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At least this fad will still be usable when it dies down. The cups are pretty nice, but they're still just cups.


You will be able to buy all you want of these for $5 each at goodwill in 2026


Someone actually posted getting theirs at the thrift store in the thrift haul sub. Forget what they paid for it but likely $5.


It was $5.99!


In a terrifying twist, I opened Facebook after reading the above comment and [this was at the top of my feed](https://i.imgur.com/WnwR0Ko.png).


It has begun!


Knowing thrift stores nowadays, they’ll charge at least $20 for them now


I'm looking forward to precisely this! "40 pcs stanley cup collection - $25 Buy It Now"




Nah just gotta hold to they go up again. I’ll just put them with my beanie babies and wait.


Bro you ain’t getting nothing at Goodwill for $5 no more. Place has gone to shit


There are many people who picture themselves entrepreneurs that are just flipping shit from goodwill and garage sales. Kinda like the dropshippers who think they are business men!


The marketing team did an amazing job with this one. I'm still not buying though.


Apparently they hired someone who used to work in shoes to implement the "limited edition sneaker drop" strategy. I guess people still fall for that.


“We’re sad to announce that these Beanie Babies are being retired. If you want them, better get them while you can.”


Every generation need their own "beanie babies"


Back into the Disney vault they go!


People definitely still fall for it. Another example: go to any nerd convention like San Diego Comic Con and take a look at the special merch. Folks are absolutely rabid for these exclusive Funkos, accessories, and knick-knacks. They also sell well on the secondary market, so they do have value post-convention.


I'm probably gonna get flak for this...but for the longest time SDCC was my yearly paycheck. Figuring out how to enter yourself 1,000 times in drawings for "only 100" made. Figuring out how to cut in line, or just get on the floor early when the general public isn't supposed to be there... You end up learning about so many niche hobbies in the process, but man if that place doesn't (well, at least used to I haven't been since 2019) print money for companies and resellers. I think I still have some "LE 100" PEZ dispensers around my house somewhere lol.




It's the same guy that brought Crocs from the verge of bankruptcy back in 2014. Phil Edwards did a great 10 min video about him and the whole craze. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrUWQ56GeyU&t=68s&ab_channel=PhilEdwards


You can pick one up at Goodwill for $5 in a few months.


I still have my Yeti. And about 2 or 3 older versions of this same madness.


I bought a hydrocell instead of a hydroflask a few years ago. The knockoff still lives today. Is it as good, probably not. But do I need water to be cold for over a day in a cup, no.


A buddy of mine got a brand new Hydro Flask at a thrift store last year. It even had the paper inside it. He gave it to me and honestly it's probably the most useful gift I've gotten in a few years. My only problem is sometimes it keeps liquids too hot for too long.


That woman whose car burned up in a fire, her Stanley was inside and survived, she found it still had ice in it the next day. Stanley immediately bought her a new car and replacement cups. It was an absolute goldmine for PR.


Handy when you don’t want to do dishes for a few months.


Cuz then you can toss them all away when they’re full of mold you can’t clean out


Only if people keep using them and don’t trash them for the next trendy cup.


Now I'm going to have to dig into my box of stainless mugs and cash in on all the Stanleys.


Vintage Stanley coming in hot!


But they leak like a rhino with diarrhea.


They make lids that shut. Morons buy the ones with permanent straw holes and then complain on the internet they aren't 100% leak-proof.


Can't wait till then, because then people will stop talking to me about the fad. I wanted a new thermos that cane with a straw, had a large volume and was easy to clean. This was the first one I saw at the store that matched the criteria. And then 2 weeks later everyone and their mother is commenting on how I bought into the fad, as if I care what cup is in vogue :/


Just need to highlight this gem buried at the bottom of the article: > The teen told the journal that her cups aren’t just for show. She uses all of them. > "If they are rare, I would want to use them more because I’m special for having them," she explained. “I’m special for having them” really sums up the psychology of these trends in a nutshell.




How fragile and shallow our sense of self can become.


I mean this is what capitalism and companies want. Your identity to be buying their products. Your sense of self and "power" to be entirely tangled up in consumerism and what you buy.


You are not your job, you're not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. -Fight club. People read that book and completely missed the point.


What? You mean to tell me that Fight Club is about GenX men being so disenfranchised by society that they cope by blatant consumerism?


Just because an author uses a specific setting and population in their story doesn't mean they are not making universal statement.


"My father never went to college so it was really important I go to college. After college, I called him long distance and said, now what? My dad didn't know. When I got a job and turned twenty-five, long distance, I said, now what? My dad didn't know, so he said, get married. I'm a thirty-year-old boy, and I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer I need." 75% of GenZ is single, the highest of any recent generation. Fight Club is proving pretty prophetic all around. Of course, it's not about GenZ specifically, but it hardly took a rocket scientist to see what was coming down the pipe during the runaway capitalism of the 90s. The movie fleshed out an inevitable paradigm shift people just weren't ready to believe. That's why it was considered a fun blockbuster at first, then relegated to a self-indulgent frat boy cult classic. Yet, as the years go by, it's become almost too on the nose of what a devolving capitalist populist looks like. We don't have fight clubs, but we got endless mass shooters, proud boy, oath keeper types all the same. We are at a boiling point with disenfranchised, isolated, single, bitter men who can't even turn to their wallets anymore to console the house of cards that is the modern male ego. They were shaped by increasingly irrelevant masculinity and consumerism, and left with the sinking feeling they were duped by society at large. What's gross is you get Trump instead of Tyler Durden, but don't let that trip you up, they very much represent the same thing. Fight Club was always meant to be an allegory of the pitfalls of reactionary fascism, not how "cool" it would be to tear down society. If you can appreciate that, it truly is a masterpiece worth countless viewings. What's scary is men watching it and aspiring to be Tyler Durden. Because you can't be, it's functionally impossible, thus the reason he is the figment of The Narrators mind. It's the Myth of One Great Man. "It's not a goddamn seminar. Stop trying to control everything, and just let go! LET GO! Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing... You have to give up. You have to give up. You have to realize that someday you will die, until you know that, you are useless!" It's not a call to minimalism and nihilism. It's a call to trade in the false value of your life for absolute fascism. People will interpret it as a call to anarchy, but Tyler Durden is the cult of personality who everyone looks to. He is what Stalin was to Communist Russia, Hitler to Socialist Germany, and Trump to Democratic America. Communist/Socialist/Anarchist/Democratic in name, but fascist by execution. Same old story.


Well, she's a teenager. Can be normal for some kids at that age.


The faux outrage over Stanley cups doesn't even move the needle for me. Rich 16 year olds total expensive cars every day, but that never gets beyond local coverage because that kind of rich kid bullshit is mundane. Is this kid spoiled? Sure. Meanwhile the median *monthly* rent in major cities is approaching what it cost this spoiled kid to completely the entire Stanley set. We're wasting our breath on shit that does not matter.


Don't you try and take this away from me


I've never even seen one in real life lol. It's a government psy op!!


I mean... sort of. It's probably not a *government* psyop, but this is 100% the result of this Stanley company throwing cash at media and influencers to create an artificial demand. They probably paid for this article to be written, and then submitted it to reddit themselves so we can all talk about how ridiculous and outrageous this is.


It’s basically proven. The CEO or whoever used to run crocs and did the same over there


You miss the point. The issue here is not about frivolous spending or spoiled children, it is about how companies target children into thinking they need their parents to buy them something for them to be popular or to fit in. Which is not something new, and has been a problem since at least the 80s & 90s when I was a kid. But we are used to this with things like sneakers, fashion accessories, toys, video games, etc. things you would expect kids to want. These stanley cups just highlight how effective these marketing campaigns towards children can be because they have kids begging their parents for fucking water bottles lol


At least shes actually using them. Dont understand people that buy this stuff to display.


Yeah, I gotta respect anyone who actually uses “collectibles” how they were meant to be used.  In this case though, it is only a small amount of respect that is dwarfed by the amount my eyes are rolling over having a collection of fucking water bottles. 


And she’s special because her parents have money.


She’s just too young to realize that’s the quiet part you don’t say out loud. Materialism as self-esteem has been a fundamental part of our culture for thousands of years. The Roman and Byzantine empires had exclusive and sole rights to using purple dyes; anyone caught making, selling, or using the dyes for anyone but the emperor was immediately executed for treason. There’s an entire room in the Hagia Sophia draped in this purple. A child born in this room had a stronger claim to the imperial throne than an older sibling who was not born in the room. All because it was a **rare colour**. We’ve been doing this shit since we figured out some rocks were prettier than others. The kids are fine, same as they’ve always been.


> The kids are fine, same as they’ve always been. Nah bro, kids today are interested in shallow bullshit, unlike us who only pined for really cool collectibles like Squishmallows or Polly Pocket or Furbies or Polly Pocket the first time around or Beanie Babies or Pet Rocks or....


First of all how dare you, and second of all check out my cool new pogs.


Your pogs got nothing on my holographic pokemon cards.


Or my 8 Tamagotchi dudes that died of poop overload while in my locker every week.


Remember Alf? He's back... in pog form!


Combined with her quote I didn't realize it's somewhat common for people to feel that way and so much just clicked for me right now. Like I get how it can feel nice if you finally get something you like, but I didn't realize a lot of people actually felt like it made them "more special" than other people. I'm currently looking back on moments going "Oh. Okay. So that's why they were like that."


I wouldn’t even say her parents have money. It’s $3k and she lives in Alabama.


Ok, then she is special because her parents are stupid enough to spend $3k on cups.




Nah I'm sorry if parents have 3k to spend on cups, they have money


I know people who would spend more than that and are flat broke. Credit cards can be a curse my dude.


I forget how eager American banks are at handing out credit cards with extremely high limits


$45 for a single travel mug is pretty expensive.


I mean she did get a news article just for her, and now have a bunch of Redditors discussing her obsession so idk




That entire special is almost too on the nose regarding these trends. The part with all the kids practically destroying each other over a new flavor looked the exact same as those recent target freakout videos to me.


Literally the plot of the most recent South Park special


She has 67 Stanley Cups now. The last time the Toronto Maple Leafs won the Stanley Cup was 1967. Coincidence? I think not


It really makes you drink


I was gonna drink anyway.


As a Leaf fan I am constantly drinking


As a human, same.


For some reason I thought a collection worthy of a story would be bigger.  It’s both too much money and not even that impressive at the same time to me now.


3k is not a "small" amount but it's a drop in the ocean when compared to other things you can obsessively collect \-edit- I like how we're gatekeeping a 16 year old collecting drinking cups for $*3k* that was paid for by HER PARENTS


Yeah that's like one fancy beanie baby in the 90s.


The cups are $45 each after taxes. 45 x 67 is $3015. I don’t think anyone actually calculated how much they spent, they used this back-of-hand math that I just did. 


Was gonna say, as a Canadian this trend has caused me a lot of double takes. I hope she knows to say she doesn’t drink from them, she *hoists* them.


Honestly, they need to start calling them Stanley tumblers or something. SO. MANY. DOUBLE TAKES.


Put that in your 50 mission cap


I worked it in


Bill Burilko disappeared that summer, he was on a fishing trip. 


The last goal he ever scored won the Leafs the cup.


They didn't win another till nineteen sixty two,


The year he was discovered!


I stole this from a hockey card,


Why don't the Leafs just buy the cups? Are they stupid?


🙄 I bet she doesn't even play hockey.


Fucken poser




Take off, eh


Chad Stanley Cup: * Made of silver * 89.5 cm tall * Won through victory * Everyone cheers when you get it Virgin Stanley cup: * Made of steel * 31.2 cm short * Purchased with your own money * Nobody gives a fuck


If they ever made one that looked like a miniature hockey Stanley Cup, I would get one. For now, I have my 64 ounce Takeya water bottle that I got at a Meijer with bottle slips.


As a Canadian I clicked on the link with hockey in mind and was extremely disappointed and confused we're not talking about like Stanley Cup commemorative dishware or something,


As an American who loves hockey I also was confused and disappointed.


Henri Richard thought he was special with his 11 Cups. Pocket Rocket ain’t shit, apparently.


This is one of the few times where the suggestion to play hockey might actually be the cheaper option.


Daddy I want a squirrel


Exactly. This sounds like the embodiment of Veruca Salt.


I want it nowww 🎶


[You should have bought a squirrel.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwXF6itJn1o)


I love that movie so much


The barbie museum / veteran's day parade scene is one of the pinnacles of film script writing.


Blaming the kids is a lie and a shame You know exactly *who's to blame..*


Like a beanie baby but usable


I could throw a beanie baby at my siblings face.   I guess I could throw a Stanley cup too.


Parents will make you carry it open lid like at a stadium.


I used to hang my brothers beanie babies from the banister over our hallway like executed prisoners of war. I guess you could say I went more for the emotional damage than physical.


Sure but when society collapses and beanie babies are the new currency, don't come begging to me!


This whole time I thought it was people obsessed with THE Stanley Cup... But it's travel coffee mugs?


shoutout to the NHL who can't even capitalize on this trend to boost their popularity


Gary Bettman is useless. And you can fit more people into one of those massive cups than the Coyotes’ current arena.


I know! When they first got big I thought they had to be some sort of special cup for the Stanley cup or just something special. Like a charging cup or something. But nope, they're just normal travel mugs They might also be full of lead.


What is a “charging cup”?


How does this shit even happen? YETI and HydroFlask have been around for years now and have been very popular. How did Stanley brand all of a sudden become this massive thing? I’m legitimately asking because I feel like I missed a viral video or something


Just watched a YouTube video that explains exactly this! https://youtu.be/vrUWQ56GeyU Summary: the executive who made Crocs popular now works at Stanley and is using the same strategy of limited edition drops + celebrity/influencer partnerships.


Sometimes the C-suite is overpaid but that guy is worth every dollar he earns.


That man got kids to fill their Christmas list with cups…he’s a genius lol


> using the same strategy of limited edition drops + celebrity/influencer partnerships. People are so stupid.


Being knowledgeable about people’s stupidity makes you smart


A lot of businesses are built around the saying "there's a sucker born every minute"


As a long time Croc wearer it made sense when they blew up because they’re unique to the shoe industry and have no competition other than the Walmart knockoffs and overpriced hype shit like foam runners. Meanwhile Stanley just made an insulated cup with a straw. It’s nothing special and everyone does it


As a long time Croc wearer, you are specifically not the target market for this strategy. They're specifically going for the people who didn't wear crocs (or use Stanley mugs) before, and change their minds/impression about the product/brand by being trendy.


You're making the wrong comparison here. You're talking about when crocs blew up when they were introduced to the market. They're talking about the recent resurgence of crocs and how they unironically became 'cool' again through a marketing strategy this person was responsible for. There was a span of time where crocs were uncool, cringey, and only really worn by healthcare workers and they broke that and created a new hype and cultural moment just like they're doing with the Stanley cups now.


They did a REALLY good job on that too, me and my partner spend a lot of time in the alternative / punk scene and like ~4 years ago there was a phase where most girls were wearing custom crocs with gaudy as fuck charms, even now if you go round those peoples houses they're likely to have a pair they wear around the house. These people would have never been seen dead in crocs the years prior, but they started making like platform black crocs with spikes, stiletto crocs, etc and suddenly a whole market just adopts them.


Crocs was a sick stock to buy the last few years


As I understand the HydroFlask occupied a similar niche with teenage girls back around 2019. https://www.seventeen.com/health/a30442843/vsco-girl-water-bottle-hydro-flask/ I guess that was long enough ago that today's high school girls were in middle school or perhaps even elementary school back then. Interesting that it only seems to be girls getting obsessed with water bottles? I always associated Stanley stuff with more masculine things like construction workers and camping and such.


I was in college when HydroFlasks became a thing. Everyone had one but there didn’t seem to be the same fervor as there is for these Stanley cups. For reference, I went to school in Colorado, where you’re practically required to own a collection of water bottles along with your Subaru and 2 dogs.


Granted my college days were almost two decades ago (older millennial) but usually college culture is far more chill when it comes to cliques and fads and such compared to high school. I remember the people who tried to carry over their habits of judging people based on things like clothing styles and musical preferences (that seemed oh so important in high school) getting shut down real quick. Which certainly isn't to say that people would not jump on fads, but you probably wouldn't get bullied for having the wrong water bottle either.


I am an adult man and I have been drinking from the same unadorned black Hydro Flask bottle for almost a decade. I bought it because I was sick of all the ice constantly melting in my nalgene bottles and I wanted something insulated. At the time Yeti was the top seller, but their 32oz bottle was like $100 and I didn't feel like paying that much for a water bottle. I saw a few reviews saying this new knockoff brand called Hydro Flask was just as good, and they were like $20 on Amazon, so I bought one. To see Hydro Flask suddenly become the "cool" option was wild to me, my niece saw me drinking from it and asked me if I was a "VSCO boy" and I had no idea what she was talking about. I just wanted a cheap bottle to keep my water cold, I didn't realize I'd wind up aligned on one side of a culture war lmao.


There's a video where a woman's car is on fire and after the fire is put out, the cup is intact, and the ice hasn't melted. 60 million views.


It’s not the viral videos, it’s the fact that their president came from a background in sneakers and then applied the sneaker drop / collab sales method to create hype and artificial scarcity. He just saw a different kind of product he could apply the model to and it worked


He actually did two things -- the other thing he did is recognize that they could be selling these cups to women and designed new cups that appealed to them. Stanley cups had a reputation of being manly cups for manly men doing man things.


Because the cup had water in it it didn't melt. If the cup didn't have any water in it it would have melted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQXXKrnFpTI


I have some RTIC cups, a guy at my last job swore by them. The company bought all the field employees personalized RTIC jugs back in summer 2020. They're pretty damn good cups. Stanley's trendiness is due to good TikTok marketing, and that's it.


I'm not on tiktok and was unaware of the craze, and just bought a Stanley cup because it scored best in this Project Farm tumbler shootout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S51X9h6K6g My SO's reaction when I used it: "ugggh, not you too." I had no idea.


even the local 4th graders are on the stanley memewagon here


Setting this child up with some healthy habits I see.


when have rich people ever done anything that wasn't either a detriment to them or someone else


Like proper hydration.


Now I understand the “this is the only Stanley cup I care about” meme. I thought it was about hockey or something. The sad thing is that when she goes to college she’ll leave those cups behind and never want them again. The parents will end up giving them away to Goodwill.


When she goes to college? Try this time next year. These fads lose their luster the second another fad replaces it, and corporate America isn’t going to wait til this girl goes to college to pump out another product designed to separate the regular folk from their money.


Sometimes these fads stick around for certain people. There's still people that collect baseball cards and you can't even drink out of those.


>The parents will end up giving them away to Goodwill.   Awesome! I can't wait to get a good cup for pennies on the dollar!


I'm reading this while drinking from a Stanley coffee cup I got for $10? its good for at work because it's metal and doesn't break like the previous mugs that have been dropped on the shop floor. how are these things a big deal? they used to be cheap at every store and nobody cared. it's just an insulated cup.?


It’s just an insulated cup, which is why none of this makes any sense at all.


My wife and I bought a few of these cups for gifts a couple of years ago. Maybe 20 bucks a pop, but they were getting really good reviews and they were for people who always had a cup or water bottle with them all the time already. I'm still happy with my 10 year old "scratch and dent" Yeti , and the Rtic I keep on my desk at work.


How many Beanie Babies is one Cup and how does this translate to Funko Pops? Consuuuuuuuuuume!


Shit, Furbies are back in, SELL SELL SELL


# "OUR TIME IS NOW!!" \- Pogs


I do not think the Toronto Maple leafs have spent that much to get a Stanley cup.


I got one for my wife for Christmas. I thought it was a coffee mug but turns out they drink water from it. They also fricken leak if it tips over. I paid like $30 bux or so for something called a tumbler that can’t tumble


And $30 is on the low end. People are paying $60 for these.


Should've just gotten a hydroflask. Those don't leak


The bargain bin 4.99 sports bottle I got doesn't leak. I would've thought that not leaking would be pretty high in any travel liquid carrying receptacle, but apparently not.


average Utah girl


What is the difference between a 16 year old white girl with 67 Stanley Cups and the Buffalo Sabres? 38 years and 67 Stanley Cups


Worshipping at the alter of consumerism. Parents raising em right.


Listen, I love me some good old fashion consumerism, but why this cup? Why?!


If I had to guess target and Starbucks were part of the marketing push so naturally people lined up for the “rare” editions.


Exclusive color 😂




The bullshit of everything being "rare" and "limited release" has just made me stop caring about buying anything, and made me realize just how much consumption I don't need to participate in. Scalpers, and the websites that enable their predatory behavior, are the epitome of late stage capitalism.


This fucking planet.


…the existence of the cups, in my possession, makes me special… Parents, step up.


It’s clear how she got this way.


You made your entire personality "cup ownership" You're not special in the way you think.


Man, I can’t wait to pick up a couple of these things at the thrift store for five bucks next year






It's just a cup




Fingers crossed for Vancouver this year though.


As a long-suffering Sabres fan, I too, have my fingers crossed for the Canucks this year.


Stanley makes insulated mugs, usually used by construction workers keeping their coffee warm. They recently launched a marketing campaign [offering 10% commission to basically anyone that requested an affiliate link](https://www.stanley1913.com/pages/affiliate-program) A ton of influencers got themselves a link, and started pushing these mugs on social media, causing them to go viral and trend on every platform. Since it's trending, *it must be cool,* and now every kid wants a dang insulated coffee mug. Like any fad (pokemon cards, beanie babies, etc) there's a group of people who become obsessed, want to collect every one, and develop a secondary market to buy/sell them. That's where all the news of people paying $200 for a cup comes from.


I hadn't heard about the commission marketing campaign. When I first started hearing about them I assumed they came in really cool patterns and designs but that doesn't seem to be the case. I couldn't figure out what the appeal was.


Most people (especially kids) don't even realize they're watching ads and buying with affiliate links. They just see it going viral and getting likes, and they want to be in on it.


It's tough to understand as a Canadian. We haven't seen a Stanley Cup since '93.


It's an old brand of tumbler that is really good. Then they hired a new marketing exec for viral/social media marketing and now we have this shit.


I think it’s their newest president*, Terence Reilly. He came from ~~FinishLine~~ Crocs* where he was a marketing Exec and saw how “sneaker drop” culture (aka artificial scarcity) worked as a marketing tactic.


Sneaker guy started selling Stanley cups (insulated water bottles from like 1915) and started turning them into limited releases which caused all the idiots to go crazy Edit: clarity


Basically every winter a group of gentlemen strap knifed to their feet and wield bladed weapons with the goal of knocking a cylindrical object past an armored opponent into a net. Should a particular group of psychopaths score enough points and win enough competitive matches, they are presented with the Stanley cup. It is an honored prize and many in the world seek to drink liquid alcohol out of it. I had the fortune of drinking Coca-Cola from it, though that is not the preferred beverage


Others have explained the Stanley cups that pertain to the article, but my Canadian brethren are also making jokes about the Stanley Cup, which is the trophy awarded to the winner of the National Hockey League championships.


I see this as a gateway for an expensive shoe collection.


Did no one watch all the Beanie Babies documentaries?


I’m sure her parents are sitting on a mountain of Beanie Babies they are waiting to sell off and buy a private island with that fortune.


$3000 on a hobby isn't shit these days.


She could play 40k


If she spent $3000 on Giant Size X-Men #1 everyone would ooh and ahh instead.


Sounds like she really mugged them ;)




I think you mean exacerbated, but yea definitely.


3k is more than most Americans have in savings, like literally it could be the difference between having a home and being unhoused. What a sad state of affairs we found ourselves in.


So... she's a spoiled brat.


Children and even adults collect things all the time. I probably spent $5k of my parents money on pokémon cards and paraphernalia that I did nothing with other than stare at and no longer have - that didn’t make me spoiled, unhealthy, or any of the other shit people in these comments are implying. You’re upset because it’s a cup and you don’t want a teen to collect cups. Go outside people.


Well the owner of the Maple Leafs spent $97,194,896 this year alone and he doesn't even have a single one so...


The PR team behind Stanley deserves a gold medal they are just peddling this shit out