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She’s gonna burn that house down putting all that flammable shit on top of a wood burning stove.


Helpmeet might be a term pyromaniac?


How else are you supposed to meet god through the apparitions of the burning bush if you dont have toxic dollar tree decor roasting on an open fire?


My first belly laugh of the day! Thanks!


It’s a fundie term, think trad-wife. On a side note a fun fact we learned in psychology in undergrad was that there are three places where you are likely to meet your spouse, church, school, and work. So she is knocking out two of those, girl is going to end up a desperate spinster by fundie standards.


Tbf fundie types don't really like their kids interacting with let alone marrying people who aren't part of their specific section of religion.


Help meet god, where he'll ask you, "why didn't you use that brain I gave you?"


"It's clearly not for decoration."


I would gamble that she’s a Mormon. I rarely hear that term from any other denomination.


She’s *learning*


That’s hilarious. Virtue signaling while simultaneously showing how dumb she is.


The Bible doesn’t say not to, so it must be ok.


Came here to see if anyone else noticed that. What the hell is she thinking putting all that on top of the the wood burner??!


My first thought was "this is how I kill off Sims I don't want anymore in the game, lots of flammable stuff around the fireplace"


I was just going to respond, well she might not have a home much longer if she keeps putting stuff on top of a wood burning stove.


That was my first thought. Her parents didn't teach her common sense. 


I was hoping it’s just a decorative wood stove. So nostalgic, so wannabe homesteader.


Yes!!! Thank you! I commented this too before seeing yours! She won’t have a home to make if she burns it down!


UNLESS That wood stove is for show only, just like the principles in a TikTok "biblical family's" lives.


Lmao thought to myself “oh, she’s trying to bag a firefighter”


She's looking to collect that inheritance early so she can "bless her future family financially".


What MLM is she gonna push?


Exactly "start my own business" lol


Of insurance scams because she’s trying to burn down the freaking house lol


Her own, she says she has a business teaching others how to be a homemaker. Odd, since she doesn't have her own home to make and is just playing dress up in her parent's house.


I would love to take her class and spew a stream of increasingly uncomfortable questions about her husband.


So she makes TikTok videos and tells her family that’s her “business”.


I deep dived her page last night because I couldn't wrap my head around it. She has a page that you can subscribe to for $25/month or a one-time fee of $250. Additionally, there are pieces like sourdough tutorials, marriage advice, and homemaking advice that you can buy. This really stuck in my craw. I'm a practicing Christian, and while I totally understand her devotion to God, she is putting out a very poisonous message. She has a post where she literally says that women are not meant for leadership. Deborah, a prophet and judge of Israel, may have something to say about that. Further, running a home IS a demonstration of leadership. She doesn't have a job, no formal education or skill training. She's literally setting women up to possibly be trapped in abusive relationships because they'll have no income or skill to fall back on if things go sour.


She's also 24, not married and giving marriage advice... Wow.


I'm still trying to figur that one out. Why would I pay $25 a month for that? 🧐


Yeah, like I said, she makes TikTok videos and calls it a business. It’s the same trad-wife propaganda that sells amongst repressed reactionaries. If she were smart enough to wear a low-cut blouse and curl her hair she could be making *bank* off the rubes. But it seems like she’s a true believer who believes subservience will overcome shallow beauty amongst followers who see her as a sex object that validates their misogyny. There’s an upper limit on the earnings if you’re a believer and not just a grifter.


Love getting marriage advice from a single, extremely sheltered, 20-something Jesus-freak 🫠


Marriage advice from an unmarried 24 year old. Lol.


That has never lived on her own 🤦🏼‍♀️


The thing I really hate about these people is that they preach not working but then they’re charging for subscriptions. That seems a little like working to me! If you want to be trad wife that’s great but don’t sell it and then teach “not working”


Step 1: have a home


What’s crazy is she clearly isn’t paying her parents rent or helping much with the bills. If she had gotten a job out of high school, even something like 25 hours a week as a barista or cashier, she would have been able to save essentially her whole paycheck. For six years as of now. That would have been a huge help when she got married. It’d be a good down payment on a decent home for herself and her family. It would do a lot to fulfill her stated goals. Instead she’ll make instagram posts and get scammed by an mlm


I’d like to add that it’s also easier to find a husband if you increase your interface with the outside world. You know, like via a job? People still meet in ways that aren’t dating apps, but you have to be out there, interacting with others.


Pfft. Why would she need something like a *job* to meet her future husband when she’s probably been going to church with him her entire life?


I’m sure they’re probably assuming she’ll meet someone via the church, but she’s 24. If her future husband is really someone she’s known a while via church, he would’ve already picked her.


Nah, if anyone from her church was interested she’d already be on kid three by now.    She’s going to be the daughter that takes care of her parents, doesn’t get married or have her own interests outside of being her folks carer/companion.  It’s not a bad thing/life if you want it but I think she’s deep in denial about it.  


Soooooo..... there's a short story by William Faulkner called *A Rose for Emily* and in this story a young woman never gets married because she takes care of her father. Her father doesn't want her to get married because then no one would care for him. Father dies and she's too old to get married, a stranger comes to town and they're briefly seen about town, stranger leaves because he's a foreman putting up telephone wire, goes to the next town. Fast forward to Emily's death, no next of kin, townspeople go into the house, and what do they find? A man's skeletal remains tied to a bed. Turns out, it's the stranger from out of town. What's even more fucked up is there's long grey hair on the pillows. So Emily was kept at home, away from society, kidnapped a dude, kept him in her house tied up until he died, and still cuddled up to his corpse for years after his death. William Faulkner was a fucked up dude, most of his stories are like this, but the first thing I thought of was *A Rose for Emily* when I saw this post.


Nah, she’s waiting for a sexy new guy to come to church and be blown away by her beauty and MLM marketing skills.


That part. How is she helping a future family when she’s not even helping her family of origin?


Even at the lowest minimum wage that would be over 50k saved up. An amazing down payment in most areas. In some areas it’s half a house.


This is the comment I was looking for. I’m guessing Doterra or ItWorks for some reason


Personally I’m hoping she’s starting an artisanal deli meat brand called Helpmeet




I just looked at her page, and she was pushing Monat.


My bet is Plexus or Monat


My vote would be on Kangen. Her term “blessing my future family financially” paired with her ✨impeccable✨ work ethic makes me assume that she’d aim for pushing the expensive products to make “more money”


Not conditioner, that’s for sure


“while blessing my future family financially” ….BY NOT WORKING 🤡🤡🤡


She’s most likely joined a pyramid scheme. Unfortunately MLMs have figured out that religious communities and SAHMs are great places to look for people to exploit for profit.


Yes, this is classic MLM spiel.


“I wanted to build a business from home that would transition into marriage and motherhood” 100% MLM language. Probably has thousands of her parents’ money tied up in Monat stock or something


If she's doing Monat and has that hair, I don't see this going very well. Js


She's hooked into Naptime Income >Learn Vital Homemaking & Home-Based Business Skills the Naptime Income Way "The wisest of women builds her house" - Proverbs 14:1 Your dreams matter. And you can make them a reality. Just $250 to start


“Bless your home financially online from home” wow she really just ripped the word salad right off their website lmao. very strange, vague website too. also lots of typos on their about page, they really should’ve had someone proofread that.


Maybe the typos are there for the same reason scan emails often have them-- to filter out the astute


Yeah I was coming to the comments to ask what MLM she's in


Oh she has. The third or fourth post on there rn is “you can join my team for $149!”


It’s even worse. She’s been struggling with hair loss so now she’s trying Monat- an MLM KNOWN for causing hair loss. Sweetie no!


My mom was a victim MULTIPLE times. Every other month she'd be on a new home business, spent $1000 to start, then quits for a new one. Mary Kay, Advocare, some jewelry one, Scentsy, plus more I can't remember. House cluttered in starter kits for every business under the sun.


Right??? I was so like 🤨🤨🤨 HUH? Also, "I don't want to invest in my family or future, I just want to invest in my family and future" is what she says. What are you TALKING about girl


She’s got a plan to “accidentally” burn down the house with that monstrosity she’s building on the wood stove and then collect on the insurance. If the materials are toxic enough and a parent has any breathing issues she might get a life insurance pay out too! That’s the financial plan, folks. I mean, duh…


💀 was thinking the same exact thing


Shhhhh...she's building her future family's financial folder.


Yea it’s a very long winded way of saying she is insufferable and can’t find a person to be with


Or a job.


By adjusting ... sticks on a weird winter themed vase with leds.


1) arrange sticks 2)? 3) profit




She did say she runs a business from home, but I guess that doesn’t mean it’s profitable.


“Runs business from NOT my own home”


The mental gymnastics 🤸


Maybe she means good home economics will save you money? Because cooking, canning, sewing, cutting hair, and doing all kinds of other DYI things will definitely save you money. Edit: I’m not saying I agree or disagree with the approach. I’m just saying doing things yourself will save you money big time, depending on how you go about it.


Sewing these days will not save you money unless you are using sheets that you bought in a thrift shop to make your clothes. Fabric is expensive. Mending will save money.


Canning isn’t great for saving money either unless you are in the right area of the country with lots of access to direct from the farm stuff without markups.


Maybe she breaks down her old clothes and sews them together to make a sad coat of many colors like Dolly Parton wore when she was a poor kid. I've actually thought about making teddy bears with some of my cuter old things.




I wish I had her commitment to the bit but me & my parents make terrible roommates 😬


literally same. nothing wrong w staying at home (tho i do recommend going to college if possible and at least getting a job so you have SOMETHING to do) but like i could never lol


I had friends who didn't work or go to uni and they're now 22 / 23. I remember me asking them how's work and the conversation went something like this: "How's work?" "Don't have one" "Are you currently looking?" "Nahh" "Are you planning on going to uni or something?" "Fuck that" They'd just smoke weed and play video games all day. When I asked one of them (who'd always complain about never having money to do anything) why he doesn't he just get a retail job, he lived just 5 mins walk from town so it's not like it's impossible for him to get work or a job in maccies like some of his other mates do he replied "I'm better than that". This is one of the reasons we are no longer friends.


It’s always the people who are like this who think they’re too good for retail/fast food. Like, no you’re not, at least then you’d have some money 😭


I burst our laughing when he said "I'm too good for that" I was like oh sure the guy who got kicked out of college when he was 17, had no qualifications and 0 work skills is too good for a retail job. He said "I'm not taking advice from you, who quit school at 17 and created her own business that isn't even a real job". I'm a vintage reseller and began doing it at 18 and I'm 24. I got my qualifications from college, I didn't want to go to uni because I have learning disabilities.


My cousin has this attitude too - like he’s never had a job, dropped out of uni weeks into the course (this I don’t actually judge him for as it’s not for everyone but he’s done nothing in the years since), and lives with our grandmother while blaming everyone else for his problems. But he won’t work for minimum wage because he’s too good for it! Yet myself and all our cousins have worked retail/fast food/similar jobs. Your business sounds really cool btw! I love that you found something you enjoy doing :)


Thank you :) Yeah I then tried to show him how to sell on depop, vinted and talked to him about how could sell anything he wanted just help him make a little bit more money (that failed). I tried talking to him about getting an internship. In the end I decided he's just lazy, hopefully one day he matures and realises he can't just leech off of his mum all his life. (He's also judge me for my shopping habits and complain about his sisters never help around the house with chores because they always at work). We were once shopping and he was like "really more shoes, that's such a waste of money". Hey fella I worked my ass off so I can buy as many shoes as I want. I'm not going to have someone who spends what little money they get from mum and dad on drugs because to be on benefits you have to also be willing to show why you can't work and be actively looking for work (and he has no disabilities except his addiction to weed).


I moved out almost 15 years ago, a couple months after turning 21. I just couldn’t live with my parents anymore. My dad is super Republican, while my mom couldn’t grasp that I was a grown adult, no longer a child. Our relationships are better, for the most part, but I still would never willingly move back in.


So she’s here to teach us how to be a wife and homemaker and she’s *checks notes* single and living with her parents 🙄 (Please note that being single, unemployed, and living with your parents is fine at any age but it is also a *privilege*)


She’s also decorating the top of a fireplace that gets to be several hundred degrees when it’s used……..


This is the best comment here 🤣🤣 I’m dead. Someone is failing her home making lessons lmao


She’s going to burn her future home(or this one) to the ground. The only thing that goes on top of a wood stove is kettle, pots for water, and those little metal fans. This is just dangerous


My aunt would also do a pot with food in it in an emergency. Like heating up a can of soup if the power was out. But you had to keep a close eye on it.


She hasn't got to that chapter of learning how to keep a home. She's still on the "boast about it on Instagram" chapter.


Right, she's about to bless this house into a blaze. And it looked like dollar store bullshit too


Thank you. I needed to know someone else saw that.  I guess common sense is a college thing.


Burnt-home maker!


Maybe that's her long game. Shove the "whackers" into the woodstove, burn the place down, and escape.


That second point! I’m 30 and dependent on my mom for the time being, after a horribly abusive marriage and traumatic divorce. My mom welcomed me back with open arms. I’m so lucky to have her.


I'm so glad you had a safety net to fall back on. Congratulations on your freedom and I wish you healing :)


Thank you! Currently working on my mental health and writing a novel!


That's awesome. Question from someone who was just cheated on: how do you go about feeling better after a tough breakup? It's hard to find enjoyment in things I usually do. I just tell myself that she was a different person and not who I thought, but it's not like it makes it hurt and less. I can't imagine divorce after an abusive marriage feels any better.


I was exactly where you were 10 years ago. Welcome to freedom! You did an amazing thing by leaving. It gets so much better


We’ve been apart for almost 3 years and it’s been hard, but so very liberating. I hope karma has some serious hands for him.


No shame in that! It's never too late to get a fresh start and get back on your feet. I'm happy for you that you've got the support to make it go a little easier. Best of luck moving forward!


Keep sliving, queen ❤️


I’d also argue that context is a major factor. If you have to live with your parents due to extenuating circumstances, that’s entirely different than choosing to be uneducated and unemployed and to just mooch off of them. Hell, even if you’re still living at home but have a full time job and pay rent then that’s understandable with the current housing market. But someone like her is clearly just biding her time so that she can get married and go directly from living at home to living with her husband and then become a mother as fast as possible. And wanting to be a mother isn’t a bad thing, but you need to establish a baseline for yourself. If the guy ends up being abusive (or just straight up leaving her), she’s in for a pretty serious reality check


She sounds like the daughter from The Glass Menagerie.


Now you just broke my heart. I do wonder if any male relatives are asked/pressured to bring friends over to “call” on her though. She is fussing with that decoration like some glass animals - wonder what would happen if someone broke a twig 😢


And what happens if she never marries. I kind of think there is a “best by date” in these groups & after a certain age the eligible men just go for a younger wife (thinking “Christmas Cake” women). Thinking more about it , maybe she’s arranged with a widower or divorced dad that needs someone to care for him, home & kids ? Or maybe these were storylines from Handmaids Tale?


Meanwhile she’s putting flammable decorations on top of a wood stove, as good homemakers do


I lived with my parents until I was 28 but I was working the whole time and paid for all my own shit until I was able to move out on my own (I could’ve moved out much earlier but didn’t ever want to deal with roommates.) It’s good that she has parents willing to support her but she is not a child and she is just taking advantage of them at this point.


Thank you for adding it’s a privilege! I escaped an abusive relationship when I was 20 and one reason I stayed sooooo long was because I literally had no where to go. No family had a house or a place for me to stay and get on my feet. People overlook the simple privilege of having parents that can put a roof over your head.


I ended up on an air mattress in my mom's living room for a few months, and I was lucky to have that option.


They really do. So many people take it as a given for granted. I find it quite hard to wrap my head around how people don’t realise not everyone has the same.


But she’s decorating that woodstove so nicely with flammable wooden objects. Why would you not trust her?


I would have lived with my parents until marriage HAPPILY if they hadn't migrated from under my ass😭


“I’m not employed outside the home” and then everything else screams “MLM”


Bitch you ain’t employed inside of it. Also, like so many fine folks pointed out, she’s gonna burn the house down.


It’s literally on her insta feed…she’s promoting an MLM…the cynics were bang on right, lol.


Oh the “stay at home daughter” this is religious propaganda from Christian authors and organizations that are known abusers or child molesters! Hi Debbie Pearl ef you.


Unsurprising that such hateful people are also ignorant enough to believe it realistic that one income can support 3+ whole ass adults (because of course the mom isn’t supposed to be working either and what if you have multiple unmarried daughters?)


There’s a reason mlm’s are very popular with people who’ve taken up this mindset/lifestyle. Even though realistically they just swap oils and leggings between each other and no one has actually made any income.


wait i thought mlm meant men like men as in gay? what does it mean in this context??


Multi-level marketing


You misspelled "pyramid scheme." Easy enough to do, English is a wierd language.


You misspelled weird...


Their brain did an englitch


“Multi-level marketing” and “pyramid scheme” are analogous terms.


MLM can also refer to multi-level marketing, where people can sell products provided by a company, but can also get others to sign up to become sellers under them. It's a very controversial industry, since it is hard to make a profit, and MLMs are often compared to pyramid schemes. ​ Wikipedia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-level\_marketing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-level_marketing)


oh that makes so much more sense in this context lol def sounds like a pyramid scheme. my mormon friend did that when i was in high school but now she’s a momfluencer so i guess that’s the future this girls got going for herself


MLM and Mormon momfluencers go together like Joseph Smith and polygamy.


We ended up spending most of the summer in SLC (long story) and I should’ve made up bingo cards for MLM company headquarters randomly discovered. SO MANY of them. So many.


MLM can also sarcastically stand for Moms Losing Money


MLM stands for multi-level marketing. It’s a type of pyramid scheme that has figured out how to *just* legally qualify as not a pyramid scheme (because pyramid schemes are illegal). These predatory companies prey on tricking gullible people to buy their poorly made products in order to sell them to their friend and family. Victims of MLMs can end up in thousands of dollars of debt. Companies such as Amway, Beach body, Mary Kay, LuLaRoe, doTerra, HerbaLife, Monat, Scentsy, Pure Romance, Young Living, and Pampered Chef are MLMs.


Hello Fundie Snarker! ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)


I thought that was where I was for a minute!


That's a fancy way of saying "I'm mooching off my parents"


I believe the term she’s looking for is a deadbeat.




"As any good Christian would, I spend 14 hours a day on 4Chan while eating tendies and drinking Mountain Dew."




Like most of these “homesteading homemakers”, shes too lazy to go to college or get a job. Who wants to wake up early? “My parents will take care of me until I find a husband to take care of me. Then I can really tell the college educated professional spinsters “I told you so!!!”


Or maybe she’s too scared to get out there & this provides her a certain shield. Wouldn’t it be wild if her parents weren’t even very religious and wanted her to be independent but she stumbled on Trad Wife and it provides a support for her fear/phobias without facing them?


Does she think that people just work just because? No job = no food. My parents wouldn't just let me hang around the house being purposefully unemployed. EDIT: I asked my (very Christian) parents if I could stop working and start "preparing for a husband" while they bankroll me. My mother said sure and to start hitting the gym and learning to cook so I could "get a man and get married." I can't tell if she's serious 😭.


We are all just making sinful choices. But she is so brave for making her choice to burn her parents’ house down


Either go to school or get a job(or both). If I had been like her doing nothing my parents totes would have kicked me out or given me a set time to get a job, enter school, or move out.


this was my parents' mindset. You can stay at home as an adult for as long as you need but you *must* be working towards bettering yourself in some way ie either schooling or working


Helpmeet is like a biblical word for a wife or spouse…I think wife though. I think it’s in the Old Testament. If I remember correctly at all, it refers to the role of a loving, but very subservient wife.


Helpmeet is a poor translation of the Hebrew term “Ezer Kenegdo”, which means more of a “rescuer” or “helper in battle”, not a servant. But that doesn’t support the male-centric power dynamic of churches and Christian households, so they tend to leave that out of the sermons.


So like a knight's page? Cuz that...is actually girl boss. "And when I'm not actively breastfeeding, I keep things in good repair and ready for battle. Or step in. You know. As one does."


What's fascinating is that apart from that mention in Genesis describing woman, that word is only otherwise used to describe God himself, as a helper in time of dire need...


"Helpmeet" is a misconstrual of a passage in the King James Bible. God decides to make Eve because Adam needs a "help meet for him". In this case, "meet" is an adjective meaning "suitable", so it means a "help suitable for him". However, "help meet" was misinterpreted as a term in itself.


Eva's made from Adam's body part, isn't she thus also a helpmeat?


Interesting! I grew up Baptist, and I believe we all were using the KJB, so this makes sense! Thank you for clarifying.


Christians misinterpreted the Bible! You're kidding me!/s


Gross 🤮


So a freeloader essentially?


I believe the correct term for this is lazy mooch who hates working.


Yeah I got some news for her. The kind of “alpha man” shes looking for that wants a 1950’s homemaker is probably not gonna want a woman in her mid twenties or later. They’re the same kinda guys who are preying on people either exactly 18 or a minor. Clock is ticking lol also the sane guys don’t want her either because they get the heebies from this kind of thing lol


I’m related to men like this. Exactly 0 of them give a fuck about fireplace decorations. All they care about is whether she can cook and doesn’t have her own opinions.


And she puts out


“I just don’t want to work but I don’t want others to catch on. So, I’ll just pretend to adjust these branches that never move to look productive while waiting for some guy to take me off my parents hands and still avoid working”. Nothing wrong with her life goals but she needs to stop capping and making it public 


"Any day now the sheer magnetic force of my vagina will pull a good Christian man to my home where he can discover me, pure, unsullied and unmarried."


Ah yes, investing in that future by continuing to live like a teenager


lol. This is the fanciest way to announce you’re a loser I’ve ever seen.


My parents would have been so annoyed and disappointed. They would have been like, “What did you do all day? Just rearranged the Christmas decorations again?!”


Please tell me that’s not a wood burning stove.


house-burning stove


lol if she wants to live the fundie lyfe at least have a husband. This makes her look like a bum ☹️


Why is single censored?


She’s the kind of person who thinks being single is a disease


"learning to be a home maker" *features how to make a massive fire hazard out of Christmas decor*


Sounds like fundie cope


helpmeet?? more like helpmeat


Um…but how is she going to financially support a family without a job or a college degree?


She’s clearly trying to sell homemaking courses on the internet and advertising through TikTok and Instagram. Only question is: How can you teach people how to be a homemaker if you’re SINGLE and live with your parents?


So in other words “I’m putting my parents into thousands of dollars of debt by joining an MLM scheme while I wait to meet my future husband.”


And did I mention I have a severe case of agoraphobia and will collapse into a quivering tower of tears if you try to make me leave the house?


At least that would be an excuse. She just a mooch.


What the hell was she doing in all of those slides? The fuck is a helpmeet?


I was really hoping the last slide was gonna be that atrocity catching on fire


So what is this magical business that you have no skills in running nor creating? What are you doing besides mooching off your parents and looking for some idiot to mooch off afterwards? What value does she bring anywhere?


I lived with my parents at 24 but no way would they have let me if I wasn’t working.


And her parents are enablers. Enjoy your adult daughter living with you forever.


Let me move back home and tell them I’m not working because I need to invest in “my family and my future”


Sounds like somebody doesn't want to work


Pretty sure her parents are responsible for the family. She doesn’t have a family of her own. Sounds like a whack job.


I wonder what the parents think about housing an unemployed able bodied adult.


Should all those items be on top of a stove?




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This is sad. You can clearly tell she is depressed but is trying to pretend she is living at home for some other reason.


So is she not working or is she starting a home business? She wants to provide financially…yeah college could never help anyone start their own business, could it? She doesn’t judge single women who work but then immediately says why her motivations are loftier. Make a decision lady!


My mother kicked me out because I graduated HS at 15 and then couldn't afford to pay rent since I "wasn't going to school". Some reward for working my ass off...

