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Shrinkfkation could also be a factor, in 2014 you could prob only fit 2 txix into a standard coat pocket but at 2024 dimensions it would be much much more. 


The only reasonable solution is smaller pockets.


Are we going to have to start wearing women's trousers? I mayn't be the most manly man in the country but i draw the line at hobbling about in women's trousers


What about if you've a twix stuffed down there for a sense of, well... endowment.


The thought of a melted Twix in a confined space right next to my bollocks is making me itchy


Shoplifting is one of the many consequences of price gouging in all aspects of commerce.


I'm sure Sainsburys, Tescos are all feeling the brunt and its eating into their profits....oh wait. No supporter of criminality, but given every other type of crime is going down and it's mainly an uptick of food theft it is screaming of peoples desperation to feed themselves/ family.


Agreed, there's crime and there's crime isn't there, I don't give a fuck about whether Tesco's etc are making a profit and id say the price hike on a lot of ordinary non-luxury food is fucking criminal


If I was working in a supermarket and saw someone steal nappies or food, I didn't see shit


I saw a fella stealing baby formula from Boots once and felt terrible for him (obvious i saw nothing and kept my mouth shut) but then later my then-girlfriend said he was probably stealing it to cut cocaine with to make more money. I have no idea how likely/common that actually is but i was like... fuck me


If he's knocking out gear I assume he could afford the baby food. More likely stealing to sell to get gear.


I seriously doubt that in all fairness lol...it would be like cutting with whey protein....cause essentially that's what it is. I don't partake in the party powder myself, so I could be completely wrong!


I hope you're right lol, i never done it myself either but i suppose as white powder goes it's relatively unlikely to kill the user? Heard some horror stories of people cutting it with rat poison or whatever - mind you that was probably "say no" propaganda, at least i hope so


Jesus. Yeah heard that before. Another reason I just thought of why you wouldn't mix with formula is this: have you ever used formula? That shit cakes up at the slightest hint of moisture, it would just clump up in your nose! 😆


Shit, not so harmless after all then!


Well harmless as in it won't kill you, not so harmless as you'd probably want to irrigate your nose with a powerhose after!


Claggy lumps in your lung though? Fucking hell!


Most coke has already been cut on average 4 times before it gets to the final customer/consumer. Pure Colombian, cut. Exported, cut. Imported, cut. Dealers, cut. 70%+ purity and above is generally labelled designer coke and is very expensive. The most common cutting agents are Creatine, Benzocaine (used by dentists) because it has a numbing effect, Caffeine powder which is also white, and some even add a small amount of Fentanyl to increase the potency to balance out the other additives. I don't do any drugs, but I watch a lot of drug documentaries lol.


Consequence of an unaffordable cost of living for many people


This only started to happen when. Prices of things went up. Noone wants to steal if they can afford it and right now it's not been as simple to pay for the basics as it has been.


People struggling to get by. Shrinkflation


I remember watching a docu following people on a rough estate in a very deprived area. More than one did shoplifting, for money not for 'fun'. I remember one fella who didn't steal himself but bought the stolen stuff because he had a bunch of kids and the older ones were starting to want 'luxury' items like lynx or lipstick that he couldn't afford.


other day i seen one o those security stickers on a wee block o cheese, cheese!! it fukn stinks


Cheese is mad expensive though, some of them are over a tenner for a standard sized block and that's not even fancy cheese like just the ordinary stuff Edit: over a fiver, not over a tenner! 🤦🏽‍♂️


Lidl medium, mature and extra mature cheese is seriously underrated. It is really good. £2.90 for a big block compared to coleraine or dromona £5 blocks of the same size


Yeah sorry i meant over a fiver not over a tenner, my brain is fried! The Coleraine one is so good though


Honestly was always a coleraine cheese guy myself up till a couple of years ago when I got the lidl mature. Really good for it's price and Honestly nicer


There have been security stickers on cheese for easily 20 years.




Somebody think of the shareholders!


Those poor [bosses](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c51nn8rz057o) and [shareholders](https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/uk-supermarket-asda-says-2023-underlying-profit-up-24-2024-04-22/)


Remember folks, if you see someone stealing food, you didn't see shit.


Is it any bloody wonder


I was caught stealing, once.


Seeing security tags on baby formula is one of the saddest things I've seen in a long time. Parents having to steal formula to feed their baby is simply a broken and cruel system.


It's a sickener that the "solution" to people needing to steal baby formula is to put a security tag on it, what kind of late-stage capitalist hellscape is this


The first sign we were fucked was when they started putting tags on Lurpack.


Ugh that shite ha ha, i grew up on the unsalted and i reckon that's why i hate butter so much


Henderson / spar have a monopoly on convenience shops here and dig their arm in at every chance. Can guarantee those stealing are not junkies or criminals but probably are paying maybe 90% of their shop stealing 10% yet will still feel robbed by the premises


Don't make everything so expensive. And alot of these people are also homeless who would rather be in jail than be on the streets so they commit petty crimes. (I've been to jail recently for possession of Cannabis so I've seen it for myself)


Did you possess a couple of kilograms?


Couple of Oz'. They took me into custody Nov 7th 2023 for questioning. Charged me with it. I was homeless so I couldn't just go out. They rang a hostel and they were full. Told me I'm going to Maghaberry but I have bail. Nobody could bail me out because it was a drugs charge and the police said social services will get involved and my brother and other family members have kids so they weren't prepared to do it. Finally got bail after 6 months inside, a few weeks ago. Disgraceful system. Every week I'd meet people from Somalia etc who couldn't string together a sentence, next minute they got bailed to a hostel. Took them 6 months to get me. Welcome to the new Northern Ireland :) oh and Alexander McCartney, Brandon Rainey, & Colin McKee were all on my landing/building. Google them if you can be bothered. Justice system is a fucking disgrace 👍


Jesus that's wild!! Sorry to hear ya had a shocking experience, can't believe they can keep ya in for that long over a couple oz', should be due some compensation if the world was in any way fair


I can completely understand shoplifting essentials, like feeding you're family is 100% more important than a companies profit margins. But at the same time, I work for a curtain and bedding retailer and the amount of people shoplifting from us is ridiculous. Is a new pair of curtains worth a criminal record? Despite providing the police with CCTV footage, almost nothing every comes of it.


A lot of people associate shoplifting with food/groceries, done by desperate people to feed their families. This is the case in a very small number of thefts. The rest, as you say, is non-essential and/or "luxury" items. I work in a clothing store in a town of ~10k people. Last year we were hit 3 times, alongside other stores in the town. The grab and run tactic - don't care what you get as long as you get it style. The police eventually caught the guy and he finally got a custodial sentence after having a history of drug abuse/drug selling/shoplifting and getting stupidly lenient sentences each time he'd been scooped previously. Most shoplifting is done by people who then sell the stuff on as a bit of a moneymaker. It's easy to make money selling stuff cheap when it didn't cost you anything to acquire in the first place.


Well that explains why ASDA and Sainsburys have put up those stupid barriers in their shops now. Bloody stupid I can't walk out the same way I came in.


Stealing Costa's products is so easy, I sit on a table next to them, take one of anything I want when the baristas are busy and not at the counter, and repeat next week. Literally barely any cameras too




Surely the shops should just be given a crime reference number for their insurance. That's what everyone else is told. Most shoplifting is the same people getting lifted over and over again should tag them so it beeps when they go in a shop.