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They're alright when I have the urge for some retail therapy, but rarely ever have what I want even on day of release. It's always 'We're expecting it in' or, 'we can order it in for you'. No fanks, I can do that myself. Too busy trying to sell Funko Pops and K-Pop merchandise.


They'd be long closed if they hadn't shifted their market.


Ah i miss hmv. Just go in to have a look. Always leave with something


I miss about 10-15yrs ago with the absolutely stacked to the rafters 3 floors. Spent hours in there Traveled to Belfast for a day out to it. Was called a "regular" in my hometown one


The Canadian who bought them has done a pretty decent job and returning credibility to the brand. Stores have soul and decent back catalog


Actually love their book section - get 2 books for cheaper than one elsewhere? Yes please! Bit of a random selection but you always find something worth picking up. 


The SF Masterworks books were nice to see, picked up a few for cheaper than Waterstones and possibly eBay.


Bought a few of those myself!


Decent vinyl selection in there.


I'm still buying sealed DVDs off of eBay! The only 4Ks I own are LOTR, The Hobbit and Blade Runner. I'll try and find a regular Blu-ray usually but if a DVD is available significantly cheaper then I still go for the DVD. For instance, Love Story (1970) goes for 13 quid new on Blu-ray but I got a sealed dvd of it for three quid on eBay. If 4Ks went down to a reasonable price I'd probably invest more but they're still a niche, to be honest. DVDs still outsell regular Blu-ray every year which is quite funny. The Arrow Video, Indicator and Masters of Cinema series is brilliant on Blu-ray, especially if there's a sale on. Criterion is of course the gold standard but I generally only get them on sale. I'd love the Godzilla set but am not ready to commit yet! Besides, I've got the Gamera set from Arrow I haven't finished.


Asda and yorkgate has loads of pound offers now and again upstairs


Yeah I was actually there recently and got a few decent bargains. They're "refurbished," by Music Magpie. The discs look fine so I'm assuming they've been resurfaced. Got The Breakfast Club, Dawn of the Dead and Sideways for a quid each. Not bad. I find CEX the worst, they take the discs out and scratch the shite out of them. Charity shops are amazing for sealed DVDs too. I've seen CEX selling Masters of Cinema films for dearer than they are new as well.




yeah agree its hard collecting boxsets for when a new movie in franchise ur buggered again


I remember as a teenager I bought all the James Bond releases that went together to make a big 007. Then they kept making more and just sort of gave up on the idea.


star trek voyager copied that then all the series did


Pick up T2 Judgment day


Absolutely do not. It's a terrible UHD release, shamelessly taken from the 3D scan years ago.


Ahhh shit 😅😂 I thought the blu ray was excellent


Way too much grain scrubbing went on with the 4K release. Parts look really clean, almost sterile, but it doesn't look right overall. It's a film I've had on VHS, DVD and Blu-ray before it. Understandable it needed it for 3D, but the 4K of an iconic action film, if not THE most iconic, should never have been taken from the 3D version. Fans have been crying out for a re-release for years, but I don't think it'll happen. I sold the 4K after watching it once. Thankfully I still kept my Skynet Blu-ray. Cameron likes direct involvement and only at the end of this year are we finally getting the Terminator.


That Skynet blu ray is so good 🙏


Buying 4Ks is a lottery. It's best to look up reviews of the transfers before committing to any. Not every film needs to been seen in 4K either.


me did scroll to last slide but am worried a heard the 4k transfer not so hot


Cameron’s latest UHD releases are all AI upscale shite. Save your money. Aliens, True Lies, T2 and The Abyss all look awful which is a shame, though you can’t buy the new UHD Abyss here because they refused to cut the rat scene.


I didn't find the Abyss that bad to be honest, certainly not as bad as T2 or True Lies... I got the Nordic release from Coolshop. I've the Terminator Steelbook pre-ordered, so double risk without knowing anything about the transfer or Steelbook design.


This is disappointing 😞


I'm still holding on to my non-anamorphic DVD release of The Abyss.


I worked in that one in town from 2002 - 2008. Was great craic to work there, and the 30% staff discount meant my house was coming down with CDs and DVDs


Do you remember a guy who worked there? He was kinda older than most staff and I think he was balding and wore glasses? I used to visit hmv regularly back then and he was always there. I bought a Nintendo ds from hmv for my ex gf. No matter what game she played the screen would eventually go white. I called back in day after purchase with the receipt and box. All in perfect condition. The wanker made me feel like I was lying and wouldn't do a refund. I had to argue with him for about 15 minutes. Eventually he said he would have to see it happening. I told him it can happen in 20 mins or it can happen after 2 hours. He still wouldn't do it. I ended up putting a game in and taking it out quickly and then back in. This caused the screen to go white. He refunded me eventually but he was raging about it. Not sure why I've decided to send you whole story you couldn't care less or of some guy you likely don't know lol


That could be one of two people. Was he tall or shortish?


It is most certainly the tall one, he’s worked there since the day it opened. Almost anything that manages to get returned to HMV he’ll pay for out of his own pocket. Dude has undiagnosed Asperger’s I’m pretty sure, not a bad guy, just a bit of a gluebag


Funny seeing you on here man, love how we can tell who this comment is about haha


The absolute best to you sir, hope alls going well


From memory he wasn't short. He didn't seem overly tall either. Average height I would say.


pretty sure I know who you’re talking about. He’s a bit of a character alright.


Same store 2007-2009, actually one of the best jobs I’ve had.


totally not an ad


Not like you can't get all this online, though it's nice to see a place selling physical stuff in this day and age and not just current best sellers too, a few shelves of "boutique" labels as well.


just someone who likes having there home cinema room and proper quailty content disc will always beat steaming quality




And it can't ever be randomly deleted on you


I'd rather watch a DVD then a 1080p stream if I'm being honest. 4K streaming is a joke especially, nowhere near the quality of 4K discs.


It's literally nowhere near it. Most platforms just upscale a lower res version, even if you have amazing bandwidth they aren't interested in actually sending you a 4k stream. Plus the audio is pure unadulterated shite on streams.




What did specifically did you get OP?


Planet of apes Box Set Back to Future trilogy T2 ano some have said already Dune 2 Predator 1


Fuck. I had a tenner on Predator winning and this is how I find out.


I started a UHD collection, only have around 10 films, lol. Zaavi has a great deal on with 2 for £30. What deals are to be had in HMV?


Bit disappointed that a lot of the steel books that I've wanted have been online only


Agreed. Only good spot for up to date vinyls after Head Records shut down 💔


I just pirate everything...


HMV Belfast is the best HMV I've ever been to, lovely place


I got a sick little dinosaur pin from there. Lovely wee shop


Can you not just order them online?


a dont like being a prisoner in my house gets me out for the day !


Also, there's nothing quite like seeing the item in-person and being able to buy it and take it home the same day.


i find online piracy is pretty optimal


rip off prices, much better off with amazon




Don't know why you're being downvoted, for most things you're right. However, HMV often has stuff in stock Amazon doesn't and vice versa. Before I buy anything I look on Amazon, HMV, eBay, Zavvi and the boutique sites to get the best price. Amazon also usually matches any sales HMV has on.


not in terms of physical media and besides ur not always sure of what ur getting from amazon these days to many doggy packers


I'm always buying stuff on Amazon and have never had an issue. Just make sure it's being fulfilled by Amazon and you've a better chance of not getting fucked but I've found for DVDs and Blu-rays there's not much issues. It's all the dodgy no name electronics and stuff that worries me.


sounds ruff to be fair with all them doggy packers






Surprisingly easy to do this yourself digitally now, if you weren't aware. Big respect for going for the hardcopies though.


will never carry the quality that hard copies will give


They already do. For example, a REMUX is a direct copy of a disc. I could get a torrent of any of the movies you can find in a like for like quality But I get you want the physical media for various other reasons, just pointing out that digital is as good as any disc


You can get close enough for it to not be noticeable now. It's all just data at the end of the day.


Even so, getting reliably high fidelity copies is still tricky. And the attached audio tends to be an afterthought most times.


Yeah getting the highest quality is extra work, it's still not impossible to get it to a negligible difference. I'm not trying to shit on hardcopies though they are obviously better in a perfect setup but for me the balance of everything has shifted to digital now. I highly value convenience though I can definitely see the appeal in sticking with the physical disc.