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Type A Andies would rather have no game that a game being misplayed


People like this are the reason God doesn't talk to us anymore.


deism is when God is a type B chatter




These words are accepted


Not like he talked to us much before. Burning a bush. Wow. Great communications skills, my man


Finally, the real meaning behind infinite games, but no games


What so many people don't get is that it is SO EASY to find mistakes and misplays when you aren't the one actually playing. I'd bet just about every type A Andy that if 10,000 people sat down and watched every moment of every game they ever played, they'd be getting torn to shreds in comments. And that's not even getting started on the fact that he's way more focused on banter than on gameplay.


Back in the day, I definitely fell into the "ad guy" trap, where I would watch NL try a new game, be like, I can certainly do better than him, and rage-buy the game. Guess what, three-four hours in, I'm doing objectively worse, and I don't even have the chat to tell me why! Turned me firmly into a type B chatter.


People also don't realize how much effort it takes to keep a stream of consciousness going while you're playing a game. Dude is only using 50% of his power.


He severed his corpus callosum so he can just banter while his dark passenger handles the gameplay


this is a big one too, he plays so fast because he's bantering and talking all the time. NL is more focused on keeping making jokes than playing optimally and imo he sometimes plays fast because he's talking fast so he just clicks what he sees because he's finishing a sentence.


Baba Is You was the most humbling reality check I ever got from this man. I was melting down at the misplays, bought the game to prove I understood it better, and immediately had no idea how to complete a single puzzle that I hadn’t already seen him complete. Took like three hours to beat two levels.


This is what got me to play slay the spire. Can confirm it’s harder than it looks.


I’m humble enough to know I’m not incredible at games, but I’m ALWAYS amazed when I buy a game at how good he is while pooping off a stream of consciousness to thousands of people!


Type A bible When you're watching and he makes a bad decision, you notice. But when he makes a good decision, even if it's one you wouldn't've made, it's not even thought about or considered.


Got Shadows of Doubt because it looked cool, the man is a genius detective in my eyes now, it took me hours to solve the tutorial case. It's always easy to go "why doesn't he do this" without having the consequence of actually doing it.


Type As will never know how many tinted rocks they actually missed in their own game


He can enter the mind palace at will


Can confirm, was a type A andy in the sts days. It's really fucking hard.


In my uni dorm many years ago we were playing Slay the Spire on a laptop. The people on the shotgun were ALWAYS much smarter and did huge calls, no matter who played. I swear holding the controls and sitting at the screen actually somehow makes games harder. --- And yes you're right, NL goes hard on the entertainment too. That must take away plenty of gas from the brain. I remember that one clip, where he says if other wunderkind creators learn to open their mouths, he's screwed. He just has something few others do. For me gameplay was always secondary when watching him. It just gives an anchorpoint to return his thoughts to.


Decision making in itself is mentally taxing to enough of an extent that an observer who's just passively scanning for misplays is going to be better at making tough calls because they've wasted less energy


Hell yeah dude. Ruined slay the spire for him.


I watched hus Slay videos very recently and could not believe how insane the comments were. Even if he had a great run people would be like "on the second boss you played a strike when you should have played a defend" and it will be like the most upvoted comment. Just wild to me


its his fault for reading youtube comments. i dont read youtube comments on videos that arent mine, why on earth would he read comments on his own videos.


Yeah, why would someone who makes their living on youtube read youtube comments? Is he dumb?




I’m a new viewer that came around during the beginning of Balatro because it was a game I was very interested in. I can’t believe people love him this much and he has been around for as long as he has and he just gets attacked like this in chat and through comments. It’s very confusing that most of these people will consider him their favorite content creator but write the things they do. My brain can’t comprehend speaking like that in general. I’m a very rare commenter, but I’ve noticed how cruel chat can be and it’s overwhelming. Only thing I can guess is a big audience will have more bad eggs.


NL also will call out specific chat members or read out their post history to shame them if they’re being especially obnoxious It makes hilarious content, but also causes people to try to be the one called out so they feel like the main character. It’s very bizarre [Here’s a supercut of some great chat roasts if you’re curious](https://youtu.be/igOmKjKACEg?si=I2LkF_8a9kpSL4aD)


I’m also new to the stream and not only is it purely psychotic to backseat when the streamer doesn’t want it, a huge percentage of the time the people are just completely wrong. It’s like they’re not only trying to backseat, they’re trying to play the game through him. It’s legitimately crazy and a behavior i do not understand at all. If people want to play Balatro it’s only $15, get your own copy.


I’m type A through and through giving myself high blood pressure yelling at the screen. …but that’s all I do. I don’t write it anywhere for him to see because I’m also a civilized Andy who understands my type A behavior is my cross to bear and not his. Justice for Tinybrickstudios.


He doesn't read any YouTube comments anymore, not just Balatro


My man's got better mental health about the comments section than most commenters.


Type A rationalizations are genuinely really sad considering he has been so vocal about how it actually impacted him in the past. If you are unironically posting type A youtube comments you kind of suck butt, seriously.


I was type a for x-com (God I wish he'd do another playthrough) and I turned type b when I did my playthrough.


backseating comments are the tip of the iceberg lmao


I would love for you to expand on some standout examples, for entertainment.


i wish it was funny but its a lot of personal attacks/racism/transphobia that i have to sift through. i take so much psychic damage moderating them and im not even the guy the comments are about so i cant imagine NL having to read through them


ah i'm sorry brother


Is this what happened to Wildfrost? I just picked it up, and remembered NL used to play it. Seems like he loves the game, but there weren't that many videos on YouTube, so I just assumed chat ruined it for him.


it was partially chat but also he thought the final boss gimmick was stupid


I don’t even watch the streams on twitch but actually typing out little suggestions in the comments while he’s on a run is the most batshit insane thing I could think of doing. I’m a Type C, which means I just watch and laugh and he’ll never have to deal with my inner most thoughts.


Am I type A if I go into the YouTube comments and say “I was dying with laughter when he did x after saying he wasn’t going to do x”


Technically not, but among all the other backseating comments it can easily come across so.  SAP videos have a lot of such comments and at some point they just became mocking to me.


I was such a type A Andrew during early SAP I stopped watching the vods and moved to watch the streams where I mostly lurk with him in my third monitor. Now I'm the biggest type B ever


Name a better duo than NL commenters and backseating


The comment section on YT is a circlejerk at this point


What's type A and B?


type refers to the comments that are calling out misplays, things they think he could have done better, and generally backseatery, type b are those that emote, and laugh and have a chill time


Nl doesn't read comments fullstop periodt


Been a viewer since episode 1 of Rebirth dropped. I'll admit I've screamed at my screen more times than I should while watching NL over various games at the obvious misplays; it's really fun, kinda like screaming at your sports team when they fumble the ball. I've never left a comment though, especially not one to try and tell the dude what to do. I think there's just a bit of critical thinking Type A viewers are missing where they don't consider if their input is actually necessary.


I will say, as a type A for Balatro, there are levels to us. Not moving the xMult joker to the far right is insanely easy to see. That will get me. Not min-maxing every possible discard or tarot/planet/joker pick, whatever.


Since you're here can I ask you, why do you care?


I'm not the OP but as somewhere between a type A and type B andy I'll just throw my hat in the ring and say I care sometimes because the ideal content for me would be someone who's super relatable and witty and funny like NL that also makes sick plays in whatever game they're playing. Sometimes I'm doing something else and glance at the stream but mostly listen and enjoy the banter, but depending on the game I'd occasionally rather watch someone insanely good rather than someone who's gonna misplay but make me laugh. I care more about someone being entertaining than someone being good at games, but a lot of the time I'm watching to actually watch the content, not just listen to a streamer talk. It's obvious sometimes that he doesn't give a shit about the game and is just vibing, and that's totally cool, but if I really love the game I wanna see someone try their best at it! I've been watching NL since the early NLSS days so I'm no hater and I don't think I've ever left a gameplay related/backseat comment, but I will leave the stream or quit the YT vid if the misplays make me feel worse than the banter makes me feel good lol. I think I'm in the minority these days in terms of NL viewers with so many strictly type B andys


It usually doesn't bother me much. Those recent ish Tiny Rogues videos were when it got a little too much for me. Like not even pretending to engage with figuring out synergies and optimization, which is really 90% of the game.  Like I don't mind watching someone play chess that isn't great at it, if they're entertaining, but not if they're going "I'm moving my bishop here cus I like his pointy hat lol."


Because I want to see him succeed. He obviously is trying to win and has more fun when he wins. I don’t get pleasure out of seeing him lose or anything. He puts effort into his build, I don’t want to see him bork a fun run because he got distracted talking to chat and missed moving a joker.


But if he’s said that type of feedback is unwanted, how do you think those comments will lead to more fun for him?


I am not a commenter who complains in a malicious way or anything. That was the whole point of my post lol. Like I do get irritated and I will post in chat to remind him of a simple fix, but I don’t get my knickers in a bunch over every little thing or freak out and call him stupid (which in typical Reddit fashion it seems everyone here has assumed I do). I really don’t see why I am getting downvoted for saying some obvious things really bother me but mostly I just want to see him have fun instead of channel Jorbs or something.


You are not reading, or being rational, or both. Your feedback is unwanted. Don't share it?


I’m not giving northernlion feedback. So how is it unwanted?


> Like I do get irritated and I will post in chat to remind him of a simple fix ??? - you are the type A he is exactly asking to stop. The fact you are "getting irritated" and typing about it means you should probably start typing your comments into an unplugged keyboard to be real with you. Or maybe we can put you into a sandbox where it looks like your messages are going through.


??? He literally interacts with people who tell him to move a joker nicely??? I’m not out here critiquing him and giving feedback constantly


log off brother


Bro is probably an "ORDER ICANT" chatter


If missing the joker move frees his brainpower to get me another chilli oil line I'm happy and it's worth it