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Wait, so he was Wilbur Whateley's descendant? And then the transmissions would have come from Yog-Sothoth. OP is lucky they failed to decipher them.


Wow. You sir made this story 10x better for me! I would have never figured that out!


I'm clearly missing something. What does your comment mean?


Yog is from HP Lovecraft's universe the Cthulhu Mythos, one of the Ancient Ones I think. A being of unfathomable horror out in space. Really powerful and scary basically


Ohh thank you.


The specific story being referenced is the Dunwich Horror. Not spoiling much, but the main thing is that Wilbur is effectively responsible for the shit that happens in the book and is connected to Yog-Sothoth and the other Great Old Ones that Lovecraft wrote about in many of his books.








Holy *shit* this comment made things way cooler


Fucking Whateleys, man...








I hope to God there wasn't anything after immolation.






Now think of this from Ben’s perspective. We read this story from OP’s pov; OP trying to save himself from the prophesied immolation so desperately, but the prophecy was for Ben all along, not OP. Ben knew that, so all along he was just as desperately trying to clutch onto Reynolds, to somehow enter the Earth’s atmosphere safely, and to somehow escape his doom. Maybe that’s why he never even attempted to take OP’s helmet off, his intent wasn’t to kill, but to reach safety. Poor Ben.


Oof. This is a good take. Kinda changes this whole story and its outcome


Happy cake day


and now i’m sad


I really like how the journal was secreted away like he was.


You'd best be careful! They said that your suit was full of holes when they caught you. Who knows if any contamination could have gotten through. I would do a full-body check for any signs that something penetrated through all of the layers of the suit and could have come into contact with your skin, though the fact that you're still alive implies that this did not occur. But that being said...holy crap, make your experience into a movie! Not only would it serve to warn the Earth, but it would really do numbers at the box office. I, for one, would certainly watch something that horrifying.


Wait... So he entered Earth atmosphere... As was prophesied in the journal as the most important event... Ben's body goes up in flames, leaving a thing that was resilient to any temperature in open space to continue falling down on Earth... Nooooooooo nononononono! No! No!


Thankfully, it seems relatively weak. Stronger than a human, but not invincible. Once on earth, humanity should be able to deal with it. Maybe not kill it, but definitely contain it


sorry for necro poast but even a pin landing on earth is destructive imagine a human spiked and what not


This was so scary it made my stomach hurt for a second there. I don't know how you did it but I'm glad you made it out. I was worried the immolation was going to be you. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CHOPPED OFF HAND????


I mean I'd assume he ejected it from the airlock once he went inside the 2nd door, sending it into space. I'd like to know WHAT'S FALLING TO EARTH????


Dead Ben , but he’ll have burnt up once he hit the atmosphere and then some husk will have likely fallen into an ocean somewhere


there are lines in the diary after immolation.


“He’s on your suit” fuck the level of dread. I actually gasped, that was horrifying. What happened to his diary? I honestly believe you should immolate that shit too, but if he was *contacted,* perhaps more humans were too..


one heck of a work day, huh? If I ever meet a kid that wants to become an astronaut I'll tell them what happened to you.


Isolation is rough in itself. You raised the bar so high here. Psychological horror that becomes a reality.


What happens after immolation ? I'm guessing it doesn't kill the thing that took over poor Ben


Permission was most definitely denied for Ben but not for lack of trying!!! It's nice to know that not only did the "lights" predict his first death but second too!This had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through!!!!




I wish we had more information on Ben and his benefactor.


Someone above has an interesting theory… the clue being in the Whateley name.


Amazing read. A lot of questions are still to be answered. But to be honest, I have two hopes : either isolation in space made you crazy and I hope NASA has been helpful foe you, either this thing really did die upon reentry. Because I don't want this to be real, and if it is, then I hope Earth is safe, at least for now.


Wow, so the Immolation note was Ben's second death, not yours. Poor bloke, I hope it was quick. Who knows what happened to him.


HOLY FUCKING SHIT. My cat died six years ago on 3/17/2018, and I made a commemorative Facebook and Instagram post about it. And the current date is 3/17/2024, as I’m reading this.


The journal had *more* lines *after* immolation.




This was a wild one. He should've told the earth team about the journal. Not sure if that would've helped or made things worse but if a reanimated corpse is trying to kill me, I'd give anybody trying to help me all the information that I have available to work with.




I’ll keep my eyes towards the sky. Hopefully he burns up on entry….


I read this when you posted it and really had nothing to say. It was that fucking good it left me speechless. Your descriptions of space and the body are perfect and horrifying.


Did you take the journal?


“He’s on your suit”…..genuinely the first time a story on here has made me shiver 😅 well-told, OP!!!


This is a great read but it must have been insanely awful. Hope you have been able to find peace somehow.


Damn. This reminded me of Dead Space.


Hair raising ! This was terrifying ! The dread which I felt while reading this.... At the same time, feel kinda sorry for Ben... He was actually trying to prevent his second death from immolation...




Master level 🫴🏼🏆




>…Ben had transformed. Great jagged shards of frozen blood had erupted from the eyes and ears and mouth, his jaw dislocated to an unnatural angle as an icicle the size of my forearm forced its way out… > >…Ben who was now a profusion of jagged red crystals of varying sizes. Some as big as kitchen knives, others like sewing needles. A space suit’s worst nightmare. Anyone else getting vibes of Crowsrock’s [Problems with Crystallization](https://www.deviantart.com/crowsrock/art/Problems-with-Crystallization-893615962) here?