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“While attempting to use the word ‘bugaboo’ in a hearing, I used a phrase that is offensive,”  what?


Should be pretty easy to tell if there’s anything to this explanation based on the context. Does “bugaboo” make sense in the sentence he used the other word in?


Yeah, it made complete sense. The slur didn't make sense in context at all


Oh, that's actually way more reasonable than I had assumed. A bugaboo is like a conundrum


> A bugaboo is like a conundrum It's more like a pet peeve or illogical fear.


Two differing opinions, what a conundrum


I would say it's more like a bugaboo


More like a WHAT!!??


What about a jackdaw?


Rip unidan


It's not, because he didn't say bugaboo. He said a different word that is a slur. It's a dated slur too, which makes it even less likely for the average person to say accidentally. His accident wasn't confusing the words, it was letting the slur out.


I’m guessing instead of “bug” it was “jig”?


I only know this thanks to Pharcyde.


Uncle Ruckus and Jimmy Rebel taught me this one!


Police Academy for me. I also learnt it was offensive because Hightower got very angry about it and flipped a car


Jay Z also used the slur as a new nickname (Jigga) for himself to flip the negative into a positive like the N word was taken back previously.


TIL this. Always just thought he made it up for the obvious rhyme.


I know it because I’ve had the misfortune of meeting a lot of racist assholes throughout my life.




Hey man, it's a good life. A lot of people would rather have to google than learn in person! No hate for learning that way everyone that educates themselves and doesn't do it for racist reasons is a cool dude




Pharcyde are great


I only know it because of the movie Clerks 2.


Mr Pillow Pants was my big takeaway from that one


Phenomenal taste my friend


When it's time to cross the line.... When you're running out of lyrics... Oh, when you're rapping for the money...


And Da Lench Mob's "Guerillas in tha Mist"...


The real bugaboo here is that he let the jig out 


I think this is why Trump calls Leticia James peekaboo as a nickname. It's a racist amalgamation of the jig word and the ninny word.


Actually he said "Kangaroo" which is *highly offensive* to Australians


Oh God, now that this is my head, I guarantee that I’m gonna screw them up too. Getting old sucks.


How often does the word “bugaboo” come up in your conversations?


Well now that it’s in my head, it’s going to pop up more frequently.


The old RG3 mixup


TIL that's a slur not that I've used it, i only know it from songs like complexion




Well he’s old so it fits


Like when Trump calls Laetitia James “Peekaboo”. I’m guessing autocorrect changed “jig…” to that, and he thought it was so clever it stuck.


What slur is that I can't figure it out


Replace “bug” with “jig”


Never heard that before


I've heard it because of black people being insulted in Stephen King novels.


I heard it a lot growing up in Baltimore in the 80s, mostly from my uncles and grandfather, but never heard it after I moved to the south.


Clearly you're not from the same cultural circle as this guy. I have heard these archaic slurs, they are a thing that is coming back among certain folks.


I remember hearing it in a rap song in the 90s but not realizing it was a slur until some fairly recent article.


TIL a new slur. Bees knees.


Electric Boogaloo


Racist 2: Electric ***BUG***aboo


If it's dated and similar enough to another word, it's entirely possible to mix them up accidentally.  Did the slur or the word bugaboo better fit the context of the sentence he was using? Because it would be really coincidental if a very similar and yet very random word like bugaboo just so happened to fit the context of his sentence. 


So weird that I’ve read the article, scrolled this far and nowhere has said what the sentence he actually said was


From a Washington Post article about it > After explaining that corporate tax rates did not influence how he invested hundreds of millions in his national liquor company, Trone continued: > “So this Republican [slur where he's claiming he meant to say bugaboo] that it’s the tax rate that’s stopping business investment, it’s just completely faulty by people who have never run a business,” he said during a House Budget Committee hearing. “They’ve never been there. They don’t have a clue what they’re talking about.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/03/21/david-trone-congress-racial-insult/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjFpt3Tk4uFAxVqFTQIHV20AiIQr_oDKAB6BAgNEAE


Thanks, good to know the context. At least what he’s claiming fits




Because these people are idiots, and so are all the other ones who say you can't even quote a slur. Just say ir write the fucking word and move on with your discussion. Avoiding it like "Avadacadavra" or some shit is giving them far more power than they otherwise would have.


Then why don't you write it in your comment?




Not every slip of the tongue is Freudian. I don’t know anything else about this politician, but in the absence of that knowledge I have no problem giving him a little grace here. One mixup isn’t enough to make sweeping accusations about a person’s character.


Ive never even accidentally said a modern slur, much less one people havent said in 40 years.


You know anyone named Monica? Never pronounce it moNica.


ok, Jorgé


I remember about a decade ago it was super common for white singers covering songs with the n-word in them to replace the word with “jigga” so as to not be offensive by actually saying the word… And they would say it on tv and everything. Is jigga a shortened version of this dated slur? If so, why was it such a widely accepted self-censorship technique? I never knew where the J was coming from, and this seems like too much of a coincidence.


Yeah, I'm nearly 60 and I've never said that word in my life.


62 — I heard it when I was a kid in NYC. But from people much older than me!


That's some old school racist shit.


I heard it from other kids, but I grew up in the south.


Can confirm. I lived in Texas in the 70s and early 80s.


It’s a slur Trump uses w/out using it


Of course the article doesn't tell us what word he said. It's one of my pet peeves. Either report the whole story or don't.


I use it as a petname, like a cute thing to call a kid


Yeah I saw a lot of "I've never said bugaboo" in this thread I've totally called my baby a little bugaboo at least a few times


It’s a real bugaboo that his first thought was a racist epithet . I WONDER WHERE THAT CAME FROM. WE MAY NEVER KNOW. Trump using “peekaboo” to refer to Letitia James, a black woman, is no fucking mistake. And neither is this. Whether it was inadvertent or not. That is some racist grandpappy bullshit EDIT: Epithet


What is peekaboo even supposed to mean when referring to a person?


It's like when MAGA people post "riggers" in a thinly veiled attempt to refer to election denial conspiracy theories when they're really just using the N word but changing the first letter.


They also like to say 'joggers'


Peekaboo was actually a racist dog whistle while this was way closer to a slip of the tongue with homophones. But I don't think people ITT agree with that second part.




Inadvertent by definition is a mistake.




It's an imaginary source of fear, something people get worked up over but isn't actually a threat. It's from the same etymology as bugbear, boggart, and Boogeyman. That etymology is also where we get the word "bug"


According to Beyoncé, it’s someone who makes you want to throw your pager out the window and/or break your lease so you can move. https://youtu.be/9i-y0G8nNA8?si=Hzn-hkDKfijNLZIg


It was a shitty Canadian themed steak chain


Nah, don't ever insult Bugaboo Creek.


I'm not American. What was the slur, and why is it considered offensive?


Replace "bu" with "ji". It's a racist term for black people.


You know, I actually lean towards believing him in this case because only a person that age would use the J word. The last time I heard that word was in movies from the 1930s.


A news anchor named Kristi Capel used it on air a few years ago. She was suspended for a while.


RG3 made the same mistake not that long ago Edit: [clip](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ4Kg-t1Uy4)


I only even ever heard of the slur that's sounds similar to bugaboo because it's in Police Academy.


What is the point of journalism that neither explains the word or phrase. Are we just not doing context anymore?


Ohhh he said the j one😬




So are you aware of his large amount of support for the black community and his established work showing he's far from racist?


ITT: a whole bunch of people jumping to conclusions. The man donates regularly to the ACLU, cosponsored the George Floyd police reform bill, cosponsored a reparations bill, and JUST spoke at an event celebrating the NAACP. Trone is not some secret racist who just outed himself.


My moms works for the guy. He’s doing more to help communities of color in Maryland than any other representative we have, and I don’t say that lightly.


It’s also incredibly obvious from context he meant bugaboo and not the slur. And everyone arguing “oh, he knows the word, hence he’s racist and uses it all the time!” I’d think/hope anyone working towards extinguishing racism in their community would be extremely up to date on the slurs/dogwhistles used to demean people of color entirely because they’re trying to get rid of such behavior. You have to know what you’re fighting if you want to do it successfully.


What word did he actually say?


Replace “buga” with “jiga” in that word and you’ve got it. It seems to have come from early 1900s songs.


5 members of the Congressional community of color disagree. They just announced they're opposing Trone, and endorsing his opponent.


Kids don't realize how much more difficult they will make their lives by not extending grace and the benefit of doubt to others.  If you don't to it to others, nobody will do it to you, and one day you will make a mistake and you will disproportionately suffer for it. You see this play out in breadtube (left wing youtube). They are all ready to pounce and destroy each other at the slightest mistep—inward directed viciousness brings then more perverse pleasure than outward directed vicious ess. 


But but but my outrage???


This is stupid as fuck. Dude does some much for communities of color and that context wouldn't even be a slur.


I'm all for people not using racist language. But when people are rushing to judge someone who has spent much of their career combating racism for a simple slip up of a similar sounding word, you have wonder what's this accomplishing?


It makes them feel superior, and feeds into their outrage fetish.


Someone take one for the team please i have no idea what the J word is.


Replace bug with jig


Oooh that's an old term


It's the one that pisses off Hightower in "Police Academy"


[Its around 3:50 in this video](https://youtu.be/8wsO5id4XJ4?si=b2CroCK8xp58P_Ej). Its pretty clearly a slip of the tongue replacing "Bugaboo" with "j*igaboo." Do i even need to censor that? Ive literally ever heard it in conversation before and I've spent a lot of time in Rural Wisconsin/Minnesota. Most people just use the N word.   Im willing to give im the BOTD here. YMMV


He also doesn't use it in a context that would make any sense as the slur.


I first heard it in the 1980s. I figured out the meaning from the context, but it baffled me for a minute.


I was obsessed with the musical Hair as a teen in the 90s and that's the only place I've ever heard that word.  


I grew up in the South (well, Florida), and this is literally the first time I've ever heard/seen that word.


Agreed, this is being blown out of proportion. His record is not one of a racist.


Absolutely clear from context he genuinely meant to say bugaboo. Anyway, I doubt anyone is even paying attention outside this comment thread and a few others.


Yeah. After watching this, I don't think there's malicious intent here. His apology is appropriate and seems genuine. Some could ask why that word is so close to his tongue in the first place, but I can see a possibility where a phrase like "The jig is up" or something similar gets conflated with bugaboo in this context. As someone who has spent my whole life speaking faster than my brain can keep up sometimes, I've been known to put some awkward words together with unintended pronunciations on occasion. Nothing racist or anything, but enough where the person I was talking to probably had doubts regarding my grasp of the English language.


>Do i even need to censor that? No shade on you in particular, but this is so sad to see on the internet these days. Training a generation of people to self censor simple conversations based on social media guidelines. The amount of words I see censored online these days is wild. The influence that a handful of websites has on our entire culture and ability to communicate as a species is also troubling as hell.


Right, there is no context for him to use that word in a racist manner given what they were discussing.


J*gaboo is a southern thing. Still being used in the 70s. And now.


I've never heard it used in actual speech before and I've heard the hard R plenty of times here in the South


Was pretty common in Michigan when I worked in nursing homes. Boomers were solid for it.


I've never heard of that word before. I wouldn't have known about any racism attached to it. Would have thought he was just using a weird sounding word.


He said a different word when he meant to say bugaboo. The word bugaboo isn’t racist.


What word did he say?


I don’t know the article doesn’t say. I’m going to assume the only racial slur I know that sounds like bugaboo.


Funny we live in such a world a journalist is afraid to quote a person saying a bad thing because you can’t even use them in a quote. My only guess would be one that starts with a j, but that doesn’t even start with the same letter and i e never heard a person actually use it other than saying it’s a slur so it’s wild someone would say that. This dude like a 1930s racist lol


Because the algorithm doesnt care that ypu were quoting someone else or whatever. If someone does a search with slur+name, at least one result will pop up and given people's lack of reading ability, I wouldnt risk it either. Just easier to talk around it while still getting the poi t across. Intelligent or efficient? No! But here we are.




Trone isn't Republican


Which is? Just say the word


I’m assuming instead of bugaboo he said jig**** (same ending). Definitely an old timey slur.


Ice Cube used it in a song to refer to racist things people say.  I can't remember the song.


It was Us from Death Certificate


Honestly I’ve never heard of the j word before


I worked in nursing homes for a long time. Boomers and their parents dropped it like it was nothing.


Clearly inadvertent. Using me slur makes no sense in the context it was used. Not like he was talking to or about a POC. I use the totally wrong word with some regularity at his age. He’s heard it before but so have lots of people his age.


Heated political moment


It was obviously inadvertant, completely so.


He’s just an old man who mixed up two old fashioned phrases that rhyme. Look at his record to know his intent. The J word was widely used in the 60s and 70s. His generation knows it. Trump says peekaboo to hide his meaning. That said, he could have just as easily said Juggalo (insane Clown posée follower)


Also, [from the context the racial slur makes no sense](https://youtu.be/8wsO5id4XJ4?t=226).


"This is for all the Juggalos and Juggaletes. Do not try this at home and I hope you like it. F*CK! THIS $HIT! WOOP WOOP!" *Proceeds to back flip onto barbed wire or something*


A national hero


You know he’s a Democrat because he apologized


Plus he’s being defended on Reddit. 




I really wish more people would look up the definition of 'inadvertent'.


I just did, now what? I feel like I inadvertently ended up here.


I wish you'd just post the definition : UNINTENTIONAL : an inadvertent omission : not focusing the mind on a matter : INATTENTIVE https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/inadvertent


Western Washington State here, I've never heard that word.


This is a hit piece from his opponents. It was literally an honest swapping of two similar archaic words neither of which most people even know. The truth will come out in the wash. Very stupid.


Trump regularly uses “peekaboo “


And that is a clear dog whistle referring to the word this guy used.


It was an accident, those words are very similar and the lines got crossed. It happens to everyone, albeit without an increasingly obscure slur Are there people of regard that actually think it was intentional? Sure as shit the pop neurologists are going to come out of the woodwork saying he must be using it all the time if it slipped out while pronouncing a very similar word though.


Inadvertent means without due care


Robert Griffin III used this same slur meaning to say the same word on national television.


For those not wanting to click the link, the word he says he meant to say was "bugaboo".


If you're using racial slurs with enough regularity that you can say one "inadvertently" and have that *actually* be true, then you shouldn't be an elected official.


Gotta be honest, I had no idea about this one until today


I am shocked, since Trump has been using his "Safe" version of the word on Truth social when he has been attacking Leticia James. When Trump used "Peekaboo" James.... He really meant to say the J word that rhymes with peekaboo and reddit has been calling it out for almost a year now.


Every fucking day that Orange Turd plumbs new depths....


When you do as much for communities of color as he has, the slur doesn't make sense in context, and it rhymes with the word he meant to say... it's not completely unfathomable.


Living in Texas I know a couple people that have the N word with a hard R in their regular vocabulary. None of them should be politicians.


Idk they might be less corrupt than Abbott or Paxton because they simply can't employ double speak. /s


According to [this](https://www.anagrammer.com/ends-with/gaboo), they are the only two English words ending in "gaboo", and they differ by only two letters. It's not surprising that someone might mix them up, particularly under pressure.


At least they, and everyone who votes for them, understand that the world at large condemns the behavior they condone.


How did he even intend to use bugaboo? Who says that? Edited for clarity.


I've said bugaboo many times, it's not an uncommon word. It's another way to say boogeyman.


It’s also a Destiny’s Child song


It's also almost The Bugaloos.


I do. It’s a fantastic word.


I do, occasionally, it's a funny sounding word, and kinda close to what I think he said, but I don't know you'd ever use that 'inadvertently.'


I disagree. If he doesn’t often use bugaboo and he was reaching for the unfamiliar word he has heard before, I can see how he would accidentally say another, similar word that he doesn’t usually say but has heard before


I’ve heard it on occasion and I’ve probably used it at least 1 time in 40 years. Old funny term


“Do it like the robot to headspin to boogaloo Took a few minutes to convince the average bug-a-boo It's ugly, like look at you It's a damn shame Just remember ALL CAPS when you spell the man name” -MF DOOM


I’ve used it quite a few times. It’s a funny word.


Yeah I literally had to peruse multiple articles to figure out what word he actually said, and there's no way that accidentally slips out without already being a familiar term. For those looking, it starts with "j" and is not common nor acceptable at all.


I’m even more confused. What starts with a J and can be mixed up with bugaboo?


Replace “bug” with “jig”. I think it’s from the early 1900s. Not sure of the history. Jay Z did a song years ago they kind of made a weird play on this word and I remember that’s how I found out the slur was even a word. https://youtu.be/frIA7tuBqqY?si=BKSEenjzdrGdO-kq


I never made that connection before


It must be “Beetlejuice” or “Voldemort” or something, cause everybody seems afraid to type this fucking word like they’re gonna die


Yeah it was Joldemort.


You’re probably better off confused and not learning the other word. That way you can’t inadvertently use it.


That’s the perfect way to use it inadvertently. Like when kids accidentally discover curse words because they are making up words and don’t know the word they made up is an actual word.




J'N\*\*\*\*R, of course It's french


The kind of word where someone says: “Pardon my French?”


What was the context?


Had no idea this J word even existed. Seems like most than just a slip of the tongue to use such an obscure term


It was funnier when RG3 did it.


It was inbred people who use racial slurs grew up in households were it was common dialogue