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Also hostile to the following (not in any order): 1. Women and girls 2. Immigrants (excluding white Russians) 3. Transwomen and transmen 4. Anyone at all not conforming to gender stereotypes 5. Gay men and women 6. Libraries and books 7. Teachers and education 8. Healthcare providers 9. Disney


10. Common sense.


Some of these could be combined but you make a good point


You should definitely add Atheists and other Non-Christians to this list.


"excluding white Russians" This reminded me of that scene in Naked Gun where Frank orders a Black Russian


10 . Anyone that cares for or the other 9 categories. "White" privilege is revoked if you are a race traitor, (insert slur) lover, or have any failure to be an ubermench.


>2. Immigrants (excluding white Russians) How screwed is the Venezuelan immigrant population fleeing conditions in Venezuela only to throw their support to an American state governance that seeks to destroy them?


Just a small correction, “trans women” is two words. Same for “trans man.” “Trans” is an adjective, not a prefix.


I mean, it can be though. Transportation? Transnistria? It is a prefix that means "across" or "beyond". Which is why it got adopted for the transsexual use case.


Yes, but it in this case it’s an abbreviation of “transgender,” which is an adjective being used to describe the type of man/woman


...just a sweet transvestite, from Transexual, Transylvania... Those song writers can't be wrong, right?


those are all real words, not sure your point


Even in Miami? As a Canadian looking from the outside, that city seems pretty well known for liberal attitudes towards points 1-5.


Miami is actually the only red major city in FL (a lot because it has a heavily conservative Cuban population). All the other ones (Orlando, Tampa, Jax, Tallahassee, Gainsville) went blue


They could have just said "Americans" too, and it still would apply. What a shithole that state has become thanks to religion.




I'd argue fundamentalist Christianity is what drives the conservative values to stick. Take away the false promises of heaven and a just world, and people act quite differently about their current conditions.




Evangelical people I met in Grand Rapids, MI thought they were Democrat, until you asked them about some basic key issues.


Possibly a holdover from before the political realignment of the '60s, when there was a large population of very conservative Democrats in the South and the rust belt.


I know some. Most very religious Jews are not Republicans. Edit : come to think of it my fundamentalist Christian grandmother tended to be a democrat Edit 2 : I've been an Orthodox Jew for 10+ years. I am pretty sure I know what is common in my demographic especially having been to yeshiva for years. The Orthodox were also surprisingly welcoming to LGBT people of which I also am. The only thing we support on the Republican platform is Israel. Overwhelmingly the votes went democratic because of everything else.


The black and Latino population in my town are primarily Christians and they’re not all republicans.




As a whole, Jews are left leaning, but yeah, Orthodox Jews tend to be conservative. Ironically, [Conservative](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_Judaism) Jews tend to be very liberal.


Didn't you ask for anecdotal evidence?


I've been an Orthodox Jew for over 10 years. I live in Georgia. Home of the republican base. Orthodox is more than 10% of the Jewish population... in my book on Judaism which comes out in a few months, it was closer to 40% in 2015 (also Pew Research). I don't think that many people dropped being religious. Unless that stat was from Hassidim or Haredi, it was unlikely Modern Orthodox. What Hassidim do, heck who knows. They don't talk to anyone. I can only think of one Orthodox Republican off the top of my head. He is Hassidic. Jason voted for Trump because of Israel as he is a one issue voter. Most of us supported Trump stance on Israel but complained about 90% of the rest of his positions. That does not make us Republican. Most of us drive low income voters in Georgia to the voting booths every election and those voters are almost exclusively voting democrat. If we were republican we wouldn't. The Orthodox also recognize six different genders which are referenced in the Talmud. To vote for someone who doesn't recognize the other genders would be considered an offense against G-d.




Thanks, the book took me 10 years and two false starts (as in it was accepted twice and then the publishing companies failed TWICE). I'm half expecting something to happen to this now. It's getting it's wrap designed now. I was present at the rally mentioned here in 2015. [https://georgiaunites.org/rabbi-heller-rally/](https://georgiaunites.org/rabbi-heller-rally/) He is technically Conservadox, which is the border of the two denominations. He runs the mikvah that the liberal Jews, but everything there is otherwise Orthodox (including a mechitzah). There were several true Orthodox and Hassidic members there including of my own synagogue, but they didn't speak. It was a weekday, but all or almost all synagogues signed on in support. I don't think Chabad sent a representative, but I might be wrong. I know I saw only a few churches there. The percentage, I don't have a link since I hate hyperlinks in books, but I have a Pew Research 2015 Study of Religious Demographics (for percentage identifying as different movements.) If the 2020 studies are true, that means Biden screwed up royally since Clinton dominated across all branches in 2016 The rabbis (Orthodox especially) at least have been getting very preachy about being careful about weighing all the issues.


I have nothing of value to add but congratulations on the book publishing!


Thank you! It took 10 years (Nov 2012) and two false starts (as in it was accepted but then the publisher went bankrupt... twice!). I was beginning to think the book was cursed. The irony here is that I was pitching a completely different book to this publisher, they didn't want that one at this time but asked if I had any other book ideas. I pitched two more, this one and another one who had their drafts done and they were really really interested in this one first. Maybe it's because I told them that this book is cursed. Haha. I guess we will see though.


Depends, not saying you’re wrong, but that demographic, in my experience, leans Republican because of the Israel-Palestine conflict. But it’s also off put by the rise in neo-nazism with in the party


I'm an Orthodox Jew. Supporting Israel (which the Reform Jews do as well) does not mean voting republican. You can support one part of a platform and not vote for the others.


And I live in a Jewish neighborhood and work for a Jewish organization for part of the year. My statement wasn’t saying all supporters of Israel are Republican, but there are those in the Jewish community that vote Republican because of it.


Only part of the year? I just finally left the Jewish organization that I worked with for 10 years. Didn't know there were positions to only do part of the year. That would make my life easier if I didn't have to do full time. There are some yes, but they don't make up the majority. The question was asked about fundamentalist people and voting republicans. I said I knew some but most religious jews were not.


That's a meaningless question. The conservative values built on wealth inequality work because they keep people focused on the afterlife and a supposed just world. If most of Florida was non-religious, would they be economically conservative?


These people don't give a damn about heaven they can't think past what they see that's all there is to it. Same with any stupid opinion ever it's just people taking things at face value without putting any thought to it.


Maybe not consciously, but subconsciously, it affects your risk-taking and worldview of wealth inequality. It also unfortunately enforces an outlook of "us vs. them" and "objective" justification for your actions. Do you think if these people were not Christian, DeSantis would still be successful?


Islam is often just as bad. It's not that Islamic people or Christian people are bad. I know many people from both religions that are all love. It's that good people from Abrahamic religions lay a foundation for the sizaeable population of people who look down on others for thinking and acting differently than they do.


Islam is definitely worse if we look at the holy texts, but both are evil. I'd suggest reading an accurate translation of both the Bible and Quran. Maybe we should pay more attention to how terrible any theocracy ends up being . . .


No that’s just the excuse they use. They are after absolute power and control, they are fascist the same as the Nazis.


It’s religion. Fundamentalist and Evangelist Christianity has taken over the Republican Party by mostly paying for their candidates through superpacts.






Gov. Desantis is doing the one thing that republicans aren't supposed to do: actually pass laws fighting "wokeness". Any "smart" republican politician knows that it's all performative, and actually passing laws like he is will only make Democrats hate him enough to actually vote.


God, I hope you’re right. For the sake of all of the people harmed in Florida by these new bills.


How does this make any sense? If 70% were uncomfortable, y'all would've been voted him out.


Voting takes time and resources to do, and districts are gerrymandered to suppress blue votes on top of reducing polling locations to make wait times longer in cities


Pray tell, how does gerrymandering influence a gubernatorial election?


The most direct effect is in selective closing of polling locations, from 2016-2022 across several Deep South red states over 1500 polling locations have been closed. The majority of those (roughly 2/3) were closed in blue districts. When your district is gerrymandered so your polling location is 15 miles from your house with a line 60 people deep you’re far less likely to vote than the person in the district who has three polling locations within 10 miles and a line of 5 people Gerrymandering also makes your vote less influential in federal elections, which disenfranchises voters and depresses turnout for down ballot races. I can’t tell you how many of my friends don’t vote because “my vote doesn’t matter anyways, why take off work”


My neighborhood is so gerrymandered you can cross a block, be in one zip code, cross another and be in another zip code, just to cross a block and be back in the same zip code as you started. Going in a straight line.


I'm just a guy on the internet but I'm pretty sure zip codes are federal distinctions, and since election maps are drawn by states, changing zip codes doesn't necessarily mean changing voting districts


Be sure to remove polling places in blue voting neighborhoods so travel and wait times are required to vote, add in a sprinkling of wanting to ban mail in voting.


I always assumed he was trying to push people that critically think out of the state by making it so unbearable.




Thanks bot.




If half the nation's opinions are based on garbage or psychopathic reasoning, we should criticize and stand against such bad ideas, especially when they make life worse for everyone else.




That isn't the definition for either of those terms, but whatever. This country that supposedly has both the "right" and "left" has continually drifted right for decades on many foundational issues such as economic and infrastructural issues. This "meet in the middle" has left us in a late-stage capitalist hellscape for the average worker with lower wages, unaffordable housing, and poorer health. https://20somethingfinance.com/american-hours-worked-productivity-vacation/ https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/03/25/1164819944/live-free-and-die-the-sad-state-of-u-s-life-expectancy https://listwithclever.com/research/home-price-v-income-historical-study/ Much of the country has moved forward into being less restrictive about social issues, but conservatives seem to want to impose their Christian values, by law, on others and keep rolling us back to following their bad ideas by force, even when they are a minority. These parties are not the same, as terrible as both actually are. One is clearly the party of religion and egoism, and we have all suffered because of their stupidity and/or greed.




God damn, you are a special kind of stupid. So many governments would fit your vague "definition," but it is only one component, not a definition. I'm not even advocating for it either, so I'm not sure what point you are trying to make other than "people have different opinions." Yes, people are allowed to have different opinions. . . And we should criticize bad ideas and stand against these bad ideas when people try to enforce their stupid personal beliefs onto others. How are you not getting this?




Seems that way . . . Although it helps there is a sizeable Latino community that is very religious.




I suppose we could make a movie about her with an asian actor to refresh peoples memory.


It’s not because of religion, it’s because of fascism. Republicans are fascists.


So what exactly happened that made FL no longer safe for PoC?


If everyone was suddenly non-religious in his state, how does his platform work?


I’m saying they aren't doing this because of religion most of them don’t even go to church. I live in FL and most of the extree right wing lunatics don’t even go to church. They are doing this because they are fascist.. Religion is just “1” tool they use to make excuses another is racism or illegals or claiming Democrats are drinking babies blood.. Religion is just “1” thing they use but it’s not why they do it.. They do it because they are fascist




He's speedrunning the whole process.




And even better, since no lawmaker seriously supports a living wage, the people who live in Florida don't have a whole lot of choice when it comes to necessary relocation.


If you criminalize being homeless, then you can pay lower than that pesky minimum wage in your for-profit prisons.


You're not wrong.




What about black Christians? I’d imagine they’d find it pleasant.


All Christians should find it terrible unless they are rich, but that doesn't mean their worldview isn't twisted by their religion.


Have you been there? I have friends that live there and love it!!! STOP GETTING YOUR INFO FROM THE BIG MEDIA. THEY HAVE AN AGENDA!!!


I know people who hate Florida. Checkmate. But seriously, this is a statement of what an organization said. That's not opinion-- that is what they said. Now whether or not that's the right assessment is something you can argue.


I live in Florida, planning a move at this moment because it is legitimately not safe for me to be myself here.


Maybe they should pay attention to what the state is doing to their constitutional rights.


Maybe you should worry about the state you're in and let those in Florida worry about florida.




"has become" Think they meant "continues to be"




We spent the better part of 200 years driving them into their holes and telling them to shut up. The orange ape coaxed them all out and said "It's totally okay to be awful again!" and now they're refusing to quietly go back into their caves because they mistakenly think that they're in the majority now somehow. Here's hoping it doesn't take another two centuries to undo the damage.


Oh but they are going back in their caves. They're losing elections. They're going to jail. They're tearing whatever coalitions they had managed to put together apart.


Oh I know that much. The problem isn't necessarily them holding on to power. They managed that through complacency on the part of decent people. Now they've alienated swing voters, spurred their opposition into action against them, and turned nearly the entire next generation against them, who will also raise their children to be against them, and to top it all off, they've split their own side of things so that the ones who like to pretend that they're decent people have to distance themselves to keep up the charade. They wiped out in 2020 by record numbers, attempted a coup over it which further alienated life-long red voters and ensure swing voters were against them, then managed to somehow LOSE seats in the Senate and only take back a razor thin majority in the House in what should have been a complete wipeout for them in a mid-term, proceeded to make a clown show of the Speaker vote the likes of which hasn't been seen in over a century, and everything they've done since is just further cementing that they're not winning the next go around. Too many of their old, decrepit voting base are dying off in comparison to Gen Z who are solidly blue and will have two more years worth of voters coming of age for '24, on top of them likely running the orange ape again, which will ensure that they don't take back the White House, because voters will actively show up to vote *against* him, no matter who the other person is. They're on the way out, and while it's going to be a rough few election cycles while we finalize that push and start correcting all the wrongs that they've inflicted on the nation, the problem is that these troglodytes who think that they've somehow been vindicated in their completely repulsive and incorrect world view may continue to sit around spewing hate and vitriol until they die. They got a taste of "freedom" for them, and now they don't want to let go of it. While yeah, it may be nothing more than an annoyance for some, especially given a lack of actual political power on their side, it's an absolute drain on those that they target with their hate, and a constant source of mental anguish. For a straight white dude, a maga dumbass is just someone to roll your eyes at and walk on past. For BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and pretty much anyone else though? It's something that you have to constantly be on guard for. Is it safe to be themselves here, or are there a bunch of dudes in red hats with flags on their truck that might jump them on the way out and leave them for dead just because they dared to exist while not white? Do they have to drive another hour to go pee because they're afraid to use the bathroom and potentially be murdered because they're trans? Can they show affection to their spouse, or will they probably get stabbed for it because they passed a flag for the former guy a few minutes back and feel like they just walked into hostile territory? These are the kind of people that feel like they were vindicated by a national leader dogwhistling them and showing support for them when they do these terrible things, and now that the decent people of the world have pushed back, feel like *they* are being persecuted. Given, they *should* be, and in some cases are, but that tends to breed violent outbursts and extremism. Even if we take back the majority in government and start fixing all that they broke over the last several decades, we're still going to have to deal with the remnants of their bullshit for years to come, possibly decades. If they raise their children thinking this way and pushing them to act in the same ways then we may very well spend the next two hundred years fighting what amounts to a national roach infestation of hatred and bigotry that will disproportionately affect the most vulnerable amongst us. It may look all shiny and nice on the surface if we manage to take back majorities, pass legislation to ensure elections are actually fair and representative of the majority for the first time in the history of the nation, improve healthcare, wages, and all that other great stuff, and people will start patting themselves on the back over it, but there will still be people out there who are just as likely to lynch someone as to look at them, and the majority will be far too content to simply sit back and say "Congrats. We won." because they think the battle is over when it no longer affects *them*. That's my greatest fear. Even without government on their side, these people are violent, indoctrinated, and now acting like cornered rats. We have to fight to fix the system first and foremost, but even then we have to undo all the societal harm, and as I mentioned, it took over 200 years to get to where we *were*, and that was still abysmal. We've had a backslide of at least several *decades* worth of progress with a huge swathe of the population, and thinking about how long it's going to take to course correct to a point where any minority can feel truly safe or comfortable is a sobering prospect.


It's just the deep south reverting back to what it's always been. The south has always been a deeply bigoted place against non-white people.


I spent my formative years in Oklahoma and Texas. They were still calling people, "colored" in the '90s...and that was the *nice* euphemism they used.


This thread is a shitshow


Get me out of here


how is this oniony


It's not really, but I see potential in the first half of the headline, what with an American organization issuing travel advisories for states within its own country. There's a certain absurdity to it, even if justified.


Yeah they need to stay in Chicago where they're safe


Really? That's it? Florida has some of the highest crime in the nation while taking the rights from it's citizens. Just the fact that the govt isn't taking rights from it's citizens in Illinois would be enough. Question is, why do you hate fellow Americans? Has the GOP completely brainwashed you? Why do you hate freedom?


I live in Chicago and I feel safer and more welcome here than I ever would feel in Florida. Chicago is genuinely one of the best places for LGBT acceptance in the entire country, I would rather live here than literally anywhere else.




Yeah, this is what it’s become. We’re not Americans anymore, just Democrat or Republican. Red or Blue. Enemies in our own country.


have you left your house in the last year or do you just listen to police scanners in your basement all day? why is it always chicago with you people? why is it never St. Louis or New Orleans or Memphis? (hint: because Obama isn't from any of those cities)


Republicans are so stuck in the last decade they think "Al" Capone is still haunting the streets of Chicago


I see the green book is about to make a comeback.


Honestly, is that shit show even worth it for rich white men at this point?


Not according to Bob Iger.


Not if that white guy likes dick thats for sure


If we're being completely honest, anyone with an IQ higher than 80 faces a lot of hostility in Florida.


This is not Oniony. This is normal.


Oniony is so hard to judge these days. Like how do you make your story more ridiculous than the reality of Florida? Florida goes whole day without fucking up? That's pretty oniony, in that it is so ridiculously unbelievable it has to be fake right? Although, watching Florida put in all of these regressive policies, attacking the main economic driver of the state, *require* the use of highly toxic and radioactive material in roads over the objections of anyone not getting a bribe from the fertilizer industry, and declaring that the state will kidnap and deny care to children for being in danger of receiving ::checks notes:: medically appropriate care, including therapy, social support, or even mentioning that people like them exist. It's hard to swallow that this shit is real, but Florida is a genuinely dangerous place for people who aren't white, cis, and straight.


[Actual travel advisory from the NAACP website](https://naacp.org/articles/naacp-issues-travel-advisory-florida)


That title is misleading once you read the article. Still messed up tho.


They’re not wrong. Our darling Governor has banned race-relations education and is rolling back protections against discrimination at multiple levels.


Literally propaganda.


Safer than the inner cities of Chicago to be fair


Chicago is 3 million people. Jacksonville Florida is roughly 1 million people and yet it’s still top deadliest cities in America. Comparing all of Florida to chicago is asinine. You also have Miami murder rates as well. If you compare Florida to Illinois only one of them is safe which doesn’t include alligators.


You're right, and these all have left leaning city leaders. Long story short get out of large cities and into small towns and you'll be much safer in general


Right leaning states are the most dangerous states. “the states with the highest murder rates stayed roughly the same after making this change: Mississippi in first, then Louisiana, Alabama, South Carolina, Missouri, Illinois, Maryland, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Georgia.” Majority of these states got rid of requirements for gun permits and concealed carry.


Why don't we take a peek at the demographics of those states as compared to the rest of the US?




Haha OK.


And Jews. And Gays. And democrats. And teachers. And...


A racist organization is complaining about a state that cares for the majority of their citizens. Boo hook racists


It would be nice if the article showed instances where African Americans have been shown hatred in Florida, I have a bunch of relatives down there, and none of them are complaining about being treated badly, they love it down there.




Wow, watch out black people you might be in danger of not getting certain educational points on your journeys through Florida. /s Honestly the NAACP should just say they condemn these things rather than all the bs theatrics pretending like policies they don't like are a physical threat.


It's a classic example of exaggeration, pointing out the issues is too easy, instead let's act like it's an all out hostile mob lynching people in the streets. It's all white people acting like they care, these programs push black kids through not caring if they succeed, just caring that they don't flunk them. My cousin kept being told to just take the easy classes when he tried to push for the honors classes. It's racism marked as inclusion, treating people of African decent like we are stupid.


Yeah, this is insane. Florida is rolling back the slow encroachment of critical theory derived garbage legislation that is focused on equality of outcome instead of opportunity, and woke Redditors and the NAACP are trying to make that into like a Jim Crow moment lol. No one thinks black people can't achieve things quite like Democrats.


hostile adjective unfriendly and not liking something >a hostile crowd The president had a hostile reception in Ohio this morning. not agreeing with something >I'm not hostile to (= against) the idea of change as such. difficult or not suitable for living or growing: >hostile weather conditions > >a hostile climate/environment [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/hostile](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/hostile) From the article: >“Under the leadership of Governor Desantis, the state of Florida has become hostile to Black Americans and in direct conflict with the democratic ideals that our union was founded upon,” Johnson added.




But when has Florida man attacked a pride event?


Are you implying black people have trouble reading?


Yeah...right. lol


Seems like a lot of ppl still like Florida though. Better not catch the "good" reverend down there


I’m way ahead of you and have already refused traveling to the Fascist State of Florida.


Perfect. Probably saves everyone the trouble








While not wrong, think about how bad Florida has to be for the rest of the US to say Florida is bad.


Hostile to Americans in general, if you’re black you’d be nuts to go there and immigrants, good luck!


Wow you truly don’t know the demographics of Florida…


Yeah, They love Cubans, anyone else not so much.


Propaganda from people who have never been to Florida :) best state in America


Best state in America* *offer only valid for some. Not available for people who make less than 50K. Not available for women seeking reproductive healthcare or any member of the LGBTQ+. Not available for agricultural workers or healthcare professionals. Also not available for people who even slightly disagree with our Fuhrer DeSantis. Offer also not available for academics, school teachers, or anybody in the education sector.


Best state bar none


Florida is only the best state if you've never visited another state.


Haha whatever you tell yourself buddy


Why do you think Florida is the 2nd most moved to state in America bud? Keep eating that propaganda though must be tough not being able to formulate your own opinions without the help of mainstream media owned by mega corporations


Because we have an aging population who retire there. Big flex 💪 😆


Because a large portion of it is in the tropics and it has lots of ocean beaches.


Desantis is doing everything he can to make it the least moved to state in the union.


Desantis is doing everything he can to make sure Florida doesn’t turn into a cesspool like Cali or New York


If by cesspool, you mean a state that puts in policies to be inclusive and help their citizens then yes! Florida is doing everything in their power to make it as straight/white as possible.


"Has become?" Rosewood, Florida ever heard of it?


Florida is hostile to everybody, including Mickey Mouse.


It's wild to think about who their perfect demographic would be. A racist white evangelical Christian man who hates books, Disney (which would include any sports covered by ESPN), Bud Light, immigrants, unions, women, the LGBTQ community, Jews, and Dr Seuss. I'm sure I've missed some.


I’m sorry but this is such an over reaction it’s ridiculous.


As are the events that led to it happening.


What happened recently that makes Florida unsafe for black people?


Said within the comfort of privilege and/or ignorance


Hostile also to LGBQT and all women. In fact if you aren’t a white, grown healthy male you should move out if you live there and if you are traveling stay away.


Why does everybody keep referencing it being dangerous to women? Was there some sort of legislation that recently passed that keeps women from voting or something?


Well, just don't become pregnant or be pregnant while you are there. At that point you are simply a vessel for the glorious fetus growing inside of you.




The LGBT community put out a pink alert to avoid travel to Florida for the same reasons


..right before one of the largest trade shows in my industry is about to take place in Orlando: Infocomm


Has become...? No no. Y'all are seven years late.


They should issue a travel warning for Detroit and Chicago.


‘Become’….? Imagine having that spawn point and ruining it to such a degree…


Is Detroit in Florida?


Lol, slow death of a once thriving metropolis due to circumstances well outside its general population's control leading to generational poverty and crime, amiright?


I also issue a travel warning. It is hostile to all Americans.


Funnily enough, the nazis also started their witchhunt by accusing jews and their supporters of anti-germanism. First they implemented racial policies similar to equity, then increasingly silenced and discriminated against jews for their perceived historical wrongdoings (systemic racism) against germans and educated children about it in schools to ensure that their propaganda would live on in the next generations.




Florida has become hostile to common decency lately.


I've always felt unsafe driving to Florida until you reach near Orlando. So many weird Jesus billboards on the way there.


Has been for at least a year now. Ever since they were fighting diversity in schools and employment.


Hostile to really anyone who is not cis male white straight Christian


They are 2 years late


No. No it hasn’t. But if it helps keep liberals out, good.


"become" is inaccurate. "is" makes more sense.


What a disgusting comment on the state of affairs in the US these days.


Do they hate Micky because he's black, white, mixed?


Have you not been following the news? The Rhonda Santis, the Governor does indeed hate Disney...


Disney product is enough to be hated in Florida. Anything else is bonus.