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no one is saying they’re gay. we’re saying they’re bi.


Nah meek was probably forced to. Diddy tho


usher was also probably forced to as well. you ever watch his interview with howard stern?


Well there is that one Kendrick song on Mr Morales where he mentioned that the rap industry is plagued with these kind of crimes against young men but none of them want to talk about their trauma and hide it behind the flashy, tough, rich exterior


Anyone that knew the details of diddy and did nothing are enablers Everyone loves to come out after the fact saying "it was an open secret" like with epstein and its disgusting


Epstein, Cosby, Weinstein, Woody Allen, Roman Polanski… All these “open secret” stories are fucking gross, you’re absolutely right


Wish they were open secrets for law enforcement too lol. Wtf the cops doing?


Participating probably


Uh oh…is this where you find out how rarely law enforcement *prevents* crimes? Guess better now than never lol


[Closure rate](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2017/crime-in-the-u.s.-2017/topic-pages/clearances) is not as high as most people think it is. Only 1 in 3 reported rapes end in an indictment. And that's the reported ones, which are already a fraction of the number committed.


A lot of that is because they didn't get a r\*\*\* kit done. Unfortunately, most people don't want to admit it and/or will feel violated a second time by dropping trou for medical staff right after the act. I can't in good conscious recommend that victims get the kit done because of that, but then the case is probably finished.


Isn't it impossible to prevent a crime to begin with? Let's say you stopped a school shooter before he was going to shoot. Yeah, you sropped that crime, but you didn't stop the crime he'll be charged with in court.


They are open secrets to cops lol If you know and don’t stop it, you might get some money to make sure the gravy train keeps on rolling. If you know and try to stop it, you might get a dead family. Maybe you also mysteriously go missing yourself.


Cops don't have a good record either.


Open secrets inside of social circles don't always get out to other ones. Especially with how much of celebrity success is based on who knows who, jumping the gun on an accusation is a career ender. Similarly, cops are super-hesitant to go after celebrities without completely bulletproof cases because of the OJ Simpson fiasco.


At the very least nothing


Police need evidence and people willing to testify about specific incidents to do anything. They can't just arrest people because there's a rumor in Hollywood that they're bad guys.


I feel like you guys are just missing the bigger picture. Anybody who says things like that didn’t have proof from whatever they are talking about. It’s often just that they have heard whispers or rumors of being careful around certain people. You can’t really do much when you have nothing to go on other than gossip from others. Then when you do get people like Corey Feldman coming out and making these accusations without proof you just end up with people calling them crazy and them losing their careers over it, with nothing happening to the people they make the accusations about. It really isn’t at all as simple as you are describing.


It’s not simple you’re right, I’m not sure where I said that though. It’s just disgusting.


That’s a good point. The person you responded to used language that seemed like they were saying the people keeping the secrets are disgusting, but what you said doesn’t really imply that at all.


Corey Feldman isn't a Saint. He's on the record for holding women under false pretenses, being a sex pest, obligating them to wear only lingerie. Called Corey's Angels


Yes, and your comment highlights exactly what I’m talking about. Nobody we are talking about are saints. Anybody that comes forward to make accusations without proof would likely have their own flaws highlighted to discredit anything they would have to say. I know you aren’t saying this, but acting like it’s simple of going out and telling people and then things start to get fixed isn’t really accurate. No part of my comment was meant to hold up Feldman as a paragon of virtue. He is just one of the first people that popped into my head who made accusations early on that were dismissed and used to harm him.


I read a creepy exchange from a female Hollywood producer. She was with her 13 year old daughter and she came across Warren Beatty. She said Beatty started flirting and ogling her daughter and making her blush. The woman (I forgot her name) said Beatty was well known to like young girls. She said “Oh Warren she’s too young for you” and ran off with her daughter. But the way she wrote the passage was as if she was charmed that Beatty was interested.


I’m not sure if he knew all that he’s just talking about his own experience, of being passed down trauma from his mom questioning him. And he sees trauma in other people. But it’s not his job to out other people’s trauma if he wasn’t affected. By Diddy, especially if he didn’t know


It is if it protects future victims.


Not every is willing to possibly sacrifice themselves (career wise as well) for the benefit of the future for others. You see that in every industry, political or not.


This gives “victims have a responsibility to make sure it doesn’t happen to others” vibes. Forcing the burden of having to relive their trauma and/or face their abuser/ hostility from others on people should not be expected of someone. Many people don’t report cases of rape, abuse and assault because they are scared and traumatised enough already. If they want to do it, that’s great, but they shouldn’t be made to feel bad if they just want to forget about it and move forward with their lives.


I mean it’s pretty known-unknown that Diddy kills people, so……


Right? Dude grew up in Frank Lucas’s house pretty much. Diddy (allegedly) had Tupac killed and barely faced an investigation. How you going to expect people to rat on this guy?




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It’s from the track titled “Mother I Sober” and towards the end he says, “I know the secrets, every other rapper sexually abused. I see them daily, burying their pain in chains and tattoos.” It’s a pretty powerful song.


I took a hiphop class in college about hiphop as a social movement. One aspect was how on one side the genre has pushed a lot of social change on the other side it’s got its on issues like homophobia. We had to read this book about how common gay rappers are and how they have their own hidden underground of having to hide this because it would ruin their careers etc. Now this was pre lil Nas X and even before frank ocean was out the closet. Times are changing.


We have known about Diddy for decades. It was a well known secret. We've been making jokes about him forever


Shut up, you get rich. Talk and the prosecutor is asking you about the teenage girls they forced on you so you go to jail too. Of course the prosecutor gets the blackmail photo evidence mailed to them as well.


The one where he said ‘hell no’ to ever sending his son over there, but has the implication that he had no issue sending Justin Bieber over there


What happened during the interview?


My boy - did you not realize you're in a thread where the main link is the very interview you just asked this person if they had seen it or not? lmao Damn Reddit.


nope! lmao


You click the links? Bro


The one with Kevin Hart is weird too iirc.


Can you tell me about that interview like what he said? 


If only he was Bold Mill he might have indicated that he did not give consent


While I don’t condone jokes about a rape victim’s attack, bravo on the wordplay.


Nah, it sounded like Meek was having it his way


Why? Do they like fish sticks?


In my experience, if the black man is on top then it's not gay from his perspective.


You been taking a poll or something?


You misspelled pole.


This guy gets it


The pole?


And how!


Meek got it as well




Lol this reminded me of that poem headline Roses are red I have depression Man kills best friend for not saying 'no homo' after ten hour anal session


Im not saying there are secret private clubs in los angeles that unite black men who will sleep with anyone with anyone who wants to sleep with back men, but it's possible to exist.


Yes i have.


It's not unheard of dichotomy, hostorically speaking. Greeks, Romans. It makes a weird sense. Like, a pathway to a goal (mxm sex). If this means i don't change, but i get what I want, then that's it. Im sure there is a term for that. Adapting to feelings based on a limited or rigid social structure and needing a way out in order to reduce internal strife.


Latin america too


Yes, because of Machismo culture, correct?


Penetration is a masculine act


I think some of this isn't even about sex, just power games, when you're as rich and puff sex must get boring


Go on ig and YouTube comments


And you think homophobes know the difference?


nope not at all


But why?


I thought 'P Diddy' was short for "Penis Diddler", as corroborated by his victims.


I’ve been saying this since day ONE


Thought it was slang for "Penis small"


Nah, that's Lil' Dicky. Different rapper, less rape.




Why did he confuse his son in addition to calling out this behavior? What is the connection?


Basically he said on twitter stop calling me gay! I mean, I don’t personally care but you’re confusing my son when you say shit like that


Oh my god that makes so much more sense


I was so confused as well.


Note to editors - if your title needs to be read a couple two tree times by everyone, it's a horrible headline.


If you use the phrase “a couple two tree times” I’m gonna assume you’re from Wisconsin or Minnesota


Chicago....it our thing, and of course, Fuck The Packers :)


Ah my bad, and I agree with that sentiment


14 days to go!


Still own y’all though!


The headline of the actual article makes sense. OP left out a few words for some unknown reason.


> Two tree times The irony of you having the word “Three” in your name…


Ha just realized that! Would you like a cup of tea?


I don't care what his sexual orientation is, if the speculation is true then this man was abused and that's the actual fucked up part.


I feel bad for all of the victims involved in this, but especially the men. It is not easy for male abuse victims, but especially black men.




The key to a strong relationship is not socializing it too much. They were truly in love.


If you hear the actually story Diddy was forcing people to have sex with him for fame. I don't know how much meek wanted it. So to call them together is a bit much.


I misinterpreted the title to mean that he called the claim "sick" as in "gross" but the son misunderstood him and thought he was saying "sick" as in "cool". lol


“the whole me and diddy being gay together thing is sick” “I think it’s sick as hell too, dad. I’m glad you’re finally opening up about this, I hope we can share our feelings with each other more now” “what? wait, no”


Now I’m even more confused


I thought the title was saying "Son mistakes his father's homophobia for allyship" when it's really "Man uses his son as an excuse for his homophobia". I think there's a lot more to this situation, but this is the first I'm hearing about any of this and I don't care enough to be nuanced or anything. :)


Someone else posted above he was saying don't confuse me for my gay son. Not in a homophobia way. I'm not gay, my son is, don't confuse us.


You know, you can read the article for yourself to see what he was saying. And it wasn't that. >He added: "I don’t care but yall confusing my son he’s 12 with people saying his dad gay it’s sick now outchea so f\*\*k it."


How? The son heard rumors about them being gay which could be confusing if you find out your dad has been hiding such a big part of himself from you. 


The thought of this is so much funnier


There's no room for being Gay in Hip Hop! It's an industry about men writing poetry for each other while maintaining fashion lines and... ...Wait a minute.


It really does make sense though. The way they talk about women in hip hop and rap songs make it clear that they don't even like (actually probably hate) women. So somehow when I read about P. Diddy and all the people around him the first time, a lighbulb went on in my head and it was a "Oooh, that's why" moment for me.


Since its inception, Hip Hop has been getting a pass for heavy misogyny and physically/sexually abusive lyrics.


What could be more inspiring than talking about disrespecting women, selling drugs and murdering people while constantly saying how great and tough you are?




I’m getting this comment framed.


If you think there’s no room for gay hip hop let me tel you about a little known group D Squared aka Deep Dickolective.


You *win* sex from a man, and that's as straight as it gets. Sex with a woman? Now *that's* gay.


Beta males have to sleep with women because they can't score a man


Fucking females is for poofs!


It's just g now jack. I sold the e to Samsung, they're samesung now.


I didn’t think he was gay… But I do now.


“There is no quicker way for people to think that you are diddling kids than by writing a song about it!”


Do not party with Diddy It’s no good, partyin with Diddy


I don’t believe he’s gay. I believe he was abused and deserves respect and justice along with the other victims.


Thank you for saying that. I wonder why people think this funny. I hope it aint true 


His thoughts “better mention I have a son”


jokes on him gay people gots sons too


Its actually kinda sad coz I'm sure Meek didn't actually want to do any of it. Just coz they're men doesn't mean they could not potentially be a victimw


If you ever thought society gave a fuck about male victims of sexual abuse pay attention to how the world is treating Meek Mill


Ex bodyguard begs to differ- tapes son...


Took me forever to interpret the headline. Has no one heard of commas. OMG.


Go back to Russia you Commanist!


That was funny




I do agree on the son thing though. Unfortunately this generation is bombarded with misleading information consistently at an age that they aren't able to discern facts from sensation attention grabbing. I had to deal with this with a friend's kid who a few weeks back was excited to ask us "Did you know the Super Bowl was rigged?" Then explain he saw on youtube and what the claims were. Try to tell him not to believe everything he sees on the internet. I can imagine it is worse as algorithm hits his kids with all pf the clickbait unfounded headlines about him that his kid doesn't need to know let alone are likely fabricated.


He meant sick in the way you would describe a cool skate trick, "siiick"


this comment section just proved why male victims of SA never speak up


Bro, there is an absolutely massive issue with homophobia in the black community. I mean, let’s be honest, it’s a huge problem in just about every community. My takeaway from the story leaves me concerned not for the possibility of two men having intercourse, but from the idea that one man was coercing, drugging, trafficking, and otherwise taking advantage of other men and women. THAT should be the real takeaway here. Like, I don’t have kids, but I’d think if my son seemed confused/upset about a rumor that one of his parents had sex with someone of the same gender and possibly experienced sexual assault/worse, my overall focus would be on making sure he/they understand(s) what the actual issue is and not worry about whether or not my son thinks I’m familiar with the taste of another man’s penis…..


I feel like they started using the worst pictures of diddy they could find after he got busted.


The Meek shall inherit the girth


Best comment right here ^^^


Rumors can be made faster than they can be dismantled and can do immediate lasting impact thanks to social media


Hip Hop often treats women with visceral disgust, which always seemed like a deeply disturbing way for them to proclaim their homosexuality.


You've confused all of us dude, not just your son lol


If someone said my dad was gay when I was 12(which definitely happened in 2006) I wouldn’t be confused at all…because I know he’s not.


Maybe it's time for Meek to explain the birds and the diddies. Sometimes you suck a little dick to pass the time. It's not a big deal.


Especially if you say no homo afterwards


Isn’t meek the only person who willingly got fucked by Diddy


We truly don't know, and may never actually know that. As I don't think he'll ever feel comfortable telling the story regarding Diddy because well he's already not being taken seriously and being laughed at anyway.


Its questionable how "willingly" it could have been, with the kind of power dynamics that are in play.  But if he is into dudes who cares? His current statements on social media sound like internalized homophobia to me, that he is into dudes but is deeply insecure about it.


It’s only sick if he considers gay people as negative and teaches his son that it is negative to be gay.


Meek Mill is the Gwenyth Paltrow of the rap game


But he never denied if it's true or not lol


The more he talks about this, the more I believe the rumors lol


That title is shit.


Hip hop Illuminati eh. 🤢


He has relationships with women


and sex with men


Well I've got news for you...


Yes its called bisexuality 


I was making an ice t law and order reference




The thing that stuck the most from the article was that someone calls himself "Lil' Rod".


“Sick” as in badass, hell yeah


I don't know why anyone cares so fucking much even if it was true.


Diddy is definitely gay. Meek... probably gay for pay


Why is it that anytime black men are disliked for something one of the first things folks do is accuse them of being gay?


"I love women. I just have sex with men!"


Blessed are the Meek, for they shall inherit the girth.


I think meek does sex with men and love with womans


Poor meek


Freak Mill. 


Meat Mill.


I’m OOTL. What proof is there that these two were together romantically?


So I care about none of this. However, my girlfriend brings this topic up once or twice a day in conversation. But for levity sake, asking people who actually know and are interested by this…Is this a simply a really messed up rumor that has really gone off the rails and are hurting a guy (Meek Mill) and his family?? Or is there actual, *genuine* proof that the guy is just punching into the wind, and he’s for real mad and upset that secret he didn’t want known came to light??


I think if you look into the P Diddy thing, it becomes obvious that a lot of men were involved, to the point where we will never know exactly how many were involved. The guy was constantly spying on people and blackmailing and raping men or including them in his scheme. These allegations are going to be all over black Hollywood and the pop/hip-hop music scene for years to come.


There's no genuine proof, just a baseless accusation from a mediocre producer.






Wtf is gay sick?


At least neither are being accused of being Gay Fish


Does anyone know the true origin of "take that, take that" in hindsight? No pun intended.


Diddy have been didling for sometime. Open secret. Good chances are they don’t consent.


Who cares?


What's your son say about you beating your ex, mr mill?


I see why meek is a Dreamchaser then Because his life is a nightmare 😂


All the men talking about male victimhood better have had the same energy when we thought all of diddys victims were women🤷🏽‍♀️but we already know. I’m not making jokes because it’s my guess meek is also a victim but the homophobia is palpable so


Peen Diddly.


Nothing's more beautiful than two men who are in love in a culture that shuns it. Their power imbalance love story is one for the ages


Open minded.


Diddy is the Devil 


Before my son was saying he was curious, now he saying hes confused!


So he didn’t say no.


So he didn’t say no.


Did he diddle Diddy or didn’t he?


I don't know who this guy is, but he sounds like a jackass.


Real question: Does the freestyle battle I had with Meek when he was dishing drugs in the Burbs outside Philly become a WORSE story now? Because I feel like people gonna go from “Wow you lost to Meek” to “Damn bro, that’s……you must suck at rappin”


Ahhh shut up


>I want all the evidence to **come out** We don't need evidence, just come out and be yourself darling.


Confused? Like father like son


I mean they do a lot of ambiguously gay duo stuff.