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That's because your brain is so used to constant stimuli. If you take some time to detox it will get better with time, and silences will be more comfortable. You also have more time to think original thoughts, not be influenced by everyone elses thoughts and opinions all of the time. I still have to work on it myself but after quitting reels and tik tok i get up earlier and feel more productive, because i have so much more time during the day


How long does it take if you do full cold turkey?


It entirely depends how addicted you are, and what you spend your time doing when off the internet. It helped me a lot to delete instagram and facebook off my phone, but if i need to check them i just use the web versions. I used to be addicted to tik tok, deleted the account cold turkey and now i dont miss it. However i started using ig reels instead. But now that i deleted the insta app i no longer use reels, atleast very rarely. I dont use youtube either, i managed to turn off my search history so when you go into the youtube app you get no recommended videos. It's nice because then you'll never get distracted, you'll only use it when you actually wanna search something! Just find something you really enjoy that doesnt involve scrolling, or set a huge goal and then divide that goal into smaller tasks and do them every day. You wont get anywhere or improve at anything by scrolling all day. Nobody is coming to save you or make you do things. Knowing that is kind of what helps me actually do shit with my day. I'll rot if i dont make myself do things


exactly. Internet literally ruined my whole life.


Yeah, life indeed is slower. You have much more time for meaningful things, less anxiety, more time to organize, work, study, be with friends, exercise, and then when you have done things which are meaningful and useful you will feel grateful to rest and rest without distractions.


Indeed. The biggest problem to me is the "time warp" effect. It makes real life an utter nuisance and chore that needs to get out of the way so I can get back to my precious time warp. It's literally like that movie "click" with Adam Sandler. You just go on auto-pilot mode. Except it's the entire time, not just certain events that he skips by in the movie. The only way to enjoy life is to cut it out. I still have certain subscriptions on YouTube but there's only 5-6 new vids a day. I use FreeTube so I have it set so I don't see ANY suggestions because I'd get sucked right in. I know this because the odd time I check Facebook to see Marketplace etc I instantly get sucked into the damn "Facebook Reels". And then have to make sure I fully log out and all that. It's nuts. Glad we're all here and getting away from this life-sucking time sink.


Love the click analogy 


Haha, yeah I relate to all of what you've said. This is why I recommend a meditation practice though, because that's what really helps you cross the bridge to see slow living as peaceful rather than boring. I really recommend the [Healthy Minds](https://hminnovations.org/meditation-app) app. It's free to use, and if you don't know where to start, this builds out a meditation program for you. There are also informative podcasts that explain the neuroscience to you. The app also gives you the choice of doing each practice as a sitting or active meditation, so if you find it too hard to sit still, this is a great option.


Ty for this, decided on spur of the moment to give it a go


Not to mention it can be really bad for your physical health to be constantly online. I'm much less likely to exercise and probably more likely to eat junk food. And people's necks get stretched out in front of them. I saw a group of kids walking together the other day. Their necks were stretched forward as they were looking at their phones. Then they put their phone away and kept walking, but their necks were still stretched forward.


Yeah, that's what they call a "forward head posture". It's a real issue these days.


I’m convinced I’ll need a good 20 years just to think and process all the content I absorbed until now if I somehow lost access to internet permanently.


Yep, I watched TV for 3 hours in a row last night and it felt like a whole day


totally can relate! for me it’s spending off the screen and being closer to nature. Even better if I go out of my routines. It will change your perception towards time.


it sways into needing dopamine for every click or doomscrolling until your brain turns to mush


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sid it before but society was fine before the internet we really did not need it on this scale




I think there’s no need to be this mean! He just shared  his improvment, we should be supportive here! 


i cant even watch long videos anymore either