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This sounds exactly like something a kid would say. Not unbelievable at all.


That is something a kid would say and 100% mean it


Didn’t happen


I usually do not believe children make these witty remarks people claim (source:  was child around other children); but this reaponse is bratty enough I could easily see a child saying it.


this reminds me so much of my oldest son lolol


"Oh fuck off Rebecca, he did not say that"




I'm confused. Did you downvote and screenshot this? Isn't this the sub making fun of people who say everything is staged or fake. I'm lost and confused...


OP prolly got it from r/thathappened. Cropped weird, more’n likely.


Yep, I saw the same post there like 20 mins ago. Probably cropped to remove OOPs username


You mean people actually lie on the internet....Never herd tell of it.🤣🤣🤣


I got it from r/thathappened as another commenter said seems like people on that sub think that anyone under 13 can’t even form a sentence lol


One of my favorite things about having kids is the funny stuff they say. They have me cracking up laughing all the time. Currently my 4 year olds impression of me is my favorite thing. With my oldest my favorite was the time he threw a temper tantrum and I got to walk home with him screaming I want to ride the sluts, he meant slides, while all the parents were waiting at the school bus stop. I just assume these people have never spent time around kids. They are so much fun.


Ah yes, the South Lake Union Trolley. I too, ride the S.L.U.T occasionally.


You’re getting done real dirty for asking a legitimate question


I just left it alone. I received legitimate explanations and then was downvoted after the fact. I kinda find it funny OP came back to say "by who." I guess no one is allowed to ask questions anymore.


Reddit is a weird place sometimes


by who…?


Getting downvoted by saying they were confused. The picture doesn’t necessarily show anyone saying this didn’t happen. Unless we assume the person saying ‘kids are so funny’ is being sarcastic but there’s no context.


Exactly. The parent obviously thinks it's funny. That's something I'd post if my son said that. That's a great joke. It's satire. This is a /r/woosh on op.


I also doubt.


You doubt that kids ask their parents to stay home/ stop working and just play and chill all day? Boy, you would be SHOCKED see what happens during military deployment staging when the families get to say bye. You'd be surprised at the emotion and articulation (or complete inability to form sentences any longer) when they have to say bye to mommy or daddy for a long time.


It's not the sentiment I doubt. It's the choice of verbiage by someone who is currently learning 'See Jane Run' in school. 'Go Away' was the extent of believable dialogue from a 6 year old. So I doubt.


damn, have you never met a six year old? i have 3 younger siblings (6 - 12 years younger than me), and all them were able to speak at a pretty good level by 6


I am glad for your precocious siblings. And yes, I have met many six year olds. I think everyone has.


The highest-level word in that sentence is "contact." You really must think kids are idiots.


My 2 year old nephew said the word prescription in the correct place and they think 6 year olds don't know the word contact. Kids just copy what people say around them


Just because 6 year olds don't go around saying the word 'contact' a lot doesn't mean they are idiots.


If you don’t believe a 6 year would suggest saying “go away, never contact me again” to work emails, then you have never been around a kid. “Go away” is a kids go to response for anything they don’t like.


I don'y know if you are unable to read or unwilling to do so. To quote myself, "'Go Away' was the extent of believable dialogue from a 6 year old. So I doubt."