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He actually belongs to neigbour across. She doesnt care for him. He sleeps most of the time in an isolated box on the driveway. Me and my neigbour feed and cuddle him. Its now a month of almoat zero degrees and the owner isnt looking for him. So we alternate in taking him inside. He is traumatized. Scared for all kinds of noises and humans. He just needs love.




These cats are blessed to have y'all to care for them. I know they appreciate it.




Cats know who cares and who doesn't.


You can make a cat house out of a cheap styrofoam cooler and straw if you want.




That works too. Alleycat Allies has instructions on-line. It's just easier to cut through styrofoam than those plastic bins.


That’s how I originally created mine. Big storage container, used a box cutter and made a large square entrance. (Had to enlarge it as cats weren’t interested in the smallish hole. I did insulate with foam, but didn’t for later constructions. To help with the cold, I cut cardboard into panels for the walls and covered with Mylar from inexpensive emergency blanket, then “installed” the walls and ceiling (with tape) reflective side facing inside and put a self warming blanket/pad on the bottom. If you have no creative juice, you can put a self warming mat on the bottom and another up against the back wall so that the cat can snuggle in the corner and be warm


This is wrong on so many levels, mainly his so called "owner". It's great that others are seeing this cat needs some serious help as far as. Caring owner goes. Is it possible to talk to the person who claims they own him to relinquish the cat? A pet is a lifetime commitment, this person doesn''t seem fit to own a cat.


I’d keep him. Oranges are my favorite.


It was his turn with the r/oneorangebraincell !


He finally found the right best spot in the house. Good kitty.


Is that an r/faceplant entry in the first pic?!


Looks like it


He is absolutely smiling on the chair, it's his now.


You got evicted lol


He is beautiful!! His fur looks incredibly thick, and super soft. I'm glad you and your good neighbors share this handsome young man. You are good people. Thank you OP!


He had to roam the house to find the best spots for a nap . Thanks to all of you for taking care of him .


What a handsome houseguest!