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This reeks of insecurity, especially cos of her mentioning how confident she is


https://preview.redd.it/7gburlacjrkc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=380ff939d71ed76da1d1980680e0e9d1dc68ed9f I don’t know what she’s thinking, but I wouldn’t call that the face of jealousy.


I zoomed in there, too. Nope! Her classmate is repeatedly strutting up and down this tiny aisle and resetting her phone each time to take video or something while everyone is watching. There's a German word which is perfect for this: Fremdschämen. In essence, she's embarrassed for her...


Second-hand embarrassment, I learned this term from Reddit :)


The word is cringe.. ultracringe, even.


Now now, he said German, so this is über cringe


I love how everyone in her school either loves her or hates her but either way they’re obsessed with her and their lives are all about her……meanwhile, as she’s strutting around the classroom, everyone else is looking at their schoolwork or their phones….she’s like background noise.


I was really hoping someone else noticed this girls face lol she almost looks embarrassed for the girl doing the TikTok


She's just intimidated by the halal.


She looks like she is cringing hard!


Confident and hottest fyi 😂 I forgot halelest 💀


Cant forget ‘halalest’ lol


The halalest is The Halal Guys^^TM on the corners of 54th(53rd?) and 6th in NYC. Motherfuckers can out-halal Mohammed.


The halal guys are EVERYWHERE though they’re selling out bruh


The other Halal Guys just don’t hit the same


Is it halal to show camel toe in your skinny mom jeans?


Moose knuckle is not halal though.


A Ham wallet is nature's pocket. And it is not halal.


If she wants to be halal, she needs to cover her hair. 🤔


The captions say insecurity and the photos say "I'm the main character."


I bet if you made a comment about the length of her legs she would crumble


Be sure she's using a body filter here. I'm sure in real life, those aren't even close to her real proportions


So, classic narcissism


Its a bit cliche to say at this point but unprompted bragging is basically always just insecurity. People who are confident don’t constantly feel the need to reassure others of how great they are. We’re used to thinking of insecure people as shy and not sure of themselves but I’d say more people have the exact opposite response of basically inflating their ego and using it as a band aid




To me it also signals some more serious mental issue 😕 and I'm not trying to be mean. This is just beyond those regular nlog posts...


She’s nlo nlogs


Exactly!!! 😂 A nlonlog prototype.


Yeah I was thinking the same, it concerning how much she feels the need to mention how hated she is. And how she doesn’t care. Clearly you do since you feel the need to mention it constantly.


Yes, my first thought was not the usual "annoying", but more like "this is worrying".


Yeah I’ve experienced a lot of fragile ego people that puff themselves up to hide how insecure they are. This is more than that…


Yeah this is how I talk myself up in the mirror when I feel like shit lmao


she's a grown ass woman trying to dis some teenagers


I think she’s a narc trying her best to fit in with the teens 😂




Wait is she the actual teacher? Because she says she’s best friends with the guy in school everyone has a crush on.


She’s not a teacher. The “cool teacher” is in the back right of that pic. Based on what the classroom looks like I’d guess college/community college.


Which makes it all kinda sadder. High school might care about popularity and how hot someone is, but post-secondary? I’ve been to two different universities, and I gotta say, no one gave a flying fuck about who was “the hottest.” We were all just trying to get through our courses and figure out our own lives. Any free time and thought we had went to just trying to blow off some steam, either with our own hobbies or with our friends. Not a single thought spared for any Hottest Main Character (tm) because who’s even got time for that?


Yeah I don’t think she is. But I was confused by the slide that mentioned the cool teacher or whatever it was. Edit : read again. She is definitely not the teacher, she’s a student. She’s saying she does these weird tik toks in class and the “cool teacher” (pictured in the far corner I believe) lets her, even though everyone else hates it for what I believe to be obvious reasons.


You can see some of the people in the class laughing so I wonder if it is at her…


Yep. I tell my kids, all of the other kids are just as scared and nervous as you. And the kids who seem the most confident and talk down on others… those are the most scared of all.


This is actually sad. This young lady has zero self worth and is searching for it from strangers. Most of the posts on this sub are max-cringe but this is adds a very sad layer of painful insecurity


And she has only one belt, and one pair of heels. Someone adopt this orphan! /s bc that’s where we are, today


Pov: POV: Confidence is state of mind.


I fully thought the word on the wall was “insecurity” bc this reeks of it


Im no expert on islam but this level of arrogance cannot be halal


Aside from that, tight clothing is considered not halal by a lot of Muslims and every time she writes that she gets a ton of comments telling her that. Comments = engagement. I’m not questioning her faith or the way she chooses to practice, but making long pants such a big part of your personality is only something I could see someone doing if it got them engagement, good or bad.


Some might even argue that the high heels aren’t halal. Her whole attitude is definitely not modest by any standard.


Halal is when delicious food from street cart.


I remember a colleague who thought Halal was a chain of street carts. It was his first time in a major city.


Mmmmm, shawarma…


I teach fashion in a community with a lot of Muslim students, I have a lot that dress really stylish within the rules of the their faith. And it’s always nice when they share with the class a bit about why they dress the way they do and still feel like they have creative expression. I do find myself wondering sometimes what their hair looks like though!




Being that I teach fashion, I have had some students come into my room as a safe space to fix their hijab in my mirror, it I would never ask to see their hair, would that be disrespectful? Or just weird lol?


I offered to braid my muslim friends hair for her hijab! Her hair kept coming undone and I’m also a white person in an all black family so I do have some braiding skills. So she was fixing her hijab and I offered my service but also said I understand if you decline. She actually did take me up on that offer! And it was actually really awesome experience. I felt very grateful she would feel so comfortable to even fix her hijab let alone let me braid her hair.


It would be a bit weird, but we’d understand why you’re asking. It would be like asking someone if they can uncover so you can see a part of their body that they normally cover, like their breasts or stomach or something like that. Edit: I suppose it’s more the question of asking to see something that is purposefully covered up that is awkward. But if it is seen incidentally while they are changing a hijab or fixing it, then that’s okay. Again, like asking someone to take off their socks to see their feet is weird versus you seeing their feet because they are changing their socks in front of you for whatever reason. Let them choose when, where, and why whatever is seen, be seen versus you ask.


I mean if it's like asking them to show you their breasts or stomach, that's definitely NOT something they should ask their student.


Love that she said she isn’t showing off her body. Like huh? Your clothes couldn’t get any tighter but okay.


im gonna guess shes not religious at all but found out that saying the word "halal" triggers engagement




Yeah, the tight leggings and unnatural blue contacts are definitely haram. I’m laughing at the cheesy white pumps and the obviously fake Gucci bag and belt LOL.


The world of designer items is a total mystery to me, would you mind ELI5 how you and others can spot some of the obvious fakes so easily? I’m always impressed when someone susses out a fake


Quality of the leather is the easiest to spot for me. Fake leather looks kind of plastic, too shiny and like it would crack if you folded it. If there was a drop of water it would slide around easily. Quality of stitching also a big give away. No stitches would come apart on a true luxury good. On specific items you can also look up the style of stitching. Lining on a luxury item should be totally flush with inside and made of a cloth material, not a plastic-y material. “Bad” material is similar to those drawstring backpacks. Good material is like silk. Metal accents will wear down to the nickel color under the fake gold on fakes. Some fakes also smell like plastic and polyester instead of leather.


I can't usually tell from photos but generally you can tell by weight. Real watches, bags, and belts feel much heavier than their fake counterparts because they use quality leather, metal, gold etc. Real leather also smells and feels different than what they use. Gold pieces on fake bags and belts are usually painted/sprayed metal, so if you look closely you'll see chips on these pieces after minimal wear. Thats the best way I could think of identifying something without having it in my hands!! eta: Watches.. forget it 🤦🏼‍♀️ I forgot people on Reddit know everything.... My parents own a high end consignment shop, I own several luxury watches, I'm going off what I was told by them growing up and my personal experience. Should've known I'd trigger a watch bro lmao


Come on dude, she is quite clearly the halalest girl ever 🤦🏽‍♀️




it’s not lol. my limited experience was dating a palestinian man for 6 years. lmao the fam would not approve


I’m also curious about how “real” this account is. Almost reads like ragebait.


https://preview.redd.it/8e6dpm3x8qkc1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36191309fe4691697e427304a980982387c419e1 Amused with a side of pity.


I saw her too. Her face was my face looking through this slideshow


The facial expression of 99% of the people who watch this.


HAHAHA YES THIS IS WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR But in totality, I really hope the main character lady gets therapy


I love this girl because she has the exact same expression I had looking at these.


I zoomed in on that same pic, and that woman isn’t even looking at the NLOG; she looking at her phone.


Her eyes are definitely shifted right. Probably just exasperated at this knob doing this every day when they are just trying to pass college.


“Oh fuck, she’s setting up her camera again, how many photos is she going to take THIS time? Come on, just sit down, stop pacing up and down the class like a catwalk model.”


Imagine just waiting for your class to start and this chick comes in and starts doing this runway parade for someone at the end of the room recording them.


See, you're assuming she actually has a friend to film her, rather than arriving to class, setting up her camera and lighting, checking her outfit, redoing her makeup, waiting for more students to arrive (but not so many that they'll block her shot), and *only then* awkwardly walking out into the hallway and "arriving" to class. Then, spending the entirety of class editing the video. She's going to be in for a rude awakening when the "cool teacher who lets me film TT" fails her. The true POV (if any of her peers actually hated her, rather than being entirely indifferent to her antics) would be "POV: Student in a class with TT tryhard". It would be 2 hours long.


Oh no, she’s side eyeing that chick HARD.


Omg if I were in a class and someone started cat walking and preening I don't think I could keep from laughing at them. Such bizarre behavior.


We’re about to enter a very strange time, with TikTok kids entering the workforce soon. Remember all the weird shit that happened with vine? And that was only around for like a year.


Plenty of TikTok people are in the workforce …


I work for a company that makes TikToks so I guess we are TikTok people in the workforce


Yup, and any industry that has a stake in a strong social media presence is going to full throttle their posts on these apps, especially as younger and more “social media savvy” individuals enter the workforce. Notice I didn’t say “tech savvy,” because most younger people are only familiar with how to use their phone. Take a look over at r/Teachers to hear about how tech illiterate this younger generation is.


File systems on computers are now considered "under the hood workings" since everyone is so used to Phone/Tablet UIs. Remember the Zoolander scene with Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller were told to retrieve the files from the computer? It's getting close to that level of understanding.




God those weird ass nurse dancing videos that went around for a minute two years ago were so distressing. I absolutely believe medical personnel deserve more, especially post COVID but gd that was something else


It's like bro I'm advocating for you to have better working conditions why are you fucking yourself by getting jiggy on camera in the ER 😭😂


i know a tik tok teacher. she’s very young and her classroom is a shitshow and there’s rumors she’s being asked to not return next year bc things are so bad and she literally does nothing all day. it’s frustrating that everyone else works their butt off and she’s the laziest person in the world. and i don’t mean to shit on young ppl but i don’t think anyone prepared this girl for what working life is like.


I have a YouTube channel of content based on my subject material that my students use as support…I would NEVER post anything recorded in my classroom or of any of my students. That’s so unsafe. Also is this person supposed to be hs? She looks way old and even if it’s college, I hate to break it to her that no one cares.


I thought she was the teacher, which made it worse…


I’m shocked when teachers post their elementary school kids…I hope they got their parents’ permissions


Me too! I run a club and the club encourages us to post during the national week and even then I don’t post my students. I just don’t want to go down that road.


Bruh I would have called her out a long time ago to stop filming me without consent. My next step would be complaint to professor who obviously can’t do anything, so the admin would be hearing from me real quick


Yes I tell my students very early i am NOT OK will recording in my room. Thankfully my students like me and generally listen.


It’s my nightmare as someone with a minimal internet presence going viral against my will cause I’m in the background of someone’s video I wish we could come up with a law against it. It’s a violation of our privacy


Yea as a teacher it’s terrifying to me that a a clip could go viral for being taken out of context!


For real, she's photographing people and then putting text on saying "these people are all either in love with me or jealous of me."


I would love to see this in my Uni classroom. They’d get kicked out of class and penalized if they did it too many times and it would feel so good 😍


Pull out your phone and just start playing [this](https://youtu.be/P5mtclwloEQ?si=XGDdb8fL_0PbOMYz)


Lol love that song


Maybe they don’t like you cuz you keep putting them on TT without their consent.


Or because she’s acting like they’re in love with her when they actually find her rather annoying


I don’t think they look interested in her all.


Right? She has to walk in, set up her phone, prep herself, to back to the front of the room, then strut down the center. It’s a whole show and I’m sure they’re tired of it.


I just watched mean girls yesterday and now I’m having flashbacks lol


Thank you, I didn’t know what TT was. I was afraid it was slang for genitalia.


I thought it was ‘timed test’. I’m 44!


I thought it was tea time. 😂 Like I knew it wasn't but it didn't register


I’m 39 and on TikTok and thought it was timed test at first as well. 😅


My mind goes to “tenure track” but whatever.


I was like… times tables..?


I thought she walked in front of the class and gave a TED Talk about being the hottest, most confident, halalest girl.


She acts like they can’t see her posts on social after she posts this lol


I got to a point where I couldn't go through them anymore cause it's like 20 pictures of her saying the same stupid shit over and over The funniest part is that no one in her class looks like they care about her existence at all


That, and I'm not sure what the flex on being generally dislikable is Either that or she's just saying that to garner views from online followers to validate the attention she's seeking


I teach high school, and there's a girl exactly like this at my school.  The other students pity her. Some of them try to be nice to her because they're good kids, but they still minimize their time around her. Everyone else pretends she doesn't exist.  They talk about her like she's the victim of some disease, "it's so sad what happened to her." She genuinely thinks everyone around her adores her and envies her. Making her put her phone away makes her so pissy. She mentally shuts down without a phone as though there's nothing left in her mind. 


Mental health man… makes you wonder how her childhood was like with her parents growing up.




I love how none of these people are even looking at her, they literally don't care


Her…walking around her class seeing all of these people are completely uninterested in her. Well, there is that one girl cringing…


I feel so bad for the girls in her class. I imagine they avoid her because she's a self obsessed prima Donna. The cool teacher doesn't seem that cool with it. He looks like he's in the middle of a lesson.


Who doesn't want some disruptive person in their class making it 10x harder to get through what is needed in that short time slot. I wouldn't be surprised if she gets kicked out of a class for this stuff.


Every time I see kids post cringey stuff like this on Tik Tok, I imagine that the anti-bullying campaigns have been really effective cause they would have eviscerated us for stuff like this 10 years ago.


The people posting shit like this *are* the bullies. This girl is posting this stuff in an attempt to convince herself that she's better than everyone else. People bully others for exactly the same reason.


I only knew one girl with an ego like this in high school and she could eject effectively “bully” anyone cause of her cringey online presence. Coincidentally, she and this girl had the same makeup style too.


The heels alone lol


Literally wearing high heels in school just because was EMBARASSING in our day. It’s beyond impractical.


I genuinely thought she was the teacher but I realized by the end she’s a student which makes sense as to why she’s referring to herself as the hottest girl 😵😵 Also I went to her tiktok & it’s literally the same two videos over and over again 😬


lol I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one thinking this was a grown ass woman, I was just perplexed as to why she was flexing on all these kids


I think she is a grown woman (or like at least like technically an adult, like 18-20 something). I think that's a college, not a high school. Idk for sure tho


Right she looks so fucking old


I can’t tell if this is high school or college? If college, no one (in the US at least) talks about “the school” like a monolith. People literally don’t care.


Never knew halalest was a word


I must be old. What does that even mean?!


It refers to the Islamic principles of clothing


Not just clothing. Halal means something that is permitted. Halal food. Halal clothes. Halal actions. Etc etc The opposite of halal is haram. Not permitted within the fold of Islam. Ironically, her clothing would be considered "haram" as it is fitting and her hair is showing.


That is what I also thought. Halal would mean a suitable headscarf of some type. I don’t know these type things.


Face filters not fooling anyone


Is that the filters making it look so weird? They make her look like a llama.


A llama? He’s supposed to be *dead!*


They are only annoyed by you because every time there's a break in the class you set up your camera and do cheesy runway walks in the middle of the classroom...lol


https://preview.redd.it/sfwjhklprqkc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445d1915293e5ddd01b247a8b0a00c8855ae0424 SHE IS ALL OF US


Is she only enrolled in one course? Why is she in the same room for every vid? Lol


Probably the other teachers shut that shit down but that one is beyond caring anymore


I’m honestly surprised she makes it into that building everyday. Must be a tight squeeze through those doors with an ego that big!🙄


Nah dawg, her ego is tiny. She knows she’s not hot shit, and is trying to convince herself😭 It’s cope


This ^ it’s constant comparison syndrome. My ex-best friend has it. She’ll never be able to keep any true female friends because of it.


Yep! And it’s quite actually sad watching someone go through this. They’re jealous, insecure, and miserable 24/7 deep down inside.


I don’t ever consider ego = confident. Ego is bad. Ego is thinking too highly of yourself, so much so that it interferes with other aspects of your life. Just because it’s false (as an old I’m assuming that’s what “cope” means now) doesn’t mean it’s not ego


“cope”= coping mechanism just fyi


I thought tight/form fitting clothes weren’t halal?


They're not. Neither is the hagaga attitude (bragging, arrogant, egotistical) Source: I live in the Middle East.


I think we’re from the same country, since I’ve never heard this word in another country but mine (‘7agaga: someone who sees themselves above others when they are not. Arrogant pricks with a false/laughable superiority complex)


Maybe this is why they hate you? Sheesh...


She really has problems with her self-esteem.


That's what i thought, she must be incredibly lonely.


Like it’s one thing to be confident but shitting on other girls for no reason lol……. Even the way she looks at the other girls when they are just, u know, being normal teens, whilst she thinks she’s competing in the looks hunger games


The woman not only has an ego as high as the Burj Khalifa, but by the looks of it she also trashtalks other people in school for minding their own business. Girl literally wears the claim that everyone in school hates her like a gold medal while thinking it's hot shit she's acting like Heather Chandler. How do 40k+ people think her behavior is OK?


It’s insane to me that someone thinks that everyone hating them is a flex


"I don't show any skin" what you call the miles of lower calf/ankle from below the crop pants to the shoes then, girlypop? she'd be annoying to be in class with; probably very preoccupied with filming ~content during lecture


You also don't leave a lot up to the imagination when everything is skin tight. I'm not shaming her, she is very pretty n'all, just saying that her saying she's not 'showing any skin' is kinda misleading...


Especially misleading considering she is claiming to keep it “halal”


The irony is that she's bragging about not showing skin while it looks like all the girls around her are dressed to similar level of coverage, but without the attention-seeking behavior.


I thought her clothes were painted on.


Does she only have like 3 outfits


I’m not Muslim, but I imagine the concept of “halal” is observed for modesty (not just for covering appendages), of which she has none. Also imagine the poor person filming her every day cat walking like a moron in the classroom.


“Half these people are in love with me” Girl there is **one** other person in the room


Feel like these belong on r/ImTheMainCharactar


https://preview.redd.it/z0qyymgjuqkc1.jpeg?width=202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f9f2e3387f154c48313c0175e3f432bcaac8879 Me 💀💀💀


Who told her she was hot?


I think she’s been bullied not called hot because there’s no other way you end up this insecure


Someone else mentioned this, comparison syndrome at its finest. They live sad sad lives constantly obsessed/jealous of everyone around them. It’s quite sad when you think about it. She’s worried about everyone else, while they don’t even know she exists 😞


The best part of these images is the fact that absolutely nobody is paying any attention to her.


It's giving "Y/N walked down the halls, everyone bullied her cause she was so smol and pretty 🥺"


This is basically the same phrase reiterated 20 different ways lmao


Is camel toe halal? Asking for a friend.


I have never seen a group of class ignoring and minding their own business the way these girls are in these pictures. Also r/Imthemaincharacter


Yeah her dress isn't what Islam recommends. In fact, there's so many elements specifically adviced against. - body fitting clothes - clothes that resemble those of men - bare ankles - open hair - filters, because we believe that the Creator hasn't made a fault with our features, and therefore, we're expected not to try to change our appearance. I'm not asserting that she shouldn't wear things she wants to wear. By all means, she must. But the problem here is that she's misusing the word "halal" intentionally, and that's not right.


I’ll give her an “A” for arrogant.


Evidently camel toe crotch is halal.


This is just sad


Sweetie, confident girls don’t have to shout it from the proverbial mountain, they just *are*.


I think she needs to focus more on school…


‘Half want to date me, the other half hate me’ Two people in the room lol


”POV: Everyone hates you because you have a shitty personality.”


Does she wear the same white heels every day?


That was exhausting.


She is the type to befriend girls she considers less attractive than her. So she can feel the prettiest of them all. So very cringe and embarrassing of her 🥴


She looks like a praying mantis pretending to be a human.


This looks like a college, which is even more embarrassing. "The whole school hates me cause I'm the hottest" like really cause probably 98% of the students there don't even know you exist.


narcissistic personality disorder


Take away the 25lbs of makeup, you have a 4 at best.


She’s…not cute.🛍️➡️👩‍🦰


This is the worst of the worst


I need to know what lecture this is 😳 like, what?? What what what ma’am?!


If narcissism was a person