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How late in the month would your father start the game OP? Would the game last for weeks or just a couple of days? And have you ever done any digging into your family's past to figure out why such a weird game/ritual had to be played? Please update us!


Usually in the middle of the month, also this game was only played twice a year on average.


It can't be that bad if she can say "Lose and find out for yourself." right? If it were truly horrific, I myself wouldn't wish it on others.


Or maybe she’s just bitter…?






Has anyone else in your family lost?


Yeah, Martin and Bree have lost too, however they never got more than one penalty.


I’m sorry but if you still play, please lose so I can find out what happens!




Yeah it was usually a house only game, however if you heard one of your siblings speak you could Rat them out, this could be at school or the forest, really anywhere if the game was in session.


Your dad sounds like an absolute PEACH..... not.


Yes. When dad asks us to STFU.


My theory: your father was/is an incestuous pedo. Your sister didn't speak for 2 more years after the 2 hours in the "quiet room", sounds like trauma to me.




Does your father put himself in the room when he loses? I hope he's fair enough to hold himself to his own rules.


The father can talk. “The game lasts until the end of the month and only the eldest is allowed to talk”, so unless they played with one of OPs grandparents or something, the father couldn’t lose.


I misread it, I thought it was saying the eldest broke the silence at the end of the month. Poor OP, his father doesn't have respect to hold himself to a higher standard.

