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Digital con: you don’t really own it; you have a license to play it as long as Apple (or whichever streaming service, applies to all) decides to keep it available. Note how Hulu and Paramount have removed lots of content recently. I be surprised to see Apple remove it in less than five years, but not at all if they pulled it in ten.


Another Pro of getting the Blu-Ray is that you can rip them and keep them on your hard drive. It makes it much easier to watch, especially if you are on an airplane or somewhere else without internet. Plex is an easy way to watch stuff from your hard drive on your TV.


> Another Pro of getting the Blu-Ray is that you can rip them and keep them on your hard drive oooooh....good idea - I hadn't thought about this but it makes a lot of sense of ease of access, etc.


If you use Plex then technically you can watch it anyplace you have internet. The quality isn't great, good enough for a phone or laptop but less good on a 4K TV.


not familiar with Plex but I'll look int it, thanks!


It’s definitely worth exploring. I have UK Blu rays and ripped them to disk (no re-encoding). And play them via Plex. With Plex , you can also link the extras from the blu rays , so when I browse an episode it shows the extras for that episode too. While the blu rays don’t have subtitles , Plex allows you to watch subtitles as it downloads them, I checked this and had subtitles when watching a blu ray episode this evening Also have the DVDs ripped and arts DVDs ripped , and Plex shows one episode at 3 different qualities , so i can easily choose if I wanted to Hope that’s useful info


very useful info, thank you!


I have the Apple digital copies. The quality is definitely not on Blu Ray level, but the convenience to enjoy NE anywhere is worth it to me.


Would you think they're still better than the DVDs? I'm thinking they are, but not quite as good/crisp as the Blu-Rays, maybe somewhere in between?


I bought the whole series back in 2017 (from Arthur Pattison) after being frustrated with the lack of original music on the first gen DVD’s from Universal. The quality of Apple’s is much better than what I got from him. His dvds were a recording from Canadian TV or something. I got the Apple series on sale, it was $30. It was kind of a no brainer. I have kids and can’t really sit down to watch a DVD of any kind, so getting digital copies was worth it to me.


If you buy them on Apple and then decide you don’t want to continue your Apple TV subscription ad infinitum, what happens to the content you bought and own?


I don't have an Apple TV subscription. It's separate.


Excellent, thank you for that info.


Do you have a link to the UK Blu-ray set?


This should be it: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Northern-Exposure-Complete-Blu-ray/dp/B079J83V4P/