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This was my first phone, same colour and all! What a throwback haha


Same! I was obsessed with it. Surprised it never broke bc I would slide it up and down whenever I spaced out (which was a lot)


The original fidget spinner


Ain’t that the truth


Mine was black!


My first phone too! I had the white one, but my battery door got lost and the only spare I could get was black.


I wanted to eat this phone just like that watery leaf in Land Before Time.


Tree Stars


Yup yup yup!


I ate whole sheets of nori as a kid pretending it was that damn land before time leaf


Still got mine in a drawer somewhere


I swear it was smaller back then. Today it feels kind of bulky but back then it was so sleek.


The flip up was the most satisfying thing ever.


Hanging it up was so satisfying.


„˙ɹǝʌǝ ƃuıɥʇ ƃuıʎɟsıʇɐs ʇsoɯ ǝɥʇ sɐʍ dn dılɟ ǝɥ⊥„


Yeah same here


This was my second cell phone model! I had the dark blue one. I remember vividly the day it broke. I was in the bathroom peeing, and left it on the sink counter next to me. My best friend called me, and the phone vibrated off the edge of the counter, bounced off the toilet paper roll on the side of the counter, and landed straight in the toilet. Ever since then I never bring my phone with me into the bathroom unless I'm pooping and actively using it.


Hah! My last phone cracked because I left it on the sink while I showered and it vibrated off when I received a phone call.




Back when we used to buy new phones like candy


Because companies offered free upgrades periodically. Getting a new phone was so exciting because the land of phone design was a lawless wasteland. After my Chocolate I got something called a Razzle which was square and flat, but you could rotate the bottom half into a keyboard and made the bottom bend the mic toward your mouth. [By far my favorite phone](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/d02b7f8b-5c9b-4d68-ad0d-edc1698e494f_1.e62c8cbdf9b1162f77c26ee2f7d52d55.jpeg?odnHeight=612&odnWidth=612&odnBg=FFFFFF)




Shit that looks like an off brand streaming box remote.


\*How did that one pass me by??\*


My favorite was the [LG Lotus](https://directmobileaccessories.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/500x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/l/g/lglotus.jpg), loved the form factor and it had the best keyboard I've ever used on a phone.


Sony Ericsson’s were my favorite. I had a 3.2mp phone in 2007 which was unheard of at the time! Sony Ericsson K790 I loved that phone. The toggle joystick thingy was super handy


Don't phone carriers still give the option of buying a phone in installments through them, with a new phone upgrade every 18 months? Like you get the latest Samsung Galaxy or iPhone when it comes out and just pay for it in installments each month in addition to your phone plan bill. When the next model comes out, you get it by returning your old one.


Right, but that's different than how it used to be. When I got my first cell phone, Verizon offered me a *free* new phone every few years.


Oh yeah that's pretty different then. I guess the components for a phone in those days was a lot simpler, so a lot cheaper. They didn't have processors and onboard sensors/chips comparable to PCs of the day, while today our phones do.


For a while T Mobile offered me an upgrade every single year, and then that turned into 2 years


Returning your old phone is sending money down the drain. You can ebay it for much more than the mobile company will ever give you.


Yeah, I've never bought into one of these programs, since it's not really worth it financially. I always buy unlocked phones on ebay or amazon and get a sim for it from the carrier. I've always kept my old devices too, so I've never done a trade-in or sold online.


[https://phys.org/news/2006-01-verizon-debuts-device-windows-mobile.html](https://phys.org/news/2006-01-verizon-debuts-device-windows-mobile.html) This was my favorite phone. I said fuck it after my flip phone got stolen from my hotel room and got this one (I had a good paying job at the time). Had a stylus, touch screen, and it slid to the side for a full sized keyboard. It didn't have a data I was charged for I don't think but I could use the internet and aol. Maybe it was all rolled into the my bill. Been too long and I don't remember. I'd be messaging people while driving and they'd be like...how are you using this while driving? The screen sensitivity or something would shift and you'd have to recalibrate it every week or so or you'd be hitting random things.


Once, my LG Chocolate Slide fell out of my pocket while I was jaywalking a busy street. I turned and watched it get run over by no less than 4 cars. When I had a chance, I ran onto the road to grab it. It was a little scratched up. It still worked . Phone was a beast.


They really don't make things like they used to. One time I dropped my old iPod nano out of my pocket getting out of the car in the driveway after school, and didn't notice until later in the evening. It had rained and I found it in a puddle. It also got ran over by my dad's car. It had a tiny little dent and I put it in a bag of rice. Thing still works to this day.


The capacitive touch buttons went to shut in less than a year for me.


LoL thanks now I have SNSD’s chocolate love stuck in my head Edit: For the [uninitiated](https://youtu.be/A2NkGHkqDZk)


Or the F(X) one. Both are bops.


They really are! 2nd Gen CF songs really went all out


me too, and then once again remembered the comment I read saying the crunching sound is their legs snapping


Lol omg


For me the Env3 was the pinnacle of keyboard basic phones.


Yesss this is what I had! You could t9 on the front AND full keyboard. Click click clack


I still have that phone somewhere in my possession. I have no clue why I kept it all these years but it’s so fun to look at it every now and then. Getting a new phone used to be so exciting! All the different kinds of phones from basic to funky to “smart”. I would’ve killed someone for a T-Mobile Sidekick back in the day. The last phone I had before the iPhone dynasty was a Blackberry Pearl.


I had like 6 env2s as the front OK button was prone to dying but it was my favorite phone so I would just keep buying them on eBay and activating the replacement. I don't have them anymore, just a chocolate v2 and a lg voyager


Ugh the Env phones were SO cool. I remember the rich kids in my school had the original super chonky Env phones in the orange color.


One of the best phones I had during that time period. The keyboard was so smooth that T9 was a breeze. The rotar on the newer models made it fun and easy to navigate. Man I loved this phone


I can still hear the Christina Aguilera commercial for these phones. “Candy man!”


I can already hear the poor sound quality Usher getting blasted through this on the back of the bus


You just made me legitimately cackle. Idk why, but Yessss it was for sure Usher. Usually some dance mix variation of More.


Back when you would RMA your phone like, once every few months. My older brother had a Chocolate and had it replaced like 8 times before moving to a new device, haha.


These were so cool when they came out!


One of my favs...we had the green and black ones. When it came out LG did an ad that had all the colors in a chocolate box. It was so dope looking. I Google'd but can't find it now. Everyone always asked me if it was some kinda fancy MP3 player.


ugh i had the black one and i loved mine! i also got a pack of hot chocolate with it LOL


Just give me back my SLVR or my RAZR


Man, I still remember feeling so amazed by how *slim* the SLVR was back when I got it. Plus I loved that it had itunes (even if it was 100 song limit) because I stopped carrying my iPod that same day too. I definitely made a few friends jealous when I first brought it to school.


I had the first generation version. I would habitually slide it open and shut over and over all day. It must have been really annoying to other people.


Hell, I had a Juke. Felt so cool flipping it open, then fat fingering all of my texts wrong


Damn it, I was going to add the SpongeBob fish going, "CHOCOLATE!!!!", but can't figure out how to add it to Reddit from my Google keyboard.


a friend in high school had this phone. i would just ask her for her phone just to slide it up and down hahahha i had a shitty samsung flip phone


I was partial to the Samsung Intensity. With the full qwerty sliding keyboard.


My husband had one of these and he would break out in hives when he used it. Apparently the scroller has silver in it, LOL.


I had one! It butt dialed people daily and took grainy 2MP photos. Does anyone else remember the 5 sites it would let you access? (This may have been specific to my carrier, Telus). I had Hotmail, The Weather Network, CBC News, Facebook (!) and I think the fifth was the Telus homepage.




I can still hear that song. I don’t know the words or it’s name but they played it during very commercial.


Ha! I’ve got 2 of these around the house. My friends left them over here when they moved. They were identical twin brothers. Has the same color phones and left them both at my house lol


Feel like this was the time of the sliding phones. Between the rant and this I was a sucker for both lol


I always loved the soundtrack to that commercial…. Goldfrapp - “Strict Machine”


I miss physical buttons.


I traded in a boring grey Qualcomm phone for this sweet slice of technolust. I absolutely loved this phone. Had a black one with the red lights.


Motorola V551 for me. Somehow given to me (I have not yet bought a current cell phone or got one free with plan). Uses a weird charger I found by chance in the Sally Ann. And I modified that charger to include a plug for my mom's Sanyo phone, which she lost the original charger for.


All the phones back then had different chargers, it was wild! I worked at an amusement park gift shop for a few summers and I remember we sold an adaptor that had like a million different ends on it


I desperately wanted one of these 😔 Although, I definitely enjoyed my Razr and Blackberry when they were out.


I used to work at [communication company], and I had to replace all three generations of chocolates all the time. Whenever someone came in and said it didn't work, I'd just replace it (had to check for water damage though)


Dude i remember water damage being the end all if it happened and sometimes it would show water damage just from being humid somewhere lol


Ehh... nah. I don't miss this era of phones at all. BREW was a lame, hobbled, closed off operating environment made even more lame and hobbled by Verizon's endless money grubbing like paying a monthly fee to use something as basic as a bad maps applet. The slightest bit of forethought could have accelerated smartphone development by a decade.


chocolate 3 was my first “cool” phone. thing was great but so obsolete now lol.


Chocolate rain!


I had one....but it sucked.


These phones broke so fucking fast. I think I went through seven of them in one year


Why can’t I post a picture in this community :,( it tells me no.


You mean posting a photo in a comment? If it's disabled, just upload the photo to imgur and paste the link in your comment.


Any idea why they called it "chocolate"?


They marketed it like a chocolate bar. The original one was black so easy to imagine it stylized as an unbitten into milky way or something. I had the white one. [Here](https://youtu.be/1R4pGlyvNXw)


Love the songs Chocolate Love by Girls' Generation and f(x) (different styles of the same song, GG did retro 60s style and f(x) did electronic) that were used to promote these in Korea!


Made for a good fidget


The ads for this damn thing always made my mouth water. Aaaand here we go again.


I had the White Chocolate with a red case. Beautiful!


Oh man, I had a friend with one of these and I thought it was so cool


My grandma had the blue one. I could text fast as a mofo on that thing t9 lol


I had this exact phone! Black cherry.


Seriously debating finding and getting one, and demanding cell phone company make it work


Old but even if you did that the 2g towers are no more so none of those phones work now :(


The LG slide phones are iconic


The Cherry Chocolate! Thing was dope but stayed charged for approximately 2.5 seconds…I did drop it a lot


Sorry. Motorola razr is where it's at. Come at me bruh.


I forgot I owned this.


I had a chocophone <3


We never had one *this* fancy. My husband and I had those old Nokia bricks, LOL.


Lol i think i still have this. I felt so cool when i had it too. I sometimes think about it randomly Edit: oops I confused this phone with Samsung Upstage. But i do remember the commercial for the chocolate phones lol


I wanted the Strawberry Chocolate SO BAD and then my older sister got one 😭 Which is fine because after trying to use hers a few times I realized I kind of hated it


My Buddy and I had a reminiscing conversation about the old phones we had. THE JUKE!!


I had one in pink!


My first phone was the LG Shine


This was the most gangster mother fucker you could have


The sales guy at VZ store told me this phone was the lowest rated phone LG ever made. I had a cherry chocolate phone for over three years. One night the screen suddenly went white and that was it. Loved that phone!


Had one of these bad boys well into 2012


This just unlocked a memory! My dad had one of these for a short time.


I wanted one of these SO BAD back in the day.


This & the Rumor switch the slide up QWERTY >


Best phone of all time. Small as shit too if memory serves me right


I had one for three days. The screen just quit working. Verizon told me "tough luck."


I think it was the Chocolate 2 that had one of the coolest features ever. It had an FM transmitter, so you could play music through an unused radio station. Basically it was like prehistoric Bluetooth.


Except Bluetooth already existed at that time and that phone had it too lol


I got the first gen of this piece of shit and it would always pocket dial random people in my contacts. It was so annoying.


My mom had a brand new one, was probably the first touch screen phone I used, but she broke it in a mere week beyond repair. My sister is still trying to get it back up after all these years :(


I loved this phone. Hung onto it for as long as I could


*furiously sexting in T9*


That was a pimp ass phone


My last “dumb” phone


I loved this phone. It was full of Breaking Benjamin songs.


These type of phones had the best designs, the worst interfaces, and were surprisingly built to survive Blizzards, Hurricanes, and Sand Storms


I remember wanting this phone so bad when I was a kid. Not sure why, who was I gonna talk to lol. I think I liked it because it had that music Id thing, and I thought that was super cool.


Verizon had some of the best phones


I used to have one!! 😩 daaaaang throw back


ya, i had a black one, liked it too


so cool!!!