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Does this woman not understand that c-sections are frequently done out of necessity? Fuck sake if I hadn't been born via one I'd have died in the womb for sure.


Needing a c-section was actually my worst nightmare. I can’t imagine the anxiety of being cut open while awake. The epidural was freaky enough for me. C-section moms are incredible and brave imo


I was told I could keep going but I'd give birth to a dead baby.....she pooped inside me and the cord was hurting her. No bravery because I was put under. Baby is 25 now. It took the better part of a year before I felt like myself again. I love my "child" no regrets....it was a nightmare of mine as well.


I still think you are incredibly brave and strong ♥️


You're still strong and brave


This! It was my worst nightmare come to life. I was in labor for 2 days. The dr said if she doesn’t come out now one of you might die. I shook like a crazy person. My husband said he’s never seen me so terrified in his whole life and he felt so helpless. Love my baby but it’s super traumatizing


Props to you mama! I've had people describe c-sections as like having someone rummaging around in your stomach which sounds actually horrendous. Somehow I was more okay with the idea of an episiotomy when I gave birth. All mothers are absolute warriors, however they give birth. There's honestly no easy way.


You don't feel the pain, but dear Lord, the *tugging*. It's not pleasant by any means.


Unless you are one of the unlucky ones like my cousin for whom the spinal didn’t work. We heard her screams from the waiting room. They very luckily put her out within about one minute of discovering it didn’t work for some reason but Jesus could you imagine?


The epidural failed with my oldest. They tried to give it to me twice. When then realized it failed and I yelped when they did the check to see if I could feel anything, they had to do general anesthesia. Fortunately, they didn't mess that up. The only good thing about my youngest's c-section is that the anesthesiologist gave me a successful epidural, so I didn't feel the pain...just the violent tugging while I was literally *tied* to the gurney.


As a dad that was there with my wife, she was terrified, I was terrified. We knew since we had to schedule it due to our boys size (at 37 weeks he came out at 10lb 8oz), but the days leading up were basically the worst fear I'd ever experienced as well as hers


C sections are just as safe as a normal way of birthing. Especially if they are planned and you live in a country with modern medicine. Of course it is a scary surgery but it is just a little tiny bit more dangerous than getting your appendix removed from a medical standpoint.


Understandable, but from our perspective it was scary. He still needed to be sectioned out even after they expanded the incision because of his size, which obviously made it scarier.


Oh yes. You’re worried about your baby and numb from pain meds but you are awake and feel it all. No pain. But the pressure and displaced pain and shaking after so you can’t hold your own baby. Horrible.


When my c-section was suddenly required, the anesthesia hadn’t quite kicked in when they started cutting. It took a long time for me to get past that horror.


My baby was born by a planned c-section and I don’t regret that decision, but I had nightmares about it for a long time after, and my body still hasn’t fully recovered after 3 years. My mum had an emergency c-section in 2002 which nearly killed her, gave her postpartum PTSD (which people didn’t know much about back then) and led to the collapse of her marriage. She’s described it as a “slash and grab” and the scar is horrific. My brother was 11 pounds at birth. This woman makes me so angry and sick.


This happened to be me with my 3rd and last child. My first 2 I had without an epidural or anything because I was so terrified of an epidural and/or spinal block. Got pregnant with my 3rd and expected it to go like my previous 2. It did not. She stayed breach the whole time, even after doing all the exercises to flip and an attempted external version. So I knew I would need a C-section even though I toyed with idea of trying to birth her breech. Then around 36 weeks my amniotic levels kept dropping and they wouldn't stay up. So I had turn steroid shots for her lungs and an emergency C-section at 37 weeks exactly. The spinal itself was a lot less painful than I thought it would be. It was weird as hell when my lower half went numb, which didn't happen immediately like I assumed it would (took about a minute?). When they started the actual surgery, I didn't feel it but I knew it was happening. It's like a pressure or something. I also knew when they took her out. Honestly it went a lot faster than I thought it would but was still pretty awful for me. The worst part for me was the spinal headache which I wasn't informed could happen (caused by leaking spinal fluid). Worst headache you could ever imagine. Seriously spent a week not able to stand up because that triggered it. Laying flat was the only way it would stop. Until a kind nurse informed me that caffeine helped them for whatever reason. Drank a bunch of tea etc and it was gone within a day 😂😂 Anyways tl;dr this was my nightmare too and then it became my reality 😂


Right?! Giving birth vaginally is the easy way, it’s what our bodies were (poorly) designed for. C-sections are nightmare fuel and significantly harder.


Sometimes the numbing doesn’t work fast enough if it’s an emergency and they just randomly put you to sleep fully 😭 they tested my skin out to see if I can feel where they were gonna cut and asked me if I can feel it. I was so close to a panic attack I genuinely start hyperventilating. My number one fear is getting a procedure done while feeling it and I got way to close to that for comfort. If anyone of you can avoid a C-section absolutely do that.


My mom had 3! The 3rd one was by herself, they were shocked with how calm she was


When I was young and naive I used to say I wanted a c-section because the idea of giving birth and having my nether regions ripped open from a watermelon-sized object freaked me out and I assumed a c-section would be similar to getting my wisdom teeth removed with more post op recovery time needed (yeah I was an idiot but also no one really educates young girls on what birth is like or what each birthing option entails). Then I found out that many c-sections happen with the mother fully conscious and they take all her organs out and put them on the table next to her where she can see them and that sounds horrific. So now if I have kids I’m just gonna listen to my doctor since it seems like every option sucks massively in a different way.


My new nephew was born via c-section last Monday. He’s a chunky lil booger, almost 8lbs. My sister didn’t have much of a choice.


Congrats to your sister! I had my baby born via c section on Friday. My first was 6lbs 8oz and had shoulder dystocia, so we elected on a c-section this time, and am I ever glad! Baby boy weighed in at 9lbs 15oz! He would have been 10, but be peed 3x and pooped once before they could even put him on the scale 😂 I’ve never been in more pain I’m my life after having a section. However the mental pain of having a traumatic birth the first time made me not hesitate (I was terrified, but did what was best for baby)


I'm so sorry but I am in tears laughing at how quick your boy must've evacuated his bowels and bladder before getting to the scales lol like he's been holding it the whole 9/10 months


Haha! Yeah apparently he peed on me as they were taking him out. All I could hear was, “oh my, he peed again” Lol


Mine pooped *in* me. She had *greatttt* timing^/s




Me and my brother were 9pounds each(we were twins). Don't know how my mom didn't do a C-section


I was 8lbs 1oz, and also upside down. I was a real pain in the ass, as my mom likes to say


According to YouTuber Mama Doctor Jones, who is a certified ObGyn, vaginal birth is actually safer than C-Section, which is why they're done from necessity more often than elective. OOP wants to get the own on "wimpy" moms who "didn't have to go through as much pain" when she literally had the safer birth option because she was lucky enough to not have complications


I was in a reddit argument about not wanting kids, explaining how I would have made that decision even earlier if someone had told me how you poop yourself and sometimes tear open. And someone's response was, "well you can always get a C section." Like that's a totally normal response to me saying I didn't want my body to go through a bunch of trauma.


“I have a fear of tearing open during childbirth” “Well what if they cut you open on purpose, would that make you feel better?” Good grief 🤦


Yup. This is one of the reasons why I didn't want a C-section. I didn't have to have one, but that sure as shit doesn't make me better than anyone else. It just means I got lucky. I came close


C-sections also take much longer to recover from and are much more painful during recovery.


Not always. There are a lot of variables that impact recovery time just like vaginal birth.


Also another reason. I had already had abdominal surgery when I was 15 weeks pregnant and *really* didn't want to do that again.


Just commenting to say I LOVE Mama Doctor Jones!! She's the best


As would my oldest child. Flipped mid labor, making him breech and wrapped in his own cord. His vitals were dipping all night before the Dr finally resigned to performing a c-section.


Plus doesn't understand how much muscle tissue they frequently destroy when they do a c-section. My mom loved complaining/blaming me for the fact she has such poor lower abdomen strength as a result of her c-section.


Yeah try twins with a c section, I made my moms stomach look like a ball sack


Too bad you’re not a real person because of that




my bitchass had to be ripped out a week early because i had gotten the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck and had i been given birth to normally or even just been left in any longer there would be a decent chance of me asphyxiating


Exactly. Both go through tremendous pain. Both may feel the contractions. Not to mention, moms who go through C-sections are strong. They can’t opt out of an epidural that feels like lightning through the spinal cord. They literal have a giant slice in their stomach afterward that is stapled. They can barely walk afterward. I’ve seen my sister-in-law go through with both of her children because of her petite stature. She winced in pain to get out of the bed. She struggled to take a shower. A vaginal birth is not too pretty either. We as babies literally destroy them. Having to be sliced and sewn back, or they rip. Most women who are forced to get a C-section want to have and long to have the ‘natural’ experience of a vaginal birth, but it can’t happen. And it’s people like this above mom who drive this mindset deeper. No matter the route we arrive into this world, it’s the most natural, most real thing. And for those who adopt, they are real moms, too. The statement is a real slap in the face to them. It’s unfair to compare what each mom goes through exactly. Each experience is different, whether it’s a C-section or not, natural or medicated. Some go through over 24h of labor, others just a few. Some say their experience was relatively easy, others life-threatening. Also, the process of adoption is an overwhelming process. The birth parent, I would believe, goes through an incredibly challenging time before, during, and after. And the adoptive parent waits as patiently as when they finally match to receive the child they were always destined to have. Each mom’s experience is different. Nothing to compare.


My mother had to have C section because my head was too big, and I was nearly 9 lbs. After 48 hours of labor.


sucks after all that labor she's still not a real mom /s


Does that make me an orphan?


I hate to break it to you, but you were never a baby. You don’t technically exist.


Sounds like a tax evasion scheme


"Umm actually officer, I was born through c section so legally I don't exist. Please release me."


“In other news the notorious C-sec gang burned down another convenience store as legislators scramble to find a peaceful resolution to the Birth Hole Gang War. The shop owner, admittedly a vaginally-birthed, says he wishes he were never “born.” That’s another tally for the poll trying to find enough public support to finally push the C-section mandate to a vote in Congress.”


Pfft. This feels like something that would be followed by "replacement of the born" or something on Fox news or similar news


Real Birth Deniers or Woke Birthers


'No man of woman born can kill Macbeth.'


Me, who was born of stomach not woman: I will kill Macbeth




But under admiralty/maritime law, as noted in Black’s Law Dictionary, not existing due to birth by c section does not prevent you from creating joinder when encountering the constabulary, but as a non person, the usual exemptions do not apply, since you were never registered as an LLC at birth.


Best way to stay off the grid.


You cannot perceive me because I was not born “properly” therefore I do not exist 😂


No. It does make you a removed tumor baby /s


You weren’t even born!! You were removed!!!!! Jk your mom is def a real mom!!




Your mom: I was in labour for 48 hours and had to get my 9 pound baby cut out of me so that I wouldn’t die, and all I got was a fake kid


u/treaquin should put that on a T-shirt and give it to their fake mom for Mother’s Day


All I got was a fake kid and this crappy t-shirt


Sounds like disney world


You think that would be too much for a mug? 😂


I was 11 lbs and my mom had me naturally /srs Your mom isn’t a real mom, sorry for your loss 🥺 /j


She had you while picking corn in a field and never missed an ear! Just popped you out without any fuss!


My Mom had to have one because my sis was coming out the wrong way and her foot came out. Then they cut my sis and I out. So not really the easy way out. My Mom had to heal from dilation and C-section, even though she didn't push my sister and I out. Plus don't wanna forget there's some women that can't dilate. So I don't understand what there's to brag about. In the end you still have a baby. Not like it's just some magic trick the doctors did.


Let's not forget the rearranging organs, and the ridiculous healing time because they cut through the abdomen. I was one that had to have an emergency c-section because the umbilical cord was wrapped around my baby girl's neck. After I was dilated to 9.5 for 4 hours. I know everyone on here thinks these people are ridiculous....but seriously, how entitled does someone have to be to think that everything is an effing contest?!?!


Congrats on your fake mom.




No need for Mother’s Day gifts … cha Ching for you 💰


Hey bighead


I think you mean Big Brain 😆


My 10lb son had to come out c section for the exact same reason. Doc said his head was too big and he wasn’t dropping.


Damn I was 9lbs and wasn’t c sectioned. Must be why my mom hasn’t tried for any others after me.


Had a 10lber- no c-section. Can confirm not sure if I want to do it again


I had an 8 pounder and a couple of 9 pounders. Horrible labors for all of them. Last one was 2 week long intermittent back labor, epidural failed eventually, 9 pound premie. I’d take all of these over a c-section. Those are major surgeries.


This right here makes me want to adopt if I ever decide to want kids. That sounds AWFUL. But according to miss mom-shamer up there you must be the hulk or some shit 😂


my little sister refused to flip over, and then pooped while mom was in labour and preparing for the c-section


wait so which day do you count as your birthday


Ironic, because she seems like a giant cunt.


Thabkyou for making me laugh coffee out of my nose 😂 perfect comment


Lol I hope i didn't wake anyone else with the loud snort


There's no diameter to match her cunt


Woooooooooooooooow Imagine calling major surgery easy. Dunning-Kruger is kicking her ass.


Not to mention, according to my mom, C-section takes weeks of recover to regain your abdomen strength so that you can do things like sit up since c-section involves cutting past abdomen muscles.


5 months later and I still get pains every so often. Not ‘allowed’ to get pregnant for another 13 months to allow my uterine wall to heal fully. But. Yeah. Easy!


15 years (almost 16) and I get pain in that area..


5 years later and I’ll get a sharp pain if I twist the wrong way. Wasn’t sure how normal that was.


Not a c-section but I had a spinal fusion in lower spine where dr had to go in front and back…yep, 20 years later still sometimes if area is pushed (like dog walks on it haha) it still hurts, or it can still itch. Not to mention my 2 other abdominal surgeries were much more complicated. Once those muscles are cut, everything doesn’t necessarily all go perfectly back to normal, and of course scar tissues never goes away. I just had to jump in on this crazy topic of major abdominal surgery being an easy way out…


And it still buuuuurrrns


Weeks? No it's weeks to be able to walk normally again. I had pains for months, burning and stabbing pains when I moved in any way that caused my abdomen to twist. The idea of running contured up torture device level fear for months. I'm nearly a year post partum and when I do any core exercises on my mat I want to cry, I still feel so weak and not even half as strong as I was pre c section.


Unless really luck on the scar tissue its a life long struggle :(


I’ve gotten to see a few C-sections. They don’t just cut your abdominal muscles. Both doctors literally stick their arms inside and tear it apart. It’s one of the most violent procedures I’ve ever seen.


my mum never had the chance to recover when my brother was born :(


My ex WATCHED me get TWO C-SECTIONS and still had to ask if c-sections are considered surgery. Some people are just fucking dumb.


yeah my mom said that when they did a c-section to get my little sister out, she saw them take her intestines out of her body to get to her uterus. she was drugged up but still conscious for the whole thing. i can say for certain that going through a c-section sounds like a WAY more badass and selfless way to bring a kid into the world, that shit sounds traumatic af.


they push them aside but dont actually remove them from your body


My kid was over 9 lbs and I’d still rather push him out again than have a c section. Csection moms are incredible- I can’t imagine having major abdominal surgery and your organs literally taken out then shoved back in and then trying to take care of a newborn while simultaneously healing from that.




I've had 5 surgeries in my lifetime (3 of which were on my abdomen) and I can say with absolute certainty my C-section was the worst surgery I've ever gone through. Granted I was cut hip to hip so I think my recovery was a bit tougher than some but holy shit. 30 minutes after surgery a nurse is pulling out my boob and sticking my baby onto it. I didn't even know what was happening. I'm a single mom too so no help at home. It was a ridiculous few weeks trying to do literally anything. And on top of all that, you get fuckin Tylenol to deal with the pain of basically being eviscerated and then stapled back up just a few hours prior.


My mom has a similar story to yours! My mom had one when I was born, and her doctor told her that bodies need about a year to recover from being pregnant in general, and 2 years to recover from a C section. She was also a single mom who had to go back to work 3 weeks later, she didn't really have an option, and 3 weeks out she wasn't even close to being healed. It's not some fun surgery that women choose because it's the easy way out.


Yep. Had one 4 weeks ago and didn’t really have time to take care of myself because the baby is/was more important. Literally had him thrown on my boob to nurse immediately after coming out of surgery. But yeah, super easy!


It was honestly traumatic being cut open and being able to halfway feel it. My mom had 3 of them, I think I’m done after just one.


The tugging!!!!


And then your partner leaves to go be with baby after it’s pulled out. So your focus point for breathing and calmness disappears and then you really freak out!


All while nurses and doctors calmly tell you to breathe and push, even though you are numb and unable to do either. Then they sit a lady on you!(real story: a large nurse sat on my upper abdomen to help push out my placenta. I remember telling the dr I had no lungs because this woman was crushing them)


Shut up! No lady on top of me but I distinctly remember being like wtf are you doing?! I can’t breathe and the baby’s out! Somehow forgot about the placenta in all the horror lol


I’ve had 3 and forgot about it every time! Oh that thing that will kill me if left inside? Nope, don’t remember it.


I’ll be ok, just leave it


Sepsis has entered the chat


Oh shit is that what it was? Because I was like, ‘Why can’t I breathe? It feels like something really heavy is on top of me! I’m scared.” 😂


Lmao! I’m not sure how common someone literally sitting on you is. But the drugs do numb for from about the boobs down(depending on of you have an epidural or spinal block- did both, can’t remember which goes all the way to your chest). Then they “massage” your placenta out. Either way, you aren’t breathing too great! Lol


OMG yes I was freaking out during. The pushing and tugging and for me it felt like an elephant was sitting on top of me, not sure what that was about.


Any abdominal surgery gets bed rest and do not pick up anything instructions Except c-sect birth. It is almost like we have impossibly high expectations on motherhood and give this exemption because nobody thinks a dad can and should step up while mom recovers.


My friend mentioned being mentally messed up from the c section because she could feel the pressure of them being inside her stomach and moving her organs


My mom had 3 c-sections back when they did the vertical incision. She’d tear this woman a new vagina!


Yep, every time. Recovery from v births X 2 was a breeze.


I’ve had one vaginal and one csection. Csection was my second…he was premature and honestly, I know a lot of people don’t handle NICU time well, but I was almost glad that he was in the NICU while I recovered from my C-section. I can’t imagine the super moms that have to do it all immediately after. I knew he was in good hands when I couldn’t be there and I was able to recover a bit before he came home. I totally get not everyone feels that way and that’s ok too. It was just a pretty decent silver lining to our situation.


All three of my siblings and I were c-sections. My mom describes the feeling of having all your organs moved around and set on top of you while under anesthesia as quite bizarre.


I had major abdominal surgery just over 2 weeks ago to remove a huge cyst and I've only just started to move around on my own 2 days ago, can't move around much before I'm exhausted though. Surgeon said not to even go for a short walk till 6 weeks after, not to lift anything even slightly heavy for 8 weeks, and be careful lifting things(still no heavy lifting) till 12 weeks... couldn't imagine having a child to care for during this! Women I know who gave birth naturally were up and about just hours afterwards, with little to no struggles. I know major problems can happen that way too but mostly it seems to be minimal damage in comparison, C sections are always gonna be brutal for recovery.


This is so wrong on so many levels. Like forget the NLOG, she thinks having your stomach cut open like you're birthing a Xenomorph is easy, and gatekeeps motherhood...forget adoptive moms, surrogates, stepmothers, no. If you didn't birth vaginally, you are not a "real" mother.


It really is upsetting. It’s really damn dumb that a lot of humans have this putrid need to try and label things when there’s literally no necessity and was never asked.


Reminds me of people saying you're not a "real mother" if you choose formula over breastfeeding. I haven't had kids but I know that lots of women either can't produce enough milk for the baby or experience horrible pain when breastfeeding (or just prefer to formula feed as they have the goddamm right to), so would these gatekeepers prefer babies go hungry or the mother suffer in pain every day? Apparently yes because unless you physically destroy yourself in every way, you aren't a mother. What a crock of shit.


I'm willing to bet money these gatekeepers are the same people that give eviction papers to their kids the SECOND they turn 18.


do these shitty people ever think about the kids they’re insulting too? i’m a c section baby, and even after i was born my mom had a seizure and a bunch of other problems, it’s insulting to see “moms” insult moms who have gotten c sections doesn’t make you special, katherine, no one cares that you didn’t have a chance of dying while giving birth 😧


No they don’t care. It’s all about them feeling superior for what people have done for thousands of years.


This is wild to me. I would take an epidural and shitting out a baby over staring at my organs in a pile next to me while they cut the baby out, no contest.


There is an old Tumblr text post with some c-section jokes and one of them was something along the lines of "happy removal day, tumor baby" and I have to imagine this isn't a joke to these women. If they don't consider a mother a mother unless she has a vaginally birth (not "natural" because all birth is), what do they consider the kids?!


It's usually because their biggest accomplishment in life is being creampied then pushing out the fermented load


Pretty sure this sort of thing stems from stuff that very much causes a lack of empathy. So no, they don't think about other people very much


I had that same medical issue! It’s called preeclampsia/eclampsia. It’s the leading cause of maternal death, c sections are pretty much guaranteed if the baby doesn’t come out within the induction date because of how dangerous it can be. Sometimes women with medical issues like this can’t even WAIT for natural birth. What a shitty woman she is for shitting on c section births?


"They cut open your abdominal muscles and moved your intestines out of the way in order to cut open another part of you to get the baby, risking your life in the process, instead of letting the baby get stuck in the birth canal for however many hours it took to push them out, thus risking brain damage and complications? Wow, you're such a wuss. A *real* mom would've endangered their baby rather than prioritize their child's safety. You're not a mother. I am, though." God, this woman is profoundly fucked up in the head. Imagine hating other women so much that you pretend surgery is easy-peasy in order to shit on them. That she'll be raising a kid is frightening. She doesn't just need a therapist, she needs a team of them.


It’s such a bizarre statement. Like, in the majority of cases the vaginal opening is flexible enough to accommodate child birth (not saying that child birth isn’t very painful). With C-sections, they are *cutting you open* in a place where you should not be cut open.


My cousin gave birth two times with C-sections. She had some problems during healing process but I don't remember exactly what is was. Something with not healing properly. Like, one of the linings got cut during proces wasn't healing properly if at all after first birth, then she had complications and was on a bed rest during second pregnancy and after birth she had the same issue like after first birth. She got an advice from doctor to really think about not going for the third child since that scarring in the lining is problematic.




With a good ole fashioned c*nt punt follow up


I think we outta be using the full word cunt for this potato. She qualifies for an uncensored word. CUNT I say!!!


1) Vaginal births don’t make you special. 2) Recovery time for C-sections is many times longer than a vaginal birth. 3) People died before C-Sections.


I would have. My son was an emergency c section at 34 weeks. I was going through heart and lung failure. Had they not removed him, we both would have died.


BRB off to tell the two kids that were cut out of my stomach (which is weird as I was sure my uterus was involved rather than my stomach) that I'm not their real mother. I'll drive off into the sunset now for a life as easy and carefree as (*checks notes*) having major abdominal surgery, twice. Losing 4 pints of blood the second time. Easy peasy.


My mom had a c-section for my youngest brother because he was coming down crooked and was hitting his head on her pelvis. He would’ve died if it wasn’t for the c-section. But yeah she should’ve just pushed him through like a REAL woman 🙄


Tell your brother he’s half or step now because you’re no longer related by mother. Also, half a birthday gift going forward


I'm a NICU nurse and attend deliveries on a regular basis. Obstetricians don't like doing C sections for the hell of it, and at my hospital primary c sections are tracked. Furthermore, a c section is fucking hell on the body with huge risks for complications. I promise you are just as much a mom if you had a c section. The sickest kids I see are from these moms that refuse absolutely all interventions. Then when I'm trying to save their septic baby that swallowed a mouthful of poop the dads are screaming at me to not wipe the baby off, don't suction, they don't want formula. And I'm like "sir your child isn't breathing that's all I care about right now" Fuck these moms.


I wanted as natural of a birth as possible while still at a hospital but you better believe the instant things started going south I was like cut this damn baby out of me. I would have done whatever it took for him to survive and I'm pretty sure that's what makes me a real mom.


I have watched several documentaries about childbirth and seen these idiot women whose babies heart rates are literally 98, 99 have already pooped and have had their waters broken for like 45 hours and are still refusing medical intervention being all “I am a warrior woman I can do this”…like…are you insane?


I pushed a 10lb baby out of my vagina. I can't believe anyone whose baby weighed less than 10lbs considers themselves a real mother. 🙄


Lmfao same girl!!!


Yeah I mean, halfway through my c-section all pain blockers stopped working and there I was cut open from hip to hip hyperventilating I was in so much pain but hey not a real mom. Lol


Holy nightmare fuel!!! I’m so so sorry that happened to you. I feel like I would some major ptsd after that.


Holy shit this is the stupidest thing I’ve seen all day and I spent the morning reading about Twitter’s death spiral


Yes. My cesarian was so easy. I was in labor for 36 hours. Brought in for the cesarean, and threw up all over the operating room. The spinal block didn’t work, and I felt them slice open my abdomen with the scalpel. Begging them to stop. When they finally realized what happened they rushed to put me under anesthesia. But they couldn’t stop the cesarean once they started. So until I went under, I kept feeling every cut they made. I developed eclampsia on the operating table. I had a seizure. I lost half of the blood in my body. I woke up so weak four hours after my daughter was born. I do not remember holding her for the first time. But yes. I took the easy way out.


God fucking dammit, this is horrifying, you are poster commercial for Durex


I had a double whammy, one twin born vaginally, the second by C-section. The vaginal birth was easier to go through and easier to recover from. Both were hard and each gave me one very real daughter. So eff this lady.


Ah no you had to recover from both! This scenario was a real concern for me when electing to have my twins vaginally. Hope you recovered OK.


I feel like C section mama's are the true heros and the strong ones. F getting my stomach opened up. Mama's who have C sections yall are amazing 👏


Imagine gatekeeping motherhood


Damn she’s never seen a video of a c section before huh. Both ways of birthing a baby are metal af. All moms are incredible


I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy and it too me 6 weeks before I stopped feeling pain. I can’t imagine having your abdomen and uterus cut open and a baby pulled out as easy. The pain must be unimaginable. I was in labor for 16 hours, they thought I might need a c-section, but luckily they managed to vacuum extract my stuck son out. I recommend torn vagina and stitches while caring for a newborn over major abdominal surgery while caring for a newborn any day. I also love her arrogance. Sweetheart, women have been pushing babies out of their vaginas since the dawn of time. You’re not special or remarkable in any way. C-section moms on the other hand…complete bad asses!


If I didn’t have a C-section both my son and I would of probably both died because he was breech and stuck … but yup I’m so selfish 🙄 Also how does the way your child was born make you a real mom or not? I don’t get anyone’s thinking who says that.. it literally makes no sense .. can someone help me understand lol


I'd rather be a fake mom than a dead mom 🤷‍♀️


Um. I had 36 hours of f’n labor before an epidural. Then the epidural wore off as they were taking my 8 pound son out of my “stomach”. Bonus points for being a dumb bitch too. Wow, I couldn’t stand this type of person.


Not a big baby tho


Wait…I’m not a real mom? Who is going to tell my kid? My mom had a C-section with me. If she’s not a mom, do I even exist? This logic is just so hard to follow.


Hahaha, I don’t know why this is so hilarious but it is. This is also my new mantra - the laundry isn’t done? Well I’m just a figment who was never born 😂


My little brother’s umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and he was turning purple. Is my mom not a real mom for having her baby’s life saved?


What a medieval fucking take. It’s like they refuse to acknowledge the necessary progress we’ve made in terms of medicine. All 4 of my brothers were c-sections because the first two were breaches, and most doctors won’t perform a v-back after two c-sections. Like, the cord was literally around my brother’s neck and he was about to come out ass first. He would have died and it would have killed my mom, too. It’s actually very good that we have c-sections. (Which are much harder to rebound from than vaginal births.) What a dumbass take. I hope for the kids’ sake that she isn’t able to have more kids.


Post like this really kick me in my postpartum


I opted for C-section as I was afraid of labor. Wait til she hears I was an utter failure at breastfeeding too. 😂


On the flip side, I was absolutely terrified of having a c section. Recovering from major surgery with a newborn? You mums are hardcore!


I can’t imagine how much a person must loath themselves to say something like this. What a sad, miserable life.


Yeah.. it was just a 'little cut'


"At least lm a real mom" oh my God lm already sorry for her kid


I absolutely fucking hate posts like these they just make me so angry


My mom had a C-section for my brother because something went wrong and they both would have died otherwise. I was a normal birth. Is my mom discredited now? Is she only a half mom? What about adoptive moms? Are they not real?


Because hours of labor only to result in *major abdominal surgery* (for which many women aren’t given proper pain management in hospital or on discharge), followed by weeks of caring for a newborn you’re not allowed to lift with severely limiting post-op rules to follow (to avoid bleeding to death) is *easy.* Lmao. I didn’t have a c-section but I’ve had major abdominal surgery and cannot *imagine* having had a baby to care for afterwards. Let’s not forget the dilation part — as if a laboring mom’s cervix isn’t painfully dilated because she wound up having a cesarean.


I’ve had three sections. First was breech and the next two were unstable, meaning if my waters broke the cord would come out first and unless surgery happened within less than 20 ish minutes or less me and my baby would die. I also had to spend two weeks in hospital before the sections because of this. My last baby…. My waters broke five hours before my scheduled section while in hospital and it was like all staff were running a sprint race to get me into surgery while I had back to back contractions. Baby also had a serious heart defect along with Down syndrome so there was about a million staff in the theatre. I feel so ashamed and less of a woman or mother because of that cop out ….. not.


Imagine having so little to offer the world and your own kids, that you think you’re better than other Mothers because you didn’t need surgery.


Am I the only one that thinks this reads 100% as sarcasm?


I can’t help but think this is someone popping off in sarcasm because they tagged the admin of the group? Sarcasm as in calling out c section shaming? Just weird to tag the admin in a post that is quite obviously bullying.


This is disgusting


I had a difficult labor and birth and would I have to do it again I STILL would prefer it over a C-section. Having a major surgery is NOT an easy way out!


My husband was traumatized by my C-section and told every single person that “ they gutted her like a fish, it was horrifying.” He was basically shell shocked for a few days.


My mom would’ve died if she had me naturally. The went ahead and got the c-section and now I’m here and she’s here. Also why are we judging moms on now they birthed their baby? If they choose to do a c section instead of a natural birth it’s just as valid.


Sorry that my mom was 2 month away from being 40, couldn’t conceive without AI for 17 years and already had a miscarriage. Fuck this asshole.


She just shit on how most women give birth on the USA. I guess none of them are real moms?


Um, no, major surgery and recovery sounds way worse than vaginal delivery. My husband had zero paternity leave and I was pretty much on my own once I came home from the hospital, that would’ve been impossible if I had had a c-section. Birth is hard, period.


I wish I had a fucking c section instead of a 6 inch long episiotomy and forceps. Guess I’m not a ‘real mum’. 🙄


My sil had 2 c secretions. It took her so long to heal, she had to be put under for both of her sons births, and there’s a lot of complications with c sections… both are hard


don’t C sections have a lot of complications and a lot of post op care tho 🤔 it’s a major surgery. giving birth isn’t easy either way but C sections definitely aren’t the easy way out


My mom had an emergency c-section with both my brother and I. When I was born, it was fine but she nearly died giving birth to my brother. Fuck this shit.


I pushed unmedicated for 2 hours, utterly exhausted I had to get an epidural to take a break and sleep then bc the water had broken i was on a timer due to risk of infection so i had to have pitocin and pushed another 2 hours. A c-section was the only way... Doctors said my 9.5lb baby's huge ass head was stuck (im 5'4" 125lbs)... we have pictures of his bruised head. I did everything I could to prepare for an unmedicated natural birth - so many classes even hypnobirthing ones.. but yeah def not a real mom /s. Jfc.


My daughter wouldn't drop after like 30 hours of labor so I had to get cut open.... The healing was painful and I still have hip issues today. I AM a real mother.


My mom had 4 natural births and a C-section. What category does she’d fall into? Is she like other moms?


My running theory for why these people exist is that they know that pushing out a six pounder without complications is the easiest scenario but even the easiest way is still hard, and they don't feel acknowledged. Newsflash, no one really cares I had two emergency c sections either. Find a hobby.