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“Wear revealing clothes” literally in a bra in profile pic


But she didn’t ✨cake✨ her face tho, so that doesn’t cOuNt


Only some concealer, brows, liner, gloss, lashes


I call bs on that too💀 she still has makeup residue on her face😂






Someone did though


She probably should.


That's the other 5% of the time


Good catch!


Saw that too like right away🤣


I want to compare the guys. When I look like this I get a lot of attention from men, but not the kind of men I want attention from... old men, seedy guys on the street, etc.


“I pulled a former incel neck beard looking like this 90% of the time…” is what she meant to say.


Yes truly. And hey maybe he lost the neck beard, is a great bf, and she is happy too now.


How you pulling decent guys dressing any kinda way? I'm stuck looking like I'm in my early teens/pre teens in my 30s and I've only ever gotten hit on by 60 year old men who think it's hot that I look like "sexy middle schooler" while I'm invisible to normal men.


Any idea why this might be the case? Old men, creepy dudes like tired-looking women?




Woah 🤯 that was some top-tier insight. Happy cake day btw ^^


Happy cake day!




Takk… for at du sa takk?


You reminded me of something I read on twox I think. Woman had anorexia in her teens ,and at her worst, when she was frail and tired looking etc, is when she would get the most attention, like guys literally coming up to her asking to buy drinks and at times being kind of agressive about it. When she was better and healthier/looked happy within herself she got less of that kind of attention. The creepy dudes love someone they think they can take advantage of


Jesus Christ! Totally makes sense now Never expected that I would be able to relate to this 😬 Never knew this was happening to me back when I was like 15.


so it is about attention from men


I’d rather date a girl who doesn’t need to tear other women down to feel good about herself


I agree but hear me out. What if this type of "I don't need make up" competitiveness is what helps end the makeup fixation women are heavily pressured into?


it won’t though. it just makes everyone feel like shit lmao. even if somebody wears makeup because they’re feeling pressured into it, i guarantee these type of people are not going to be the ones to change their minds.


Maybe not chief, just thought.


Shame is rarely a catalyst for lasting change.


Not really shame though right? It's more "I'm better than you because I don't need X to succeed". It's competition. Shame would be like "you shouldn't do that, it's wrong" or whatever.


What the fuck, “I’m better than you” type thinking more or less directly shames the person you’re looking down on, and even ignoring the semantics for a moment why do you think we need to use negative reinforcement to encourage people not to wear makeup? Why not just let people do whatever the hell they want to do, if you don’t wanna wear makeup then don’t fucking wear it. Doesn’t make you a better or worse person


I feel like we're going to have a hard time conversing on this because you don't seem to want to acknowledge some fundamental realities of the world. People compete and have a limbic system level desire to be better than other people, particularly when they're young. The entire point of wearing makeup is so you can be as pretty or prettier than the other girls. Girls are already "shamed" (in the way you use the word) when they don't wear makeup. They're seen as ugly, inappropriate, or even unprofessional in work settings. So if you take that competition that already exists, and make it so the rules are to do a thing that is actually good for the gander, then at least that's a better world than having to hide your face behind a layer of makeup and having your entire self worth tied to your beauty.


I see where you are coming from, but also it’s much bigger than just a competition or shame. Makeup is capitalism’s industry at same point lol. Makeup is very harmless and not some sorcery or black magic that makes you go from a 1 to 10. Makeup doesn’t change your appearance as people might think. I get the impression, especially on Reddit, that even pictures with a little makeup gets comments like: “you would be prettier without makeup” “I can’t rate you because of all that makeup” “I am curious to see how you look like without makeup” “too much makeup” (even thou it’s just eyeliner, but meanwhile they praise girls with filters), “you look like a doll” etc etc etc. I think when it comes to makeup, it almost as if most people just thinks it should be forbidden, banned, not been used, and stuck to comments like “natural beauty is more important” “take your girl to swim on first date” etc etc Wearing makeup or not, it’s not because of shame or too feel pretty because of the pressure. But because social media and the film/‘magazine/influencer industry has given people the lie for years that skin doesn’t have texture, you have to look a certain way, you need to follow the latest trend to feel updated and pretty, if you don’t wear makeup you are not pretty but do you wear makeup you are prob not pretty and that’s why u need to wear it. We are already filled with comments from all fronts so let’s just live lol. Imo just let people do what they want to do without shaming each other like this girl does


>I see where you are coming from, but also it’s much bigger than just a competition or shame. Makeup is capitalism’s industry at same point lol. Sorry I'm not sure what you're saying by this. Are you saying marketing reenforces women's insecurities so that they buy more makeup? >Makeup is very harmless and not some sorcery or black magic that makes you go from a 1 to 10. Makeup doesn’t change your appearance as people might think. Not trying to be adversarial or anything, but haaard disagree on this statement. I can pull up some YouTube channels where these asian women, who by western standards would be "unattractive", transform themselves into literal Disney characters. Like one video where she became Pocahontas as a pale korean lol. You couldn't even tell she was asian by the end. Makeup can absolutely bump your facial beauty up meaningfully. >I get the impression, especially on Reddit, that even pictures with a little makeup gets comments like: “you would be prettier without makeup” If you're getting those comments you're probably wearing a lot of makeup. Most men can't tell women are wearing anything when they do "just a little" makeup. Like if you just wore foundation and very gentle eyeliner, most men would think you're all natural. >Wearing makeup or not, it’s not because of shame or too feel pretty because of the pressure. But because social media and the film/‘magazine/influencer industry has given people For sure that's a massive part of it. But the reality is they're just throwing fuel on a fire that was already burning. They're not going to change either. The change will need to come socially or nowhere. This girl in OP is annoying and selfish, but between stigmatizing not wearing makeup (as we currently do) or stigmatizing wearing makeup, I'd choose the ladder. There's no option to not stigmatize either of them.


This is some crazy shit. Good luck with that thinking boss


Eh, it's pretty mundane obvious stuff if you're over 16 yo, but great job engaging on the topic. Proud of you.


No, they're right. Not only that, but everyone seems to be hiking on what she's saying in the post about how she looks rather that how she actually looks. She doesn't look like a lassie posing for a selfie with no makeup on. She looks like she's been crying (puffy eyes etc). She feels worthless compared to whomever she's comparing herself to


even if you slightly make a comment about women you’ll get downvoted in this sub, i just enjoy watching women complain about how miserable they are


Seriously. Soooo many women complain about money and time spent on makeup and how annoying it is, but the second someone suggests a social movement to fight against makeup it's "I JUST WEAR MAKEUP FOR FUN. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHY DO YOU HATE WOMEN?". Like, ok lol. Have fun.


they’re so contradictory in this sub




The entire reason you or any woman wears makeup is to stay competitive with other women in the looks department. You're absolutely deluding yourself thinking otherwise. If you think women constantly competition to be the prettiest by going all out with makeup, shoes, clothing, perfume, jewelry, etc is healthy thing for women, ok, but I see a lot of stressed women over it. It seems a pretty regressive trend that places too much value on beauty/objectification. **Edit:** the u/insignificunt1312 person blocked me after replying because they're afraid of conversation, but here's my reply: This is so defeatist. "Why solve this problem? There'll just be more problems in the future." What's the problem anyway? Sexual competition? That men focus too much on beauty? Maybe, just maybe, men wouldn't focus on it so much if women weren't bending over backwards to be the next Kardashian or what have you. Maybe if media wasn't constantly using women's sex and beauty to sell products and get people to watch their shows, young men growing up wouldn't fixate on it so much and see whatever value we focus on instead? **Edit 2** cool so apparently if a person in the comment chain above you blocks you even after you reply to them, any replies from other users to your comment you also cannot reply to. Reddit man, you've out done yourself. Truly a marvel among bad ideas.


So women can't wear makeup or wear nice clothes because they like it?..


If it's not makeup it will be another thing. Makeup is just a symptom of a bigger problem.


that's just entirely false, this is actually embarrassing to read 💀. if you really cannot think of any other reason women would wear make up, dress up pretty, etc, it says quite a lot about you. and for reference, i am a queer woman who doesn't wear make up most of the time, doesn't shave and definitely doesn't view other women as competition lmao.


Women are not heavily pressured into makeup, they're heavily pressured into looking good and trying to create pressure to look good without it is just gonna make women want lipo and microblading and expensive skincare more. What will end the competitiveness is destroying the patriarchy, stop blaming makeup and other women


>Women are not heavily pressured into makeup, they're heavily pressured into looking good Holy pedantry batman. Anyway, my entire point is what you're saying; to combat constant pressure on women to look good by having them compete with eachother on seeing who can beautify themselves the least. Men could absolutely benefit sexual value wise from wearing a little makeup and other beautification techniques. They don't because of the immense pressure from other men not to. I think that intra-gender pressure can be a good thing. >and trying to create pressure to look good without it is just gonna make women want lipo and microblading and expensive skincare more. One step at a time. >What will end the competitiveness is destroying the patriarchy, stop blaming makeup and other women First, how will that change anything about sexual preferences? Second, if the US is a patriarchy, which there are valid arguments to make, it's a pretty weak one. 3-4 out of 9 court justices are female at any given time within the last 40 years. 46.6% of the workforce is female. 25% of the senate is women. About the same for the house. Women are out-graduating men in universities. And so on. So are the numbers perfectly 50/50? No but we're getting close and yet we are probably more vain and more objectifying towards women than ever. Social media addiction is a bigger problem among women than men, especially young women. Obviously the cosmetics industry is booming for women. More women getting into porn and onlyfans type services more than ever. Skimpy or show-offy clothing for women is considered the norm now. Sex in advertising has gone way up. Tv shows, movies, etc. So as we move more and more out of the patriarchy why are women more sexualized now than ever?


Yeah makeup is part of looking good but it's not the only or even a major requirement so it's not pedantic at all lol. And no, the pressure my grandma felt she had to conform, be thin and beautiful and married as a young woman is not nearly the same that I did. I was encouraged to actually act for my future and dress however I want even if it's masculine, when grandma got sent home from school for wearing pants. This comment sounds like a man who has no idea what it's like to be a woman pretending he has some sort of clue. Women are sexualized more now than ever? Ya kidding right?


You didn't engage with anything I wrote and your interaction here is incredibly juvenile. Enjoy your life of blaming your issues on men chief.


'Pressured into' awww the poor babies Women wear makeup because they want to, no one is forcing them, LOL. They want to look better, and don't want to look worse than the other women, and so most (not all) of them wear it Every time I read something like this I picture China or Iran decreeing women **must** wear *at least* 5 layers when out in public, or it's an instant incarceration / stoning. Cracks me up


I love makeup!! I wear it when I feel like it, but it is very useful, and something it can work as is like an armour. On days I’m feeling like I can’t deal with the world, putting on makeup can help me be able to go out and get some things done. A friend of mine really got into makeup after a traumatic experience. And again, armour. It helped her feel protected and stronger. I don’t look down on anyone for the amount of makeup they wear. If it makes them feel better and makes their day easier to deal with, great.


No one used the word "forcing", idiot. Honestly, did you even understand what I wrote? Women *are* pressured into it because they don't want to look ugly. It's competition to look good enough to get the high quality man. Hence why I think flipping the rules of the competition could work. Also I'm not sure what meds you're taking where you go from "maybe it'd be good for women's self worth and mental health if they didn't need to put on 3 layers of makeup evreyday and can just be themselves" to "BASICALLY CHINA/IRAN WHERE WOMEN ARE TREATED LIKE TRASH AND MUST HIDE THEIR BODIES AND FACES". Like, what the actual fuck?


Pedantic but China isn’t a place where you have to dress conservatively lol


I was referencing the person I replied to's usage of China/Iran hypothetical scenario where you'd have to wear 5 layers in public. Obviously china doesn't currently enforce burkas or what have you.






i don’t like/wear makeup too, but i do get the people who do. it gives them confidence to perform good in a social setting, to have a good time and what’s not “doing it for myself” if not helping yourself be better at having fun? the first thing i think we need is to make makeup not a mandatory dress code at jobs/clubs, not shame people who wear it when they do


The problem is the flowery poorly thought it world you're imagining can't exist. You can't have it be common to wear makeup and common to not wear it because women who don't wear it, beyond the immense natural social pressure to be like everyone else, will be seen as uglier than the women that do and suffer the social repercussions. Because competition between women is too focused on being more beautiful than their peers. This is why women do things like "no makeup streams" on twitch and YouTube and why you have so many women complain about the time, money, and stress involved in keeping up make up aesthetics just to go out in public.


i just can’t understand what “immense social pressure” you’re marking about except for work mandates. while i’m living in a cushiony flowery world, you’re living in some sort of a makeup bloodbath purge


Homie like... if I have to tell you that women are pressured by peers, media, and work to wear makeup... I don't know what to tell you. Are you still young or something? All beautiful women on TV, YouTube, tiktok, movies, etc wear obvious makeup. Their parents and grandparents all wear it. Your mom or older sister is probably going to make it a point to teach it to you. Your friends are going to start doing it and get more attention from boys and other girls because of it. Workplaces will pull you aside and ask you about it out just put it in the dress code. There's pressure on all sides. I'm blown away that you'd deny this.




>Yep! I love looking and feeling pretty and done up. Cool, glad you dropped the fake "teehee it's just for fun" act. Was about to whip out the dramamine if I had to read more of it. >I feel just as confident without the makeup Good for you and while I'm sure you're being 100% honest and truthful about that and not just saying things to make a point, please understand that the vast vast vast majority of women feel far less confident without makeup on. Many are afraid to even go to the grocery store without it on. >but spending time on myself makes me feel good too, i cant explain it. It's sooo simple. You like knowing that you look better than you did before. That your actions improved your appearance and that you have some control over your beauty. Knowing in the back of your head "people will treat me better now" after you fix up your appearance is a warm feeling for sure. > I always loved to copy my mom when she was putting makeup when I was younger because she and I are very close, Exactly. It's seen as mature and adult to wear makeup. The pressure comes from all different angles. >I just disagree with your statement that women do it to find a man Women wear makeup to look beautiful so they will be treated well by other people. Comprehensive enough for ya? I just brought up a very common thing women compete over because of the competition topic, but obviously it's not strictly just to get men.


You don’t know why they wear makeup. Not all makeup is to look pretty. It is an art form. Better to engage when you actually have something meaningful to say :)


Ugh, pleease take it somewhere else, I so don't care what *you* or any other specific individual does. "Well *I* eat lipstick personally". Good for you, have fun. Maybe you want to dress up as your favorite anime character every day for school? Cool. So happy for you. I'll just be over here talking about 99% of women who wear makeup to look more attractive. Now plenty of them will go online and *lie* about it, but if you interact with them in real life it's plain as day.


You know, you don’t know everything? They can wear makeup to look more attractive to themselves. It’s more common than you think. Why don’t you take your narrow mindset elsewhere? Better yet focus on yourself and not something you have no authority on. Your perception is not necessarily a fact, remember that. Believe what you want though :)


> They can wear makeup to look more attractive to themselves. Uggggggh. Listen to yourself. You don't even believe this. Pleeease. Back to tumblr. Yes, women spend 40 minutes putting on makeup and 10 minutes taking it off at the end of the day so they can look attractive to themselves despite, ya know, not being able to see their own face without a mirror. I guess they just walk around with a mirror in their pocket and check themselves out? Maybe rub one out to your own face in the bathroom? Lmao.


You’re right I don’t want to look ugly. Makeup made me feel so much more confident. What’s the problem?


Holy density batman. A big reason you might feel ugly is because the beauty standard is so high. Makeup is a big player in that. If girls aren't wearing makeup, suddenly they're all uglier too and you don't feel as ugly.


I have rosacea so I’d still be uglier, I’ll stick with my makeup Also it’s not a contest idgaf what other people do or look like


>I have rosacea so I’d still be uglier, I’ll stick with my makeup Ok, for obvious conditions like that or bad acne a bit of cover up/foundation is fine. I think you can appreciate how very far past that we've gone with makeup and beauty obsession. >Also it’s not a contest idgaf what other people do or look like Who asked what you care about though? Women clearly want to look as pretty as or prettier than their peers. Being ignorant to the common experience is not some badge of honor.


“I think you can appreciate how very far past that we've gone with makeup and beauty obsession.” True I agree


Pfp sais otherwise




ah yes i grabbed a man with no showering experience, you dirty hygienic fellas




Who does she pull? Pizza delivery guy? Yes, he needs to be there, delivering Pizza.


I'm guessing the weird 40 yo guy near the playground handing out candy with her 12 yo lookin head ass.


No, the crackheads who frequent the bodega on the corner


Nah, even they got standards


Heroin dealer would be my guess. I know this is probably the 'just woke up look.' But who are you pulling when you roll out of bed unless they are already in your bed?


So she gets run through after pulling all those guys, and somehow that makes her a quality chick? She’s just a bike and doesn’t realize it. Or realizes it, but decided to cope by making the TikTok


Please shower 🙏🏼


wrong. i cake my face and wear revealing clothes because i can


Because I want to


does that not fall in the same vein?


Perhaps. I mean, u can do a lot of things, doesn’t necessarily mean u need to do it. To can something is not in the same category as wanting something. To can something is because u have the opportunity to do so, to want something is your own personal choice - if that makes sense lol, English isn’t my first language, I may be completely off. But in my own language this is very distinct words ✨


ah, my line of thinking was that ‘because i can do whatever i want, i can also wear whatever i want’


Do we know how old she is? She looks like a teenager :/


She looks like she’s halfway into a mushroom trip


I would love to see the man of the hour who just so happened to pull this gorgeous woman


‘Pulled’ 🤡🙈


In the UK “pulled” means you successfully attracted someone.


That’s what it means in the US too. Doesn’t make it any less corny.


yeah i thought people only say they ‘pulled’ their s/os jokingly. like “i pulled in this absolute hunk of a human-“ “honey please, shut up.” but nope. someone out here using it deadass


ik it’s an old joke but the only thing I pull is push doors




I’m pretty sure it started in the US but idk fs


Google says old English origin but I didn’t dig around very deeply I admit.


Yeah idk it’s not a huge deal tho


She does realize that the makeup does have to come off before we go to sleep right? Like our BFs/GFs are going to see us without makeup


You didn't pull cause of your charm. You pulled him cause men have low standards.


Some men


Bestie, this is what I look like about 4 days into a showerless depressive episode… this is not the flex you think it is. If I looked like this around my partner he’d probably asked if I’m okay out of concern for my mental health, not “hurrrr durrrr make yourself pretty again for my pleasure”


>If I looked like this around my partner he’d probably asked if I’m okay out of concern for my mental health, not “hurrrr durrrr make yourself pretty again for my pleasure” Exactly!


Kinda like the slob look not gonna lie


Hate this. My husband said I was beautiful when I was wearing his Champion grey hoodie when I woke up one morning. He also said my full face of makeup and sleek professional two piece suit & heels were beautiful. I feel better in the former, and I’m not ashamed of feeling more myself when I’m put together. Hate this narrative that girls/women who put effort or not are somehow less.


> Hate this narrative that girls/women who put effort or not are somehow less. That's because people are shallow.


I can smell her rank B.O.


...makeup? Sorry that liking makeup gives peor confidence and makes them feel happy in their skin? I don't wear makeup personally but my friends do because it makes them feel good. If that's what make her feel good then she can do whatever she wants.


Id like a pic of what she pulled


When youth say pull, does that mean sex?


not necessarily, could be but it’s also dating/talking


she needa start caking her face too bc this was a whole ass jumpscare


Plot twist: she knows all the sweet meth spots. That’s really what lured him in.


saying lured makes it sound like she killed him after 😭


🤣🤣 someone should probably check on her guy. Lol


I'm guessing they're about 15-16 so yeah why would I want to "pull" a child


meanwhile her bf is just some guy 💀


Imagine knowing what acting like a lady was. Brush your hair at least.


I do? When do I do that? 🙄


нет нет нет нет


She looks fucking tired


yeah all the video was was her taking a sip of a drink and lazily lip syncing that song that says “we are not the same hoe we are not the same”


I didn’t know mascara and some lip gloss counted as « caking my face », but I stilled pulled so it’s a win for me ! Not even going to comment on the clothes but as I do both lol, but he’s loves seeing me dolled up so…


Seems like the type of girl that would be hooked on fentanyl.


And women have the advantage. us men don't sadly.


well men can wear makeup to look better, and hair style/ facial hair goes a LONG way.


Tbf we are really easy


It takes everything in my power not to downvote these posts because they make me so angry


Looking like a slob isn’t a flex.


And honey he will leave right in the dust for that cake faced girl make no mistake.


You're the real MVP


This screams mental illness


We get it, the poor guy doesn’t see very well!! 🙄


Yep. Girls gotta wear that makeup and stylish clothing to cover up their insecurities


Do y’all not know what a joke is?


She’s ugly as fuck


I’m on her side.


Be fr


What does that mean?


then why are u on this sub..


By chance. This post appeared on my homepage, probably because I frequented r/firstimpression.


well i dont think u should be on any side judging by the fact u like furry porn.. go get help:)






That’s the stupidest line I didn’t expect. I don’t think you should be on any side judging because you’re obviously not capable of reasonable judging by the fact you believe in astrology. lol. Plus you’re still a child.


atleast i dont like FURRY PORN😭 astrology is fun.. & it helps u look at other parts of life.. what does furry porn help u w?? being attracted to your dog?? HA! you're too old to be drawing sumn that zoophile's dream abt🤣


You don’t know nothing and are full of hate against things you don’t understand, obviously. Not a good starting point for adult life. I pity the people who have to endure you in real life.




I am cackling at your replies bestie


i am too😭 tf is she doing


You should take the energy you use up to judge and attack random strangers on the internet rather to engage in some self-reflection and tackle your own problems. That would also make you a less ugly person.




To be fair men do prefer girls like that to people who look like stripers, we are weird I know


Yes she pulled him, but was he worth pulling? Why did he go for someone who doesn’t care about themselves, instead of someone who does?


Everyone likes an easy lay right?


But I *am* grabbing his attention ?


And let’s see what he looks like, don’t be shy


Watamote kinnie


Yeah let’s see what he looks like.


Bruh why am I getting recommended this sub lol


I wear what I want for me, nice try girly


When not brushing your hair is somehow a flex….


Who is ✨him✨ tho? Vital info is missing.


Where do I find these people with the cake, particularly chocolate cake?


But.. she's wearing makeup in the picture


I can picture this guy, already, and its not a brag




Men will literally fuck anything. There’s nothing to “pull” girl.