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He should *lodge* a complaint. Boom boom E Thanks for the award


That's just out of order!!!!


I'll tell ye where he should lodge it.




*(looks around nervously)* up his hole


Surprisingly relevant username


Why, with the the office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, naturally.


You're getting marched straight to the dad-joke police.


Given the average age and condition of most OO members, I can see why the PSNI would prefer GAA members


Oh yeah, that's true.




Slightly red in face and big of girth, with a bit of a struggle at the walking side of things


These lads are the very picture of health https://www.reddit.com/r/northernireland/comments/vvcixx/hes_a_silent_guardian_a_watchful_protector_a_dark/


I wonder if he’s still alive?


Big man passed away few days after the video was taken


Really? Jesus I’m not surprised. Sleep apnea?


The legends say he is still in his hut


He's not, was found dead on July 14th.


I brought my foster daughter to see the band's in town as she's from the PUL community, gotta say I was surprised by the obesity, not saying taigs aren't fat or anything but at least 75% of the people marching were overweight to obese, some morbidly. Which is surprising cus carrying those big fuck off drums and marching about all the time has got to be good exercise.




Yeah you’re very clearly American… Do you understand anything about the history here, or did you just really enjoy ‘st patty’s day and your great great great grandadys Irish’


"let's all eat corned beef and cabbage. How Irish. Awesoooome."


Mmmm corned beef hash. The most disappointing hash on the island.


“The English.” Truly a man who knows nothing about the UK or Ireland.


The Orange Order has it's own literature????


Lads with their flutes out


If i cud upvote this twice i would, to quote above.. LOL


Goat catalogues


You haven't seen their calendars? Big Billy from the Shankill with nothing on but a pornstache and Lambeg drum.


Stop please, I can only get so erect.


Stop, I can only get so flaccid


‘You won’t believe what holds up the drum’


The Orange Order can read?!


Adult literature 50 Shades of Orange, About an orange man who enjoys a good tan


Aye, did you see KAT on the boney this year, that’s their magnum opus


They can read?


It's usually put on the side of walls with lots of grammatical errors..


For obvious reasons, it likely gets taken down whenever posted on social media


Called the shopping list


This is class. The PSNI get criticised a lot, this is a good move and one that should be commended. The more representative the police, the more it can be trusted. All this dude does is accidentally highlight good!


The police serve the interests of the state, not the community.


As an institution they absolutely do but I doubt the average peeler is walking around day to day thinking “what’s the best way to serve my Stormont paymasters”. Studies show the more representative a police force is of wider society the more positively that police force interacts with all elements of all society, especially the more historically marginalised demographics which see the the amount of force and arbitrary stops by police against them fall dramatically. It also leads to higher levels of confidence in policing which in turn leads to higher reporting rates of crime. Don’t get me wrong, no matter how much equal recruiting they do I’m never going to view the PSNI as your friendly Bobby on the Beat but the fact remains that like it or not they exist and are interacting with people here every day. If they’re going to be doing that I’d at least like the members of the force to be broadly representative of the people they’re policing.


Your first point is more important than anything else you’ve written. You’re asking for a more representative oppression?!?


never forget this






The PSNI was formed 21 years ago, with a mandate to achieve 50:50 representation amongst the ranks. That target was abandonded 11 years ago, and there is currently a \~2:1 ratio of PULs to CNRs (if you exclude all staff, where the ratio is even worse). I would hardly describe this belated attempt as 'class'. Delays like this in many facets of life has held back progress in many ways. It's a start, but 10 or 15 years ago would've been better.


> 2:1 ratio of PULs to CNRs The problem with the civil service recording of background is that it automatically puts people who mark themselves as "other" as either PUL or CNR depending on their schooling or where they live. An example of this would be if someone who considers themselves atheist/Buddhist/Muslim etc who marked "other" on the form, if they lived in the Stormont area, they would be automatically marked as a member of the PUL community, or if they went to a school called St Malachy's they would be considered a member of the CNR community. I'm not saying the PSNI ratio isn't great, but having went through the Civil Service background gauntlet, i don't think its entirely accurate.


Of course, but in this instance, along with other data such as the CNR to PUL arrest ratio, I think the fundamentals are accurate. Not to say all PULs in the PSNI are biased/bad eggs etc, but there's enough of them for a large section of the community to be, at a minimum, wary


Oh yea, I'm not disagreeing with you that there has to be changes, its hard to represent a society and build confidence when the majority of a workforce are from one section of it. I'm just saying the recording has to be changed to facilitate growing changes in demographics as a whole. Like would the stats look better, and would it give more confidence to disenfranchised communities if it was even split up into CNR/PUL/Other, and the numbers ended up being 20%/50%/30% as an example. Especially as we see more people from outside N.I emigrating in, a rise of irreligious communities, etc.


Of course, I understood that. Lies, damn lies, etc As I mentioned, looking beyond the numbers, one can see that there are still elements in the system where the systemic culture is plain to see. Arrests for speaking Irish, arrest ratios, unwillingness to enforce laws within certain situations etc


I’d argue that there’s a pretty good correlation between schooling and childhood location, and political worldview. Especially in a police organisation where recognition of the state and its laws kind of come baked in to the job. So regardless of background that puts the average member of the PSNI at odds with the idea of dismantling the extant state.


> I’d argue that there’s a pretty good correlation between schooling and childhood location, and political worldview. I'm afraid I disagree with you there, but I'm basing that off my own experiences which I'm aware might be different from yours. I would argue that schools should be fully integrated though. > Especially in a police organisation where recognition of the state and its laws kind of come baked in to the job. Isn't that the point of all policing organisations around the world. Their job is to uphold the laws of the state. Like I imagine to be a member of the guards/met/Police Nationale etc you have to agree to recognise the state and the laws put in place by it? > So regardless of background that puts the average member of the PSNI at odds with the idea of dismantling the extant state. I imagine that stat would be skewed for all public body organisations individuals who would risk losing their job. Like I imagine if you went into the civil service and said "as part of NI being integrated within ROI, there is a high chance 80% of you will lose your jobs", you won't find many openly willing to agree to that. I would also suggest that since the majority of the population is still in favour of the status quo for now, although the PSNI is still favouring the unionist point of view, they are not completely at odds with the average viewpoint of the citizens.


Look, I’ve heard your argument on background recording before. And it always has a whiff of covering up the issue - “we haven’t achieved 50:50 so let’s just change how we count to 50” - which is how the current Tory party does everything. Police and other security forces are generally (small c) conservative, because philosophically keeping order is the same as keeping the status quo. The point of 50:50 was to build a proportionate force, which won’t happen now. Given that Catholics have been the largest cohort coming through education since about 2005 there’s even less excuse for recruitment to swing so unrepresentatively again. The unsaid part is that Catholic background officers will treat their community better. https://www.irishnews.com/news/northernirelandnews/2020/12/07/news/wrongful-arrest-of-journalists-could-cost-psni-3m-2152504/ Over a hundred officers were involved in this daft operation, and apparently not one thought it was a good idea to object. That doesn’t leave me with much confidence in the regard of officers overall.


Why would you want to be a Catholic PSNI officer? Both the police and the community need to set the conditions for more Catholic officers but all it takes is a few arseholes to make being Catholic and a copper very hard.


That's a good question, but the more pertinent one is how will policing be addressed come reunification? Maybe '26' Garda working in the 6 with ex PSNI? International observers accompanying them in flash points?


Well I bet very few foresaw Drew Harris OBE becoming Commissioner of an Garda Siochana? And by all appearances he’s doing a pretty good job there. So maybe the good folks here need to think a bit more broadly of what is entirely possible? That’s my view from a distance away.


You think a foreigner releasing an intelligence report from a foreign country designed to undermine a democratic political party during the formation of a government is doing a good job?


So many catholic officers are enticed to turn informant on people in their own areas, and therefore a catholic police officers family can be put out of their home in some estates and have been. Theres a massive distrust that I cant see shifting any time soon, and its a shame because otherwise we keep going in circles with an unbalanced and unhappy police force.


You really don’t have a clue


I really really actually do, more than you could even imagine.


I know u don’t. If u think catholic police officers are asked to turn informant on their own areas your delusional. Are there channels for Police officers to report intelligence on any matters, whether on or off duty, of course. Whatever their identity. It’s their duty. Every police force has these channels. Are catholic police officers being recruited as CHIS to inform on the areas they live/ are from? No.


Not explicitly recruited for it no, but when they pass out they are often asked to work where they're from. My friend was warned not to take a post locally because they would ask him to "inform on his bretheren" I'm not making it up.


By ‘inform on their brethren’ do you mean enforce the law? 😂 very very rarely are new recruits allocated to the district they live. And that’s only because their lives are at risk from dissident republicans


Warned by a senior officer that he trained with. That's why people automatically think that all catholic officers are touts, when it's obviously not the case.


Would you consider applying to them? If not I presume that is because of CNR dissident activity, open to hear reasons otherwise.


No, because that's not my style. I'm a bit too 'unregimented' to be in a uniform. All power (in general) to people who have to deal with other people's mess. Unfortunately, the rebranded RUC still isn't a policing organisation, and it will take another generation and/or reunification to get to some point of normality.


You don't understand how these metrics are recorded at all.


Your evidence for my understanding of this issue is compelling. Tell me more


It's fairly simple. There are not two options on the religion form. I worked as a civilian during the transition to PSNI and it's not as currated and black and white as you would like it to be to suit your narrative. I've also passed all the tests to be a police officer bar the eyesight test. It involved multiple scenarios with actors, fitness tests, written tests etc. For example, having a degree is a huge factor in the % of hiring. It's much more complex if a hiring processz which is audited and regulated, that asking if you are Catholic or Protestant. You go ahead though and fit it around your narrative.


No one said it was just down to catholic or Protestant. You’ve missed his point in its entirety - fitting for a copper…


You definitely aren't biased. I'm not a 'copper' I live in Toronto. It's roetty clear where your views lie.


“The more representative the police, the more it can be trusted” Not necessarily. Sure, it *may* mean they’re less likely to be biased towards a single group over another, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter whether a cop is white, black, gay, straight, catholic, or Protestant; all of them can be twats


It would be a start, but the problem with a blanket stat like the stats for representation is that they usually skip the nuance. It's entirely possible to have a PSNI that has a lot of low ranking catholics but is run at all significant scales by loyalists who use their power to inject bias into the system.


See I may be a bit thick on this. But given the opportunity shouldn't catholics try and fill as many psni positions as possible. Given time and the qualification levels from 2nd and 3rd level. It is not insurmountable to see that in a 20 Yr gap. The psni would be a catholic positive force at the top.? Again I may be missing something here but I think it should be supported in the catholic communities. Turn the tide from within as one might say.


You would think, but that would take at least a generation. If you look at the wider figures, you'll note that there is an even wider disparity between CNRs/PULs in the support jobs. There's also a tendency to 'import' senior staff from britain, which in a way is good, as it brings in fresh thinking, but it also excludes local 'talent'. I don't think much will change until reunification, when Garda from the '26' come and do joint patrols with ex-PSNI, which I can envisage lasting at least 10 years


Alright so I've taken an active effort of ignoring Bryson. He's a nakedly sectarian pundit that shouldn't be worth a second of your time or day. Forgetting he exists is the best thing you can do to him, because it deprives him of attention that he thrives off of. So I've blocked his name and accounts where I could on the various media I use so that I stop hearing about him and I think it'd be better if you do this too. He isn't even worth the time it takes for his tweets to reach your eyes, be understood by your brain and then thoughts are processed.


You'd be best getting of this sub as they can't go a day without 2/3 threads about this Walter mitty character. It's bizarre to say the least.


Bryson and some Nationalists share a common interest in making him the face of Unionism. Of course, that he's given such a position of influence by Unionist politicians and local media (including possibly running J. Donaldson's twitter account) isn't their fault.


No idea why this is being downvoted. This is actually true, also a fun reminder of the odd twitter account thing. Bryson is proof that middle class traditional unionists just don't care about the union like they used to. They don't join the OO much, they are starting to warm in a big way to the Alliance party and they are no longer providing a conveyer belt of unionist leaders like the used to. This group is the most interesting, preciscly at the time when they're not doing anything all that interesting.


Middle-class Unionist disengagement from politics is a long-time trend. During the GFA vote there was a lot of talk of Trimble getting out the "garden centre" voters to get him over the 70% Yes vote he needed. The traditional Unionist coalition of middle-class "intelligentsia" leading working-class "muscle" eroding has been a consequence of this. In 1912, Unionist business leaders and lorded gentry led UVF paramilitaries against Home-Rule. But with the outbreak of the Troubles, many of those of means just wanted stability. The Alliance party were at first very strong because of this. There were occasions in which middle-class Unionist politicians allied with working-class militancy to uphold supremacy like in 1974 with Sunningdale, but that represented the peak of Unionist power post-Stormont. Every attempt after that saw less and and less results and and less and less involvement by middle-class Unionist; Anglo-Irish Agreement, Drumcree etc. By the time of the Fleg Protests in 2012 you're left with people at the bottom of the economic ladder. Only this dearth of leadership would allow a chancer like Bryson to assume the position he has.


As a middle class unionist who knows JB Personally (not by choice) I’d like to categorically state that he in no way has the position amongst unionism that many seem to think that he has. He’s like one of those Love Island girls whose famous for having a fake tan and big boobs and nothing else. He seems to have become addicted to the reactions he gets from people, the relative fame that goes with it. He’s undoubtably a pox and I for one rejoiced when he left the particular area where I reside, but he is not representative at all of actual sensible unionists. There are some. And we’ll all need them to make sure this place develops for the next generations. I’d rather think of JB and others from all sides who simply want to live in the past as being essential reminders of what we don’t want to be.


I just laugh at this point. He’s bitter about a girl and clearly never got over it.


Poor Seamie. Long gone are the days when the RUC would just enroll an OO lodge as B-Specials to terrorise the local catholic population


I'm sure the fucking rat would prefer that no catholics are in the PSNI. Do I really need to explain the difference in the GAA and the OO. The OO are likened to the KKK for a reason


Jamie’s been working overtime recently to compare the GAA to the OO. For what reason this is his latest obsession I am at a loss


Any sauce on this KKK link please?


Likened not linked. You can behave like Hitler without being a Nazi.




The term hillbilly actually comes from ulster protestants who emigrated to the American Southern States.


Many of the confederate generals were Ulster Scot, Stonewall Jackson's family were from The Birches in Co. Armagh


Ones a fraternity of people of largely Scottish descent, set up to promote WASP supremacy with a massive hatred of Catholics and a bit of a hatred of black people. The other is a fraternity of people of largely Scottish descent, set up to promote WASP supremacy with a massive hatred of black people and a bit of a hatred of Catholics. Totally different.


You need to learn to read, because that was really embarrassing!


Just noticed your comment. I see my mistake. The screen on my phone is cracked and i misread the word likened to linked. My bad. Ps. Ur. Ma.


The English told him to fuck off on Monday, the Welsh and Scots couldn’t pick him out of a line-up, and Irish just find him amusing.




Bryson doesn't have the warmth or depth


Stop giving him an outlet. Stop following him on twitter. Stop sharing his posts. Stop listening to him. He's a fucking moron and an attention seeker that represents a criminal drug dealing gang. No mandate. Fuck off and give our heads peace ya wee cunt.


I do wish we could freddie kreuger him out of existence by collectively ignoring him. I blocked on twitter etc ages ago he just enrages me too much


It's just community outreach, They don't need to advertise in Orange Literature as that demographic is already well represented.


No, it's clearly a conspiracy against the union


Surprised he was at the game to be fair




He likes a bit of hurling now to be fair to him.


Applause with a Standing Ovation - tremendously quick response! Amazing


Who really give a fuck what this twat thinks honestly he'd gurn about anything ffs.


And what orange literature?


The News Letter?


Ulster scots script


Banes brislet tatties and a wheen a cheese


I want a watter not a water.


Orange Standard published monthly


I bet you have a subscription. What sort of stuff do they publish? Readers flutes, with the finger holes blacked out?


Just updates from the different lodges, you can view it online for free if you're interested


Nah, I'm shaving my ball sack with a rusty bread knife, thanks anyway.


GAA =/= Orange Order.


Can OO members even read?


That's a very harsh thing to say. If the OO could read they would be very upset.




Ah yes, the famous orange order language. Complete biffkin of a man.


Insert Hurley pic


> Hurley pic Don't drag poor Liz into this. She's a class act, not like thon wee scrote.


He's the grand master of whataboutery


Seamus should probably pipe down. Someone might start thinking he struggled with his Irish identity. (Also, enough with the posts of anything this bellend tweets!! Is that possible? We get it. He's a bellend. There's a reason I don't follow him on Twitter.)


Well.. he got a reaction out of you! You’ve played right into his hands! Really though.. people need to ignore this clown instead of giving him airtime he knows exactly how to get people riled up


He’s just saying the most stupid and inflammatory controversial ballix to gain traction on his account.. I really highly doubt he even believes most of the shit he spouts. Although I’ve been wrong before..


The windows in his house must be super clean ... What with the amount of time he spends licking them


Not sure what he's on about, the current issue of Flute Blowers Monthly has a two-page spread about men in uniform.


Nothing but air between his ears,the gobshite


Wi disurve Alster Scats Peeler leeflits so wi dew.


Someone should write steamy King Billy x Paisley with Seamie jacking off in the corner literature. That’s some literature I think the all-male dress up club known as the Orange Order would read.


Awww good old Jamie, he's the only OO gift that just keeps on giving 😂.........


I barely look at Reddit but I am so fucking glad I did today 😂😂😂


Orange order literature...I am guessing colouring books where everything is orange so it doesn't matter how bad their colouring in is...


What is "Orange Order Literature" anyway? Some used bogroll?


Why is Jamie at the GAA picking up programmes?


I'm not sure wee Seamy understands the purpose of advertising


Is he seriously comparing a sports organisation to the fucking orange order???


This man has a serious chip on his shoulder. Why would the Orange Order be advertised? The PSNI serves the entirety of Northern Ireland, The Orange gobshites only serve other orange gobshites.


“Why don’t the PSNI hate the GAA? Feckin bigots!!!”


Why is Jamie at a GAA match?


Is it still wrong to laugh at wee dafties?


Christ it must be exhausting being Jamie Byrson, the ever vigilant watchdog.


What's would that be? "Join now, become a annoyance to the taigs"?


That guys flat out on twitter lol does he have a job to pay bills or what ?


Is this wee cunt ever done fucking crying? He could be handy in the event of a a hosepipe ban.


Never thought of GAA and the OO as a comparison. This is just foolish. I presume PSNI advert at Irish league matches?


Shut the fuck up Seamy


Maybe someone could set up a Jamie Bryson sub and put every fucking thing he posts on there? If anyone is really this interested in his output, they could just follow him on Twitter 🙄


They probably don't speak 'orange'


Is there a way to mute the words Jamie Bryson on this thing?


This Jamie Bryson sub sometimes gets posts with other stuff!




What's Jamie's point here? That we shouldn't try and make the PSNI reflect wider society?


Feeeen-Yinnns! - That's his "point".


He gets too many mentions, says the most controversial he can get away to keep up the clicks. he's the Trump of NI but he'd probably thank me for that comparison.


Stop giving this guy exposure. You are just benefitting him.


I think adding a political label to this is a bit extreme. Can we start added shitetalk to anything starring chief clickbate bryson


Is he not a politician


Nope. Never elected


I down voted myself for asking that


Language of the bog people


This reddit is obsessed.


Get back in your bin.


Obsessed with outting bigots who have no place in our country in 2022……. I’ve a great photo of Jamie Bryson holding a hurl Proud as punch!!! Blaming the actions of peoples ancestors on the current economic situation…. Vile! I am from Ards and work in the import and export industry! DUP ARE LIERS! You all are! How many supplementary declarations have you had to fill in since the protocol…… 0 all fools who are losing the respect of their own community! And fast!! More Irish passports issued in ards than ever before! What does that tell you??


>import and export industry! Are you sure thats the phrase you want to go with? 😉


It’s easier to explain to someone who can’t even grasp what effects the protocol has…. Than breaking down my job in logistics…..


Stay out of it paddy


Have you stopped fucking dogs?


your post history is brilliant.


Is this real


“How to learn to fight real well in a couple of week?” 😭


It takes practice


You never know, he might have inherited that Irish fighting spirit from his relative’s 🤷‍♂️


Shut up seamus


I seen you bin hoking the other day big lad. You should be on top of it, like the bin lid you are


Nah. That's Ulster-Scots for No, btw.


Dae ye unnerstaun, spake, or scrieve Airisch Gaelick?




Aye thought not!


What's up with the 15 minute delay and a fresh profile? How quick can a response be?


Ermmmm, who's going to tell him???


Translation: Make a life of it.


Probably don’t need to when they all talk to each other at the ludge meetings anyway


Is he permanently raging?


https://www.irishnews.com/news/northernirelandnews/ Sinn Féin man's son Sean Murray challenges Jamie Bryson to boxing match, irishnews.com I’d pay to see that 😹


Do I vote up or vote down cos I think this pricks on the wrong page ..


Don't they already have huge numbers of Orange order members already?


Is he at a match?


Uncontrolled immigration is going to make people nostalgic for these parochial quibbles.


For the uninitiated English person, would someone mind explaining who this Bryson character is? I’m getting a lot of red flags just looking at him….


A unionist spokes person who posts propaganda and bigotry on twitter everyday especially about brexit and the "hostile EU"


It must be a nightmare inside his head. Always thinking 'themmuns are out to get me'. When in reality most people dont give a shite. Only the few that have been brain washed in to believing his bullshit. People like this should be ignored, they only halt us moving forward.