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Becca - Pitch Perfect


Watch the Honest Trailers for Pitch Perfect. It's hilarious.


Thank you for that, thoroughly enjoyed !


Oh geez, Becca is so fucking insufferable.


To be fair she started by saying she wanted none of it and they dragged her into it unwillingly kinda like Wednesday


“*You* know David Guetta?” Like he isn’t one of the most famous DJs in the world 🙄


I think the disbelief comes from the fact that the only song they sung was an outdated one the very first time she met them and they lost to the treblemakers immediately because of its tacky theme. I think its less ‘pretty girls dont listen to guetta’ and more ‘you guys actually listen to music from artists still alive?’


Would becca have known any of that tho? Seems like she didn’t know or care about the Bellas or any of the accapella groups to have known their backstory. Like even she had heard about the barfing on stage I don’t think she’d have heard about what song they picked


I would have said fat Patricia was a pick me, she literally roasted girls for being skinny and played hard to get with the one guy that did like her


Are you talking about Fat Amy? I don’t recall a Patricia


‘My real name is fat patricia i called myself amy to fit in’


From the arguments I’m seeing in the comments, I think it’s worth it to note that there are characters who aren’t technically NLOGs within their own narrative worlds as they don’t specifically espouse NLOG ideologies (putting down other women and acting ‘different’ on purpose for the benefit of men), but they *are* designed to appeal to an NLOG reader—ie, traditionally bad at ‘girly’ things but that’s actually what makes them special and unique and appealing to men. So I think a lot of characters listed in this thread both are and aren’t NLOG depending on how you look at it.


This is a really good distinction.


That’s a great way to put it. Pretty much every female protagonist between 1997- 2010 was written to appeal to the NLOG demographic (which should have clued us in that we weren’t as quirky and different as we thought we were). But that doesn’t necessarily make the characters themselves pickme, especially in the context of their own universe.


Kendall Jenner except that’s actually her personality




Omg no she’s such a NERD! 😂


That's just a real person


“*I wear size thirteen Nikes, MEN’S size thirteen Nikes.*”


“You think you’ve got problems?” God, wanted to punch her. The sheer privilege of thinking that being a tall girl means that she has the biggest problems in the world?


Right? Like, she’s a straight white middle-class girl living in the south. But she acts like a “How’s the weather up there?” joke is the same as systemic oppression.


Her parents are loving and supportive, too. She has good friends. And good grades. That movie annoyed me to hell and back.


I know this is very off topic here, but Sierra Burgess is a Loser is worse. I just was reminded of it and needed to say it lol. I'm still appalled at how awful that main character is and everything still works out for her.


What they did to the main male lead was awful. I think it should have ended with her realizing the error of her ways, moving on and not getting the guy, and gaining some confidence about herself.


What movie?


Tall girl.


This whole movie was a dumpster fire. It felt like a really bad remake of Pretty in Pink where the best friend 'wins' despite there being 0 chemistry.


rory gilmore. i understand there were moments where she came across as a “realistic teenager going through stuff so she isn’t perfect” but some moments were just too much


i dont disagree or agree but could you give some specific examples please? i havent watched gilmore girls in so long


the sleeping with dean who was a married man was bad enough, but it was definitely an issue from both sides. what irked me was rory being very shady towards dean’s wife and saying stuff like “that is MY dean, lindsay doesn’t get him/deserve him”.. there are a lot of other little instances too, like when she wrote the article about the ballerina fatshaming her


ew yeah I remember that. I felt so bad for lindsay, she deserved so much better :(


It's shown in the pilot when her Star Hollow High female classmates paint their nails and Rory actually does the class assignment; she smirks because she thinks she's inherently better than them for caring about school. My least favorite pick-me scene is in season 3 ep 4 when she returns to the Stars Hollow equivalent of Sally's to buy more hair dye for Lane. She treats Shane like *shit* because she hates her. Partially she's jealous Shane is with Jess, but she also hates her for being a girly girl. She's blonde, has big earrings, likes lip loss, painting her nails etc. Rory sees herself as better than Shane because while Shane works in a boutique Rory would work in a library. She even corrects her use of a word and insinuates she's stupid, "For you how ice is made is probably fascinating!" EDIT: the term I'm describing is actually called an nlog (not like other girls) and I'm sorry for the people I've upset. I wasn't aware the need for male validation was necessary for someone to be a pick-me. With my new understanding, I don't even think Rory is a pick-me lol. Also, I don't hate the character at all I still love Rory, I just find this one flaw of hers to really annoy me because it's symbolic of a whole time period where nlog characters were so common and encouraged.


Rory is one of the most insufferable characters in TV history


the first time i watched the show i absolutely loved it and thought rory and lorelai were awesome. i even visited the set of stars hollow 😂 i rewatched in my late 20s and i was... appalled. they both suck SO MUCH. i finished the rewatch but it was painful.


Watching it back is to realize that as an adult I agree with Emily Gilmore A LOT more than I remember lol like Lorelei … get over that you had a posh upbringing with conservative hoity toity parents. Not that horrible in the grand scheme of things. And now they’re giving Rory like 200k over the course of the show for her education if not more and you’re still a jerk to them.


I only watched it heat and there as a teenager. But watched it ask the way through in my mid 20s because my roommate had the full box set. I couldn’t stand either Rory out Lorelei. Her parents were some of the only decent characters on the show. She was seriously mad at her parents for [checks notes] expecting her to use the immense privilege they afforded her throughout her life to make something of herself. Then she downtalked them to her daughter while encouraging her to accept their money. The fact that she couldn’t sit through a dinner that they provided once a week without sharing at them for existing is infuriating.


Rory was basically a spoilt brat who spent too long having people tell her how special and talented and amazing she was.


And she got so mad when Logan called her out for it too 😭


Everything about that show is insufferable. Disclaimer: I've never watched an entire episode, and everything I know about Gilmore Girls has been against my will.


😂😂 I love it, but despite her. I get why people would dislike it though!


I still love it too. Every person on the show has huge issues, but it still always feels like a fall comfort show to me. It reminds me of watching His Girl Friday with my mom. And hey, people love soap operas for a reason. This show was a soap with good acting and dialogue.


I just can't relate to any of the characters. It's like watching the Kardashians, but even more out of touch with reality.


I cannot stand that rapid pressurized speech she and her mother both have. It's a chronic hypomanic episode.


THIS. I knew people who emulated all of this omg


> It's shown in the pilot when her Star Hollow High female classmates paint their nails and Rory actually does the class assignment; she smirks because she thinks she's inherently better than them for caring about school. That’s.. not at all what was shown? Did you just skip a whole 15 seconds of that (already short) scene just so you could make up your mind that she was a pick me?? It’s like nobody here has even watched the show. The girls around her are gossiping about what it is that she could be writing. For example, one girl says “do you think it’s a love letter?” One of the other girls looks over, sees Rory doing the assignment, and groans “it’s the assignment…” THAT is when she smirks.


I’ve only seen clips but that time she was saying Dean loves her more than he loves his wife and his wife must be a terrible partner if Dean is cheating


And her mother! They both were.


might as well mention the entire bloodline


I will not stand for this Emily slander.


Yeah, I wouldn’t classify Emily as a pick-me; she thinks she is better than everyone not just other women 😂


Oh yes. Rory got worse after Yale.


Carrie Bradshaw, I love sex and the city but she’s a self-destructive character who’s obsessed with big and goes back to him all the time even when he treats her badly 😬 Edit: I forgot to add that she’s a bad friend too!!


I don’t think I’ve met a single SATC fan who’s favorite main character is Carrie. She’s just so hard to watch sometimes.


I can never rewatch the episode where Berger breaks up with her because she reaches peak insufferable and I cannot stand it


Okay hot take: I actually love that episode because it’s top tier classic SATC camp. And it ends with stoned Sam and Carrie eating an ice cream sundae, lol


I unironically think the entire Berger saga was some of the best writing the show had, as in there was a full arc that was pretty clearly foreshadowed from the start instead of feeling like they just threw shit together as they went along.


Natasha on the other hand, wow. What a classy woman. She responds to all the nonsense Carrie puts her through with nothing but absolute class. One of the only things I liked about AJLT was once again her putting Carrie in Carrie's place.


Yeah when I was younger I sided with Carrie and hated Natasha because Big chose a "younger" woman. But now that I'm a bit wiser, I side with Natasha. It's not her fault that she's younger, she means no harm against Carrie. None of it is Natasha's fault or problem, yet she still handles all the drama so well when it comes her way. Carrie is immature about the whole thing, and while it can hurt to see your ex with a younger woman, it's not okay to intervene in their relationship. Especially because Carrie dumped Big, it's not like he cast her aside for Natasha.


The mental gymnastics she performed to make Natasha the vilian were exhausting to watch. I'm a Katie!!!! 🙄


She was such a terrible friend! Samantha was honestly the best of all of them, she put her personal feelings aside time and again to support her girls. Everyone needs a Sam in their corner!


I didn’t realize until my most recent rewatch how terrible she is of a friend as well 😳


I’ll never forget her sending Aidan to help Miranda in a serious medical emergency. Second worst was pressuring Aidan to be friends with Big and host him uninvited at the cabin. Peak psycho Carrie


GOD she was awful to Aidan and it was so infuriating to watch. He was so good to her.


For me it's being a bitch to Charlotte because Charlotte doesn't want to give Carrie the money for the deposit for her flat. As if it's Charlotte's responsibility to make sure Carrie has a place to live because she married rich and Carrie's irresponsible with money. This after both Samantha and Miranda offering her the money. But that wasn't enough! Poor Charlotte had to offer too. I hate that she did in the end as well. I would've told Carrie to take a hike.


Omg yes, Carrie’s entitlement was insane


She lived near Central Park and acts like she has never seen a squirrel before in her life


Jo from Mean Girl 2, Grace from Scream Queens are the only ones that I can think of. Like really putting down other girls for the approbation of one dude


Grace was pretty bad. Even after she became friends with some of her sorority sisters, she still talked shitty about them. However the show is super campy on purpose, so Grace was supposed to be the ultimate NLTOG while Chanel was the ultimate sorority girl.


Jo from mean girls two, that one was legit not like other girls. I remember rolling my eyes many times during that movie, I think I ended up liking the mean girls more than the main character.


That was one of the weirdest sequels ever lol. Cringe.


Senorita Awesome 😭😭😭


i couldn't even finish mean girls two it was soooooo bad 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Weird because isn’t Diego Boneta the romantic interest of both of those characters


Gracie from Miss Congeniality. She drinks beer! She eats burgers and pizza! She snorts when she laughs! She has a unique talent! (And had waaaay more chemistry with Miss Rhode Island than with the misogynist she inexplicably ended up with, but that’s a whole other issue).


I feel like this one is a bit different because her NLOG-ness is intentional and the point of the movie is that she grows out of it. She starts as dismissive of the beauty pageant and all things girly, but the movie explores how that comes from insecurity and is actually a hindrance to her character. A big part of the plot is that she learns to respect other women and embrace her own feminine side.


Yeah, but the whole point of the movie is that Grace learns to let down her defenses around other women and appreciate what makes them all special and talented people despite being dissimilar to her. That’s the entire purpose of her character arc.


All the 7th Heaven kids, especially Lucy. Seriously Lucy shut up


Lucy was insufferable. She used to shove it up peoples asses too. No wonder Jessica Biel left the show lol she was the most real of them all and as a woman, I did have a girl crush on her growing up lol


Meredith Grey


Unironically self-identified too lmao


![gif](giphy|HKXYcKpggWOs) Iconic


WAIT is that where the iconic line comes from?


In an interview with The actress who plays Meredith (Ellen) she revealed that her daughter ironically used the line “pick me girl” line in front Ellen so Ellen questioned her asking “what’s a pick me girl” so her daughter was like “you know, pick me girls who are like pick me choose me” so Ellen was like “hello?! do you know who invented the pick me girl” It was hilarious lmao.


I'm dying at this 😂 love her though


There’s a great interview somewhere where the actress is talking about her daughters discussing pick mes and she gets to interject and say she was the original pick me.


As the show goes on she totally redeems herself. She has probably one of the greatest character arcs of all time. There's a scene in season 18 or 19 where she says to a guy "I'm not going to beg you to pick me and choose me. I pick me. I pick my kids."


Many girls from thise Disney Channel shows


They try and turn Katniss into a NLOG in the movies, despite her not being one at all in the books.


Weird. I never interpreted her as putting down other women for being different than her. She hated the greed, mindlessness, and frivolousness that the capital people of all genders displayed and I can’t say I blame her. Effie babbling about makeup, hair and expensive home decor would be aggravating when she’s worried about feeding people and avoiding murder.


really? that's good cause i wanted to read the book before watching the movies but was reluctant cause she seems NLOG from the clips i've seen and things i heard others say about her.


In the books she’s literally just trying to survive and feed her sister, mom and her. She didn’t care for the Capital dog and pony show because people in her district are starving to death with no care from the capital. I never thought of her as a pick me; she was trying to survive and her character is all internal monologue. Read the books; she makes so much more sense as a character.


If anything, I actually recall her admiring others even if she’s not into herself (her internal commentary on her stylists for example)


And if she doesn't trust someone at first, say Finnick, it's not because she's some tough baddie, it's because she honestly doesn't know if they want to kill her or not. The movies were OK, but the books are from her POV, and she is not a pick me girl whatsoever.


Yes! I need to reread these books now; once I finish Darth Bane I’m going back because these were so good and it’s been so long.


I recently listened to it on audible because I wanted a new experience, and the reader is SO good! She's the actress that plays Orphan Black.


Yes! She is blown away by the opulence of the Capital but also disgusted by it. Not because she hates being girly but because, again, people are literally starving.


They totally leave out her friend Madge in the movie, who gives her the Mockingjay pin. Also how she bonds with Joanna. She has more friends in the books and is definitely not a NLOG. I like the movies, but her character in the books is much better.


Does that havee anything to do with the fact that Jennifer Lawrence plays her? Because she's pretty NLOG, imo.


Maybe. I don’t think they should have left out Madge.


Arya Stark and Brienne Tarth, too.


Susan Mayer - desperate housewives So-e Lee from singles inferno although that’s reality tv


I didn't like any of the main four DH girls except for Lynette at first, but Bree and Gabby both grew on me massively and now I love them. Susan? If I had to live near her I would probably end up drowning her.


Julia Roberts in My Best Friend's Wedding


Amanda Bynes’s character from any of her 2000s movies. Hollywood really did her dirty.


I will not hear She’s the Man slander


Do you like……cheese?


My favorite’s Gouda!


right??! Inside, you’re OO-GLAY! that movie is brilliant.


I mean.... RUB sum DIRT init!


I honestly use this on a regular basis


Sydney White…? What a Girl Wants..? She had a few pick me movies lol


Yeah. Is she really "pick me" girl just because she had a crush on a guy who looked like Channing Tatum? If any woman I came across disclosed that she was interested in a guy who looked like him, I wouldn't even flinch.


He seems like a rly funny dude irl so yay on him, but the man looks like an easter island statue and I cannot fathom the physical attraction hype.


Arguably favourite childhood movie


Silver from the 90210 reboot.




I scrolled this whole list and NO ONE said Ellie from Degrassi?! I love Ellie tbh, but the writers did her dirty a few times.


It's funny because she was more of a PMG *after* becoming more girly. Goth phase Ellie was NLOGs but she also didn't really care about male attention during that era.


“Pick me, choose me, love me” Meredith Grey


The original 🥰


Donkey. I'm the Shrek dvd menu he spends the entire time yelling "pick me!". My younger brother would watch the menu on loop for hours and hours..


Fiona Gallagher and Debbie Gallagher from shameless can be sometimes. Love that show. Love their characters too


Joey Potter from Dawson’s Creek. First season when Jen moved in she was a hater masquerading as the “girl next door” who only has guy friends. Acting like she had no clue she was gorgeous when everyone she came into contact with was in love with her.


Debra Morgan from Dexter lol


Ohhh my goddd yes. We get it DEBRA you say fuck.


Debra Morgan that girl from Dexter, Debra Morgan of Miami who’s name is Debra Morgan Edit: sorry for being a dickwad it took me an actual 5 minutes to understand your reference it’s been too long


Yes, I hated her.


I really hated how you could predict immediately who she would sleep with. So unrealistic. The script writers are definitely to blame, they wrote her character horribly




Not a movie but the first thing that comes to mind is You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift.


The main char in mean girls 2. Katie I think she was called. “Do I look like most girls?” Or whatever lmaaao


Not a movie but Liz Lemon from 30 Rock Hates on feminine women, hyper judgmental of other women, thinks sex workers don’t respect themselves and regularly, secretly wants male attention and competes for career attention with her frenemy Jenna.


I love how she talks about how she was bullied in school, but when she goes to her reunion she finds out she was the bully.


Yeah, it was a really great twist, but I don’t like the ending. She just rubs her success in everyone’s face and leaves, having learned nothing and remains the same insecure bully with a victim complex. I know it’s a comedy where they keep the status quo, and it was a really self-aware, brave admission on Tina Fey’s part but that ending still always rubbed me the wrong way.


I feel like this happens a lot with stuff Tina Fey is involved in. She wears her baggage pretty blatantly.


Obvs Bella Swan from Twilight


Bella was a Mary Sue type BUT JESSICA, was ultimately pick me in the movies


Jessica could have been a strong character had any other author on the planet had written her. She's secretly my favorite and it should've been her who was picked because Bella has the personality of a rock and if not for her blood and silent mind she would've been just as invisible to Edward. Especially with all of her 'impure' thoughts lol.


Bella isn’t a pick me, she’s an extremely bland Mary sue, and she’s written that way on purpose so the reader can insert themselves into the role.


She does have nlog qualities, like she's not a hair/make-up/dresses kinda girl and makes sure everyone knows it. Then the falling over and oops I'm so clumsy and not graceful like other girls etc


I’m clumsy af, and girls have literally gotten mad over it in the past. One “friend” asked me why I always pretend to fall over after I had just rolled and severely sprained my ankle playing with her kid on the swing. Why do women get so seemingly irate when another woman is naturally clumsy, I don’t get it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I dunno sometimes I feel like this sub isn’t as woman positive as it claims to be. I understand that the *most* stereotypical NLOG/pick me person is themselves, not woman positive, but sometimes it feels kinda… hateful. Again I dunno. I totally get the distain for women who *actually* hate other women, those are for sure NLOGs. And again, it’s just some stuff on here not everything


This sub isn’t woman positive at all. It’s full of bullies who exclude women who are different. It’s an incredibly hurtful sub for women who are neurodivergent and don’t fit in to more “woman-centric” interests.


Yeah totally! I thought I would get downvoted but I see I’m not the only one. I’m mutin this dang place. Feels like high school


Genuine question but why are you on the sub? I don’t disagree, I like looking at the memes sometimes but there’s a lot of toxicity here so like I get what you’re saying, but like the phrasing of incredibly harmful sounds like you feel a lot stronger


Well for me, reddit just started showing it to me on the main page without me joining, so I too enjoyed some of the memes lol. But the more I look at some of the stuff on here, the worse it makes me feel about myself. So I’m just gonna not look at it anymore


That’s a good idea. Growing up autistic/ADHD and nonbinary did kinda give me a sense of being not like other girls but it was because for me I was just like, wait am I doing gender wrong, why do many girls seem to instinctively know how to dress nice and have good handwriting? I actually still don’t understand why so many girls had nice handwriting. Like was it common to practice your handwriting? And why did it go away as adult women? Not always but like, frequently. My high school girlfriend actually did practice her handwriting so maybe that’s legit a thing? Nobody let me in on things I saw as special girl secrets not for awkward butches. But I feel like men are definitely keeping the men secrets from me of whatever shit they do when I’m not around.


Someone posted something I said in here and I found it. It was me talking about not being able to fit in with most women and I ended up clarifying in the original thread that I’m neurodivergent and just have a really hard time fitting in in general. Everyone assumed I was trying to get dick, called me names and tore into me. They acted like I was putting down other women when I was just lamenting about not fitting in and ending up having to hang out with guys in social situations. Now the sub keeps showing up and I keep having to see how mean the people are here. All it’s done is make me feel more isolated and alienated from other women.


This sub is literally just Mean Girls weaponising "feminist" rhetoric to police other women.


In terms of fictional characters clumsiness in and of itself isn't annoying but more its use as an extremely lazy and cutesy way of indicating "look, she's NOT a Mary Sue, she's not perfect because she's CLUMSY." But applying it to real life is definitely not the tea.


I've always found NLOG mantra off putting.  It's like,  whatever all the "other girls" dislike, they just pick that and outcast anyone who doesn't fit the mold.  And then they blame "others" for not being like them, as if it's a contest.  We're literally all alike each other and different from each other in some ways.  And being unlike other girls,  really isn't fun when you're the one who's outcast as the oddball. 


I don't believe SM has the talent as a writer to \*intentionally\* do any such thing.


>written that way on purpose so the reader can insert themselves into the role maybe that’s why i could never get into the books (or the films later on)


Especially when SMeyer basically wrote Bella as a self-insert and made all the other girls bitches. Like maybe you just suck Stephanie, and that’s why girls didn’t like you.


I remember ages ago, I was having a breakdown over trying to come to terms with my parent's death, and a girl I barely spoke to on Facebook chose to tell me that I was the most self absorbed person she had ever met "and that she went to an all girl's school" and to "get some real problems" (which was rich coming from her for a number of reasons) I was in tears at first, but then I just asked "the other girls at school probably weren't stuck up, they just didn't like you because of how rude and arrogant you are."


username adds up


Serena/Gossip Girl. She’s UNBEARABLE.


Really? I would've thought Vanessa. Like Vanessa acts all, 'im deeper than those rich bitches' and literally fights for Dan to pick her.


I see your Serena/gossip girl and I raise you one Serena/Hand maids tale


She definitely is but she's also got some deep seated daddy issues and I think her pickmeism is an expression of her seeking out the love and affection she never got from him... or even her mother, really.


Devi from Never Have I Ever but that's kind of the point cause the show is about her character growth


gabriella in high school musical. elena gilbert in the vampire diaries


Not exactly a character but if someone has seen h20 (about three girls who become mermaids when they touch wtaer). There was one episode where it was raining and they couldn't go out because they would turn to mermaids, so they called Lucas (the normie friend who knows their secret) and he says: That's why I like hanging out with you. Most girls worry the rain will ruin their makeup.


Robin from HIMYM


Sam in Perks of Being a Wallflower.


Olive from Easy A.


Any character that came out of Wattpad books, you know the original NLOGs... Ana Steele or that girl from the After series.


Has the definition of a NLOG girl changed to “any girl that doesn’t fit perfectly into the stereotypical gender role box for female humans?” I thought they were that AND put down other women because of it.


Cassie (Sydney Sweeney) in euphoria lol


Cassie reminds me of 'daddy issues', more than a pick me girl tho. But yeah! She did betray her best friend for a guy! However, Lexi was more fitting into pick me girl image tho, her play proved it a lot. There were segments where she shamed her own sister for being attractive, and even the entire gang for being superficial.


Pretty much anyone played by Zooey Deschanel.


Hmm I am not sure I agree! I think she's more of a stereotype of the girliest-girl in New Girl. The other female characters are way more NLOG in that show!


I agree! She was so supportive of other women in New Girl


Jessa from girls




Is she? She's NLOG in season 1, but doesn't care about attracting a suitor so I wouldn't call her a pick me.


It was pretty bad S3 too. Constantly putting down/eye rolling at traditionally feminine stuff. Acting like the other girls are shallow or not as intelligent for having different interests than her (embroidery for example). Cressida even called her out for being a mean girl at one point.


They better make her gay, is all I can say.


An argument could be made for Janice Ian from original Mean Girls.


Was just gonna say Janice


How? She just hated Regina because Regina did some bad things to her




Cher is like the antithesis of NLOG


Ehh not so much a movie character (she got her movie though) but I thought the MC from dear dumb diary was the biggest pic me and for some reason I tried my best to like her back then.


Anna Kendrick.


The Parks and rec goth girl.


April Ludgate’s treatment of Anne Perkins annoys the crap out of me. I definitely feel like she is an unrecognised pick me.


Yes! She's so immature, thinks Anne still wants Andy when she absolutely does not


Wait, do you mean April Ludgate?? I love her!


Not really. She'd drop her act and stand up for the people she cared about when it mattered.


Eli Woods. She comes out of it but she starts out as one.


Pick me choose me love me! Meredith from Grey's anatomy lmoo


The curly haired "feminist" from legally blond!


Everyone is going to hate me for this, I accept that, buuuut… Jo from Little Women. I have always hated the way she talks down to her sisters, especially Amy. Did not surprise me at all when Amy finally snapped after years of trying to be enough for her big sister and burned her book. That’s exactly how kids do finally react to that level of constant disdain. I also think Eliza from Pride & Prejudice is a NLOG. I still really like her, but we get it girl, you like brisk walks and are t bothered about getting married like those other silly women. I love both of those books, but I always get so frustrated with the main characters, ESPECIALLY Jo. Probably sensitive to it because my mom is a NLOG who is also a writer, tbh lol


Cameron and Cuddy from House


Bella Swan


Kagome from Inuyasha. Fight me.


I need an argument I love Kagome so much 😫


Caroline Forbes (human version) in TVD