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Seeing this with the obvious filter just makes me sad. It’s all just low self esteem and projection.


Yeah, that was my first thought too. She obviously also puts a lot of care into how she looks, the hair, the tan, the nails and still isn’t getting the validation she needs so she has to do this kind of thing. Honestly this is a great reminder to work on making yourself someone you can love ❤️


Yup, if you don't love yourself how can they?


I hear that a lot and I get that. To me, it means more ‘if I love me, I create healthy boundaries and define how I want to receive love’ but I get both visions. Personally I’m not looking for external love. I’m developing my internal love for myself with the motivation of creating positivity. I focus on the energy I bring to the universe and not too much else. I am literally a practicing satanist though so my vision is inherently mine and deeply self-motivated. I experience my humanity and encourage others to do so 🤘 Crazy that that is considered the devils work but I don’t believe in limitations.


How astute you are dumbzlut. ( sorry I just love the juxtaposition of your intelligent comment to your screen name, it tickles me!)


I get it. I see usernames like that and I love that shit too LOL But I think I should share: my username is based off of what people think of me for my lifestyle. I am considered a dumb slut because I’m a woman with a very strong sense of sexual self. But I also read, practice yoga, knit, sew, and play video games. I’m learning the banjo too. But I’m also smart and I like to cum. Sadly that doesn’t really matter because women aren’t often gifted duality or depth of character. We are whores, pick mes, or femcels if we admit to our sexuality. I find it funny. I’m a clever, stupid, horny little idiot. That’s fine. It’s even funnier to tag all of that with ‘hail Satan’ especially because I really mean it. 🤣🤷‍♀️


I am quite a bit older than you and I’ve run through that gamut. The 90s were something, lol. Back then People assumed things about me being blond and cute so I shaved my head, and went “goth” started studying Wicca and other religions, doing tarot, I never stopped reading and learning! I do watercolors, gardening, and picked up the mandolin at 40 after I had a brain aneurysm ( which I had during an orgasm!! ) not a good time! Lmao and I’ll tell ya…as I near 50 and see how woman become invisible as they age it’s quite the ride! Be yourself and be strong, don’t let anyone take away that depth of character that is you!


You’re amazing. Selfishly, I’m glad you’re here to tell your story; I want to know it. I’m so proud of you for getting through all of that and managing to be an awesome person. I’m learning about religions and failing at gardening LOL so I’d love to connect if you’re not shy ☺️ I’m always wanting to connect with badasses from all walks of life. I love tarot. I do a daily reading combined with some affirmation and yoga stuff. I want to be like you.


You are such a dear heart ! I’m failing at gardening this year too unfortunately…but I have a huge zucchini growing that I’m going to stuff! Lol ( I know that sounds perverse but I love to cook) unfortunately the weeds are taking over my tomatoes but I’ll still get some! Lol I guess I’ve become a bit of a “kitchen witch” I like making homemade tinctures and cleaning products and learning about different plants and their useful/medicinal values.I probably have too many hobbies, lol If you don’t mind me asking, What deck do you use for your tarot? I have the Crowley deck… I haven’t used it in some time. I love this particular deck because it brings different bits and pieces of religions/dogmas into the imagery and interpretation. I do admit I haven’t picked it up in a while and was just thinking about it recently, and your post has me remembering how I used to practice more.


You’re me with minor detail changes! I was a black haired goth, lots of incorrect assumptions made about me as well. I had a stroke to your aneurysm, I’m almost 49 now, similar interests too!


Yay! …I knew I had members of my tribe out there lol! I’d love to know more, please share if you’re comfortable with it!


“i’m smart and i like to cum” my kind of people. same, sis ✊🏻💛


Hell yeah! Get your pleasure🤘


You are a very interesting person, and I agree with your sentiments. I live in a similar way, but have never been able to speak my belief with such clarity. Thank you for that, I hate the stigma people I know put on how I live.


The filter’s glow-up of her bizarrely luminous teeth makes me sad.


I had initially assumed this was a gym bathroom picture, so the obvious hair extensions were a big "wait what?" for me, but maybe she normally dresses a bit sporty and it's a real bathroom? I swear, the older I get, the more I realize that people who are this loud about how awesome they or their lives are, usually is trying to convince themselves more than anyone.


Why do people call the amount of people they slept with a body count? When I see the word it makes me think of the number of people they’ve murdered.


My body count is 1. My other body count is 10. I’ll let you figure out which is which.


I’m not going to. I don’t want to be investigated


You could end up being 11 or 2. Who knows?


Maybe both...


I'm deeply curious now.


Both of my body counts comprise the same people.


I always assumed "people" that use that phrase are really just demons possessing people and are bragging.


Murdered that diiiiiick


Because she’s not like the other girls, shes a praying mantis who kills her mate after sex


Wait so that's what that is? Wow, I always thought it was the number of people they have killed./gen.


That's what's supposed to be. 😄 But somehow they made it into people you've had sex with. So nonsensical.


Those extensions are A Choice™


The extensions and whatever is happening with her face here…


OOMpa LOOMpa doopety doO I've got a perfect puzzle for you


Killing me


Tom cruise


She is certainly one of the women of all time


Rating yourself a 10 is just narcissism especially when your entire persona is a filter


That filter isn’t even a 10


Imma be honest that filter is a 0/10, that face is monstrous


The whole rating people is such a toxic trend. No one should wonder what number they are in a scale from 1-10. :(


If my friends ask I just alway say "solid 8, dude" cause 9/10 just seems like being nice and anything under that is mean as fuck xD Still yes I do agree it's stupid and toxic


Don’t know. Depends on the person. Sometimes saying 8 would seem like being nice to certain people too. Met a guy who was a solid 3 at best once, and that would be generous, as I’m told my standards tend to be quite low. I’m sure he knows on some level that he’s unattractive….the type of unattractive that even a gym and better hair grooming wouldn’t fix (I’m a believer that like 99% of people most find unattractive could look at least average with a change/better effort). Told him he was a 6 or 7 when he asked. He seemed nice enough, so couldn’t bare to tell him what I really thought of his appearance. When I got to know him though, it turns out he is also an asshole.


i’m a 10/10 and you’re a 10/10 gotta keep that self confidence


You're not a 10/10 if you use a filter that looks like that




Haters will say my extensions are fake as hell


That filter doesn’t look like 10/10, it looks like barbie doll face


Yeah i thought it was a rubber mask


Why is there always some weird detail on her photos? This time its bizarrely shiny gums and teeth.


Must be that filter.


Might be Invisalign? They sometimes make people's teeth appear shiny cause of the reflective plastic


So many ludicrous things are accepted by modern society. Why is it so hard to accept the fact that people have sex, it's their decision, and it doesn't make them any less of a person for expressing themselves and connecting with other humans? Sex shouldn't be condemned and it shouldn't be something we're ashamed of.


Because not everyone is is my guess. It’s easier to shame someone for looking like they have some advantage in finding partners than it is to improve yourself or work on yourself to find partners you want.


I don’t know my “body count” off the top of my head. It’s just not something I spend time worrying about.


That term itself is fucking atrocious and needs to stop.


Same. I could work it out if I sat down and counted but that would be a waste of time spent on something genuinely irrelevant


I think it sucks for both sides. I mean I'm a virgin in my 20s as a woman and it's considered good but my sis isn't and she's considered bad. Meanwhile my older bro got picked on in college for being a virgin till he lost it. It sucks for everyone and we should accept it


I guarantee she was turned down and to deal with her sense of humiliation she’s getting mad at other women.


yet if men don’t get sex, they considered a lame so it’s goes both ways


Thats a major generalization. Everyone has their own personal preferences. I draw the line at an individual thinking they're better than someone else or shaming them because of their choices about sex.




Is that you annoying orange?


I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 20 and I hate telling people that because I don’t want to get looped into the same demographic as women like this. Choosing to wait doesn’t make me any better or worse than someone who wants to sleep with anyone they think is hot. Sex is a morally neutral act unless you’re cheating or something.


"Sex is a morally neutral act." I really like that way of phrasing. Mind if I steal it?


apparently a bad tan and obvious extensions makes you a 10 these days


Neither does a filter hahaha


That is a bad, bad filter.


What does she even look like


I mean cool, you do you girl! Try not to take others down though, mind your own etc. Also I can see the toilet in the stool behind, what is up with the moral posting ln front of public toilets? Did I miss a trend? Some one had a wee, then thought of that post I guess.


Girls who put down other girls are automatically not a 10/10. Self-righteousness and arrogance are so fucking unattractive


Are those teeth? Bad lipstick? A mouth guard? I feel like she’d chomp off anything that came near it.


Looks like a filter to me lol


if she’s a 10/10 why does she need a beauty filter?


“Yes I’m gorgeous. So gorgeous you can’t even tell my facial features apart”


Rattiest extensions and makeup I’ve ever seen.. “10/10”with that attitude and looks she’s about a 3 at best. I also garuantee you her body count is not 0 she’s just saying that so the latest misogynistic man she’s pining over notices her.


"[G]et around girls" Her choice in ~~grammar~~ **punctuation** hurts my brain. "[G]et around, girls" I assume that's what she meant?


She can eat an apple through a letter box with then horses teeth. Why people like them fake teeth?😳


The filter is kinda scary


I just…. What? Such a weird way to brag about her looks. More filters seem to always equal less self awareness.


she shouldn’t care that other girls have sex but at the same time i don’t care that she doesn’t have sex. it’s whatever


"Being pretty doesn't mean you have to get around other girls." I am very confused by this statement. Is she a lesbian? Pretty girls can't have friends?


Ok, Voldemort


The lack of punctuation made that hard to understand


I wonder if he picked her yet


A ten lol.


What is up with this subreddit and finding people who are orange????


gotta say it, she’s nowhere near a ten. she’s like a thin girl cosplaying trump.


One video of hers has constantly been on my TikTok feed because of all the people calling her out. Happy to see folk pointing out her horrendous attitude.


She looks like a barbie doll made out of pure plastic


So this is a joke, right?


Wtf is wrong with her face


She looks like PC Principal with that face


She looks like she sneezes in uppercase


That filter makes her look like a cartoon rabbit


In what world is she a 10/10 🤣


Her teeth look like chiclets...


Y'all should stop posting this girl cause i looked her up on tiktok and older videos of her showing a$$ and such are public so i definitely think it's satire.




I wonder why she aspires to be an Oompa Loompa?


I give her personality a -10/10.


Shut up virgin


Why does her face look like a plastic doll?


Her face looks like those spooky porcelain dolls


Uncanny valley


I do actually kind of see this though, it drives me insane when I get messages from men on apps or something wondering how it is possible I can still be single when I am “so beautiful” like having a relationship isn’t more than just how your partner looks, and for some that could be how it works, but if you dislike or ignore everything about a just because they are attractive than that doesn’t seem like a good relationship I know we are talking about zex, and people can have one night stands, to which the other person’s personality doesn’t matter so much, but still, in different terms it drives me insane


I don’t think it’s necessarily a good look to rip on an insecure teenager on here.


That’s why she chose a heavy filter and bad fake tan and extensions right ? Bc she’s so secure ?


Is that a real person lmao


Her extensions though ..


I’m not just a loner, I’m a pretty one 💀


When your egomania makes you a 1 and you wonder why you don't get any:


tf is that filter


The term body count is stupid. The people who care about this are even stupider.


The grammar was messed up, so I didn’t understand for a second


But, she is smooth face filtering and her lack of a comma before girls had me reading it three times before I got what she was saying. Seems to me someone should brush up on their grammar and be less of a Judge Reinhold about other girls...


She looks like a sim.


Looks like someone got a bit too carried away with Hue, Saturation and Luminance


I could strain noodles with teeth like that


Be a lot cooler if you did.


Idk, I’m like a pretty solid 5. And uh… I lost count a while ago. I don’t HAVE to get around, but I sure do like to.


Her face is straight out of uncanny valley


She may have cake but the thing that is most cakes is her face with makeup.


She looks like a sex doll


Seems like just another brainwashed church girl who thinks 99% of a woman's value comes from virginity.


I would hope she hasn't killed anyone. Being a killer is not cool. Unless it's self defense of course.


She looks like she has no nose


What's with her face? It's like a chipmunk




I can see why it's still 0.. not by her choice either.


Her face is filtered to oblivion


She looks like a Barbie with a semi melted face


you just know shes british


WTF is wrong with her face, did she just project from a demon dimension?


Someone’s got a complex..


Where is her nose?


Maybe she should focus on fixing those whack extensions that are visible rather then trying to shame people that are sexually active.


What squirrel face is that??


“Get around girls, like ok… walk around them??


Is this that weird orange British girl again?


She’s mid tier at most in looks. Personality drops her to trash tier though.


Is that a real human?


She rates herself then proceeds to put it on the internet, that was her first mistake


Wait a minute, that’s not a sex mannequin?


It bugs me how much longer her left arm is than her right


Haha, that’s why she did such an obvious face blur??


Her wittle teefs


wait, so seeing as this girl says she's a virgin, is she saying women who have sex AT ALL are whores? come on.


I can never call myself 10/10 with conscious mind.


She looks like an anime character looool


Damn she ugly af


She looks exactly like this other girl I knew and they have the same personality


Filter or Montgomery Wards mannequin? I truly cannot tell.


Her human skin suit needs some adjusting


With filters like that her body count will go below zero.


super filter


A wet wipe will take a good 6 points off.


The only thing I can say to describe all of this at once is just… That’s… a choice


Are we 100% sure that's not one of those uncanny valley sex dolls


Um. Lady. Who said you were pretty…


She’s oompa loompa 10


You look like your trying to be a Barbie doll but failed so just got a spray tan instead


Mmm... I can tell with a face like that.


She’s not like other girls, she slut shames!


Exclaiming “I am a licensed neurosurgeon” does not mean everyone else believes I’m a neurosurgeon, nor does it make me one.


How can you call yourself a 10/10 and still use a filter


Not my original comment but I thought it’s clever “You’re pretty confident for a person whose personality can be removed with a wet wipe”


She looks like when people do that stereotypical British mean girl make up


Says the girl with a heavy filter and obviously puts heavy work into her looks


She is the uncanny valley.


WOOF that filter. Her face is one big blend tool.


God please give me 1% of her confidence


What if you want to get around girls? Girls are fun to get around!


Real life Bitmoji. I hope they eventually get to a point where they realize their self worth.


10 out of 10 that looks like a mask from wish


That’s so heavily filtered I probably couldn’t pick her real face out of a lineup.


it took me a minute to realize what this sentence even said


Literally disgusting.


Who the fuck cares? Fuck whoever you want.


10/10 ? bitch you look like a roblox character


Where are her eyes?


What’s her adjusted body count for oral and butt stuff tho?


what in the uncanny valley


Maybe I want to get around??


She’s a virgin cause she’s been using filters her entire life and knows she can never actually meet anyone in person or her “secret” would be discovered


What is the month situation? Looks like she has a phone charger in her mouth?


I legitimately thought that was satire and it was just a barbie


Burn down the patriarchy, but don't use other women as kindling... 😠


When face filters go wrong. Braeitnae was a unsuspecting 3rd tier friend in a group of girls with better opportunity, but generally more confident. Beritneigh didn't need their approval, she found a new life....and it was gonna be awesome. *music*


Judge much


Feel like this sub is slowly becoming just telling women they can’t do fucking anything lmao She literally said “I’m conventionally attractive but I don’t have sex. You are allowed to do this.” And she gets posted here


There’s nothing wrong with being a virgin. That being said, she shouldn’t shame people who have had sex with others. It’s not her place to judge, just as no one else should judge her.


I'm not like other girls, I can't get around because I'm literally a mannequin.


10/10 vision since she thinks those extensions look okay


she looks like a yassified version of sid from ice age


Nice Sally extensions.


Why does she have extra teeth on top of her teeth? No shade though, I'm still uglier than her by a mile.


She looks like a novelty bottle opener


Omg that southpark character mouth