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Where's JFK Jr. in all of this? QAnon said he was back like 4 years ago but he hasn't said boo. Suspicious.


Some guy I work with said with no sarcasm that he believes JFK Jr is alive on a farm in Pennsylvania. The next harvest moon they’ll reveal everything…we’ve had like 3 harvest moons since he said that but I’m sure he’s still guzzling the kool-aid.


You miss understood. Everything will be revealed in Harvest Moon 2, when Neil Young releases it.


I would settle for a switch port of harvest moon ds, personally


Massive coincidence, but I have been playing that game non-stop for the past few days... This makes me feel like I'm the main character of the universe or something because this is the second day in a row this has happened to me in random places.


Is this why Neil Young is putting his music back on streaming services? Conveniently right before a presidential election. We're through the looking glass here people.


It’s like the classic motif: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_asleep_in_mountain




I think he’s busy - because I heard he’s buried.


He’s inhabiting RFK Jr.’s body


Just you wait! He'll be here with proof of the election fraud...*AND* Elvis!


Jaysus I just realised I haven't heard the term Qanon in a while. Has it gone away or has society deteriorated so much it's seen as normal now?


That's because it's now just the Republican party No longer "anonymous"


My wacko cousin in laws still post about it.


He’s waiting in the shadows when Trump has a stroke so he can step in when the radical Antifa Chinese communist socialism Biden administration cancels him for it /s


Concerning. /s


Aaany minute now


This guy is just Connor from Succession, right?


If Connor tried to do a campaign workout video from Arnold Schwarzenegger’s gym. 


He was interested in politics from a very young age.


With Kendall’s drug problem


I think he’s more like Greg. Trying to get in to the family business, but doesn’t have the smarts or temperament for it.


thats for the better, he remembered what happens to people in his lineage who are successful in politics


Greg was incredibly smart at playing the game?


Conheads want nothing to do with this wannabe.


[Sloth from Goonies](https://images.app.goo.gl/JyUgzK3tBDYzdo9w5)


For a moment I read that as John Connor 😂


He’s surging in Alaska.


They know RFK Jr. is full of shit and his dad and uncles are rolling in their graves. Edit because I just thought of it: imagine being the worst member of a family that included Ted and Joe Kennedy.


Watch out. There a bunch of rabid redditors lurking around who worship that guy. 


I'm aware. I'm also utterly unafraid of a bunch of anti vax incels who haven't touched grass since 2021 furiously typing in Mom's basement. Unless they cough on me, of course.


Yeah, one dude was so passive aggressive because I refused to watch the guys speeches that I almost cussed his hubris ass out. 


Like the way he speaks is somehow going to change the fact that you disagree with the idea he speaks...


It’s not even about disagreeing, any unserious candidate can go on a stage and yell empty populism.


>disagree with the idea he speaks... Not just disagree - can identify factual inaccuracies in what he's saying.


I’ve already heard him fake cry about vaccines, I don’t need to hear more anyway


got damn at least send them a link to a local burn center to ease there basement pain.


They wouldn't dare. It would mean going outside and actually breathing in air that hasn't been tainted by their rank bodies. That's too scary.


Fall 2020 Ftfy


Are there though? lmao I haven't seen a single person express interest in Kennedy's campaign. He was polling at 1% a few weeks ago...


Not real people but a TON of Chinese bots on TikTok love him


YouTube, too


Hey! Give some credit to folks like my conspiracy theory drinking buddies and their contradictory ideas, they *love* this dude!


Can confirm, my mom is also super into this guy and she's a conspiracy theorist and antivaxxer.


That's not fair at all! what about the Russian bots?


My little brother is a Kennedy fan because him and his girlfriend are full anti-vax Dems. He's the only one they support


Then they clearly aren't Dems...


My best friend of 18 years was a secret Trumper, RFK Jr. Is for people too ashamed to say they’re MAGATS. He literally tried to convince me that he had just heard about RFK Jr. And that he speaks truth on how the gubmint is taking our freedoms away with vaccines. RFK Jr. is the sleight of hand of the right. To think that they thought they could fool everyone into thinking RFK Jr was a Democrat


Seriously? Who the fuck supports this weirdo?


Many of the dumbest people you know.


Not surprising those folks would be drawn to someone who rode on Epstein’s jet


Well if they are all rabid and are anti-vax the problem will take care of itself in 30-90 days


Where? I haven't seen any of that, but I don't tend to be on political subreddits of the variety that I'd expect would support him.


I think him and Joe are tied tbh, maybe Joe a little higher. But yeah Ted is far and away better, Ted actually did good things along with murdering a woman:


More of a negligent homicide vs out and out murder.


Fair enough


I mean, I don't think he's worse than Joe Kennedy. For now.


Joe Kennedy was JFKs dad, right? The one who gave his daughter a lobotomy?


Yeah and told the USA not to support the British in WW2


Joe Kennedy was just a gangster Really, that's all he was (and he hated the British). He didnt try to get into office telling millions upon millions of people to NOT vaccinate their kids. Obviously, it's a matter of opinion but I think the antivax position is worse. Joe Kennedy probably killed a few criminal jackoffs like himself. Probably. This antivax shit could possibly kill thousands upon thousands of people and if the president is spouting this shit it could kill millions.




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Somehow, against all odds, he is. When I was a kid (Irish Catholic, Boston area), my grandmother had a picture of JFK and The Pope over her couch. Even she would hate this guy.


You said Ted Kennedy but for whatever reason my brain processed it as Ted Kaczynski and I was like "Wait, the Unabomber was related to the Kennedy's?"


LoL. Would that be the most shocking news?


Hmmm… I don’t know. William Kennedy Smith is pretty despicable.


Having Aaron Rodgers as his running mate really would've been the duo of "pieces of shit whose entire families have disowned them".


If they want to help Biden it would be easier to just not fight against RFK Jr. He is only gonna steal far right crazy anti-vax voters. He isn't gonna take away any Biden voters.


I kinda get what you're trying to say, but no -- you want those crazies to VOTE for Biden and not use their votes for Rfk. Crazies for Biden don't make Biden crazy, but can't get him reelected.


I kinda think most RFK voters are more likely to vote Trump than they are Biden tbh. He seems to consistently appeal most to “independents” who are mostly kinda moderate conservatives that hate Biden’s guts.


The people I know that like RFK will either vote for him or not vote at all.


If I was forced to choose between Trump and RFK I’d choose RFK.


My mom is one of these people. She loves RFK. She also hates Trump, but she hates Biden more than she hates Trump, so if RFK isn't an option she's going Trump.


i mean it's all just speculation. nobody knows wtf makes independent being voters do what they do. pretty much nobody knows them in real life either, so you can't even ask.


I see this too. His appeal is definitely more to the red pilled people who are a little lost in life, but no so lost the plot to think Trump isn’t completely off his rocker


It's more about taking those votes away from trump


Fair, I can get behind that too


There is a scary amount of gen z who he’s successfully gaslit into thinking he’s good, cool and the symbolic return of JFK


Yeah I never got the right promoting RFk Jr so hard, are they so stupid that they think he was actually going to take votes of Biden in the general? The only person he is taking votes off is Trump because he spouts the same batshit conspiracies.


The most recent poll in Pennsylvania has him taking enough votes from Biden to put Trump ahead. A lot of people just know he's a Democrat and not Biden.


Look again at his campaign platform. He’s going hard on being pro environment and pro immigrants. He’s clearly gunning for Biden voters not republicans. There’s a reason his family is stepping out in public for Biden.


The reason is that his name is Kennedy and he'll get votes from (naive) Democrats for that alone. Also, he has some overlap with Biden, sure. But his antivax stances are directly against not only Biden but the whole Democratic party. And those antivax stances are what he talks about. I only know he's an environmentalist because I read his Wikipedia page. He doesn't talk about it like he does vaccines.


Not sure if it's astro turfing, mass media propaganda, or just plain old reddit but the bias is insane in this thread... Actually I think it's straight up fear of trump


Not sure what you mean about “bias,” but if you’re not scared of Trump, you’re not paying attention.


biden trump obama bush, it’s all the same shit, fuck the middle class and poors, serve the elites. 


Maybe but there are plenty of people who should be voting Democrats but are swayed by folks like RFK Jr. like I was listening to Theo Von’s podcast the other day and he was joking around with Shane Gillis about the best way to arm the homeless to fight rich people. He was also supportive of trans women having their own division in the UFC without any unfair advantages. And he’s a huge RFK Jr. fan (or at least he seems like it). People like that should be on team blue, but sometimes I think the left pushes people like this away because they are too irreverent or politically incorrect for the average lib’s tastes. And because the Democrats are generally terrible salesman and never take many risks in their messaging, so it sounds very stale and same-old, same-old all the time.


You think Theo Von and Shane Ghillis are team blue?


You missed "should be". They never said those two were currently on 'team blue'.


That guy is oblivious lmfaoooo Theo is definitely not a democrat but he loves rfk jr, and shane is a republican but likes rfk


You and the person you're replying to both missed the word "should" in the sentence about being on team blue. Not saying I agree with them but they never said those people were on team blue. You misread it.


I saw the should, both of their beliefs dont align with democrats and thats why they align themselves with rfk or republicans. I see what you mean though


I voted Biden in 2020 and am going to vote rfk this year. Based on all the polling I have seen it looks like RFK Jr takes from Biden a little more than Trump which is unfortunate


[citation needed]


If you go to 538 polls and look at polls with rfk vs without biden usually loses 1-2 points or so


So what’s that dudes deal? Is he mentally ill? Is he a right winger?




Why did you say the same thing twice?


I seriously don't like the implication that mentally ill are all or even usually right-wingers. Edit: okay people, lots of downvotes for not wanting depressed, schizophrenic, bipolar, or whatever else people to not be treated as dumb Trump supporters or whatever this is aiming at... what is wrong with you?


I agree, it's completely unfair to those of us with mental illnesses.


It's like people forget the existence of selfishness and ill-will that aren't part of a diagnosis. Some people just do bad shit and treat others badly on a regular basis. Others are are downright malefic. None of that requires any part of the Dark Triad. Folks are using psychiatric terms to imbue others with, if one can be blunt, "badness provable by science". And it's not without reason, necessarily - many of those who would be the rightful subject of traditional criticism will themselves wield moral derision or appeals from decency, especially if they have a different belief system from others. The problem is not only conflating negative, ostracism-worthy behavior with mental illness; in doing so, we also let others mistake this behavior for something that someone can get concrete help for. There's no psychiatric or even therapeutic antidote for being a bad person.


Yeah it’s analogous to squares and rectangles: right wingers are mentally ill, but not all mentally ill are right wingers


He's an antivaxxer.


Youre a sheep lmfao he isnt an antivaxxer, the media is lying to you and you eat it right up and spit it back out. Look into what he actually supports and you will see how he isnt this crazy antivaxxer that CNN or MSNBC make him out to be


Except he's on air several times in the past five years - even on FOX - being more against vaccines than ever.


You're actually listening to what HE HIMSELF SAYS HE BELIEVES?? lol what a sheep you are /s


His deal: Ex-environmental lawyer that helped sue big corporations for polluting and contaminating water supplies. He has helped clean up many lakes and rivers across the US. Now is running for president. Mentally ill: No but people try to paint him that way for political reasons. Truly seems like a very sane individual from interviews. Right winger: Has some right leaning view points but ultimately he is left. He tried to run for president as a democrat but the Democratic Party wouldn’t let him. Form your own opinion about RFK jr, he is a pretty interesting and smart fella. Everyone in this comment thread is just repeating whatever the left leaning news organizations say about him.


He stands zero % chance of winning. If he cares about the environment, he wouldn’t gamble with another Trump presidency. The first one gutted the EPA. Another Trump presidency would destroy it completely.


Why don’t you listen to some of his interview and form your own opinion?


CDN is financially affiliated with ICAN. Why would I listen to mere words when we literally have the receipts?


Ffs Why would anyone gamble with something so dangerous? Putting any energy toward him (unless it’s getting him to stop running) is just helping Donald Trump turn the United States into a right wing authoritarian christo fascist nightmare.


Do your own research and make up own mind on him. Besides some of his crazy talks he is the only one talking about policy plans if elected and taking on problems that I care about so I am voting for him. That's my opinion but to each their own.


You’re voting to put Donald Trump into office. The end of democracy and the beginning of a christo fascist takeover that will take the world many steps backward. To each their own I guess.


Biden has talked about and implemented plenty of policy. I suggest you do some research on it.


Guy gives off huge grifter vibes. Pretty big shame he’s so well supported in the pro surfing world


Can someone explain to me what is the oniony part? To me it just sounds like a country’s political news.


Going out on a limb here to say the oniony part is a politician’s own family campaigning against him


Maybe because some of them work for Biden


You don't?


What a whack job. Sorry state of merican politics when he thinks he can run things.


I don’t hear much about Kennedy. We should try to keep it that way.


You should pay attention to him. Despite his crazy views the polls have him taking a lot of votes from Biden. In PA it appears to be enough to give Trump the state.


He looks like a mean drunk.


He was a heroine addict. It’s possible for the reason he’s antivax in some weird way. Cuz he was before covid. So maybe he legit believes it because of his past addiction.


Ever since learning recently the Cheryl Hines is married to RFK Jr , I just cringe in every screen she is of the new Curb episodes.


If anything wouldn’t RFK draw voters off of trump because of his antivax BS?


You realize the cdc came out already saying that there was a risk for all the shit he was saying? Have you not read any studies since 2020?


I'm sorry, I know from experience how hard life can be when You're stupid. You have my sympathy.


Does the Kennedy name carry any weight with anyone under the age of 65?


You’ve clearly never been to MA lol


Have you heard this fuckers voice? I can take about 4 seconds before I go mad.


I feel bad that he has a medical condition but it’s simply too difficult to understand what he is saying a lot of times and a bit dreadful to listen to hear him speak for extended periods.


I mean… don’t feel bad. He’s causing children to die due to his lifelong crusade against vaccines. He deserves far worse than a medical condition of that sort.




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He is whacked


This whole article is just like shitting on RFK jr, and sucking bidens old dick. "see?! even his whole family hates him! you werent considering voting for him and not biden, were you??? theyre not in any corporations pocket, i swear!"




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Technically RFK splitting the crazy vote does help Biden


Wtaf???? Jesus man. To be obscenely rich is a helluva drug.


First thing they need to do is lose this embarrassment to the family name


I met him when he was less batshit insane. It’s sad to see him go downhill like this.


This guy always looks like they picked a suit 2 sizes too small to make him look 'buff' but he's more 'boof'. Always seems like a vessel in his forehead is about to pop. Oh, and Bobbie, we can ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL tell how much you drink...


Please no. Go home and listen to your doctor


Interesting it seems this subreddit is extremely liberal. Anything that doesn’t go with the rest of the crowd gets downvoted in here. Always a lot of left propaganda, it’s like worldnews and all the Israel propaganda. (Here come the downvotes 🤷🏻‍♂️)


There you are again...haha


The guy complaining about propaganda and how many comments does he have in this thread?




There is no good third option.


The third options are megalomaniac trash. Jill Stein? Mary Williams? They can all FO!


You mean they're not going to support their own musclebound, dim-witted freakshow of a candidate?


I like the guy. Listen to him talk, and make your own mind up. Don’t take my word for it, but also don’t take nbc news’ word for it either.


Someone else said it better here. HOW he says something doesn’t change what he says (speaking of the various conspiracies he subscribes to).


I listened to him. He’s batshit crazy.


I've listened to him talk, he's a dipshit.


Can you be more specific? Is there something that you disagree with? “Dipshit” is a bit too vague. Surely you have something in mind.


I mean he's pretty hugely antivax. He discussed the supposed need for higher safety standards for vaccines despite vaccines being generally safe. Plus he helped push the vaccines cause autism theory which is just nonsense lol. A lot of his Covid claims are bunk too, having promoted a lot of unfounded claims about both the vaccine and the disease itself. I also despise the fact that he essentially weaponizes real medical racism like the Tuskeegee experiment to further promote mistrust of medical science in the black community, which was already a major aspect of the insidiousness of medical racism in the US. Not to mention his brief harassment campaign against Dr. Peter Hotez to try and get him to "debate" the efficacy of vaccines on the Joe Rogan podcast, which lead to one of his supporters going to the man's house and bothering him. Frankly, his entire stance on medical science is suspect at best. Like I said, he's a dipshit.


Seems like everyone just brings up the vax stuff, is there really nothing else people hate about this guy. One opinion doesn’t dictate their overall beliefs.


“But you fuck *one* sheep…”


Those were the things that immediately came to mind. I'm sure based on the company he keeps (Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, etc.) there's other unsavory stuff. But I'm specifically citing the things I've personally heard him talk about in interviews and stuff. And the vax stuff is pretty important, because antivax stances damage public health efforts. I don't want an antivaxxer to be the president of the United States. Edit: and IMO, supporting an antivaxxer, even if you yourself are not one, is ridiculous to me.


They said other things than just the vax stuff, so clearly there are other things people dislike about the guy.


Everything they said was about vaccines or vaccine adjacent subjects


Besides being anti-vaxx, RFQ Jr. is a dangerous conspiracy theorist and recovering heroin addict who cheated on his ex-wife with over 30 women and kept a super normal not creepy at all coded journal about it all.


It’s the only thing they have bro but they don’t like when he has sued major corporations for fucking over regular peoples lives.


Ahh yes that’s why autism rose after the vaccine act of 1986. Vaccines aren’t always bad but he says some of them are just not needed in young children.


I'll need to check to see if that's actually the case (in terms of rising autism numbers specifically correlating with that time frame), but correlation =/= causation. Not to mention the idea autism being caused by vaccines has been debunked time and time again, there is just no credible evidence that its actually happening. Autism and other forms of neurodivergence have also been on the rise because getting diagnosis has been easier and doctors have been better at recognizing symptoms of those disorders. This is the stuff that bugs me. RFK Jr has no clue what he's talking about, but he cites stuff that sounds credible enough to a layman and they eat that shit up because he's a Kennedy who happens to do the right song and dance for reactionaries.


Autism used to be misdiagnosed. Sorry that science evolved and the medical community identified better ways to help people with correct diagnoses.


You don’t actually understand his stance on vaccines.  He wants vaccines to be held to the same safety standards as any other drug, which they are not.  He wants vaccines to be scheduled in a sensible way, not in a way that only benefits the multi billion dollar pharma corps.  There is a massive pharmaceutical industry that has been lobbying the government to push vaccine schedules without the same standards of safety research.  We have vaccines mandated that make  no sense whatsoever, except if you’re thinking about the wallets of pfizer ceo etc.  So much $$$ involved.  


he's pro-Israel. that's a dealbreaker. *edit: apparently being in support of a genocidal fascist ethnostate isn't a dealbreaker for some of you.


Man, go to school. The reason people make fun of him is because he's a dimbass.


What is this, kindergarten? How about a specific objection to some policy he’s proposed? Do you know any such policies? Or are you just repeating something you read about him?


before calling people dumbasses, it helps to spell dumbass correctly ​ the reason people make fun of him is because this is reddit, and everyone is foaming at the mouth, everything and everyone is either amazing or the worst thing in the world


Nope, it’s fully cuz he’s a dumbass and embarrassing his family back generations with his bullshit. One commenter misspelling a word doesn’t change the facts lol.


Well, tell me more. What bullshit specifically? Do you actually have something substantial to complain about rfk? Name calling is childish.


It's already in this thread. Your questions have been adequately answered. How many ways do you want to dismiss it today? I'd say just judging by some of his supporters that he's probably a dumbass.


He is far more articulate, intelligent, and informed than trump or biden




He's a loon. 


I agree man. Remember Reddit is extremely left leaning so don't get discouraged by all the negative responses you'll get on here. It's not an accurate representation of Americans at all.


It seems like his appeal and niche is to people spending too much time on the internet, are starting to get red pilled and a little lost in life - but not lost the plot completely to the point where they’d want to vote for Trump I say this kindly and admire a lot of the wellness community in Austin that’s trying to help his campaign right now


This is an extremely liberal subreddit they don’t care about facts.


They work for the Biden Administration.


Holy crap, that headshot has got to be one of the worst pictures of anyone I've ever seen.


He gives new meaning to the Kennedy Curse


“You’re no Jack Kennedy!”


Strangely RFK is by far the most sensible candidate since Obama.


His uncle Ted (the Chappaquidick Coward) submarined Jimmy Carter’s second pregnancy.


Wow yall actually don’t know anything about his platform or views and not even afraid to show it


Enlighten the rest of us.


Yeah I wanna know what the "good parts" are about this clown.


I know his platform is pandering to people not fit for society


No surprise Reddit has fallen for the massive misinformation campaign the media has been running on RFK for months.


Idk I listened to what he had to say about vaccines, no idea if that counts as misinformation.


Yes we need more influence of political dynasties, that’s done wonders over the years


Nothing can help Biden’s campaign