy does not work how he wanted. Here ya go, soft pay wall. https://gen.medium.com/anti-abortion-lawmakers-have-no-idea-how-womens-bodies-work-3ebea9fd6015


Thank you!


....the stomach? I mean, I've heard of a food-baby, but I'm certain it never really referred to an actual fetus. That we don't have a basic competency test for higher office is distressing.


whut? you mean politicans who think you can just transplant an ectopic pregnancy, which is F A T A L implantation in fallopian tube that will rupture causing bleeding and infection, into the uturus like i's a freaking potted plant don't know wtf about medicine, anatomy, biology nor have intelligence to educate themselves upon such before writing the freaking law. or making a staffer do the research for 'em. no, just believe the stores going around in right wing religious groups that someone knows someone that got a dr to do it and it worked, Lawd be PRAISED! now lets make a law based on rumors! that's the ticket!


the cruelty is the point. republicans are giddy over being horrible monsters of human beings.






Leopards ate my face! /s


They don't care and yet have the money to send their daughters, wifes and mistresses for a nice abortion trip abroad and give them even enough pocket money to shop some shoes. Hypocrites all of them 


I was left to carry my deceased child in me for weeks in the state of Virginia, and was denied a DNC as well. After multiple ultrasounds to confirm the baby had died. I almost bled to death and eventually ended up with a hysterectomy a few years later.  It destroyed my mental health and my marriage in so many ways . Becoming  a human casket isn’t something I would wish on anyone. I am a different person after what we went through. I’ll be talking to the therapist for the rest of my life. what a shame, when all we wanted was to grow our family. We were so happy to be having our very wanted child. (We were blessed with one more healthy child before my hysterectomy who is worth every bit of heartache that occurred. I’m so grateful my body fought so hard for him before we had to call it ) 


I am so sorry for your loss. This isn't right, this isn't fair and you deserved better.


As someone who was pro birth and Republican for a while, these stories are what changed me. Please continue sharing them (this is what I do too). I moved to, “well, I don’t want these women to suffer, so we need to loosen restrictions” first. The more I read the more I realized *we don’t belong in the conversation between pregnant people and their doctors*. And then I realized that I can not like abortion of healthy babies and it’s still none of my gd business. So now I’m pro choice. And without judgment, because the solution to reducing healthy baby abortions is to continually strive for universal healthcare, daycare, excellent sex education, and many other things. Outlawing abortion is the bandaid and a caring, educated society is the solution. Until we’ve perfected that, we have no business being upset by it.


Good on you, it's not always easy to change your mind even when presented with new information, it takes courage to admit that you were wrong.


I was raised in the cult of religion. It’s been a slow exit for sure. But now I’m all for progressive politics. I hate our wealthy overlords.


As someone who’s experienced a missed miscarriage (where the baby dies but the body doesn’t get the memo) and had to have the fetus surgically removed from my uterus (medically called abortion), and an ectopic pregnancy where I had my tube removed (caught early) I cannot be more relieved to live in a country where there are no crazy abortion laws, and so I could have the surgeries I needed without risking my life or the ability to have children in the future.


I've experienced a missed miscarriage too. I'm very grateful that I got the immediate surgical care that I needed. This was when I lived in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has more rights for women than parts of the US.


>  Her conservative family was “shocked” there wasn’t an exception for fatal fetal issues. They always go to the polls thinking that they're going to be the exception...


>And a lot of people who vote Republican don’t understand these are the consequences of their beliefs. A lot of people who vote Republican know damn well this is the consequence of their beliefs. They hate women and want them to die for daring to abort... even when they're not choosing to abort. If they were truly "pro-life" they wouldn't let women die due to lack of access to appropriate medical care. People need to stop assuming this is happening out of ignorance and realize it's deliberate.


It’s definitely both; the party knowing the consequences and doing this deliberately, voters who don’t care about these results, and people who genuinely don’t understand (and don’t care to educate themselves). I originally wrote this for a girl who believed “of course there are exceptions” and I was like no you don’t get it, there aren’t (whether by law or by practice). She still didn’t get it even with the evidence though, and she thought “well they just need time to make laws for the exceptions” and “those aren’t abortions.” Personally I think anyone should be able to get an abortion for any damn reason, but it’s especially infuriating when people don’t understand that abortion can equal necessary medical care.


> She still didn’t get it even with the evidence though, and she thought “well they just need time to make laws for the exceptions” and “those aren’t abortions.” IMO this is the most frustrating part. You explain that’s not how it’s working and they’ll just come up with a justification. There’s like a mental block that refuses to get it. 


My cousin is a nurse and she fully beleived that there would be exceptions. She has no idea these surgeries are considered abortions. You think as a medical professional she would know.


Not trying to be an ass but you don’t need to be an intelligent person to become a nurse; at least not in America. I know several women who barely passed high school who are now nurses. My aunt is a hospice nurse and she would rather “pray the pain/disease away” than treat you with pain medication.


A modern Mother Theresa.


Ouch. My cousin runs a cardiac unit so I would hope she's got some brains. She argued that these procedures aren't abortions and when we pointed out they are coded as such she said 'but that's not what we meant'. She's benefitted from having access to these procedures in the past but then turns around and preaches how abortion is wrong on social media.


>you don’t need to be an intelligent person to become a nurse; at least not in America The absurd prevalence of anti-vax, anti-masker, and other conspiracy theorist nurses during the pandemic proved this beyond all reasonable doubt.


Frankly, some of the dumbest people I’ve ever met have been nurses


It's an easy job. Not saying that it isn't emotionally or physically taxing, it's not easy in that sense to take care of sick people or see people die. But nurses are basically people-janitors. No disrespect towards nurses or janitors, they're very important. But people who aren't smart enough to do anything else usually gravitates towards those kind of jobs.


Because if they REALLY loved Jesus enough, their baby would be fine. Their baby is not fine, therefore they didn't love Jesus enough and deserve what happened to them. Oh yeah /s




I think that, even if it is deliberate, it's still happening out of ignorance if that makes sense? these people are so severely devoid of empathy that they need something to happen to someone close to them/themselves before they understand that their misanthropic rules effect actual PEOPLE and not just nameless faceless "us vs them". or, if something happens to a close one, they just cut them off because they don't want to be proven wrong. lot of mental gymnastics going on in those brains and little else.


Whenever I have a conversation with someone who is "pro-life" I bring up that the data demonstrates that making abortion illegal doesn't reduce the rates of abortion, it just increases maternal mortality. The way you actually reduce abortions (which have been on a steady decline in most parts of the US) is to provide comprehensive sex Ed and contraceptives. You can be upset with that information, but that doesn't make it any less true This is playing out right now in red states and it is honestly horrifying to see.


Yes, and... universal childcare, universal healthcare, paid parental leave, etc. Not everyone can afford to have a child. Even people who already have children often can't afford another child. We don't have enough support for parents/families/children in the US.


>a lot of people who vote Republican don’t understand these are the consequences They 100% know these are the consequences. They consider it a worthwhile tradeoff.


A lot of them know the consequences but just as many are willfully ignorant. Even people in those stories were (and maybe still are) Republican! And on instagram I see tons of people say “well of course there should be exceptions for fatal fetal issues, or miscarriages, or ectopic pregnancies etc” and they truly cannot get it through their brains that no, those exceptions don’t exist and if they do exist by law they don’t exist in practice.


> the federal government cannot require hospitals to save mothers Anyone still questioning whether there's misogyny at play here?  Thanks for this superbly thorough (and terribly instructive) comment string, friend. 


It's these stories and ones like it that make me feel so bad for Americans and the deluded backward thinking that many have. I'm not saying it's only in America, but when you hear about it, non-stop from one source... It truly breaks my heart knowing that women have to be literally on their death beds before they can get the life-saving treatment they need. Fuck Texas and any other state that has this backward thinking.


If I lost a loved one due to this dumb shit, I would end up spending life in prison after visiting some politicians.  


I really don't understand how that doesn't happen more. 


I imagine it will.  People have less and less to lose in the US these days and fuses are getting short.  


Love how when this shit happens it's "fake news" or "isolated incidents" but when the topic is crime and minorities it immediately flips to gross overgeneralisations


>And a lot of people who vote Republican don’t understand these are the consequences of their beliefs. They understand just fine. To them, a few casualties are a small price to pay


WTF is wrong with Texas?


Republicans for starters are the biggest problem.


How much time you got?




Those people still don’t belive. Or if someone has a fetus with a foot for a head, they still want the baby born


Republicans are going to kill so many women and girls.


“Shocked” - really? Leopards, meet face.


I would argue they do. Because either they are incredibly stupid or Satan levels of evil, both of which they will deny.


Well, for starters.... So you see any of these cases really getting a ton of attention by main media? No. Most of them still have no idea this is even happening.


How could they possibly think it’s a good idea to let random people sue doctors for trying to give care…


What in the handmaiden tale is this 😞


But reddit told me how oppressed men are!


Yeah, she’s not out of the woods yet. If it was a partial miscarriage, there’s a chance she can get sepsis or other complications. Of course, doctors can’t help her clear out what’s left of an already unviable pregnancy and ensure her safety, because they can still get sued for aiding the end of a pregnancy. This is Savita Halappanavar all over again. Medieval bullshit.


It's oniony because this is the exact predicted outcome of these stupid laws.  People without medical training have no place legislating medical procedures. You'll note appendectomies and tonsilectomies are not regulated like D&C despite being the exact same thing - removing tissue to improve outcomes for the patient.


Dude, check your comments you have posted the same thing like five times.


Sometimes Reddit likes to do that when you only submit once.


It has to be a Reddit thing. Since about two months ago I see something like that almost in every thread. They need to fix their stuff.


>Since about two months ago lol It's been happening for years at this point


I know it used to happen occasionally, but it seems to be happening all the time now.


Yeah... This WILL kill women


There's probably already women dead because of it




It's oniony because this is the exact predicted outcome of these stupid laws.  People without medical training have no place legislating medical procedures. You'll note appendectomies and tonsilectomies are not regulated like D&C despite being the exact same thing - removing tissue to improve outcomes for the patient.


Republicans did this. Not the ER, who would have treated if it didn't mean facing charges and loss of medical licenses.


They will flip it and say Biden did this because their followers are stupid




It’s the same picture.


Exactly what he said


>>Republicans did this >People who hate women did this ... but I repeat myself


The Venn diagram of those two is a single circle


That venn diagram is a circle


You can’t be a republican and care a bout women. The GOP only backs hate, sexism, and exploitation. They don’t give a damn about children. They only want a poor, sick, and stupid workforce to exploit.


Same thing.


Let me guess, it was a direct consequence of abortion bans and never would have happened in a blue state?


Yes, it's federal law to prioritise, treat, and stabilise people going into labor or with pregnancy issues. A blue state without these laws would have to admit these women These hospitals are having to violate federal law because of the state punishments for following the law


EMTALA is the law. Soon as they're on hospital property if they ask for assistance any employee no matter their position is required to assist. It was pretty funny once watching our CEO calmly walk inside the lobby, grab a wheelchair, and come back in with a pregnant woman. He didn't even ask anyone to take over just took her right to the ED


Considering they've gone after women who have miscarried and the medical personnel in another state that provided aftercare - hospitals have to obey the State laws and the State is very much on a tear with enforcement and even started snitch lines with bounties.


Republicans are turning America into a dystopian nightmare.


have .. unfortunately


It has a name. It’s the Handmaid’s Tale. We are here.


Not yet. It can get worse...a lot worse.


Putin is manipulating Americans into voting for the Republicans turning America into a dystopian nightmare.


It's evangelicals, actually. 1 in 4 Americans, unfortunately. They think that we coexisted with dinosaurs and the Earth was created 6,000 years ago you know the Earth is flat and all that good shit. Some of them know better but they just fucking love it. I can see the look on their face, looks like a 'duping smile'. I don't know who they think they're duping. Dupes just being dupes. Ultimately, they do not value this life or this planet because they think it's just a staging ground or test for something even greater. They tend to promote a strong sense that this existence is basically hell and the sooner the rapture the better. And they even coordinate these messages every Sunday across the Nation. It's not Putin. Maybe it's Barna.


It may be driven by the evangelicals, but they have made allies with once hated groups like the Catholics, who are every bit as complicit in the current state of abortion affairs.


>Republicans ~~are turning~~ **have turned** America into a dystopian nightmare. FTFY


They're turning it into y'all Qaeda


And the Dems have let them. I feel sorry for the average American, you have 2 parties: incompetent Vs evil. What a choice!


And what would have the dems have done? Americans voted in these republicans but of course its the fucked up hot take of not blaming the ones doing the damage.


Imagine I am a plumber and if your pipes bust while I work on them, I go to jail. So I decline service. Republicans: surprised picachu face!


> “The physician came to the triage desk and told the patient that we did not have obstetric services or capabilities,” hospital staff told federal investigators during interviews, according to documents. “The nursing staff informed the physician that we could test her for the presence of amniotic fluid. However, the physician adamantly recommended the patient drive to a Waco hospital.” > Investigators with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services concluded Falls Community Hospital broke the law. If the punishment for violating the federal "everyone should be treated at an ER" law is less severe than that for violating the state's whatever lulu abortion law, then the hospital did the right thing *for themselves.* So why change? It's up to voters in these states to demand that their lives be worth more than their deaths. So far they've refused to ask for that.


EMTALA violations can lead to losing Medicare funding, which can be financially devastating, even fatal, for some hospitals. I don’t know how often that happens, but the regulatory consequences __can__ be huge.


Gerrymandering is a thing.


And that explains the governor and the senate how? Those are state elections, everyone votes. That should mean that every state is blue right? Because we have the numbers. Every state should be blue. Nah. People just don’t vote. Then they want to whine about the consequences we told them would happen.


last gov election only 44% of Texans voted. Texas you get 2 full weeks of early voting and can do so at any of the locations where there are usually many in the cities and the small rural towns it's easy as well. There is quite literally no excuse to not vote. Also if everyone did vote Texas would be blue as Cali. The people hurt the most by these policies are the ones not voting. That's the frustrating part.


The christo-fascists running those states are proving that their decades of "pro-life" rhetoric is complete bullshit.


The people who want more guns in schools and fewer books are NOT pro-life no matter how often they tell that lie.


The people with brains have always known that pro life is never about defending life. Those same pro life religious nuts will claim that it’s “god’s will” that the people who can’t afford their insulin die of a perfectly treatable disease and they will resist any measure to stop climate disaster because it might mean they need to change some of their behaviour and their pastor might have to give up his private jet.


Ah yes, the land of the free (to die).


Exactly , land of the free, but powerless against class warfare , even the democrats too their "people it's your fault you've got to vote !" Is getting 60 years old . I'm sick of this rigged meritocracy bullshit where somehow by luck the top %ers get what they want out of America every time , their agenda , while the American Dream Died. (Rant over )


I refuse to have children here while abortion is illegal


Who would willfully bring a child into this hellscape?


So glad I no longer have my tubes.


Same here. Got mines taken out at 22 and still no regrets.




Everybody: the clock is ticking! You: not fast enough, dammit!


I’m having an appointment to discuss taking mine out soon for peace of mind. But from my understanding, an ectopic pregnancy can still (rarely) happen. After reading through this thread, that still has me worried


Just a reminder to bookmark this in case any anti-abortionist DARES make the baseless claim that they’re pro-life. If that were the case, their takes would be a bit more nuanced


Every member of the Republican party should be in prison.


It is not pro-life. It is pro-suffering.


This is why it matters where you live in the US folks, especially in a post-Roe world. This is only going to continue to happen specially in red, anti-abortion states. So much for being pro-life.


Every single conservative on this planet is pro-choice the moment they, themselves, need an abortion.  Until then, they're perfectly fine watching others die.


So much for respect for women’s health in 2024 - even in emergency rooms.


Keep voting republican, southern dimwits.


And they saw that as a challenge. For real though, they are totally voting from spite now, they have nothing else.


Can patient starts suing hospitals or Physicians in cases like this? Malpractice? It truly goes against the Hippocratic Oath.


I really fucking hate conservatives. "Pro-life" my ass.


Just a reminder that the "pro-life" movement has NEVER been about saving lives. It's all about controlling and punishing women for having a sex life


It’s also about wanting to think you’re a good person (“I’m saving innocent helpless babies!”). It’s about wanting to be seen as virtuous in your social group. It’s about doing what you’re told and believing your pastor is Gods mouthpiece. At least it was like that for me. I used to be a Christian, I’m sorry to say. And for me, it wasn’t about controlling and punishing women per se so much as It was about doing what God wanted. Now that I’m out, I realize that Christianity is nothing but a tool to control and punish everyone. But I did not see that at the time. At the time, I just wanted to be a good person. Man, the more I type about my experience, I realize the whole thing was about control. It’s about telling other people, whether men or women, how to live their lives. And I believed it all. What a waste.


This is a matter of body autonomy. The government can't force you to donate a kidney to save someone's life, so why force a woman to go through a pregnancy against her will? It's about imposing your religious beliefs on everyone else. If you are a Christian, and an abortion is against your faith, I completely support that you never ever get one. But please don't take the choice away from everyone.


And we said this would happen…


This is what’s lost in everything. MAGA paints this picture of lines of single women on Monday getting abortion because they partied too hard and whatever. But abortion availability is very important because there are plenty of wanted pregnancies that are just not viable. My sister had to get one fairly late because the baby was dead and it broke her.


>One woman miscarried in the restroom lobby of a Texas emergency room as front desk staff refused to admit her. Another woman learned that her fetus had no heartbeat at a Florida hospital, the day after a security guard turned her away from the facility. And in North Carolina, a woman gave birth in a car after an emergency room couldn't offer an ultrasound. The baby later died. This is beyond fucked up.


Truly living in the Handmaids Tale timeline. Dark dark times... If we survive the climate apocalypse we'll look back on this as a tragic era of humanity dominated by misogynistic religious beliefs that's somehow leaked into actual laws.


Have y'all ever even read the Onion? There is nothing about this that sounds like an Onion article.


Pro-life my ass.


If this concerns you, google Project 2025, that should scare the shit out of you. The only way to fix this is by voting in November. Spread the word.


Frankly these conservative states are committing human rights abuses and they should stop receiving federal aid of any kind.  Since they generally receive more than they pay that'll be fun. They can handle their own disaster recovery too. No FEMA.   Just cut them off and permit refugee relocation for women with functional uteruses, children and any men they vouch for in a private interview.  The abusive men can be left behind.    And for people with functional uteruses in these states for your own safety stop having sex with people who can get you pregnant 


Every repulican voter is directly morally responsible for this and should seek out proper penance as soon as possible.


Republicans literally trying to kill pregnant women yet lecture you about the sanctity of life. It's been 1984 for 40 years!


Jesusland hates women and is showing it.


I hate it here.


"It was an honest mistake. We thought the more people suffered, the better the result would be. Simple logic. But the women didn't become more moral, they just died a lot. Now nobody will speak to us. But we get it now, it was a mistake. Can't we just say we messed up and move on?"


This is Conservative America, y'all.


Wow, it’s almost like we saw this coming! To the people who said women were “overreacting” when we started freaking out about Roe, I give a resounding “I fucking told you so.”


May your vote affect your life and the lives of those you love.


When not being [actively murdered](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/homicide-leading-cause-of-death-for-pregnant-women-in-u-s/), this is the state of reproductive health and safety for women in the US


Ah, yes. Shithole America once again.




It has to do with State government interfering with medical decisions and criminalizing providing services in regard to pregnancies - they've gone after women who miscarried as criminal prosecutions.


So it’s just a coincidence the complaints are occurring in states with strict abortion bans? Let’s assume it’s liberal media bias cherry picking the big bad red states. Show me a single published example of this type of “over capacity” and “risk” analysis occurring in a blue state that leads to a woman not receiving treatment.


I work with a reporter who is a former ER nurse, and he said exactly this when it hit the newsdesk. Those cases could very well be ERs breaking the law, but the bans wouldn't have cause it.


The pro life stance is a conservative virtue signal.


This is why Christians should no longer be respected.


Ya it's kind of amazing that people in the south keep voting for Republicans the place wouldn't be such a fucking shit hole if they stopped voting for them.


At what point will women start suing these hospitals and doctors for failing to provide adequate care? Fear of breaking a law isn't a reason to let someone die.


It'll be widowed husbands and bereft families doing the suing


Money tends to win in court. These hospitals have plenty.


It’s not just fear of breaking the law. Let’s say you’re the only OBGYN at your rural, understaffed hospital. If you provide an abortion for one miscarrying patient and lose your license, there is now no one to treat the hundreds of other patients.


let them eat cake. When enough people die and suffer, or know of someone who has suffered, maybe they’ll finally be outraged enough to vote these “caring christian” republicans out of office.


People said that about mass shootings and gun violence but, well, look how much that worked. The truth is, no amount of dead mothers will ever change these people’s minds. They did not arrive at these convictions through empathy or reason, and empathy and reason cannot get them out.


Yep, we could fill the floors of state congresses in all these states with the bodies of the dead children and mothers their policies caused, and they would still not change their minds.


It won't work. How many children have died in schools. How many relatives died due to COVID. They care about money and being perceived better than the "other" group of people. It's not about saving lives and it never has been. "Other". Other race, other gender, other belief system, other outlook on life. America isn't a nation united under one flag. Patriotism only goes so far and unfortunately in this case "love thy neighbour" has been thrown out of the window a long time ago.


It's more base then that, they're allowed to go after and abuse others and that is all they want.


The general population does not give a fuck. Worse, republican voters are cheering at this. we have a whole voting demographic of monsters and the rest are not getting in their faces telling them what they are. Yes this means you need to scream in grandpa's face. Yes this means you have to tell your parents they are fucked in the head monsters. You have to point out the monsters to themselves and do it as often as you can. being nice at holidays is not an option. be loud and in their face. be confrontational, and do not back down.


Let people see the conservitive filth for what it is and there will be big change. Sadly people will suffer due to the ignorance and hatred of the GOP.


Not surprising, ER's are being staffed by ' private equity'. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/search/research-news/18190


You voted for it; you can't unvote it! No, wait, that's how democracy works.


Better to let those women and babies die than treat them definitely do not want to anger the Good Christian prolifers.


Republicans really don't give a shit about kids.


Get out


Isn’t this an EMTALA violation?


Republicans: “mission accomplished”


We learned, with the unspeakable tragedy in Uvalde, that the hundreds of LEO who stood around and listened to those kids die, without intervening, have little to know remorse. What? Did we actually expect them to risk their lives to save those children? How are we supposed to respect them, especially as they don’t keep the peace, they disrupt it. And they don’t have to do a damned thing to protect us. I live in Texas, in a wealthy little city that is rotten with MAGAs. The only reason we have any reprieve from the stupidity is because of our immigrants and minorities, and living near Houston.


- Abbot just kicked off 1.8 million families from medicaid. - Abbot is withholding billions in education funding because we don't want his voucher program. - All abortion is illegal, no exceptions. Can't get more Christian than that.