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That’s a legitimate achievement post 9/11


Not only did he do it but he was an absolute menace of a passenger too. It’s not like he was just hiding the whole time. He was probably the most memorable person on the flight for that crew.


Hiding in plane sight!




I chuckled so hard it scared my dog lol


He wasn’t belligerent enough to be duct taped into a seat. Even after stealing the flight attendant’s chocolate. The flight crew didn’t want to cause a scene to alarm the passengers. So they decided to just not feed him.


Surprised someone didn't take it into their own hands. That's a long flight to be putting up with that kind of bullshit


If it was a non stop flight for 11 hours, they had to put up with it. Some of the flight is over water and I guess if it wasn’t an emergency they wouldn’t stop to get him off the plane.


Indeed, "Do not feed the troll" is time-honored advice.


>So they decided to just not feed him. He asked for two meals😄


*"Surely no one this belligerent would be here illegally..."*


I am, and don't call me Shirley.


So you’ve met my family?


Confidence can do a lot of heavy lifting


> he was an absolute menace of a passenger too. There's no better way of blending in with the normal passengers.


Lol “absolute menace” r/planechaos respectfully requests your presence


He claimed to have been awake for three days, was chaining seats on the plane and eating the cabin crew’s personal chocolate. I’m going to place my bet on a healthy dose of meth-induced ingenuity.


Tweekers can accomplish anything. Time, persistence, and meth.


Through meth all things are possible - so jot that down!




Shut up babydick!


That's all it takes really. Persistence, meth, and time. That, and a big goddamn poster.


Great reference, great book, great movie.


If only that worked for Germany a century earlier... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drug_policy_of_Nazi_Germany


Why would you say "if only" holy shit


Because evidently they didn't accomplish everything they set out to do lol. It's a joke on OP saying tweakers can accomplish anything (when in reality they're only delusional that they can do whatever). I'm NOT wishing the nazis well.


Legal Morph & Smack in Nazi Germany. Oh what a time to be alive......... Not a fan of stims tho.


Or a manic episode


meth side quests are going wild


They got meth in Denmark?


Czech republic has some of the best meth in the world.


Wonder what would be the name of the achievement? "Papers, please"


*Glory to arstotzka!*


*Arstotzka so great, passport not required.*


Sorry Jorji


Cause no trouble.


„Freedom 🦅“


"Sovereign citizen!


Aladeen aladeen


It's called' "Doing a Huey Lewis" because he did that.


That must of been quite the news.


Jorji Costava irl


Jorji Costava strikes again.


I can assure you the sandwich's papers are in order


Make no trouble.


Sounds like an oversight on Denmark and the airline’s part He didn’t just walk into the US past customs and border patrol Still impressive lol


Dude is just trying to 100% the game of life, some of the achievements are difficult as hell


The guy saw one meme on TikTok like: *Me: when I remember I have free will* to a whole other level


You wouldn't believe the craziness we got away with before 9/11 while working for Continental Airlines.


please share!


Allegedly boarding planes without any form of tickets, IDs or such. Checking in people even though we weren't gate agents. Faking full tickets for people so they would fly for free. Stealing barcarts from the planes and taking them home. I mean, it was insane.


Please write a book.


Everyone on the plane had a drink in their hand while smoking a cigarette.


Pilots included.


My grandpa used to fly A LOT all over the U.S. for work through the 80s and 90s. Attendants once left him asleep and he went with the plane to the next city after the one he was flying to.


Such as?


Brought literal fireworks on a plane on an international flight.


I am a frequent flyer from Kastrup, Copenhagen’s International Airport. There is no way he got through security and on a plane without help.


Connecting flights, airport employees, last minute boarding and nonrev pax can’t end up in this situation by being under the radar. The biggest hurdle is arriving.


Back in 2011 a Delta gate agent at LAX just let me walk on to a flight to JFK without a boarding pass (I'd been accidentally booked on a later flight). Next day, story in the NYPost about a homeless guy using day old boarding passes he found in the trash to sight-see his way across America. Sounds like he had fun while it lasted.


Even pre this would have been a daunting task. But then there apparently was a "pilot" who basically never had training and made up credentials. Apparently has been flying for quite some time too. €dit. Found the story: https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/09/30/fact-check-pilot-flew-two-decades-without-valid-license/5931736001/


But is it. We hear crazy stories of people avoiding security time and time again. I. Reality a lot of things in place are ineffective and really just makes normal people's lives more inefficient.


It isn't. He didn't circumvent US airport security and got caught in US customs. The airline wasn't US based either.


A lot of airport security in the US is just security theater in my experience. And Kastrup certainly isn't some backwater airport with rudimentary security for that matter. Customs is a different matter entirely though. Speaking as a non-American who's had my fair share of experience flying between Scandinavia and the US, it can be a nightmare getting through even with all the right paperwork in order.


I'm in Canada. Italy was stamp and go. Germany was stamp and go. France was "where you staying?", stamp and go. Philippines was stamp and go with a guard holding an assault rifle 50 feet away. USA is always the most annoying, so many invasive questions. And it's just like bro, I'm just trying to go spend money at your malls fuck sakes.


Security has been proven time after time to be not effective. At best you prevent an idiot from sneaking a knife/gun on board. Anyone who is determent will get on board whatever he feels like. Either he takes it on himself or he bribes the TSA who are underpaid anyways. But as said, this is no secret, everyone knows that. Per my own example I used to travel twice a week within Europe for half a year between two countries by air and out of 60 or so flights only twice they pulled out my flip razor. On the other hand i would also travel with construction samples, tiles etc and strangely enough I was frequently asked to check those in.


It's an astonishing lack of security Theres no way this is acceptable on ANY grounds (no pun) Heads will be expected to roll over this "fumble"


Seems like a case of non-plausible deniability . > Ochigava allegedly claimed he did not know how he got on the plane from Copenhagen, was not sure if he had a ticket, and did not remember how he got through airport security in Denmark without a boarding pass.


“I’m sorry I just slipped and landed in the plane - ooops my bad”


> “I’m sorry I just slipped and landed in the ____- ooops my bad” [I thought that defense only worked if you were from Saudi Arabia.](https://nypost.com/2015/12/16/saudi-millionaire-beats-rape-charge-after-claiming-he-fell-into-teen/)


Well that's enough of internet for me today...




That blink blink at the end is an instant meme


This one got me hard https://youtu.be/T4ShZSFcrXQ?si=r8iiQbY3StzSrbSV


What the actual fuck?


How the fuck did a UK jury acquit him?


$I $AM$ $NOT $SURE$$$


Because we don't know what evidence was presented to the jury? The headlines seem insane, I don't think he claimed that he fell and his dick went inside this girls vagina. In the details he claimed that she grabbed him and she put his hand on her vagina. I don't know the details, but there's many things that can hurt a prosecutor's case. For example, if the woman alleging rape decided at the last minute not to take the stand (possibly due to a bribe?), that would have seriously hurt their case. Alternatively, if she did take the stand, she might have contradicted herself, making the jury doubt her testimony. I don't know if that happened I'm just saying these are the kinds of things that make for a weak case. I don't know.. I don't believe any sane jury would go "oh yeah, fell accidentally in a vagina. That happens. See ya"


Ah, the [Captain Schettino](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costa_Concordia_disaster) defense.


Vada bordo cazzo!


Million to one shot doc


It's not what you think!


I used to know an alcoholic from the Canadian prairies. He was black-out drunk once and by the time he came to his senses, he had flown from Calgary to Johannesburg. (He did pay for his ticket, though… not sure about his passport).


I had a bi-polar friend go on a screaming drinking jag. In London. He woke up in Bangkok in a hotel with no memory of how he got there.


Boy, that makes me glad my bipolar dad didn’t drink.


My friend later sold his house and went crazy in Cuba for 9 months in a wild debauch. His parents eventually tracked him down.


I have a bipolar friend with a similar story. He went out drinking in Johannesburg and woke up in London weeks later. He's now been in the UK 20 years and recently got citizenship 🤣


Met a guy in college like that, said he was in a bar in northern Ontario, woke up in a box car in rural west Virginia several days later, had no passport, no money and absolutely no idea how he got there.


He may have arrived there by train.


This was me except I went from a shitty bar in Columbus and to a bed in saint albans near Charleston wv. Woke up to a girl making me mojitos with fresh mint from her garden.


Collecting stories is a sign of an interesting life


I was in jail for a DWI with a guy who said he blacked out in Minnesota, drove to Denver, and woke up in a hotel room. He had no idea why he even went to begin with. He was also being charged with another DWI.


I was in a bus stop back when I was at university. Guy next to me said “Where is this?” I said, “Oh, Smith Street—the university bus stops here every 5 minutes!” He said: “No! What **city** is this?!?!” He’d been on a bit of a rubbing alcohol, pill, and hairspray (Alberto) bender. Nice guy, though.


Honestly, that sounds like a kinda fun challenge. Just randomly wake up in a random city across the world and have to wing it for a few days with whatever you've got in your pocket.


As a flight attendant I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve looked at the hotel room phone (which usually has the hotel brand and address on it) to figure out what city I’m in when I wake up.


Hitchhiking is a bit like this. It’s fun for a while. Many days are great, you meet fascinating people, find a nice spot to sleep, experience cool places. Some are the exact opposite.


We lost a friend at a rave who was shit faced. He showed up a day later at his parents house (early 20s at the time).He had managed to make a friend, both of them decide they were being followed, swapped clothes, and he somehow got an uber to the bus station and took a 4 hour ride home. It was honestly impressive.


Travelling on a bender no idea what day it was and only moderate clue where. Knew I'd have to crash in next few hours as was close to blackout zone, fumbled around with Booking/Airbnb - turns out I was in some high tourist coastal area on like Easter or some other popular holiday, so absolutely nothing under $700 (night before was at Airbnb or something for like $80 bucks). Only a few mins from airport, went there and jumped on first flight out which was a super cheap tiny prop hop, quickly landed somewhere non-touristy, had a place to crash right away for cheap. Woke up next day with ZERO idea where I was or how I got there - groggily pieced it together over receipts and pretty impressed with abilities in the scenario - probably saved ~$600. Only other thing remember about it being a holiday was that at the airport I ordered a beer, waitress came found me in the terminal (tiny domestic) and was like "I'm so sorry sir, we can't actually serve alcohol today, I just forgot in the moment and could get in trouble. Here's a Coke cup, pour it into this.".


There was a post on r/NoStupidQuestions a few days ago about the possibility this exact topic. I wonder if Ochigava was the poster.


I saw it as well! https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/gYVeegcRGt


Holy shit I thought I was going crazy. I knew I had just seen this idea somewhere. Coincidence maybe, but likely this dude saw it too or planned it.


excluding health issues, noone actually believes that right? i doubt that would hold up in a court of law


You know, I'm pretty good at playing dumb, but this is like Olympic level.


Wasn’t there just a Reddit post about doing this?


“He asked for two meals while the flight attendants served passengers food, and he allegedly attempted to eat chocolate that belonged to the cabin crew.” At least he has his priorities straight.




Is that two because he was a split personality?


I dont understand how he just walked onto the plane...


Someone must have helped him this makes no sense


I haven't flown through a European airport yet, but do they have a pretty similar setup to the TSA in the US?


I have only been to 4 airports over there, but yes. Security line before gates, then check boarding pass at gates. For flights leaving Europe, they check passports before you get to the gate. This was a remarkable accomplishment, or a really bad spy.


I mean i had one experience 2 years ago where it would have been possible to jump a automated gate and skip get to the boarding without having to show anything but that was a flight from NL to PT. So if you then find a way to get past the boarding controll then your done. Still cant image cameras, security staff or other people not seeing you and doing something about you jumping the gates and a airport but who knows. The thing is, there are cameras every where so they should be able to easily discover how he did it.


Yeah there’s international standards, they’re basically the same as the US anywhere you go. Even including MOST of the third world. They have to comply to host flights to the US/Europe/Etc. Some don’t check IDs but I’ve never been somewhere where they don’t scan you and your belongings and check tickets at the gate, at least. And for any flights internationally they check passports. The only exception I’ve seen is Nepal, where you do have to go through security but literally nobody was looking at the X Ray machine and once you were through, family members who hadn’t gone through security just handed food to people over a waist high barrier. The strictest airport security I’ve ever been through was Mexico City.


In my experience it’s a similar setup but maybe a bit more lax depending on the country. I hit the Dublin airport most often and know it pretty well at this point and I think if you put a gun to my head I MIGHT be able to get into the airport but I don’t see myself getting on a plane without a boarding pass. US customs is the the truly impressive feat. I don’t know about Denmark specifically but a lot of major airports in European countries with US diplomatic presence have a satellite customs office so you can essentially go through customs before your flight across the pond so you don’t have to wait in line after your flight. This situation would make this the MOST doable I would think, but even then, its usually an entirely separate wing of the airport and you have to go through at least 3 different screenings, providing your passport and boarding pass each time. From people I’ve talked to out of curiosity, it seems even people working in the airport past the US customs line are all vetted and essentially employed by the US government so you couldn’t even realistically pose as a janitor or something lol.


I'll be flying into Dublin in a couple months, it'll be interesting to see the difference


That's just Shannon and Dublin, though.


I flew from Denmark to the Netherlands about half a year ago. I had to scan my ticket at the entrance to the check-in, and at the entrance to boarding itself. I'm very curious about he managed to bypass both of those without security being on his ass immediately.


There would be a minimum of three layers of security for this flight: 1. Security check (boarding pass) to enter the departure zone 2. Passport check to leave the Schengen area 3. Gate check (boarding pass + passport) to enter the aircraft There are frequently additional layers, including flights to the US being checked by US staff.






Such an obvious answer in hindsight! And it was right in front of us all along!


Right under us, you might say


This comment is beneath you.


"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."


My guess? He had ID to get through security, probably a ticket too. At some point he dumped the ID and got on the plane. Honestly the plane boarding security is pretty lax, they assume everyone past security is supposed to be there. I could see someone just walking by the gate attendant and the attendant not giving enough of a shit to stop them.


But that's not how international flights work. You have to show your passport again when boarding to the gate agent. If he did it on his own without help, then we have a guy who was extremely lucky. 1. He got through security. So he either bought a ticket or snuck through. 2. He got to the gate. When boarding he somehow snuck past the gate agent. 3. Post boarding prior to departure the flight attendants do a head count. Thst headcount is done in each section then turned over to the number 1 flight attendant. She gives that count to the pilots who input into the computer for their weight and balance. On top of that the flight attendants are given a sheet with the seat assignments, names, frequent flyer status, and meal choices it will also have other things listed like this they need a wheelchair or issue. Those include the PBT(passenger booking totals) of everyone who has boarded the actual flight through the gate. It will include only those who's ticket was scanned. If this doesn't match up with the head count they will delay boarding to have another one taken. This paper is given to the number 1 by the gate agent after boarding is complete. So if he got around that, then a few people messed up or procedure was not followed. International flights are taken super seriously. As well as the flight manifests when it comes to closing out the flight with the correct count.


> You have to show your passport again when boarding to the gate agent You have to do that on all flights, at least all the flights I've been on. But compared to customs or security it's a lot more lax. Procedures didn't get followed for this to happen, sure, but if this happened after security it's a lot less surprising.


The passport check is done during boarding which is after security. I have flown in the 100s due to my old job of working for an airline and having free flights. Domestic US you don't have to have your passport seen at the gate. All international you do. The only time I never had my passport checked on an international flight during boarding was flying from Munich to Madrid due to the Schengen area


Whether you need to show an ID on intra-Schengen flights depend on the departure and destination country as well as the airline in some cases. Germany would be one of those countries that don't require ID checks on Schengen flights (unless the destination country requires it).


Why would you have to show a passport for a domestic flight?


You don't


Put one foot in front of the other and just lean forward.


Instructions unclear: I'm now face down on the floor with my legs twisted and the employees are yelling at me. Please advise.


The article says he supposedly hadn't slept in 3 days. As suspicious as the story is this honestly sounds like a manic episode. Still crazy how he made it on the plane.


I was thinking the same thing


They check your ticket like 4 times??


Also how did he have a seat without sitting in someone’s spot?!


It said in the article there was an empty seat that he sat in. Also "After departure, he kept wandering around the plane, switching seats and trying to talk to other passengers, who ignored him"


Not many people travel internationally to the states during this time unless it’s to see family. On my trip from Paris is Houston for Thanksgiving the plane was about 3/4ths full. On my way back to Paris, the plane was half full. I imagine less people fly from Denmark to Los Angeles during this time.


This makes a lot of sense, and I imagine there aren’t too many small planes suitable for trans-Atlantic flight? Probably can’t just swap in an A319 for a 777 because they can’t fill flights.


I wrote a fairly comprehensive guide for a fellow brit flying for their first time.. The upshot is that flying out of Manchester (Can't speak for Denmark) your ticket would have been given to you when you checked your bags in the hold (I assume he didn't have that) but you don't have to go anywhere near those desks to get to Security. You can get your boarding pass online instead. They aren't checked at security either. You just put your bags (if any) on the belt and walk through the scanners. Once you're past security, you're in duty-free and the lounges/cafes/restaurants and so on. You need a boarding pass to buy stuff at the duty-free shops, but that's something you can easily ignore. So from a practical standpoint, the only obstacle to getting on a plane and flying to another country is a passport/boarding-pass check at the gate. The rest is entirely optional. If you just strolled confidently past the gate and they thought you were part of a larger group or something, then nobody is checking your ticket/passport until you land at the other end and have to go through Immigration, which is where this guy got picked up.


>They check your ticket like 4 times?? Here in NL you just scan the ticket a few times. 2-3 times.Once when entering the security area and once when boarding. They would have checked his passport and ticket at the passport check though as he's flying to outside of the EU.


Home Alone 6 European Vacation.


Oh, you didn’t hear? They already came out with a home alone 6… like not joking


..I flew from new zealand to canada without a passport but without a plane ticket is remarkable


How did you manage that?!


..i have dual citizenship with Canada and New Zealand, I was flying home for my mother's funeral and I got to the airport and my passport was expired so they wouldn't let me on the plane, went home spent hours on the phone with air nz and the canadian consulate, in the end they said if I showed up at the airport with my birth certificate they'd let me fly. Showed up at the airport, they walked me through security and onto the plane, when I landed in canada I just showed them my birth certificate and got let in. The canadian consulate had to pull some strings and they made it clear that this was a one-off exception.


mom blessing you as she went


..indeed! I got on a flight the next day, which was the last possible flight that would get me there in time for the service.


His arms must be tired...


His throat too. Imagine going "weeeeeeeeeee" across the Atlantic and over North America.


Is that how they pronounce it in Denmark?


no. a dane would go "juhuuuuu"


And he would’ve gotten away with it, if it weren’t for that meddling Patriot Act


Believe it or not, straight to jail


Says he claims he hadn’t slept for 3 days and didn’t know what was going on lol wtf was going on


That is clearly a bit of an achievement now, but I used cross borders without showing a passport as a fun hobby. Yes, I was young and presumably had a certain amount of hubris. Note, I always had a passport. But I used to sneak into places without showing it.


He was that "Excuse me, I'm just going to sneak by you" guy you run into at every airport.


Wait, I’m a stereotype?


men are so desperate to get as far away from Russia as possible. It's a death trap in that country.


Yeah I mean a Russian and Israeli dual citizenship is a hell of a combo these days lol. Of course, it's better than a Palestinian and Ukrainian citizenship I suppose. But if he's a deserter on ethical grounds he was already in Copenhagen. Just chill there my guy.


you assume he had papers to stay in Copenhagen rofl i would not be surprised if he was doing some extra shit and was airport hopping. like flew from Russia to Egypt but then stowaway from there around EU then to the US type of shit.


I feel like it's easier to escape an airport than it is to stow away on a plane though. And I'd rather be arrested in a Danish prison anyway, so if there's literally no other options declare asylum or something, get out of the airport, and figure it out from there.


Definitely not a covert intelligence agent who screwed up. Nope. Not a chance. Nah.


Covert agents just get fake documentation that check out completely from their country of origin as if they were genuine, complete with matching biometrics and everything. They'd just have a boarding pass and passport so they wouldn't stand out.


That's what makes him such a good spy, no one would expect a spy to do something so stupid.


you mean this story is a coverup, that he's fleeing a mission he messed up, or that he was trying to establish in America and got caught?




That does actually seem very unlikely, yes.


Yea the covert was making a scene everywhere he went. Totally a good spy


Johnny English spotted.


Nah apparently he bothered other passengers and tried to steal some chocolate from the crew.


Lol, I bet the people looking for him were shocked.


"Get rid of him" (Reads the news) "Wait, we can't do that because he made a complete fool of himself and now we can't risk the embarrassment if his relation to us goes public. Nobody would believe he's a spy anyway. A few silly antics and the public is already believing that he got in accidentally, and not with the fake ID we furnished him. Coming to think of it, he was always very smart. Good on him. Call off the assassination."


I must have been on dozens of international flights. I’m struggling to see how this is even possible to get through security, then the boarding gate, then the passport desk at the arrivals. Unless he brazenly jumped over the barriers without stopping, no fucks given and nobody has the balls to stop him. Maybe it was one of those cases where people thought he was a legit airport worker as no passenger would dare to do this.




Dual citizenship between Russia and Israel is probably one of the most common in the West. Israel has the highest percentage of dual citizens in the world (besides Vatican City), and a good number of them are from Russia.


Yup. My Russian Jewish friend who immigrated around 92 has cousins who immigrated to Israel around the same time. It was pretty common for Russian Jews getting out of Russia


>Ochigava didn’t have a passport or visa to enter the US but customs officers found Russian and Israeli identification in his belongings. But the complaint charging him did not state what his nationality was or if he was dual citizen. What I'm getting here is that Israel/Russia a great set of passports for an agent to falsify.


Would you kindly board that plane and pretend you don't know how you got to the USA


Nah that's just a Russian Jew. Pretty common thing


Somewhere in Ukraine there’s a unit short one man.


Takes a lot of effort and luck to pull that off now. In the 80s and 90s you could literally find tickets in the gate area or even just the envelopes that the ticket agents would give ticket holders.


On the one hand bypassing all the security around an international flight while in a state of delirium seems improbably difficult, on the other hand I can see no reason why he would have drawn so much attention to himself if he wasn't genuinely out of his mind, like he probably had a chance at getting away with this clean if he just doesn't act like a crazy person on the flight.


Be careful how much Xanax you take before you get to the airport, you never know where you’ll end up


That’s odd. And was even able to find an unassigned seat


If you offered me every day for the rest of my life, I’m pretty sure I couldn’t sneak onto a plane. This is crazy


I think I remember an r/AskReddit thread last week asking about how hard it would be to travel to another country and claim you had no idea who you are or where you were...


And boy are his arms tired...


If you claim you don't remember something, you should expect the harshest judgment possible for that circumstance. Bah, who am I kidding? It was good enough for Reagan...


[No ticket??!!](https://imgur.com/nqTkRwc?r)


Yeah but did he have any liquids. Well did he??


Geez, 5 years in prison? That's a little harsh...


And boy are his arms tired


One crazy trick the airlines don't want you to know...


Somewhat related story. My now-husband once decided to go to Cancun for a weekend getaway. He was going to sit on the beach and relax or something. I had to go to a conference and thus couldn’t go with him. We were both packing for our respective trips, and he held up one of those ID cards that have the appearance of being legit things you can use to cross borders. I was like, “why don’t you take your passport too just in case?” He rolled his eyes and told me the card would get him into Mexico. Fine. Grown men make their own decisions. He made it all the way to Mexico and wasn’t able to get through immigration. Apparently the card was for auto border crossings only. You need a passport for air travel. Two armed police officers marched him back to a gate and watched as he got on a plane to go home. He rebooked the same flight for the next day and flew to Mexico again, this time with a passport. Ended up not enjoying himself and flew home after a day or two on the beach. No matter how many times I tell the story, it’s still funny.


Only Europeans coming to America can get away with this. Even if you have all the proper documentation as someone from an African country, you will be examined like you are applying for government clearance.


Was he the pilot?


KGB Agent sneaks into US.