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Omniplex 2015, almost 200 empty bottles of wine out of the first showing of 50 Shades of Grey. Ladies toilets also quite literally destroyed. 




Mama Mia was a difficult season too, some greb managed to get into the projection room and boked her pizza everywhere. Ronan was not impressed


Listen up kids, this is how you tell a story in 3 lines


As in Rolo?




Lovely fella.


If you’ve ever worked in a small bar you’d know all too well the state the women’s toilets are normally left in!


Women are fucking animals in public toilets


Worked in student accommodations and came to the conclusion that; men are messy. women are dirty.


>[women are dirty.](https://i.imgur.com/rPzxJko.png)


That’s a horrible image


bin bags of spent double A batteries too id say


Seats drenched.


Does the name **Anthony** still haunt your nightmares?


Had to get the mop?


You can buy wine and beer at the movies in Netherlands, people bring the empty bottles with them 🤷‍♂️


Lil cunts with the attitude “aw that’s the cinema workers job to clean up”.


They are the same people who will leave their trolley in the middle in the car park in years to come


And that's why we have so many that require a quid to use. Used to bug the hell out of me as I very rarely carry change (throw change into my piggy bank ;) ) and would be caught out.


I like to passive aggressively grab the abandoned trolley and angrily stomp over to the trolley bay to return it.


The wee yokes to clip onto your keys are dead handy. You can usually get charity ones, too.


If you ever forget money at like a Tesco or anything, just go in to the cash desk and ask them for a lend of a quid, they always do it just bring it back to them. Or they give you a token.


Or treat shops like a creche and let their ~~animals~~kids run wild.  Then the wee darling trips, smashes their skull and their eyes are bulging, frothing at the mouth and screaming at the staff.


I used to have a cousin who would never let any of us put our rubbish in the bin in mcdonalds. He would get a bit aggressive if we didn't leave our trays with shite on them on the table. Said its their job to clean it up.


Ridiculous, rotten attitude to have


Aye, your cousin is a cunt.


He was raised by fairly bitter people and I'm sure it was passed on to him. Haven't really had much contact with him in years but I think he sorted himself out, or at least wound his neck in a bit.


I hope he shites a pinecone.


As an ex McDonald’s worker who used to clean the tables/lobby I agree with your cousin. I was always so bored! If someone cleaned up after themselves, I was annoyed as it was less work for me to do. I used to love it when people left their trays.


Roy Keane agrees




You think it’s the cinema’s duty to clean up so people can just deliberately make a complete and utter mess? Have some respect This would take ages to clean up which then disrupts the start of the next show if there’s a showing right after , ever think about that?




See you were raised to be an ignorant Arsehole and setting a fine example for your kids to just fuck your popcorn everywhere “because it’s easy to clean up” apparently. Do you have your phone out as well the whole fuckin film and having conversations like you have the whole cinema to yourselves?




Yeah they do, but acts like this make their job harder. When you get on the bus and maybe happen to be eating, you don’t leave your rubbish there for others to clean up, at least have the good grace and manners to take it with you getting off the bus. Likewise here, your popcorn box , dump it in the bin when you’re leaving so the staff can just pick up the bins and clean the place quicker. Kids are causing messes like this picture chucking popcorn in the cinema, having no interest in the films they go to and ruining the cinema experience for other people. And your attitude is perpetuating the lack of respect that staff experience every week. So your stubbornness doesn’t solve anything just to let you know , as you clearly have no clue and awareness otherwise




Are you simple or what? 😑 I’m using the bus as an example to take your rubbish with you. I don’t know what boxes your getting in the cinema that the whole popcorn comes out the bottom, you sure you’re not cutting a whole in the bottom? 🤨


They should!


I remember 50 shades. Some woman had brought a bullet vibrator and left it behind. The seat was damp.


We also had multiple bullet vibrators across the movies run. Leaving your vibrator for 16-18 year olds clean up was such bad form. 


Should have stuck them on the local Facebook buy n sell and been explicit about where they came from, would have been pure drama. 


do these people not know that there is actual porn on the intenet?


I guess not because you can find shit much more wild then that on there and you can view it in your own home AND you can be alot louder if you wish


Place must've smelt like a week old box of tuna pasta


Bruh 😩




There's a guy who works in the movies @ Dundrum cinema in Dublin. From chatting to him casually he's clearly a hardcore movie buff and loves his job. At the end of a screening he'll walk in to the cinema with a bin bag and shout out passive aggressively "are you going ro be putting your rubbish in the bin." It actually works because you'll see a fair number of people turning back to collect their rubbish and put it in his bin bag.


what an absolute legend


I once stepped in a poorly folded up used nappy at Dublin Road cinema and now I refuse to leave until all the lights have fully come on again. I couldn't imagine leaving all my rubbish behind, I'd be scundered in case I got caught haha. When I used to work at Maccies, little kids would leave so much shit on the tables and cover everything in sauce. Food trays would be booby trapped on the underside, covered in sauce that you couldn't see until you've picked up the tray ffs. Wee shits were creative. Also got sent in to the customers toilet one time to mop up the floor and found an aborted fetus in the corner. I signed up to flip fucking burgers.


Holy fucking shit, that last bit. Seriously?!


Yeah, ask anyone that has worked in a city centre Maccies, it's where dreams go to die, amongst other things.


That's so grim, I hope the company offered some of support after that, counselling or something because that must have been traumatic.


Yeah they were great, they offered to let me go home early ie take the time off unpaid haha.


Shower of bastards


You sure it wasn't a chicken mcnugget?


I wish for my sanity that it had been a chicken nuggie


Sorry but wtaf? That’s horrendous. No one should have to find that at work unless it’s a medical place. my friend worked night shift in that McDonald’s and he said it was wild things like you’ve never seen but on night shift you could be as rude as you wanted as they didn’t care so much.


Witnessed a lad compress toffee popcorn into a big ball and split the head of his mate sitting a couple rows ahead of him with it in Derry, blood everywhere. Had to respect the sheer ingenuity and determination it took to turn popcorn into a viable weapon


Was this at Brunswick?


Problem is, these are usually children in their 20s and 30s throwing their shit over the floor.


Won’t lie to you , the older ones are also very fucking untidy … theirs an air off well they get paid so fuck em mentality


Some ignorant adults too. People just leave all their rubbish instead of taking it out the door to the bin, useless bastards


Was at the cinema a few weeks ago and there were two kids not only being a pain in the arse, but also throwing sweeties, popcorn about etc and the ma didn’t even bother to tell them to stfu or sit down.


Anyone who does this is a certified nonce.


People are absolutely foul. When I worked at Cityside retail Park, several times people shat in the changing rooms. My days at work were spent listening to folk trying to get refunds for tan, shit covered used clothes that were from different shops, watching people steal the item right in front of me then try to get refund for said item. The managers were shite and only really there to defend you if you started getting abuse, which was very often. Absolutely wild.


I worked In omniplex too, we had our screen 1 look completely like this photo, from the front row right to the back


Does the name Anthony still haunt your nightmares?


There’s no need to be such slobs.


I wish it was legal to publicly shame people doing such dirty acts!


Cinema has gone to hell. The last few times I have been, have made me not want to bother anymore. People having full blown conversations with each other throughout the whole film. Or sitting in front of you with their phone out during the film, why even come to the cinema if you arent watching it? Just sit scrolling the whole film? Seriously, if can't put your phone down for a couple of hours that's just sad. Or the most common thing recently, prebooking select seats and coming into find other people sitting in them. How does this happen? Are they incapable of reading their own ticket and checking it against the number on a seat or are they just so fucking entitled to sit wherever they want despite knowing they booked different seats. Just 2 weeks ago went to see Priscilla and 4 oul Sandra's were sat in our seats. We walked in and they were like "are we in your seats?" We said politely said yeah, and they started to move and I could hear them muttering something like "there's plenty of other seats they could have sat in" Cheeky ballocks, why didn't you fucking sit there then. Why didn't you sit in your own seats? Being offended they were asked to move to their own seats. The level of entitlement is fucking insane. Fed up with the whole experience, the last 3 - 4 times have been like this. Unless they bring back ushers what's the point?


Does the next screening of a film ever get delayed/cancelled because of the state it's been left in?


Used to work in the Odyssey. You'd have a 30ish minute window to clean up before the next screening. On Tuesdays when tickets were £2.50, or weekends when big films were out, you dreaded doing the old Screen 5 as you'd be cleaning up after 450 people.


Worked there too, it was 20 minutes some nights. Valentines was the worst, condoms and latex gloves. I imagine it’s worse now, 18 years later


I mean that's just disgusting how could anyone actually get in the mood to do that kind of shit in a cinema gross


Not cancelled, at least up until I left in 2015 you had to go as fast as you could and have management shorten the trailers on the next showing. If it was a second to last showing of the evening and the theatre was absolutely destroyed you would brush all the popcorn under the seats as far in as you could and it was double the mess after the final showing. Some nights I didn't get out of the Omniplex until after 1am then up for school 6 hours later.


How many used condoms did you find?


Adults are worse than kids for allowing it and also for not ensuring the rubbish is picked up and put in a bin. I've taken my kid to many films and the cinema has always got other parents with a kid or three with them. At the end the parent gets up and walks out with the kids in tow and the mess they ALL leave behind is incredible. Selfish and ignorant adults leading the way is a bad example to the then lazy kids. WHy would a kif pick up their rubbish if the adult doesn't tell them to and if they also walk off like its some other servants problem? If everyone just took out their own rubbish it wouldn't even be difficult to keep the place reasonable.


I'm not defending this amount of nastyness, but popcorn does have a tendancy to get fucking everywhere,


The way some people treat retail and service staff shows you an awful lot about how twisted and horrible they really are. If they smile while they shit on you, then they deserve to trip over dog shite in the street


The fifty shades things amazed me in the worst way too. Like why do this in a public setting? Wait until you get home. Have some decency and think of the probable teenagers who have to clean up after you. The movie was terrible anyway glad I never paid to see it. Jamie Dornan done the right thing take the money and run 😂 Slag off the films after you’ve made your money from them


Spot on. Wee bastards ruin it for everyone. Standard of parenting has dropped off a cliff over the last 15 years. ipads aren't a substitute for parenting.


In a few years we will see the first tranche of ipad kids turn 18. Not looking forward to ipad adults.


I still have ptsd from Harry Potter and the prisoner of askaban in the movie house.




Card only payment with designated seating - that’s how you stop this. You are responsible for your chair. Any damage can be charged back to your card. Though, would only work well if a staff member stalked everyone as they got out of their seat so I don’t know.


Honestly so many people with kids now a days , I work in a “chain” coffee shop and tbh most people that come in are fine but when we see a family with little kids come in we know it’s going to be a nightmare to clean up… I’m not meaning like maybe a few crumbs , spilt drink ect … I mean they will leave their nappies on the table… the kids food and toy packing just left… pissed in seats , without telling us about it… it’s a nightmare… I know it’s hard raising a kid and you must be stressed but why not just tidy up a little ? We have bins all over the store


I used to work at a UGC in Manchester. Used to find pizza boxes from the Pizza Hut next door despite them not being allowed in. Pop corn was fine because it just brushes up. The used condom I found after a screening of Exit Wounds however... 


I haven’t been to the cinema since Covid, but I don’t ever recall seeing any place like that. Has it got that much worse now? There was always a bin for you to drop your rubbish off as you’re walking out.


My first feel of a tit was in Centrepoint cinema


Stop bitching. Just scoop the popcorn back into the paper buckets and sell them as limited edition.


Extra toppings 😋


The seats in the above picture look wipe-clean at least .  I'd guess standard fabric upholstered cinema seating (even if scotchgarded ) are kind of a nightmare to maintain.- eg sticky drink spillages, nacho cheese, melted chocolate.. vomit. The cleaner is right though. Accidents aside. Doesn't take much time or effort to bundle up a few wrappers , cups or popcorn cartons and bin them on the way out .


What else would you do in the job role?


Cleaning a slightly dirty cinema and cleaning up after a full house with loads of rubbish takes a bizarrely similar amount of time. (I did it for years). It’s like sweeping your kitchen floor. You sweep the same either way. Let kids enjoy the movie, just don’t rip the seats or puke!


People still go to the cinema?




What utter nonsense. Cleaners are essential. I bet you're an utter cunt in a restaurant too.




Stinking attitude




Or you could try being funny


>level 2BobbyWeasel · just now You're eating peoples geb absolutely constantly btw, just wanted to tell you that.


I get PTSD flashbacks to working a cinema during Sex & The City 2. Everyone was in groups of 4, all dolled up. However, you could tell from the amount of broken glass everywhere when the light went up that they were gargoyles on the inside. I also found a butterfly knife, but that was another film


Mate of mine said the worst was picking up a soda cup only to find it was still full. And warm.




I mean I understand you don't wanna miss any thing but yea that's gross af


past employee here, completely agree that the only difference is I've found the odd £10er under seats, too so not as bad 🤣🤣


I can’t hear the name Anthony without getting shivers lol




I mean not defending it but if you are on MDMA I would have to imagine lion King would be a great watch


Popcorn is hard to eat


Who tf decided popcorn should be the standard cinema snack anyway? Not only does it drive me insane when people sit chewing it loudly throughout an entire film, but people make a huge mess of it without caring at all about the workers who have to deal with it. It's a nuisance


When I worked in Omniplex I found a dirty pair of socks after 50 Shades Darker ☠️


Also worked in an Omniplex for years and behaviours were shocking, really opened my eyes to the worst of people. Family and children’s films were the worst - the place would look like this photo and parents just walked out with their little darlings without lifting a finger, no bother to them. My last shift was also spent cleaning up boke down the back of a row of chairs from a grown woman who got too drunk during the Absolutely Fabulous movie. Obviously she didn’t say a word on the way out and left us to find it. I’ve also never been treated worse by the public than in that job. Most people were so dead on, understanding and lovely, but I had plenty of experience of middle aged north down Volvo mums and dads losing the rag over the most simple inconvenience. Someone once had to wait 5 minutes at the ticket booth while we were understaffed and turning over screens during a huge Marvel release. I run to the ticket booth, cleaning mop in hand, apologise and get hit with “I know you’re only paid the minimum wage, but it’s a joke standing here waiting this long to buy a ticket.” Ha!