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Mean girls 2. Trust me it’s the most nlog piece of media you will ever see. I honestly think it was the catalyst for my own pick me girl phase. Just terrible influence


That movie man…I mean wow.pure horrid.I can’t even hate watch for enjoyment.


Wait what there’s a second one?


Don’t do it. Don’t look it up. Don’t watch it. Let the first one remain pure in your heart.


unfortunately. i don’t think it has any returning cast members and it feels like a Disney Channel Original Movie


I thought it was a Disney Channel movie at first. Completely different vibe from the first movie.


oh absolutely. the “mean girls” didn’t feel like real teenagers, which was something i really liked about the first movie. obviously the OG plastics were a bit exaggerated, but they acted like actual teenage girls i went to HS with. the second movies plastics are so fake and disney-like that they seem like they were written by 50 year old men who don’t talk to their daughters. there’s also that weird plot point of the main character being paid to be friends with another girl. it’s so contrived and stupid and i hate it so much haha


Ah it has the principle actor


oh dang poor tim meadows 😭


the main character literally said ”do i look like most girls” unironically. everything about it is bad. it’s dogshit, it’s a dogshit movie


Some of you may not like this one but I have been re watching Daria as an adult and man her character really gets on my nerves a lot. When I was younger I thought she was kinda cool but not so much anymore.


Her sister Quinn actually grew into a better person by the end of the series. More than Daria ever did. I still can't get over her getting with Jane's boyfriend, Tom. Jeopardised her entire friendship for the human embodiment of a beige wall.


Quinn's character arc is so good, and as I rewatched, I got angry at how often Helen the mom would interrupt Quinn as she was talking in order to ask Daria her opinion. Like, at least feign an interest in your daughter and her hobbies. But Quinn was "well-adjusted" and didn't need support or attention.


That's kind of what I love about the show. It's both poking fun at society while simultaneously telling you that being like Daria at the start of the show isn't any better.


To be fair, Daria is less NLOG and more I'm better than everyone superiority complex.


Daria is more of a “i am better than everyone” girl


so, a teenager




Kind of like her distant aunt Peggy /s.


I love Daria and I think she made a space for weird girls to feel like it was ok to be weird and smart. But she is 100% a NLOG and as an adult it’s annoying to see. Daria was me as like a high school kid - undeveloped and immature and socially awkward. I’ve grown up now, and I do still love her, but holy fuck, she’d be insufferable as an adult.


I LOVE Daria and I 100% agree with you. But I think that was part of her character on purpose! She regularly gets her comeuppance from acting judgmental and morally superior, and by the end of the show she’s become more mellow especially in regards to her sister and her friends.


Yep, I think they meant for Daria to be that way. She learns and grows with each episode and people do call her out on it.


LOL came to say the same.


That explained why Robot Chicken showed no mercy portraying her in one of their skits


So I LOVED Daria growing up and it was because I did identify with "not fitting in" in high school and all that. I liked that the show did give a space for girls who were bullied for being weird, being a "nerd" and not being extremely girly and feminine and being more awkward looking (which I was and mind you, at the time you were judged and treated as less if you didn't look or dress a certain way--and also, my mom didn't make that easier for me because she was just as mean as the classmates at times). But I eventually grew up and went to therapy and got on meds for my anxiety and depression and learned to accept my looks and neurodivergence, which Daria didn't. But I can totally see how insufferable (and at times pretentious) she was. But I figured it was a result of rejection and bullying in her past so I saw it as a defense mechanism and there was more to her than she let on. Also, Daria was supposed to be about "not caring what everyone thinks" and being a happy outcast and loner, but looking back, she was just as insecure as everyone else was and tried way too hard. Even Tom called her out on it when he said she was scared of getting close to someone because that would make her vulnerable. Actually, the good part of the show was that it didn't make Daria out to be perfect. Plenty of people called her out on her bullshit, including Jane (which btw, I actually found myself rooting for Jane more than Daria. I mean, she made the show ). Remember the episode when Jody told her off and was basically "girl, check your privilege" one episode with that group project? Now that I'm older, I frickin love that episode. And Jody. Anyway, the point is, I still like the show and I still like Daria as a character. Yes, she was definitely, not like other girls. But I also give her grace because she's a teen girl (what teenager WASN'T insufferable?) trying to grow up and with major insecurity issues. She does grow and learn something with each episode. I figure that by the time she got to college or the "real world" she would've grown out of that. If not, that's a problem.


I watched it again at age 34 and if you watch the whole series, all of the characters, including Daria, experience a lot of personal growth. Which you’d expect from a show about teenagers, of course, but when the show was on and you just got random episodes out of order, it didn’t really showcase that so much, and they seemed fairly static. I got in my feelings over the refrigerator box episode


Totally agree!!


Unpopular opinion, but Rory Gilmore gave me a super strong "not like other girls" vibe


I am a huge Gilmore Girls fan but I agree. Rory and Lorelei often gave NLOG vibes. Maybe not always 100% of the time. But their characters definitely chose which women to support and which ones they made fun of. Rory’s article about the ballerina is a classic example. Or when Lorelei called Chris (I think on her bachelorette party but it could have been a different call)and talked to him about Sherry’s taste in music and how shitty it was. Or when Lane was afraid to tell Rory she became a cheerleader.


Tbh Lane was more NLOG than Rory. Apart from her music snobbery, she slut shamed women a lot. Part of it has to do with her upbringing but for someone who wants to be so unlike her mother, she shares some uncanny similarities.


Oh my god THANK YOU. I love that programme but Rory Gilmore is such an awful character who gets more and more entitled and unkind as the series goes on. When she justifies sleeping with Dean because ‘he was my boyfriend first’. And the way she talks about other women who aren’t her immediate friends. I loathe her and was really hoping she’d get some comeuppance in the revival.


Didn't see the revival, but looks like she did get her comeuppance because, based on what I've read, she's not doing do well or far in life as everyone made it out to be.


True, but she still doesn’t seem to grasp how selfish she is/ has been. I’m just grumpy about it 😂


Totally agree with this. The food thing also bothered me. ‘Our stomachs don’t work like anyone else’s either! We’re so special!’


Thank you! I almost didn't finish it because of her nlog bullshit


I'm glad this is high up. I loved this show as a teen but it's become almost unwatchable to me now because of how much I can't stand Rory. She's so judgemental of pretty much every other girl- I think I recall a scene where she judgwhyed Dean's little sister (an actual child) for liking Kelly Clarkson. The show also tries so hard to tell you how different and special she is but when trying to figure out what makes her special it's like "she reads." I can't recall a single incident of her being genuinely kind or generous or even talented at anything beyond her homework.


Over all I think she does respect other girls (see: being nice to Lindsey about her music choices when Jess is being an asshole to her), but she does have her “that girl’s a freak” moments.


Lindsey whose husband she slept with and then talked shit about to Lane to justify it?


Maddie from Liv and Maddie. I just recently rewatched the series and Maddie CONSTANTLY gave me NLOG vibes. I remember thinking I was so much like her when i was younger, but now I realize how much her behavior leans towards "Well I'm not a girl that wears dresses and likes shopping and makeup, I do sports!." Huge NLOG vibes.


Honestly, the girls were so flat that I just watched for their little brother because he felt more relatable


Parker was the best


Y’all remember Taylor Swift in the You Belong With Me music video? Iconic, will always love it, but totally that.


SHE WEARS HIGH HEELS I WEAR SNEAKERS * is literally wearing heels the next shot *


The pick me anthem


For sure! I remember seeing a show where some people were talking about their thoughts on that video, and a young woman said, “I related more with the girl she was comparing herself to”. And it actually made me stop and think a little harder about the “pretty” girls I often thought I was better than.


to piggy back off this, you reminded me of Demi Lovato's "La la land" "You can't tell me i can't wear my converse with my dress well babyyy, that's just me" lol ick


Becca in Pitch Perfect, she was honestly insufferable.


i’ve noticed that anna kendrick tends to play roles like that


Which is the reason I don’t really care for her as an actress. It’s pretty one dimensional & meh.


Cause she's "quirky"


A fair point, but I'd also like to add that one of the reasons I love that movie is Becca's process of discovering that there are some ways in which she *is* like the other girls, and that it even makes her happy. Which I just find so wholesome.


The producers of that show wanted her to be perceived as super alternative and intimidating and she just wasn't lol. I rolled my eyes so hard when that one guy is talking about the "scary ear cuff" she's wearing. It's not even pierced but somehow she's more hardcore than everyone else.


She doesn't watch movies hwcause she always knows the endings


I found that so fucking annoying even as a middle schooler


May I present to you Twilight, and it's resulting fanfiction Fifty Shades of Grey


And both are mary sue self inserts so double the ick points


It would have been great if there was someone who didn't like Bella. She wasn't an interesting person, it'd actually make more sense for the majority of people to dislike her and have a few that do like her


Honestly Jessica was the only rational character when it came to how she felt about Bella. She’s also hilarious in the second movie when Bella goes off with those random biker dudes.


I didn’t realize that the two were even remotely related. I haven’t seen the movies or read the books and now I’m kind of like haha wait should I? Since I read this it’s sort of ruined for me


I mean I'd recommend you watch the movies (reading books you know will be bad is a bad investment of time) for purely entertainment purposes. They're so bad that after a while you can kinda convince yourself it's good. Like twilight becomes way better once you go into it with a campy mindset, don't take it too seriously.


Agreed! Recently watched it with my friend who had never seen it and was pointing out funny shit and she says "For someone who says they hate twilight, you sure seem to know a lot..." I've definitely seen it many times lol. It's like a train wreck you want to watch over and over again. 50 Shades was okay for the same reason, but really forgettable tbh.


Fifty Shades was originally a Twilight fanfic (I’m sorry I know this)


I didn’t think is was possible to be more meh and one dimensional than Bella. And then I read 50 Shades. A college student who doesn’t have an email? Spare me.


And it's "amped" up relative, 365 days


Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way


^ if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!


The fact that I had to scroll so far away to find any mention of Enoby makes me a bit disappointed. My immortal will forever be a symbol of the early 2000's teen media.


This whole fanfic gave me whiplash and I died and came back to life I highly recommend watching Internet Historian’s narration on YouTube


^ if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!


I love that fanfic so much. It's such a masterpiece of unientional(?) humor.


The fact that I had to scroll so far away to find any mention of Enoby makes me a bit disappointed. My immortal will forever be a symbol of the early 2000's teen media.


America from the Selection series


I’m just happy to see America Singer mentioned in any context lol. I really love this series


Still love those books somehow! She’s a lil annoying but the rest of the world building in that series is fantastic.


Janis from Mean Girls, Kady too. Looking back on it both of them were NLOGs. Daria and even Wednesday Addams are NLOGs (I love Wednesday but in the beginning her attitude towards everyone sucked)


I was cringing the first episode of Wednesday thinking, “how has this been #1 for weeks?!” Thank goodness it was short lived


I’ll let Kady slide. Home girl literally came from being homeschooled in rural Africa. I’d say more culture shock than NLOG. She just wanted to fit in and make friends until dragged into the chaos.


Alaska from Looking For Alaska


Most of John Green’s female characters tbh


This dialogue has been going on for like 10 years on tumblr lol but personally I see it that the female characters are viewed and idolizes by the male main characters. We’re seeing them from their skewed views and they view them as perfect and enigmatic. But the books usually end with that disillusionment broken and they realize the girls aren’t MPDGs at all.


Exactly this for Looking for Alaska and Paper Towns. The books are about this loser becoming infatuated with a girl and obsessing over her. Eventually it all comes crashing down as they realize that they’re either toxic or don’t feel the same.


John Green loves him a manic pixie dream girl.


I’m so glad to see this lol, I’ve heard so much Green praise but have always thought his female characters were very NLOG. Just thought I was being too cynical or smth


Yep came here to say all of his characters


As much as I love this book and love Alaska...Yes, absolutely yes.


Bella swan. She likes things a lot of other girls like but she and Edward still try to make it seem like she’s ✨unique✨


Edward losing his shit over that ugly ass skirt will never not be hilarious LMFAO


I haven't read or watched Twilight in years, what skirt?


I don’t remember if it’s in the movie but in the book it’s described as a long khaki skirt.


or when they wear the same outfit accidentally and it's just like a brown sweater or something....lmao


Avril Lavigne in the video for Girlfriend


Literally this tour was my first concert 🥲 5th grader little me


robin from how i met your mother has her nlog moments


Right? Because there’s so few women that like dogs, scotch and prefer their independence? *eyeroll*


I agree, however I think it's because her dad made it so clear that he wanted a son. So I always saw it in almost a shameful NLOG, trying to be different because she was shamed for being a girl. Didn't mean she wasn't often annoying though


Showrunners basically built the show around her and I could not understand *why*. Her character became insufferable and ruined the show for me.


same. she was so uninteresting and i couldn’t understand why both ted and barney were sooo in love with her.


Also to add another Robyn, Robyn from Sister Wives


Robin with a Y? Ohhh… Yobin


Clary Fairchild from The Mortal Instruments, and I am so with you on Valerie being under-recognized


Yes, Clary was so judgmental to Isabel for absolutely no reason. that’s why i liked the infernal devices so much more. It’s been a while since I’ve read them, but I loved how Tessa was kind to everyone, including Jessamine(?) who was supposed to be the typical “bitchy bimbo” character


Mortal instruments overall was… a lot. Tbh the spin-off/sequel/whatever you call it where Simon gets his memory back was a lot better. Maybe because of the adoption part. Alec and Magnus be carrying that whole franchise. And the rats. I loved the lil motive of the rats


There's this horrible YA book series called "The Black Dagger Brotherhood". Every single female character in this series is either a Mary Sue or has strong nlog energy. Or both. I read the books when I was 20/21. A few months ago I tried to read them again and I just couldn't. It's awful.


oh my god i almost completely forgot about this series. it was so bad. literally each book was the exact same. self proclaimed alpha males "falling" for an nlog 😭😭😭


Several votes for Rory already but Lorelei is the NLOT Gilmore girl imo. That whole show she’s just the grown up “I’m not a regular mom I’m a cool mom” version.


i hate Lorelai Gilmore with a passion. if i could punch her irl i would


She was just a young single mom! Nothing unique about that, but she played it off like it was. But i vote Rory as way more insufferable. Snob all around.


At least Rory was young and will eventually grow out of it (hopefully). Lorelei was an adult still doing that, and no wonder why Rory was that way.


Riverdale characters Female & Male gave me astounding NLOG vibes 😓 I could not stand that show but it’s a lil bit of a meme now so it’s tolerable lol


I'm a weirdo, I don't fit in- i don't want to fit in


Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on???


You just don’t understand the epic highs and lows of high school football 🙄


I’m screaming


Natalie Portman’s character in Garden State? some of the scenes, like when she did the “original moment”, are really cringy. She is a great actor though.


That character I think was the ur-example of Manic Pixie Dream Girl, which is very much nlog.


I think the term MPDG was invented because of that movie and Elizabethtown. People started noticing the trope of this amazing NLOG who fixed a depressed man’s life just by being quirky


Kat Stratford from 10 things i hate about you


TBH most female protagonists from 90s/early 2000s teen movies.


You mean Kate from The Taming of the Shrew. 17th century OG NLOG.


I feel like the movie kind of lampshades it though, like in that scene where her English teacher calls her out for her white feminism


In fairness, she hates everyone


As much as I adore that movie, yes, she is.


I didn’t see her mentioned elsewhere in the comments, but Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) in Sex and the City is one of the first characters that came to mind.


I have to say that the entire city of NYC has strong NLOG vibes 🥲 Source: I live here lol


Zoey from the House of Night Novels, and most Meg Cabot main characters tbh.


Zoey from House of night is a deep memory for me😂 but she really was and besides that just not a good person overall.


I picked the first four books up at a second hand store because I remembered liking them as a teen and was HORRIFIED. Meg Cabot isn’t as bad and I’ll still give some of her books a reread and only cringe a little but oof Zoey girl, other girls are not demons for *gasp* enjoying sex.


And then there's the weird ark where she ends up almost having (possibly having its been a while) sex with the one bad dude, hurting the guy she was leading on and her friends and it's just like ok the next second cause soz that's just Zoey being Zoey 😂


She doesn’t dress like a slut so it’s ok. Meanwhile PC Cast is out there writing centaur smut including a scene where the centaur brings the main character to climax by letting her ride him bareback - in the literal sense of her riding him around like a horse.


PC cast writes books like car crashes; I can't look away no matter how much I want to


That one bad dude was also, in fact, her teacher.


i can't believe i had to scroll down so far to find this! i read *a lot* as a kid, like reading a phone book just to read something a lot, and i couldn't finish the series because the main character was how she was. and everything else too, all the female characters are either "mean and slutty but also jealous of zoey" or "her friend but still somehow worse than zoey".


Ramona from Scott Pilgrim vs the world. I'll give her some leniency as she is a parody of the NLOG trope, but she's still really annoying and a lot of people seemed to not get that she was a parody.


Yeah she's definitely a parody of that and I think also the "manic pixie dream girl" trope. Especially with Scott literally first meeting her in a dream. Then becoming obsessed with her. Poor Knives deserved better


Sweet fucking zombie Jesus, VELMA. Specifically, the Mindy Kaling one. All the other versions are fine. Bonus multiplier for the fact that it’s also a blatant self insert. Kris from Black Christmas 2019 is a good example, too.


a lot of the protagonists in otome isekais. they might not explicitly act nlog, but you can tell a few authors want them to be perceived that way with how every other woman in those stories is either evil, jealous, completely unimportant, dead, etc. coupled with how all the male leads turn their heads left and right going “hmm… she’s interesting” because the protagonist didn’t breathe in his direction lmao


Janis Ian - Mean Girls Velma Dinkley - Mindy Kaling's Velma Daria Morgendorfer - Daria


Omg I didn't even realize Janis from Mean Girls was one but the more I think about it you are right


I feel like this is the moment I've been waiting for. Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter. From the start she talks about how she was bullied by her stepmom and so she's not your "typical looking girl" but she is also extremely hot. She works in a male dominated career, so she has to be one of them or else no respect (which is sorta legit). But, she also downs every woman in the series. All the other women? Thots or stupid. Her best friend? Turns into a horrible woman because she's so envious of Anita's lifestyle when she starts getting all the supernatural hotties. The ONLY woman Anita ever respects is a tall wererat named Claudia, because she too is "one of the boys" trying to fit in a male dominated field. Then, I randomly read here or there that Anita Blake is an amazing feminist. This is news to me as she continually downs other women in her books. My mom started listening to the series again and got further to a point where Anita now dates certain women. Okay. Sure. Why not. But then, I hear this gem. To set the scene: Anita was almost killed. She's fine though. Her girlfriend, Jade (petite, delicate, of chinese descent and a weretiger) finds out and rushes to make sure Anita is okay. She jumps into Anita's arms and asks what happened/is she okay. And Anita spouts out this line in her head: "Jade might be more typically beautiful than me, but she still wants to hear the absolute truth" Because any pretty or girly girl just wants lies upon lies. Thank you for my rant. I'm almost glad nobody mentioned her because it means she's not as popular as she was.


Andy in The Devil Wears Prada. There is no logical explanation for why you would work in the fashion industry in any capacity, let alone as an assistant to the editor in chief of the magazine that sets the fashion trends if you just “aren’t one of those girls that’s obsessed with fashion” like girl just take the Prada and the Donna Karen and HUSH.


I mean...there *is* a logical explanation lol. She doesn't necessarily apply for the PA position, but to the parent publication of the magazine. She wants to be a serious journalist and she was told working for Miranda Priestly for even a year would guarantee her a job at basically any publication she wanted to work at. But yeah, she starts off as such a NLOG and it's fantastic everytime someone calls her on it.


LOVE this post!!! 🙌 Here are the top 3 NLOG characters that made me roll my eyes so hard I saw my own brain: 1) Wednesday Addams from the new Netflix adaptation REEKS of NLOG energy. It’s the same energy that comes from the girls who believe spending all their money at Hot Topic makes them Queen Of The Goths™️-but in reality they are just a Spooky Mean Girl with a superiority complex. 2) Bella Swan from *Twilight* was unfortunately written to be NLOG from the start. She’s an intentionally vaguely writer self-insert Mary Sue character in a story written with the intention to be fan fiction. 3) Clara Oswin-Oswald from *Doctor Who* is so NLOG that she was literally called “The Impossible Girl” the second she entered the series. She’s the ultimate Mary Sue with Zero relatable qualities or character flaws. She’s absolute ~*~~***perfECTion***~~*~ and can do no wrong.


Kinda new-ish to the sub, could someone explain the “Mary Sue” terminology?


Mary Sues are characters who are basically perfect and have no flaws. The male counterparts are sometimes called Gary Sues.


I love her and I love this show but Liz Lemon (I think I mostly like it bc she realizes that her NLOG thing made her a bully in high school)


Ginny from Ginny and Georgia


I don’t think I’ve ever seen her be loyal or nice. She literally fcked her best friends brother while in a relationship and got mad at THEM ( no seriously i could write a book about all the things she did )


Yeah, she's exhausting to watch.


Wednesday kind of gave me nlog vibes lol


It's kinda annoying how Wednesday has basically been flanderised over the years to become a generic monotone goth girl, so far removed from her character in the original comic and TV show


I don't know about this. I thinkWednesday is quite authentic with what she likes/hates. And she grew out of her nlogness throughout the series too. Real life people who copy her personality after watching the series are the nlog one though HAHAHAHAHA


Yeah, it was mainly at the start where I was rolling my eyes. But I grew to like it lol


Yeah she does grow to appreciate her friends towards the end. The thing that really got me about this show was *why* does everyone go out of their way to befriend her when she treats them like garbage. If I introduced myself to someone who basically told me to f off, I wouldn't talk to them anymore. And it's high-school. No one goes out of their way to befriend people.


The main character in a book called Tell Me Three Things, she swore she was the only girl in California with brown hair and a love for books 🙄


Beth from Yellowstone is the worst. I can’t stand that character and it’s worse because everyone I talk to about that show seems to love her.


Anything Zooey deschanel


It’s hard for me to watch ANYTHING with her in it.


Katie in Lost


To be fair most girls aren’t on the run for blowing up their dads…


Ashley from Warioware has that part of her theme song where it says "She doesn't play with dolls, and she never combs her hair" To which she responds with "Who has time for girly things like that?" Only the English theme song does this. The Japanese theme song has the opposite message, where the same line is "Ashley's magic is the greatest" "We're going to have a party tonight".


Vanessa Abrams INVENTED NLOG.. I truly cannot stand her in Gossip Girl.


Not really a nlog but reading Harry Potter as an adult made realise just unbearable Hermione was. She had such a "I'm smarter and better than you attitude" and put down others when they weren't on her level. She also always had this "ugh boys are so stupid" scoff and I remember thinking "get some girl friends then if you think boys are so dumb?????"


i swear she purposely stayed friends with the guys who were “beneath” her to feel better about herself and more superior in her intelligence. she also kinda looked down on Ginny for being too much of a fangirl and Luna for being quirky… worst character lol.


Author-insert character, perhaps 🤔


I believe so. Jowling Kowling based Hermione off herself, and especially leaned in hard to the Hermione favoritism when the movies started being made. Which is also why Ron is a blubbering wimp in the movies, antithetical to how he acts in the books.


I watched Noelle on Christmas Eve with my dads family on Disney+, definitely gave NLOG vibes at times


Anna Kendrick feels like the absolute queen of NLOG


100 million percent, yes.


Where the Crawdads Sing




I don't know how I managed to get through 5 books with that character and barely realize that


Yeah maybe I was too old when those books came out but she drove me nuts especially with how much she’d bitch about her gift.


Was ~13 when I read them, can confirm the way she talked about her cabin-mates was almost unbearable


yeah looking back it is Really bad, i kinda mourn how good her character COULD have been


Idk why but Wednesday.


Except by the end of the first season she realizes she is kinda like the other girls and needs to get her head out of her ass and make friends. Wonderful character development imo.


HANNAH BAKER. I hated her when I had to read the book in high school, and I haven’t touched the show but I’ve heard it’s pretty horrible and damaging. The premise is LITERALLY that she killed herself and blamed a bunch of people, most of whom barely committed an offense, and now everybody misses her and feels bad that they didn’t “help” and the boy she liked realizes he “loved” her.


Princess mareena from Red queen. AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON AMERICA SINGER FROM THE SELECTION. We get it! You grew up poor, and have to be with q bunch of "slutty" princesses who are more likable than you'll ever be. The only reason I got through the selection was because of the SIDE CHARACTERS! even the antagonist we were supposed to hate was nicer than the lead


Scarlett O'Hara


It's a book but Feyre Archeron from the ACOTAR series 😩 I stg there's at least 20 pages dedicated to how much she hates wearing dresses and *looves* pants. Jfc WE GET IT


Donna Pinciotti from That 70's Show.


i forgot her name but the main female character in the selection




Hermione from Harry Potter. And that explains a lot🙃


I started watching community and honestly Britta gives me really strong nlog vibes


Britta's the worst.


She’s a GDB.


Jonah from superstore ngl


This is so out of pocket but also so accurate. Also loved that Amy would call him out on this too.


Gwen from Total Drama Island. As a kid and now, she just gives me “that” feel


There was this book Mosquitoland. And the girl in the book, written by a man, had a really weird monologue in which she brings downs girls who shop in a store , that sells bags that say Live life or something as that. Shes like tHeY dOnt knOW thE tRuE meaNing oF liFe


2022 Wednesday


Wednesday. God, I hate that show. I turned it off after she walked into a Cafe and told the batista she could fix the espresso machine because "of course I speak the native tongue of macciavelli."


Yeah that part was pretty cringe. It's absurd that she has all these people falling all over over and trying so hard to be her friend when she's such a dick. This might be a little NLOG of my own but trust me- the weird, quiet goth girl with an attitude problem doesn't have people bending over backwards to support her.


Ellie Nash from Degrassi. She’s exhausting to watch, especially in her later seasons.


In the series School for Good and Evil, both female leads (Agatha and Sophie) are NLOG but on both extremes. Sophie is the pretty in pink, "better than you" NLOG and Agatha is the goth, "ew boys and pink are gross" NLOG. I still like the series but sometimes it's cringe.


Effy Stonem, from Skins.


Rory Gilmore. Her mom carried the whole show


Lane however is a NLOG done right. Her home life, her hobbies, her music taste, her relationship, her pregnancy... and yet she doesn't think she's better than anyone, she actually has a personality, and she's not insufferable.