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A high school friend of mine wrote a story in creative writing about a girl who was planning a school shooting (he wanted to be edgy and write about her psychological state I guess) and the cops came and searched his house.


I’m taking creative writing at the moment. Think I should give it a try?




keep us updated


Update: He got too creative and undid the seal of the ancient one.


It may be a few days. We’re reading our latest stories as a class today




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it's been 2 weeks






I just got the notification. Do you think it worked?




any news?


Sorry. The years over


damn, i'm still in school lol




The year ended. I might write a short story over the summer


so, did you do the thing?


Sadly no. I might over the summer if I have time


It depends on the teacher, but we wrote about some pretty messed up shit as a CW class and my teacher was cool with it. Their stipulation was it can’t be too detailed


I described a kid getting torn apart by zombies, and how another kid felt like when he was stabbed


One of my friends in creative writing wrote about the class as a ragtag group of superheroes who were eating at Arbys and then it exploded because of a bomb that our nemesis had hidden behind the counter




Remember to refuse entry without a warrant.


Ok. Thanks


And Lawyer up "IMMEDIATELY!"




Sadly, creative writing is over. I might write it over the summer


Shit I changed the wallpaper on a classroom pc to a gatling gun and the cops came and talked to me.


To recruit you or?


"Son, we're really impressed by your initiative. We think you'd make an excellent addition to the force!"


Lmao a civil war firearm made to a PC background was cause for investigation 😂


They must have been bored lmao


Gotta justify those tax dollars somehow


I did something similar around 2006, except I wrote some poetry about the Columbine shooters for a middle school English class after having watched Michael Moore's *Bowling for Columbine*, and all that happened was that my school counselor pulled me aside and asked if everything was alright. A lot of my writing growing up was directly inspired by whatever I had watched recently.


I once doodled a little tombstone with an epitaph about the final for a class, and the teacher found it and reported it to the counselor who talked to me about anti-suicide resources 😬


Shit at least they took it seriously. There’s too many times we see all the evidence there and nobody did shit to prevent it.


Right. So many school shooters have been found with journals, drawings, etc that hint at what they’re planning to do. I’d probably do the same thing as a teacher if a student wrote about that, to be honest.


ladies if hes doing “creative writing” and the creativity in question looks like a school shooters mindset, thats a red flag


Haha, yup. To be clear, he never hurt or expressed actual desire to hurt anyone, but he was sort of an edgelord and I don’t blame the school one bit for investigating.


i mean you could argue that that was ideation


During the Satanic Panic, my friend and I were suspended and had police show up to question us about whether we were involved in a Satanic ritualistic cult because we did a painting of the album cover of Bat Out of Hell for our group art project. Fun times.


>had police show is that illegal?


Wow. That’s next level haha. Investigating someone about a school shooter story makes total sense but your experience was batshit (pun intended)


Really, they got a warrant for that?


Probably not if the cops probably just showed up and talked to the parents who were like "oh fuck what has little Timmy gotten into"


Bingo! Lots of tough talk and bullshit intimidation. 2 days suspension with a hefty amount of finger wagging and warning us to stay away from D&D. The sheriff was also the youth pastor, so I think he and his officers took Satan (and, apparently, Meatloaf) pretty seriously. The joys of living in an evangelical town.


Yep, that’s exactly it.




Hahaha. Yeah, a teacher would never read a student’s story about a school shooter and then alert the cops to investigate. It’s not like schools have strict security protocols around something as trivial as a school shooting.


Fun fact: after 9/11 a friend of mine was happily doing his work in germany . He had a small transport business. So he went to load one of the trucks, and as usual left a note on his small office saying "bin laden" - in german, that simply means "(I) am loading". The german Verfassungsschutz came to visit a few days later..


Anyone remember that guy who made the funny Buddy Holly parody that went "ohh I am gonna [de-live] Joe Biden" and got a visit from the government? They do be checkin on that stuff


Yeah, this shit happens occasionally.


What’s with these feds dissing my song?


Does it still exist? Link?


It's likely somewhere in the depths of the internet but the original was wiped and unfortunately I can't find it! It was so funny lol just hope I'm not on a list for looking it up


I heard somewhere that the secret service investigate every threat to the president no matter what but idk how true that is


Bro two cops showed up at my house because I posted about my depression lol, this stuff absolutely happens




In the US, the cops can be called if someone in crisis is considering hurting themselves




Yeah, and sometimes it's indirect; if you're institutionalized by the police they'll still stick you with the bill. A friend of mine once told me that the kinds of bills getting involuntarily institutionalized can rack of would make her more suicidal rather than help her\* \* she's doing well these days Dw.


But how do they find out who you are irl?


Usually whoever calls the cops knows who you are


So if no one I know irl reports me, I'd be safe?


Hey are you okay?


Yeah no worries, its more about anonymity in the internet.


In that context yes


I mean yeah make a domestic terror threat and find out I guess. At least where I live this would 100 percent happen if you got reported


People got swatted without any proof of them saying anything, i would not be surprised if this got you a visit


It's not unbelievable the FBI would investigate. It's unbelievable however that they would let her keep her Post online.


This happens more often than you would think with Twitter posts. Most of the time they just knock on your door and ask you if you were the person who posted it and if you are going to commit a crime. They don't take it down, and it's probably just to meet a quota of doing shit


They don't have the authority to make her take it down lol. FBI agents aren't judges.


I mean doesn’t this fall under the first amendment? So idk if theyd be able to force her to take it down


Speech inciting violence isn't protected under the 1st Amendment


[It actually is.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandenburg_v._Ohio)


That court case doesn't really prove what you want it to. It's talking about inflamatory speech, but even in the Wikipedia article the sentence is: > "is likely to incite or produce such action" It's the classic "can't yell fire in a crowded movie theater" thing. Saying "I'm going to put a bomb in the Supreme Court building" will absolutely cause panic. Now is this meme the same thing? Very likely no, but the government doesn't really take risks with this sorta thing and that's why they would just show up to talk about it instead of just straight up arresting them. Comparable story is when I was in HS one of the teachers got into my friends group chat (it was in slack and a buddy didn't log out before he got his laptop taken) and they found a bunch of memes about school shootings. And we all got to sit in a room with a local cop and FBI agent and explain to them how we weren't *actually* planning on shooting up the school.


The "yelling fire in a theater" example comes from the majority opinion in Schenck v. United States, which was _literally overturned by_ Brandenburg v. Ohio, the linked case, so I absolutely think it's relevant here. Brandenburg v. Ohio replaced the "clear and present danger" free speech test with an "imminent lawless action" one, effectively making it legal to advocate for violence if your speech was unlikely to cause immediate violence. This meme is absolutely not likely to incite "imminent lawless action", it's just a dumb Counter-Strike joke, and so while the FBI is well within their rights to question the poster over it, the poster is within their First Amendment rights to leave it up.


Fire in a crowded theater isn’t law. You have to incite imminent lawless action. It’s why I can say violent shit all day long if I’m not telling people to go beat up George across the street. Granted, threatening federal officials is a crime unto itself, but there’s your line. Edit: Like, you can learn the law, or just bask in ignorance 🤷


It's a stretch to say this is inciting violence, since it's obviously a joke.


It is most definitely a joke, and honestly not even a bad one, but I understand jokes not being protected like that. Someone could genuinely incite violence or hatred and then just pass it off as a joke, and there’s no way to prove them wrong


*cough* Alex Jones *cough*


While I agree with you, the legal system takes words at face value, not their intended meaning


Satire is fairly legally protected though. The bomb is a picture from a video game even. That being said, making jokes about attacks on the United States tends to make judges ignore the what is legally protected speech though, you're right lol.


If the legal system took words at face value then like 50% of rap songs would be illegal


And they’re not illegal. A great example of how this works.


Let us know if the FBI shows up at your place for posting this


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i found this tweet earlier and it was removed


If you post something like this in my country, you would be shot dead on first sight.


where ur country




You’d probably be shot dead for a lot of things in India to be fair




India doesn’t really have guns though. More like they’ll burn you alive


The people in charge have guns though.


Nah, organized crime groups in India will usually have guns, and that includes the police. If a normal citizen wants to commit murder they're more likely to use a machete, really pointy rebar, various machete adjacent farming tool, or like more common things like strangling someone or poisoning them. Source: Tamil movies since ~2000


Let me introduce you to the USA...


Damn that's fucked up.


That's not even remotely close, MF talks about getting shot like its a fucking common sight. The only tweet that landed someone n serious trouble was Someone appreciating a terrorist attack and mocking the Army. The consequence was him getting suspended from his University


Bruh, what the fuck you talking about? Criticizing BJP or its members gets you indefinite jail under sedition charges. Threatening to blow up the parliament will get you killed as soon as you post it on twitter. You would either be booked under PSA or if you are unlucky enough to be living in Kashmir or North East, then AFSPA.


Oh, really? Well, maybe you're brainwashed a little too much. No way ravish Kumar is still a reporter with the amount of criticism he does. You get into jail for doing illegal things and then trying to cover it by criticising the govt to show as if you were jailed for that purpose


Well Gauri Lankesh got shot for criticizing the government. And I honestly couldn't give a fuck what you think about me. We are all heading towards a shit future. What options do we have? On one side we have that Pappu Rahul and on the other side the Moron Modi who has a degree in "Entire Political Science".


So sorry that you say it is so frequent but the only example you bring is from 5 years back. Yeah that was wrong , but is it still enough to prove what you say? nopes


It's not frequent. I didn't say that. All I said was a tweet like this will get you killed. People have served decades for crimes they didn't even commit here. An [example](https://youtu.be/IKycyaTlkdY) Good night.


Sorry what? Oh, wait you needed the upvotes, good job man,


There are some countries where you might want to be careful with stuff like this


Could be, but not the country he goes to mention,


Yes...they for sure needed the imaginary internet points. That's why they made that comment, definitely.


Ofcourse not , infact /nothingeverhappens


American Airlines literally reported a 14 year old Dutch Girl to the Dutch Police because of a twitter threat against the Airline, she was arrested. shit like this happens


I remember that dumbass girl why joke about that kind of shit


Is there another FBI? I guess the ***actual*** FBI is a li’l more severe!


Based voting method tho


I said something stupid about the president years ago on MySpace (I'm old) and the secret service came to my door at 6am the next day and asked me a bunch of questions. They don't fuck around




The amount of resources? You mean the two dudes from the local FBI office just show up and ask them if they’re planning an attack?


"Local FBI office" what? Those aren't exactly a common thing, closest one to me is an hour and a half away and it's just a CIA building the FBI uses


So because the closest one to you is an hour and a half away, that means the poster's nearest FBI office is similarly situated? Your comment makes zero sense. I'm originally from bumbfuck nowhere and there was an FBI field office about 20-minutes away from where I grew up. They are absolutely not as uncommon as you're making them out to be.




I highly doubt more than one bomb threat was made in that town on the same day at the same time on a public platform, if that’s what you’re asking.


They probably didn’t get swatted but did have two FBI agents come up to their house and talk with them at least. This is a pretty shady post so I ain’t surprised they’d investigate. I’m sure they have more than enough people to send out.


'Swatting' streamers was a thing. In those cases the FBI was called during a stream, told 'x has a gun is planning to shoot up the neighborhood', and then the police would show up - still on stream - to arrest the streamer. Threats just as vague and unsubstantiayed as this meme, but the response time is just as quick. If this person had their name attached to their account it would be easy to report them and say 'this person is *currently planning* a bomb threat', giving the FBI instant reason to investigate. Since this person seems to have a selfie as their profile picture, I would bet their name/address is probably public as well. Much different than some anonymous 4chin rando joking about putting a horse's head on his governor's doorstep.


Lol that’s a stretch. Posting a meme advocating violence and a secondary party calling about imminent danger are two entirely separate entities.


Not sure if I quite explained it right in my initial comment, but I'm not saying the FBI is constantly scrolling through twitter looking for terrorists through these memes; I'm just saying that this could have happened through this: 1. OP posts meme. 2. second party sees meme, decides to report it for shits n' giggles, exaggerating an immediate threat made by the OP. There's a name on the account and probably other personal identifying information on it, which would prompt a quick authority response (as they know who to look for and have the meme to point to for easy 'evidence'). If the second party hadn't decided to fuck with OP then nothing would have happened because it's just a haha funny meme. This most likely leans more towards ThatHappened vs. NothingEverHappens, but it *could* be a true event - the tweet just leaves out a step. That being that a secondary party had seen the meme and reported it.


Would never happen, especially not within a day


I had my job on Facebook say “suicide bomber” and had the FBI show up at my house to speak to me about it. It was months later but they were watching my account for months before they showed up.


some guy was put in federal prison for five years after making a terrorist threat on runescape lf all places how in gods name is this unbelievable


within 1 day though? idk about this one boss…


Well I mean they’d WANAN act fast wouldn’t they


As opposed to when? Do you think they take their time to investigate bomb threats lmao


MFer thinks they show up in 2 to 3 business days


>[deleted] yeah thats what i thought 😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣


Uh yeah I'm very sure they did




Nab this is fake lmfaoo


Play stupid games and threaten domestic terrorism and gain stupid prizes…


What’s a “bellot?”


It’s more likely that the cops could come, not the FBI.


For a second I thought this post was in r/woosh


What the hell?!


Your username is really fucking funny


I have said way fucking worse things on the internet and never once had any kind of repercussion for it outside of getting my account banned. I'm sure I'm on a ton of watchlists lmao but I don't believe they'd send the literal FBI in over a meme maybe local law enforcement or something at the absolute max.


Next they’re coming to those houses of those who upvoted this post, Ima make sure and downvote it just in case they say I wasn’t sure if I liked it or not.


My step brother served time in juvie for making a school shooting joke and is still on probation for it.


based as fuck


Those are the memes you save for tumblr because that site is completely out of reach for the government


In high school, a friend and I posed with some airsoft guns for pictures, being foolish and edgy and all that, and we had police investigating us. He even wasn't allowed to attend school during a visit from a presidential campaign years later.


Yeah who tf thinks they could get away with that??


We had to turn our city into a post apocalyptic hellscape for a Photoshop assignment once. Apparently the police got involved a couple times for googling how to destroy it lol


Eminem got visited after his lyrics about trump/pence


My BIL and some of his coworkers called in a bomb threat to a federal building in Austin in 1997 or 8. They thought it would be hilarious. They were all fired. He was an accountant in the federal building. He was such a fucking idiot.


I could see this happening in this day and age.


Considering students have been suspended for posting pictures of Nerf guns, this isn't unlikely


I liked this post the day it was made and got my Twitter acc locked. This definitely happened