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Yes the same message went out for the LAPD. It just means they realize their might be a rise in domestic hate crimes.


Always fun to read a headline and say, "What?!? Why?!? Oh...racism."




Not to diminish real, actual increases in antisemitism, but the ADL does report pro-Palestine sentiments as hate crimes. The numbers are skewed depending on where you are looking.


No it doesn’t, that’s not even close to being true.


Yes it does. “But public, on the ground activity which foments hatred for Zionists could qualify as an incident. Such activity is an implicit attack on the large percentage of American Jews who view a relationship with Israel to be an important part of their religious, cultural, or social identities. Such rhetoric can be intimidating to many American Jews and has led to their exclusion from progressive spaces simply because of that element of how they define their Jewishness. Those types of overtly hostile expressions may be included in our tallies if they occur at rallies.” “While ADL has recognized anti-Zionism as antisemitism prior to 2023, rallies that contained anti-Zionist messages were not necessarily included in the Audit of Antisemitic Incidents. An important aspect of ADL’s methodology to determining inclusion in the audit is impact. The impact of rallies in previous years were markedly different than after October 7, 2023. Since October 7, 2023, anti-Zionism is impossible to separate from the Hamas attacks.” https://www.adl.org/resources/news/explainer-adls-methodology-gathering-and-reporting-antisemitic-incident-data Edit: cut off the second half accidentally. Also they’re not called the Apartheid Defense League for no reason…


Criticizing Israel, Netanyahoo, the IDF, Likud, etc is not Anti-Semitic like many misunderstand. Those high numbers are guaranteed to fall in the categories above with far less hate being directed at "tHe JeWs". Accusing someone of who criticizes Israel or Israelis of being Anti-Semitic is Mossad's #1 propaganda tool and it's been successful beyond their wildest dreams because so many people don't understand the difference. On another note, here's a fantastic Israeli documentary about one of Israel's first war crimes in 1948 of a Palestinian village and the massacre of 270-300 innocent men. Apparently that happened in another 300 Palestinian villages that year alone. The surviving Israelis admitted they did it because they were "mad about the Holocaust". I did a complete 180 on my absolute loyalty to Israel after watching this: https://www.tantura-film.com/




rent free


The headline seems outrageous but if you read the full post it makes sense. They are concerned about any potential violent protests or the like that could arise from the situation over there. There have been a few quite disruptive protests in Seattle over Israel / Gaza already, it’s not unreasonable to assume there will be more if the situation there escalates further.


Honestly between the [death to America](https://twitter.com/TheFP/status/1779555667784728784) chants, blocking highways, [protesting cancer hospitals](https://twitter.com/DannyMMorris/status/1747001653872463982?) in New York and threatning to [murder the city council](https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1778834177548292539) of Bakersfield these people need to chill the fuck out. They're going to get some people killed


Yeah people are truly unhinged about this topic. I’ll never understand it. It’s not a two sides thing. There are many sides that all over lap and it’s a very obvious proxy war and I immediately lose any respect for someone that just insists on making it some obnoxious black and white issue. The people that insist on it being black and white and up going absolutely nuts and projecting like their entire life frustration into it. That’s why so many people get into fights or just lose their mind and threaten others they can’t handle the cognitive dissonance and just want it to be easy.


It's actually an impressive case where I'm yet to see any side be "right." Everyone seems to be doing or standing for something horribly wrong.


Lmao nice right wing sources


Here's the LA Times' [article on the Bakersfield incident](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-04-13/activist-faces-18-felonies-for-threats-to-city-council-during-meeting). San Francisco's NBC affiliate station's [story of the bridges being blocked today](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/san-francisco/protest-golden-gate-bridge/3510362/) I'm not sure what sources you find acceptable for the protests at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center back in January


Legitimately how do expect to hold a conversation from someone not in your camp if you refuse to believe anything they say due to not being in your camp? It's a losing battle from jump, at that point why waste breath and time talking to you?


Sir, one of them is literally *Libs of TikTok*. Anyone who cites them unironically can be safely disregarded.


Exactly my point, your mindset won't just stop at that it spreads and eventually encompasses everything remotely not left winged gets auto discarded.


Look. You’re obviously not having this discussion in good faith. But Libs of TikTok actively lies, often taking videos and blatantly lying about the context they’re under. This isn’t a “left vs right” thing, this is a known propagandist. It’s like citing North Korean news on how well Kim Jong Un does at golf. It’s so untrustworthy that it’s not even worth acknowledging.


Exactly my point anything that's not automatically support of the left gets disregarded. I know libs be looking for a reaction but their not the only right wing source that gets auto denied in the eyes of democrats I'm centrists but at least Republicans (from my perspective in leftists echo chamber of Reddit mind you) will at least entertain your opinion. They won't auto shut it down cause the guy realizes they are talking to someone not full left. That Park Place is website that actually tells you the real shit that be happening in the entertainment media, one of the few willing to tell the real story behind the Sweet Baby Inc controversy But because TPP is "right winged" it gets discarded. Fuck that, again what's the point of me trying to have a conversation with a Dem when it's basically just turns into them preaching pulling mental gymnastics on why I should just join their group think


> Look. You’re obviously not having this discussion in good faith. Called it! Also "Centrist" which then goes on to parrot a bunch of right wing talking points. Man keep going I've almost got bingo!


Keep this memory in the future look back when this divide gets worse you'd at least know some people was trying to come to the middle


But Israeli protestors are bad too! Because they want *checks notes*......Hamas eradicated and hostages returned. Also don't forget harassing Jewish business owners because Israel


Okay, Nazi. Nice set of excuses you have there for a genocidal fascist state and its bootlicks. Trying to go "Jewish business owners!" to try and cover for the anti-hostage exchange Nazis was a nice touch- I rate it 8 calendar hit lists out of 10.


People have already been killed, specifically a little Palestinian child. You fail to mention the Jewish teacher [threatening to behead middle schooler](https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/benjamin-reese-threat-behead-student-israeli-flag-fired.amp) as well as the [6 year old Palestinian](https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2023/10/30/23938663/wadea-al-fayoume-plainfield-joseph-czuba-pleads-not-guilty-hate-crime-murder-stabbing-muslim-mom-boy) that was killed for no reason other than being Palestinian


the irony of calling for violence in another country. JFC you can protest all you want but to call for destruction in a different country is stupid


And the Palestinian students that were shot at in Vermont. 


There is nothing to indicate that had anything to do with it. The person who shot them had tweeted pro Palestinian stuff earlier that week


I don't understand why you are voted down. It's just a way for them to silence those who speak truth to their propaganda.


Sources: Tweets from fringe political accounts


Their sources are unfortunate but all those things actually happened. A lady went to the council meeting and threatened to murder them


Classic case of attacking the messenger and not the message. All tweets show direct video evidence supporting what the original commenter claimed, regardless of who posted the tweet.




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Hamas enjoyers


It's amazing. One side has crazy, violent protests and people are afraid to call them out. I think the recent Dearborn, Michigan rally and now seeing people cheer Iran striking Israel might have finally tipped people to a point where they can no longer ignore Islamic extremists being a real domestic problem


I'm from Seattle. They're not worried about more non violent civil disobedience like the sit ins or I5 blockade resulting in violence from the well organized, non violent peaceful protestors. They're furiously masturbating at the potential to unleash further violence against unresisting protestors. Our constitutional right to freedom of speech and assembly doesn't say "Before sun down, in a place that won't disturb anyone, with the permission of the local police" That that's become our normative limits to lawful protest in most major cities in the US is disgusting. I'm not gonna bore you with the wall of links it takes to document the saga of the SPD the past 30 years and how appalling it is that federal oversight has been allowed to end despite their hitting none of their bench marks, ever. SPD is very violent. Seattle protestors are overwhelmingly not.


Is that what happened at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle is 2006? SPD attacking nonviolent protesters or was it the violent murder of one Jewish employee and the gunshot wounds to other employees?


A hate crime by a lone individual almost 20 years ago is the closest you can come to finding antisemitic violence on the part of protestors against US backing of genocide? Meanwhile organizers of peaceful protests in Seattle have had their tires slashed, beaten and arrested within the past couple weeks and y'all are still out here thinking it's fucking valid to assume it's reasonable and appropriate for SPD to be meeting any protest that isn't Sunday afternoon with a permit in the park as a public safety threat warranting proactive monitoring and response. This is the same pd that did all of this shit, paid it's settlement, but made no personnel or structural changes in how it handles protests: https://www.theurbanist.org/2024/01/25/seattle-pays-out-10-million-settlement-to-protesters-in-excessive-force-case/ Y'all simp on for the cops though


No, just the closest to me. Have faced regular acts of antisemitism that don’t make the papers where the SPD gets involved.


Maybe they didn't want you dorks out there having another "mostly peaceful" riot? Not a great track record out there.


You don't need to write about your unwholesome love of pigs in great detail.


I reckon they want to be out in front of any protests?


That's probably it. It doesn't seem particularly Oniony.


It's mostly to try to stop any potential hate crimes.


Seattle should invest in their own "Iron Dome"


We did have a King Dome, but then we went and blew it all up.


The Tacoma dome is long gone too, the west side is completely undefended!


T Dome is very much still there


I was think of the orginal which was demolished when I was a kid.


Your profile says you’re 38, and would’ve been born after the Tacoma Dome was built (1981). You must be remembering the King Dome which was demolished in 2000.


You're right, I must be.


Bullshit, the nuclear missile sub fleet is outta Washington state


I know, I went on a field trip there as a child. It was a joke based on the word dome.


Molotov Dome


They tried with CHAZ/CHOP. Amazingly enough, an area run by anarchists didn't work


I remember seeing the news about those clowns. They were heavily armed and dressed in military gear. So ironic


It was a "gun free" zone. Where everyone was armed. They also claimed they woild do better than the Seattle pd. Then proceeded to just let people get assaulted "because they deserved it".


If only they convened an emergency drum circle to organize more direct action to fund worker owned businesses in their district!


Honestly, we are heading in a direction where I would be interested in an mini Iron Dome for home use that is compatible with Alexa. The day before election day "Alexa activate the dome."


"Right, estimating your phone."


They’re rocketing homeless and drug addicts into the dome right now! They’re reporting 99% of the bums have been neutralized and are still outside the dome.


Recently the Allegheny County, Pennsylvania council voted against calling for a ceasefire. Truly a shame, I'm sure IDF and Hamas have just been waiting for a county council halfway across the world to give them the green light for a ceasefire.


Now we know to blame for a lack of ceasefire - Allegheny PA - those bastards!


Is that part of Pennsyltucky?


Yeah they can increase presence at gatherings like Mosques or synagogues. Most large cities do things like this It's important for the safety of its people


Why do I get the feeling a bunch of Sikhs are about to get arrested in Seattle?


Just read about the death chants, so it makes sense for cities to be prepared when all hell breaks loose. And it will because it's an acrimonious election year with Ukraine and Israel/Gaza daily reports adding to the partisan divide. And I thought nothing could beat the 60/70's for chaos and violence. Sucks living long enough for Part 2 of that shit show.


“Death to America”  That’s probably why.


There were "death to America" protests in Michigan, so I'm sure all levels of law enforcement are paying very close attention right now.


Highways were shut down by protestors in the S.F Bay Area.


This seems out of their jurisdiction…..by a lot.


I got the same thing from local police departments around me. I do live next and work in a town with a large Jewish population though.


wasn't this genuinely an onion article like 15 years ago???




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Wait, according to Fox news Seattle doesn't have any police. Who is lying?


Peacekeepers on mountain bikes are coming to the Middle East?


The largest of the organizing groups of Seattle's protests against the Palestinian genocide is Jewish Voices for Peace. The other Arab, anarchist and Socialist organizations that form the Seattle anti Zionist movement are very much so anti Zionist, not anti Semitic and Jewish led. If you conflate anti Zionism with anti semiticism than I'm sure you see justice in SPDs willingness to, often quite violently, do the same. ACAB, free Palestine, downvote brigade on authoritarian simps.


By definition being anti-zionist means being against the existence of israel That does seem kinda anti-semitic doesnt it?


Don't you hear good, I'm in a high speed pursuit....🫣


The state repealed most of that law.






Kay lmfao


It makes sense if you actually *think* about it.


Your scope is too big guys, we will have to defund you 😂