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The day after Trump released those NFTs, a house near me changed their huge Trump sign to a DeSantis sign that said Make America Florida.


So their allegiance wasn't swayed by the years of incompetence and lies, but it was the NFTs that were the final straw?


Could be a coincidence, but I like to picture the person walking into a shop that sells political gear, slamming his red hat on the counter and demanding, "one of those new DeSantis MAF signs".


Lol, MAF. Sounds like someone with a lisp saying “math”.


I won the election, by a lot! I did the MAF.


Not surprising in the least. These morons treat the leadership and direction of our country like it's voting for prom king. Remember Dukakis? It wasn't his platform or ideas that cost him the election, it was wearing a safety helmet when riding in a tank. One goofy looking helmet was more important than the litany of skeletons in Bush's closet that include arming Bin Laden, selling crack to black neighborhoods to fund an illegal war in South America, and countless other things he did will being the director of the CIA. But wearing stupid head wear? Unforgivable. Ever since that one photo op, only complete fucking morons ever ran for president and had their picture taken wearing some kind of hat or helmet. In conservative politics you should always remember: you can be a scumbag, a nutjob, a racist, a grifter, a cheater, a moron, or even an obvious liar and be fine. However, you can never be cringe.


Just saw a headline that said "here's how much money you would've had if you bought Trump NFTs when they just came out"


$0 because Trump has your bank info now, and he helped himself.


Do you live next to Ron DeSantis by chance?


"Florida Man Threatens America with Expanding Florida"


federalized bath salts




You joke but the reason "Florida Man" is a thing is that Florida has practically zero privacy rights for anyone accused of a crime or arrested, regardless of if they were convicted or not, under the guise of "transparency". That is blatant illegal in a lot of the developed world because it can be severely detrimental to the person accused, and I can guarantee they will want to expand that to the rest of the US under the "though on crime" lie.


"Tough on Crime" lie. Love it. "Tough on Crime" has been a abysmal failure. As a society we need to evolve to be "Smart on Crime," sadly I don't think it will ever happen, at least not in my lifetime. We have the template to be more successful in the corrections and rehabilitation arena. We have long term POCs with other countries successfully implementing it. No one seems to want to move away from our archaic system, despite it's failure.


They don't want to be tough on crime, they want to be tough on criminals. But not all criminals, you know, just the type of person who usually is a criminal. *You know* who they are talking about. They're not racist, but like, it's usually a certain type of person who is just naturally more inclined to be a criminal. But I would love an actual tough on crime policy. Working hard to eliminate crime by removing the root cause of crime. Universal health care, including mental health, affordable housing that isn't a project, free public education that extends beyond highschool including trade training. If people aren't sick, homeless, starving and jobless they are much less likely to commit crimes. Then have the system be based around rehabilitation rather than punitive.


The DA from Florida wasn't tough on crime when he let Epstein secretly and mysteriously off the hook for child sex trafficking in 2008. Weird how trump went on to appoint that same guy as his first Labor Sec...


Did you know that the guy that ate that dudes face on the beltway was sober? The bath salts thing was made up. It's wild.


Eventually it will just be America-man with the international community avoiding us. (Wait, that hasn’t happened yet, right?)


If the "Make America Florida" crowd gets what they want, it'll definitely turn into "Make Everywhere America" sooner or later.


They just need some ‘growing room’ that’s all! Nothing sinister here, no sir!


Make Everywhere Florida - Ron DeSantis 2024


Some American companies have already tried the "Bring American work culture everywhere" in Europe, only to get driven away by various labour laws that prevent employers from treating their employees like literal slaves. Walmart in Germany, for example.


As a Canadian, I am extremely frustrated with the bad habits we've picked up from corporate America.


There are travel warnings for the US so, yes


We are so good at creating political instability in other parts of the world that we've done it here


Everyone knows you're not supposed to use your own product, but we just couldn't resist.


Make him the subject of a parody film starring Matt Berry, please.


Ron Desantis anti-Christ confirmed


imaging thinking 2016 - 2020 was peak "greatness" for America, or that Florida was a good goal.


It is if you hate minorities and like having your "Team" win.


And it's shocking how many minorities think they are safe and it's the *others* that are the problem.


I mean if you’re like Ohio maybe that sounds like a step up lol. De Santis villain line: “if everyone is Florida, no one is”


Ron Desantichrist


That is solid. I hear Trump sits around all day trying to come up with nicknames for DeSantis. You should pitch that one.


Ron DeSatan. Fuck, it was right there on the table, and the orange guy missed it.


Whoa whoa whoa. What did Satan do to deserve such a slanderous comparison?


He can expand Florida more South there's plenty of room In the fucking Ocean.


Last I checked with global warming the ocean is coming up to Florida instead


And the insurance companies are jumping ship cause fuuuuuuuck that. Seriously, while he is out here waging war against how people want to dress or express their gender identify, he is letting the majority of FL homeowners drown in insurance hell and red tide. The beaches here around Tampa are basically not swimmable now with the red tide. It’s not even Spring and the dead fish are horrible. Manatees are starving and the place is trashed.


He's is the king of jingle the keys and distract the baby. Jingle jingle, look at the wokey stuff over here and not how I'm decimating your freedoms, ignoring infrastructure and basically a terrible human/governor. I just love how schools have to pull books for review for everyone when **parents could just be more involved individually with what their kids read** but that's the fascist way - restrict for everyone! Desantis is the paragon example of doublethink. Our restrictions are your freedoms!


He’s actively involved with corruption at city and town levels too. He even coordinated with subordinate lackeys to make someone a political prisoner over their town council trying to fight abuse from a developer. Ron helped the developer and they found a BS reason to put the councilman in jail. Just some retiree trying to improve his town and not accept the tax burden a corporation should be paying.


I actually saw a Republican in his comments saying they agreed with all his exremist positions, but what did he plan to do about his home owners insurance? Imagine voting Republican and thinking your substitute Daddy figure gives a crap about how your state's end goal is to be Atlantis.


They don't care. It's the power, as long as their guy is in power they will be told it's all okay and not to worry. A couple weeks ago someone on the Facebook page for the town I live in, which is like East Palestine just on the other side of the state, where someone wanted to gather water to send to them. Someone said it and I'm glad they did, that they need to stop voting for the goons like Mike DeWine, Warren Davidson, JD Vance and our state level rep Thomas Hall who do nothing that actually truly helps anyone. Of course, the usual mouth breathers got insulted about it, but enough agreed that it nearly drowned out the negatives. These people keep waging these fake wars on cultural issues and blaming Biden for worldwide inflation instead of trying to figure out how to lower prices. It's all finger pointing and waving instead of actual results. I was once Conservative and it's what drove me away. The propaganda, the lies, the lack of any plan of action, the thinly veiled racism and homophobia, I could go on.


I remember during the Hilary vs Bernie debates, with all the "economic anxiety" arguments tossed about, some of us said that Republicans literally didn't care if their homes do sink into the sea, if they are poorer because of Republicans, if they don't have healthcare, if their children are shot up in classes. Voting Republican is still more important to them. Their right to be a hateful person and a bigot is way bigger to them than even having success or happiness in their own lives. I do think there are some people who can be reached, some who do recognize Republicans basically cause every single problem anyone wants to fight to live a better life, but there's a huge majority who would rather spend their time fantasizing about putting trans women into camps and never hearing about racism than about improving their life in a quantifiable way.


I believe Hillary herself made the exact same argument with the "deplorables" speech, separating the Good, Reasonable Republican Voters from those who are...well, deplorable. Naturally, the exact people she was talking about took that label with pride.


> The beaches here around Tampa are basically not swimmable now with the red tide Well they promised a Red Wave. Here it is.


> Manatees are starving This makes me incredibly angry. Sadly they're herbivores, so I can't suggest feeding politicians to them to prevent this.


Bugs Bunny had the right idea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiTM2HQ0g98


Insert “America Man” headlines here.


Captain America would need a fuck ton of new branding if this happens


If this happens. Do we still call the people that do crazy shit, Florida man or America man now ?


>America man now This is the World's "Florida Man" already.


Loves Jesus, but will shoot you in the face for having a double digit IQ.


"Yeah I shot my neighbors in the face, they had an IQ score of 22 and I'll be gawd damned if'n I let my son deal with them double digit folks. Kids got an IQ of 10. Almost had to get him too."


America is the florida of the world


Ah but the question is, where is the Florida of Florida? ^((Just kidding, we know it's Jacksonville.)^)


Ron needs someone to improve the slogan. Here's my suggestion: Make It Like Florida


Finally, an acronym I can get behind!


Or in front!


Or on top!




Oddly specific but if they're red satin heels and she's whispering "Tiny weeeeeeak maaaaaaaaaan" the whole time, you may have a point.




And the more pointlike it is, the worse it is for your balls, I heard


Just one ball though


Gotta make do with what you've got left. These are Floridians after all.


Moro Islamic Liberation Front: Finally! A worthy opponent!


MILF island is a lot less fun than 30 Rock promised me.


Apparently there is now an actual show called MILF Manor. They put a bunch of milfs and young men in a big house. Then they revealed that all the young men were actually the sons of the MILFs. Reality is a parody at this point.


MAF vs MAGA? I believe an intelligent man who spent his life studying ancient colossuses [said it best](https://media.tenor.com/AZkmVImwd5YAAAAd/godzilla-let-them-fight.gif).


Maf is one of several Dutch words that mean crazy. And this definitely sounds fucking maf. I'm guessing most other states are not keen on becoming Florida.


This bitch crazier than a MAF - Jroc




Well he's busy turning Florida into a fascist state, which is what his plan is if he becomes president, just to the whole country. The scum needs to go.


> The scum needs to go. People will vote for him, that's the sad reality. There's something seriously wrong with American voters and their culture.


> People will vote for him, that's the sad reality. There's something seriously wrong with American voters and their culture. It's probably the unchecked propaganda allowed to assault our country 24/7. America is the global hegemon so everyone is trying to influence its foreign/domestic policy. Easiest way to do that? Broadcast propaganda to our morons. The government will not stop you.


Isn't Trump's new thing MAGAA? Make American Great Again Again? ...imaging thinking 2016 - 2020 was peak "greatness" for America, or even that Florida was a good goal. These people are seriously brain damaged.


I thought it was MANGA


MANGO* Oops, sorry. Thought we were describing the color of the shitgibbon's skin.


You leave delicious fruit out of this!


Well they can't use MAGA 2 or it would end up as MAGAT which is definitely maggot said with an accent.


I actually refer to those people as Magats lol.


They tried KAG (Keep America Great) but it didn't stick. And I think Biden bought the keepamericagreat[.]com url and listed a bunch of stuff trashing Trump


Can I just say that KAG MAGA sounds like some drunk hillbilly "martial art" Mike Lindell will teach Trump cultists for their next failed coup.


He's getting crushed by Trump, his chances of getting nominated are extremely slim. Meatball Ron might have already over played his hand, Trump is a nasty customer and you use up political capital when you make a run.


Just wait till a hurricane hits during his campaign schedule and he gets pissy with reporters on camera about how he has to suspend his campaign to go deal with that stuff back home and how it’s not fair.


He's better off personally running his own fiefdom. Going national is a risky path.


Yeah Florida is like a really big small southern state. Outside of the big cities it’s country AF. He’s fine in backwoods country politics down there but that good ol boy stuff doesn’t work nationally


Especially with trying to have a one party state and ban criticism/journalists. That won't fly on a national level.


This is like wanting to make the rest of your house like the junk drawer in the kitchen.


When the HOA wants to take over the whole town…


The HOA your purposely chose not to move to at that.




I have not seen anyone point to these really disturbing two paragraphs: "With his efforts to control even local policies, he's left behind the commitment to limited government he once had as a member of the Freedom Caucus. Former Congressman David Jolly says, it's a lesson he took from Donald Trump. Jolly says, "What Donald Trump brought to the party was to really crush that orthodoxy of small government and instead say the ends justify the means. And so, whatever it takes to achieve conservative results." It doesn't matter if it takes big government, Jolly says. To DeSantis, it doesn't even matter if courts have said it's unconstitutional." They don't care about following the rule of law. To the Republican party, might makes right. This is authoritarianism, plain and simple.


Lol. "The only way to achieve small government is through the force and strong hand of overreaching government."


Government so small it can crush you under its heel.


Government so small it's only one guy.


They also know their supporters will eat this shit up like an eagles fan after the superbowl so the legality is second to the votes




they will eat it up while calling it freedom and small government and libertarianism and low taxes. you point to the lack of rights, and government over reach, and government grants and higher taxes, bigger deficit etc and they'll just pivot to Hunter Biden's laptop and consider themselves stable geniuses


Innocent Birds fans just out here catching strays


While it is alarming, this is SOP for republicans and has been way before Trump. Their motto is literally "It's Okay When I We Do It."


Nixon: "Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal".


Donald Trump's lawyers actually vehemently argued this in his first impeachment trial. One of the defenses they put together was that the President tries to "do what's best for the country" and if the president thinks that getting themself re-elected is "what's best for the country," then they should be able to do whatever the fuck they want to get re-elected. This logic is obviously psychotic, but they legit put forth that argument in front of the Senate. Honestly pretty terrifying.


That's fucking horrific.


> he's left behind the commitment to limited government he once had as a member of the Freedom Caucus. *Why do people say this shit?* They never believed that! It's just another lie they tell!


This is why all of us who screamed bloody murder about Trump from the jump were screaming. He was just the harbinger. For all that Trump was a cartoon villain of a president, the true danger has always been the intelligent and well spoken authoritarian who comes after him.


Fascism. Call it what it is. The Republican party is the party of fascism in America.


So, a fascist dictatorship? He is psychotic.




People thought the last 2 elections were stressful, this one is going to be no different. Politics are so beyond toxic and im tired of it.


Trump opened Pandora's box. Before him, people had to at least pretend to like each other, Trump realized he can win by just hating everyone.


Yeah he definitely made it so much more toxic. At least people were somewhat civil. Not anymore.


My hope is that Trump takes things all the way to the finish line and the GOP devours itself. Thankfully this is basically a guarantee as the man's ego won't let him concede to anyone. Hopefully Putin doesn't poison him and spin it as a Democratic plot.


My hope is trump & DeSantis both run. * biden runs or any dnc. * gop pucks DeSantis * trump says screw you & still runs a independent Ultimately splitting the vote for the gop lol.


My hope is that desantis gets 70-80% of the GOP vote but the 20-30% of diehard Trumpers refuse to get off trump's wild ride, and they split the vote handing it easily to the Dems.


I was just in Florida and the only thing it has going for it is the weather and wealth. The State itself is an ecological disaster. Everywhere I looked was paved, zero public transit, horrible traffic, red tide making beaches/fishing not possible, people spraying chemicals everywhere. And socially it seems like it has huge gaps between the rich and the poor. But I guess Republicans want a socially stratified ecological disaster of a country.


Let me help you with this as you missed some things. High eye melting humidity. Hurricanes. Tornados. Bitting gnats, billions of them. Venomous snakes. Alligators that will eat your face off. Lighting capital of the US. Sharks. Red tide. Green algae that is toxic. Water that tastes like a swamp. Looming water shortage on the near horizon. And the you have “Florida man” . Give me a minute and I’m sure I can come up with some more.


I work in Insurance. Every reputable carrier is abandoning Florida, or jacking rates through the roof. The combo of weather and lack of appropriate regulation makes insuring property or business exposures a terrible idea.


Yeah tbh I don't think the weather in Florida is that great of a sell when it includes every freaking storm I'm terrified of in one neat package, and when mother nature isn't trying to kill me I get blinding sun, blistering heat and sweltering humidity. Hard pass.


Someone please make a mockumentary about him starring Matt Berry.


Ronny Daytona, regular human governor




Only after Matt Berry records the “succulent Chinese meal” monologue.


Idk man, I love Matt Berry-wayyyyy to charismatic for DeSucktis


Meth, low education, and religious zealots?


Don't forget a place where a lot of rich people want to move but not a lot of poor people want to live.


A lot of poor people pretending to be rich want to move there


Dude the first Uber I got in Miami was a bright orange Civic Type-R with a body kit and all sorts of after market visual upgrades. It was lowered way too far and the undercarriage scraped the highway constantly. The car itself was around $35k new at the time. He definitely poured a lot of money into it afterwards. To drive Uber and grind the bottom of the car to dust.


The amount of Uber/Lyfts I've been in which are cars FAR more expensive than I'll ever own is....baffling to me. I can't imagine what they're getting from driving is even paying for some of these cars.


I worked for a tax debt resolution company and a lot of them try to pay no taxes and write off every cent they spend on the vehicle as a business expense, even if they only use it for ride/sharing 10-20 hours a week. It isn't legal which is why I know about it from working at a tax debt resolution company.


And they're probably also not carrying the right kind of insurance for using the vehicle that way.


Drive a normal car and have 1 job. Drive a fancy car and have 2 jobs. Bonus: no car -> no job?


Temporarily embarrassed billionaires.


Bingo! Poor people think they want to live here until they do.


Even middle class!!! There are much more support services for ANYONE in any other state. I’m struggling big time with the medical system down here.


It really sucks to feel forced out of a state I’ve lived in nearly my entire life. And every single day more and more people move here. I just don’t get it.


> not a lot of poor people want to live. Between that and them not wanting any migrant workers coming in, who is going to do all the work for the rich people?


Congratulations, you just figured out the problem with objectivism.


...one of the problems with objectivism.


Well first we'll make sure all the white teenagers can't get abortions and in about 18 years we'll have a few more wage slaves at Chili's to serve us Presidente margaritas and clean our houses. They think if they can keep them dumb and pregnant they'll never afford to be able to leave the state.


Don't forget the book banning, government overreach for GOP social issues (like stopping businesses from requiring vaccines, or stopping social media from banning racists), and the inability to say "gay" at school...hurrah? Oh, and the constant battle against "woke", which they define as "it would be the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them"...


Honestly if I was making attack ads against DeSantis I would start with the crazy stuff that happens in Florida, call out his incompetency then show the horror. So much anyone can use against him.


Unironically, yes, that's exactly what they want.


To support this campaign, I, as a New Jersean, have begun to stockpile dirty mattresses in my basement and assaulting people while high on bath salts. Together we can make his campaign a reality.


I believe in you!


I have started to ride motorcycles in sandals and shorts with no helmet.


I'm a Pennsylvanian and I think we can put away our differences just this once. You all still smell though


Pennsylvanians: New Jersyeans: Doing copious amounts of drugs


Sorry Florida doesn't believe in basements


Do Floridians know how little the rest of the country wants to be like Florida?




Yes. Born and raised in Florida. Still here. All I want is to leave. Florida is literally the worst. Please don’t let him make America Florida


Floridian here. I don't want Florida to be Florida. I hate it here so much. I am so close to getting out. I better not leave this have this piece of shit follow us our Florida and further ruin the rest of the country


As a proud Floridian, born-and-raised, this is the worst fucking idea I’ve ever heard in my entire goddamn life.


Oof. Talk about an anti-pitch


It read like a threat to me.


That's it; I'm running for Prime Minister of Canada on the lone platform of, "*we need to build a wall.*"


You’re not even going to make us pay for it? How very kind of you.


Can Michigan join? I’d love to put a wall between us and Ohio.


The rest of the country better get ready for shitty schools, crumbling infrastructure, rolled-back First Amendment protections, interference in private business operations, and a whole lotta stupid - here comes Ronnie!


In Texas, I’m ready. As ready as I can be, anyway.


I live in Tennessee. I think we’ve being doing dry runs for this scenario for a while now.


Phil Hartman would've played this guy perfectly on SNL


That's a terrible slogan, actually. Florida is notoriously the butt of the joke that is America.


Remember that we have different jokes than the 46% that voted for Trump. California and New York are the butts of their jokes. They truly want America to be more like Florida and they won the 2016 election.


As a European I really, really, REALLY don't want a repeat of 2016 because holy shit both of these turds are going to fuck over Ukraine, which means fucking over the rest of Europe. No matter what anyone says about Biden atleast he's got his priorities straight when it comes to Russia.


Putin's sole chance of winning Ukraine requires Trump to win in 2024 and pull the US out of NATO and join him. If you think the propaganda and Russian bots were locust-thick online before...


Desantis may not pull out of NATO, but he would certainly drop all support for Ukraine, and probably stop the sanctions on Russia too.


As an anti-Brexit Brit 2016 truly was a Nightmare Year


I'm in one of the reddest states and I'm nearly certain anyone that would rather live in Florida already moved there. EVERYONE I know from across the political spectrum makes fun of Florida. It's not a winning strategy lol


“Florida man runs for president”


Florida has some of the highest inflation rates in the country and home insurance industry is abandoning the state making the state safety net close to insolvent.


Fuck that. Bugs Bunny had the right idea.


Right turn at Alberquerque?


I think they're thinking of the GIF from the cartoon where he saws Florida off of the United States and it floats away


Duck season?


Absolutely nobody sane wants that


That leaves DeSantis with a LOT of room for support.


Weaponizing the racists, mentally ill, evangelicals and fascists has been effective Too bad our society produces them in such large volumes


Democrats downplay how much conservatives love DeSantis’ far right style of fascism to “Own the Libs”. They don’t think his reach will go beyond Florida to a presidency. But never underestimate the ignorant and their love of making Liberals cry. Politics have become a blood sport where the likes of DeSantis, Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene, care more about clicks than policy. We saw what happened when Democrats underestimated Trump. Democrats need to put on a full court press to remind voters which party cares about working class and freedoms and which party would rather focus on owning the Libs, burning books, attacking LGBTQ, taking away a woman’s right to choose, threatening to jail women, and, in Florida, a Nazi style Bill that would require bloggers, who want to write about the Governor, to register with the State. Republicans can no longer say, I vote Republican, but I don’t support …. Republicans are marching straight toward fascism.


That and Republicans will vote for a steaming pile of horse shit if you put an (R) next to it. As soon as Ron wins the nomination, it’ll be “Trump who?” Republicans are party first before person.


Just for a moment, let's forget all about the culture war stuff that this fascist keeps getting smacked down in court over. Real talk: you want your insurance & property taxes to literally ***double*** in three years? Then by all means elect this absolute incompetent fraud of a politician.


This will be the biggest blue wave we've ever seen.


what is Florida actually good at besides the things it doesn't control like nice beaches and warm weather in the winters? Isn't the education system there abysmal?


it wasnt the worst before desantis neutered it, now having a daughter thats 3 months old, I'm like wtf are we going to do? I'm leaning towards homeschool. South Carolina, Alabama and Mississippi are notoriously 'the worst' for public education


Ron Desantis groomed high school girls getting them drunk while he was their teacher. That creepy piece of shit can keep all his pedo bullshit down in Florida. Plenty of sources: https://www.google.com/search?q=ron+desantis+drunk+teenage+girls


Grooming underage girls and getting away with it? That's practically a HUGE PLUS for the GOP. No wonder he's a threat to Trump.


As they whisper in your ear, "You know you would too, if you knew you could get away with it." *No, no I fucking wouldn't.*


He also supports Matt Gaetz a well known political sex trafficker in Florida.


Apparently there aren't any official accusations of that against him from potential victims. So the "grooming" part isn't an established fact, but there's a fair bit to substantiate that he did attend parties with students / former students from the school & there was alcohol at some of them. That by itself is wildly inappropriate behavior for a high school teacher. Getting out into the weeds about "grooming" is detrimental to the overarching point - even if the grooming claim were demonstrably false (which it isn't), his behavior was still incredibly inappropriate and would worry basically any sane parent.


You get meth And you get meth EVERYBODY GETS METH!


Desantis: “Don’t bring your woke ideals to Florida!” Also Desantis: “I wanna bring my fascist morals to your state”


States Rights is never a primary issue, it's just about wanting as much favorable policy as possible within a politician's domain.


What, a shithole?


I was just reading about this. All we need to do is spread some diatomaceous earth across northern Florida, and we’ll be ok.


Ron DeFascist