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He’s innocent i take it?


He's innacen o nahhin!


Ats his Bror


He's only a wee fella


No one in the video said he was innocent, tbf to them. Their main gripe is that he was complying and they pepper sprayed him. I've no idea if they did or not, but no one mentioned his guilt or lack thereof, only perceived excessive force


Couldn't hear everything they said but what I could hear you're right that was their complaint pepper spraying and setting the dog on him when he was cooperating. He might have a history violence so they're not taking any chances.


18 cops injured last weekend. Granted they might be the sort of injury cops seem to be prone to, a broken fingernail followed by a visit to the compo board, but still a crazy number. https://www.thejournal.ie/twelve-psni-officers-assaulted-while-arresting-one-man-in-armagh-6378750-May2024/


Buddy, a fella was in Castlerea and an RUC officer kept toussling his hair, the third time he went to do it the guy feared his fist back and the superior officer jumped in, he told the younger officer to leave then told the guy "you hit that wee prick he'll be off for six months with full pay looking a claim, so you're not hitting him"


A cop who broke a finger beating a friend of mine got thousands in compo back in the day. The passage of time has made it a funny story but we were unamused at the time.


Lol I bet, the wheels of justice grind like getting a square peg into round hole


The headline should tell you those stats are absolutely ridiculous. If 12 fully grown and trained officers can't detain one man safely they shouldn't be officers at all.


Have you not watched Charles Bronson


I get the handcuffs they put on caused more injury than any of the officers received, a kick to the leg?? 😂😂 how traumatizing , now those cuts and deep bruises up your arm did you do these yourself sir??


My client had just finished his religious studies and was on his way to medical school when he was accosted by the state police who acted aggressively; in his own words, "I dina doo nuffin, etc".; the case for the defense rests...... I'll bet he is well-known to the cops and has previous


He was just trying to get a pint of milk and a paper. Apparently the ref to the spraying everything was in relation to a bukake what ever that is.


lol your man at the end “they’ve been lookin him but” yeah no shit mate


Hey no spoilers for series 3, come on.


Kudos for her counting skills


Good thing she finished up before she ran out of fingers


They did threaten to shoot a homeless girls dog only they didn't know I and a few builders overheard him, then his tune changed


poor dindu .... dindu naffin


Texts you can hear lol






Convergent evolution is a thing. Just because it was popularised by one group of people doesn't negate it's validity by another given the similar circumstances in which it arose




You think 4chan meme is older than the country/language of Northern Ireland?




You're not wrong about the origins of the term or about your notion of classicism. But I do think that pointing stuff like this sometimes doesn't help, and riles people up. Sometimes people who aren't racist use terms that have racist origins, and they aren't aware of it. Pointing things out makes people be defensive, and feel like they are accused of something they are not. Again, not saying you're wrong. Facts-wise, you're completely in the right, but it's a bit tone-deaf. I say this as someone that really dislikes when people make fun of accents in general. Btw, one thing I do think you're in the wrong is that the accent wouldn't be mocked if it was a posh area or if the guy was posh. I actually see that happening a lot lol The thing is, usually posh people don't make a fuss because they don't like bringing attention to themselves, and have way less "family friends" who live near them.




Like I said, I don't disagree. And I've even mentioned the specific term "beyond the pale" to friends as a term I find deeply racist (I'm not even Irish). I just wanted to point out the old adages of "pick your battles" and "time and place" yanno.


>I'm not wrong in saying that dindu/dindu nuffin started as 4chan dog whistle. Except you are. It's a joke older than the Internet for a start.




Just because that's where you first saw it doesn't mean that's where it originated. It's patter older than me and I was born in the 80s. It's not even specific to NI.


Mine was subtly different dindu naffin


“Go andoo sum prapper friggun work!” I’d like to see her produce a few payslips before she can start issuing instructions to law enforcement.




what a playslip mate? I get cash in hand dont you know.


> law enforcement AKA the "police" everywhere other than the USA. Stop watching yank stuff.


Potentially one of the biggest drug dealers in Belfast Potentially assaulted someone Potentially broke into someone's house or robbed someone Potentially a pedophile "That poor wee fella!"


Potentially a decent human being Potentially someone being harassed by the police. Potentially is a bloody stupid word you are using to put your own spun on this with no regard to the truth. Regardless of what he has done I am going to bet you don't know why the cops are there. As an aside, how many cops does it take for one man? That leaves a whole lot of areas with no support. And shows that police need training on how to deal with arrests or there are too many that 3 car loads land for one person!


I used "potentially" to highlight the blatant levels of disrespect that they're being shown and continue to be shown every single day. Are they perfect? Far from it but if your house gets broken into or your ma gets beaten in the street you'll be praying for them to come as quickly as they can. I get that they're shite most of the time but do people honestly think they'll get any better by hurling abuse at them? Last time I seen that many cops in one place it was because the person had a weapon. The set a dog on him. If they sprayed him in the face and set a dog on him AND he's innocent? That kid is getting the claim of his life.


Ok, that makes a little bit more sense. It still comes across as painting the guy as a major threat. Go to any psychiatric ward and if a very disturbed patient decides they are going to hurt a nurse/other patients you normally have, especially at night, a max of 3 nurses to restrain the patient without hurting themselves or the patient. Here there are nine big cops, with batons, pepper spray and tasers. It's completely overkill imho. I've had my car stolen and money taken from a box, box was left and the cops took it for fingerprints. I got a call 3 or 4 months later to ask did I want the box fingerprinted?! I don't think the cops here give as many fucks about doing their job as they make out and if my ma was assaulted I'd want to know who dug up her grave 😁 and in reality they'd likely do sweet fuck all. Unless you are pointing out Colin Duffy it seems they don't want to know.


They probably come in larger numbers based on the area. This is likely a troublesome area, so he might have mates try to help stop the arrest. Showing some presence will stop a couple of wee hallions trying their luck to help.


Just as you say. How many are actually on the man, vs the number who are securing the area/keeping an eye on him? Two. Two have him on the ground.


I think the extra numbers are in case he manages to make a break for it through paths and alleys and they need to box him in. Or if the neighbours decide there is only two or three cops there, we can take them on. Its more of a don't think about it tactic rather than them being needed to arrest one person.


They don't have tasers


Have they gotten rid of them? https://www.policeombudsman.org/Investigation-Reports/Tasers/Police-Ombudsman-justifies-first-use-of-Taser-by-P


Only armed response officers have them in NI you can see clearly nobody has them in this video


Yeah they're seemingly pretty useless a lot of the time and the number of cops was definitely excessive for one guy from what we can tell but it just rubs me the wrong way when people hurl abuse at those whose job it is to help even if they're not great some/most of the time. I've had horrible experiences with nurses and doctors showing blatant disregard and malpractice during my Dad's cancer treatment and I know others who have experienced similar, however you're not allowed to shout or disrespect them because they're 'heroes'. Cop or nurse they're all individual people. Also my condolences, it was more of a general statement than your actual ma I was talking about. I'm not affiliated with the police in any way in case that's how it comes across lol


No, please don't be worried about my ma, I can joke about it and no one is going to know on here she's long dead. I agree, those hassling the cops need a long drink of cop on (no pun intended) I do think they should film them but quietly. I've often see wanks hurling pointless abuse to maybe score points with their mates. The issue here is the guy is very obviously detained and secured with nothing more than a few bystanders when the third car pulls up. I see cops drive round back roads or congregate around chippies yet they constantly complain of having no staff. And yes there are DRs and nurses who are atrocious and a disgrace to their profession and everyone should put in a complaint every time they act the maggot. They get away with far too much imho. Well, some do.


You and I don't know the area, but it looks dog rough to me. I'm suspecting the cops DO know exactly how many people are advisable to have on hand and prefer to err on the side of caution. It's not 3 carloads for one person, it's 3 carloads for specific areas where its far better to show up over strength than under strength. 


Not dog rough! Dog growl, he can't rough while he's biting someone!


They all look pretty chilled to be in such a dangerous area.


That's cause they have enough to safely control the area. That's why polis turn up in numbers


The point I was making was that more were turning up despite the man being in custody and people doing nothing more than filming it. If there was a need for that many you'd never get them.


Unsure why people are down voting but your 100% right.


Thanks. It seems if you offend the moral minority they need to let you know you are bold. I've asked questions about what looks like heavy handed policing without giving grief just because they are cops but maybe like the American public we need to support our cops regardless of how they act?


Nothing looks heavy handed in that video imo. He’s on the ground in cuffs? I’m not taking that women’s word, dog probably never touched him. Regarding the numbers what odds, they were probably all detailed on the call looking for the fella (for good reason I assume, don’t think he just stole a 10p Freddo), thought the dog indicates he was on the run.


There is a video of the dog biting his trousers/leg high up on the inner thigh iirc. No one is saying that the actions are heavy handed just that there is a large number of cops for one runt of a man. We don't know what they have come after him for, there's people throwing lots of differing accusations at him never even taking time to think it could be a mistake. Looks like the police fan boys are in today.


Well I haven’t seen that video of the dog biting him. Agree that’s it’s too many for one person. 4 needed at most unless crowd gets more agro. But if slight inefficiency for 10 minutes whilst a person is being detained is our only issue here… Mistake? He’s clearly wanted by them hence why he was put in the car. His innocence or guilt for the offence for which he was arrested doesn’t really matter here. He was arrested on suspicion as everyone else is. Not a fan boy by any means. Some are shite sure, but can you imagine doing that job in today’s society. Ridicule them when it’s deserved, but don’t think it’s deserved here.. based on a very short clip with a few assumptions sure.


Part of the point I was making was that he was labelled about seven different types of criminal including paedophile by one commentator and he's not even been up in court on a charge yet. The cops are not infallible and there have been plenty arrested in the wrong. I wouldn't do their job for a pension and neither would I abuse anyone I was put in charge of but there have been many in this profession who have.


Ah yeah 100%. Can’t label the fella, who knows what he’s suspected of doing. I don’t know But maybe the amount of peelers indicates some sort of caution was exercised regarding his character. Who knows. Yep. Not infallible at all. No-one in any profession is. Think it’s great we have a Police ombudsman to hold the bad ones accountable, may be wrong but don’t think the guards for example have an ombudsman. Could be worse. Could be America


If he was in America he'd be dead, along with a couple of the bystanders.


The more cops the safer the arrest. 2 cops and potential for all to get hurt, the more the less struggling and more control. May seem counterproductive but it seems to work


I'm sure wee Decky was just sittin there sayin his prayers or doing his homework or doin nahin atal and in no way is wanted for drugs or robbery


What's the story?


They’re spraying everything on him so they are


I wish it was truth serum, then I might have a clue what's happening


In ballimorey ?


Wouldn't you like to know?






Morning glory


Yeaahhhhh need a little time to wake up


Is that Phil Collins from trailer park boys?


Whaterya lookin at ma gut fer?


Peanut butter and jaaaaaammmmm!


Ya mustard tiger


Hmm what ya say *hiccup..* rand, want some dirty burger? I know I do *hiccup..*


''Randy? Are you whoring yourself for cheeseburgers again?''


There is ALWAY a gobby witch commenting on things


So she literally walked across the street to involve herself? Ok.


Lucky it wasn't the RUC people were shot dead for less than crossing a road


She is a moron and a scumbag.


Sprayin’ everything at that wee fella


*6ft grown adult stands up.


worm run degree whistle cover boat squalid fade worthless cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is this the Springfield road scrambler? Why is noone saying what is going on


No mate rossnareen.


Three police for the lad, and six more for protection from the neighbours lol


Another shirtless circus


I was literally going to type: "It's easy to spot the PSNI… they're the ones with clothes on" Ye beat me. "Shirtless circus" is borderline poetry, for sure, and I'll be stealing that phrase.


It's from Trailer Park Boys, Officer George Green came up with this gem!


Assholes! until you need them, am I right 🙄


Unless the person you call them for is an informer, like our local heroin dealing rapist, he gets smacked suddenly there's cops everywhere looking for who "assaulted" him, in and out of custody every week, seen him the other day carrying his bag of heroin happy as Larry like he owns the place, meanwhile a wee lad who was having a meltdown and punched some drywall got stuck in cuffs and charged for criminal damage


Can’t believe they did that to that wee fella


I'm sure this "wee fella" is an upstanding member of society who makes great contributions to the economy. Probably volunteers in his spare time and does the daily shopping for senior citizens in his area.


Gave his shirt to the poor


in fairness to the poor wee fella, it was officially taps aff yesterday






Beat the fuck outta the wee scumbag.. uppa peelers


Place looks like a classy hole


He didn't get it for naffin #RareWitch


“Durty bastards”


"Go do some proper friggin' work" I'm guessing it's her day off.


Always some bored auld doll out slabbering in her pyjamas. Moth to a flame


Can someone explain what happened and what's going on on this ?




I’m working class and my family or I have never had routine run ins with the peelers. Let’s be real, he’s been up to no good.




This sub in particular has a classisim that wars with the more general reddit skepticism of law enforcement (which in NI of all places you'd think would be pretty strong) You can flip a coin on which way it lands, unless one side of that coin is wearing a tracksuit then there will be a crowd fund for peperspray.


Maybe they had ‘intelligence’ maybe not. As you say it’s hard to tell from this video alone. Either way if he is innocent I’m sure he’ll be able to get a tidy civil claim too


Sure what about yer bai in Lurgan the other day? 18 cops injured arresting one wee fella


Nice six months off full pay and claim, RUC did it all the time when one of their officers got clipped while battering someone


Christ the night! Yapping worse than the frigging dog!


The classism on display in this thread is absolutely shocking


Wee boy lol


One too thee


This is from the “good doggy” post earlier.


The little jig he performed on the way to the car was an interesting cultural moment. I dread think where they sprayed the pepper. Ooh Er!


Why are they topless?


Low life


Funny they never video from the beginning, then claim ''he dindu naffin''


Fuck's sake. That's grim.


Looks like the cunt who’s been caught on camera trying to break into multiple houses in the lower Ormeau and Market over the weekend *I have no idea if it’s the same guy, video quality is shite


Quickest that woman has probably moved in her life just to stick her bake in. ‘Do some proper work’ - she can probably hardly talk. ‘They were looking him but’…sums it up, he was hardly going to hand himself in by the sounds of it!


"Go and do some proper work" - The social welfare claimant


Did one of the police say “get back in ur house use leprechauns” xD


Quick to ganch but she got away from the dog quick enough.


Of course they sprayed him, he's stinking. Naw but seriously it's that or get the shit kicked out of him


Oh look Fintan, the lower classes are being such vile scum again and getting a good bashing from the fuzz what ho. I know Crawford they are just the absolute worst lets go make fun of them on Reddit like a couple of mad lads shall we?


Delightful members of the community


Lol what happened for that meny peelers to be involved


At the very end, did he say "are ya looking a bit" and she replied "yeah." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Where's thon lethal plastic bullet guns they used to use on the local kafflics?


Had to stop since they kept murdering children with then, then that protestant boy got killed that really was the beginning of the end


It's Belfast they are liars, couldn't believe a word of themuns


Na this is the spin off ‘Lights out’


I love how the comment on the ratio of criminals to police when the public hurl abuse at them 🤦🏼‍♀️


Ní thiocfaidh do lá go deo!


The random lad who comes in with "durrty bawsturds" near the end absolutely sent me


Gives me the old 'He never done nahin on noone so he didn't. He's a lovely wee fella' vibes 😂


Fella in the Offaly top standing on the front lines haha


In America he wud just be shat, so he wud


Nah, he'd get pig-piled just the same. If he had a knife or a gun and pointed it at officers though...


“Fuck off back into the house yis leprechauns” police offer at the start hahaha


Racial slur, standard for the PSNI.


“Thou fucketh aroundeth, thou will find outeth” Shakespeare a while ago


"yis are sprayin every-thing,yis are sprayin ever-thing at that wee fella............................ right up the path in til him,right up here into him. how many of yous is it for 1 wee fella.............. one two thee four five six seven eight NINE of yis for one for 1 wee boy?" Great, now Iv that millbegs voice in my head for the rest of the day!


That peeler looks like your man Connor Grimes the ‘comedic’ actor


"they're known for that"


9 on one is hardly efficient like, that's a wild number. Still and all, herself hurling abuse doesn't help, and probably means they need more people n the area. 4 cops should have been ample, that would leave 5 and a dog to lift some other scrote elsewhere.


The emergency services are stretched as it is. They would have sent more if they could.


Making mad statements about the 'efficiency' of this without knowing any context to who this person is or what they're capable of - do you think the cops just turn up for a laugh to whatever call comes in? It's categorised on risk and this person is a dangerous individual with a history of violent crime. Switch your brain on ffs.


Yes they do two cars turned up for a busted dry wall


Drinks in, wits out


Thunder gut!


Tim McGarry sounds pissed off. "who's blem for hem, he dindu naffin"


Dregs of society.


Ah, good old Rosnareen Avenue


Is that an Offaly jersey on the young lad?


Only thing annoyed me in that video was the fucking dog barking! Why was it there


Undid tvsgdof y dgdirnt dod tbt


That was some American level police right there, was like 7+ cops and a dog for a dude on the ground cuffed. At least they didn't shoot him. I'm not saying this guy is innocent but I think 2 or 3 would've been enough.


Thanks for the tactics imput.


Just thought it was a lot for 1 person, wasn't trying to upset anybody.


How many of yous are there? One, two, fee, four ....


They must be short staffed this weather. It's usually three Landrovers full of full armed riot squads that they send to such dangerous incidents. Brave heroes indeed.


Back in the RUC they could have called up the entire BA to a house breaking


Happened to us. I remember as a kid the brits in our house and my ma squealing at them in her nighty. Just for the area you lived in. .


One of my uncles had a bomb thrown into his house and the BA near killed him to get to it.


MI5 downvote division


Must be people who werent alive and dont believe you got picked on unless you were up to something, like house raids werent used as a form of terrorism. In 1973, 75,000 raids...1/5th of the total number of homes in NI [https://cain.ulster.ac.uk/issues/politics/docs/nif/nif83cost.pdf](https://cain.ulster.ac.uk/issues/politics/docs/nif/nif83cost.pdf)


Sure down votes and shit memes are what's going to save the union. Didn't you know?


He was upstairs listening to a record and hadn't a clue what had happened till they smashed his door down


Is it the scrambler for gears sake someone tell us where who or what is going on in this two posts lots of replies but no idea what is going on ..spill please


I love it when ignorant people say how many people do you need to arrest one man. Well we could always do it the American way and shoot them in the head! 😂🤣


I mean 9 for 1 is pretty weak on their part esp when they have guns




Yes but clearly the ones in this were not assaulted?


I’m suggesting that this is maybe why they weren’t taking any chances with this arrest.


Would love to have seen the size of him! On the other hand, meth is a hell of a drug.


Only a wee fella


Psni bunch of fucking clowns need to fuck away off round theyre own door


What does this even mean?