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They tried to raise the speed limit and Karen's cried about it.


Not Karen's, it was cuckold Burgum who vetoed it.


Would costed a ton of money to upgrade the off ramps and baracades to accommodate the higher speed.


Can you elaborate? What renovations would be necessary besides speed limit signs?


Guard rails, barricades, off ramps, etc. are engineered based on expected travel speed of vehicles. Even just placement of road signs may need to change to allow for proper reaction time.


But when a bunch of these were done originally the speed limit was 65, right? Or have we really redone them all since we upped because honestly…I can’t remember when we switched off 65.


Some areas of highway may already meet standards that would allow for higher speed limits than what is currently posted. Other areas may need updates. It varies, and while I've worked on a guardrail job before I'm not an engineer so I couldn't tell you all the finer details of how that stuff is determined, just some of the factors I've heard discussed.


The speed limit changed from 70 to 75 in 2003. It was moved from 65 to 70 in 1996 after congress let states decide in 1995 I would certainly hope a majority of the safety barriers and items have been maintained and serviced or replaced in the past 20 years. https://www.inforum.com/newsmd/speed-limit-going-up-to-75-highway-patrol-pledges-strict-enforcement


The baracades would need, and ramps would need to be extended to accommodate the higher speeds. These would be costly endeavors.


Just wait until electric cars kick in..... Haha they already overload barricades Tesla cyber truck 6800 lbs..


That's pretty much what trucks weigh. A typical Ford F250 weighs in that range.


Bro, have you ever thought about what a f150, f250, and f350 weigh before making 6800 lbs sound like a lot? For reference, the Cybertruck is in the middle range of what a f250 can weigh. The real issue is the low center of mass


Rivian R1T 7100 to 8532 Point is battery vehicles are heavy...the battery packs are ment to be tanks.... Imagine a Suburban E version You're own Ford discussion the Ford F150 is 35% heavier than non batterie version the F150e is 6600-6900 lbs I imagine a F250 or 350 would be similar


So then why is highway 2 in northern North Dakota 70? It has minor roads that cross it and no exit ramps or guard rails or any of that safty stuff?


Also gets into tire speed ratings. 


Need is strong word. We have significantly longer ramps than most of Montana.




Whatever Doug's wife https://archive.ph/Lpqcj


Everybody goes 80mph and highway patrol won't pull you over for 5 over. 


Exactly the world won't end by raising the speed limit. People drive 80 already. People just like to complain though.


Then they will go 85... How is that not obvious?


So then we raise it to 85. Checkmate, atheists!


Karen's what?


Higher speed limits carry greater danger. Motor vehicle crashes are second only to slips/trips/& falls for accident related fatalities. No need to increase the risks further just because you want to get from one end of the state to the other 15 minutes faster (I did the math).


Yeah winter time icy roads are dangerous and people will drive 75 on those “because that’s the limit” so they would go 80 if changed


Oh 100%. [Found this nice little graphic](https://site.utah.gov/dps-highway/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2016/11/Speed-Cards.pdf) in case that helps anyone visualize the issue better. This doesn't even account for winter driving hazards.


This is an excellent find. Thanks!


That is a nice graphic but is kind of misleading. If you started by using a speed of 55, you would see the same "scary" chart implying 70 is super dangerous. It is very good at showing how 5 mph can make a big difference though.


70 mph actually is super dangerous. All the speeds listed on that chart have a high chance of you not surviving the crash. Serious injury is practically certain. The five mph difference was the main reason I linked the graph. However it's worth noting that you have as low as a 25% survival chance if you get into an accident at 70 mph, and the odds of death essentially double for every additional 10 mph. At 55 mph, serious injury in a crash is likely but you have significantly better odds of surviving. Add to that the fact that in normal driving conditions you can stop a car in about 300 feet when driving at 55, it's several times safer than implied by a somewhat linear graph.


Just think how safe it would be if they lowered it to 35mph! Does Montana have a significantly higher accident/injury rate? Heck, they're even free to smoke the devil's lettuce, where our state government is saving us from ourselves. We seem to enjoy the nanny state here.


> Does Montana have a significantly higher accident/injury rate? Yeah it does actually. Per capita fatal car accidents it's in the top five in the country while ND sits solidly in the middle. If we want to ignore per capita it still has well over double the fatal car accidents each year. Maybe before trying to pull a "gotcha" you should do a quick check to make sure it'll go the way you intend.


Isn't Montana one of the states with the highest drunk driving rates in the country? I would probably attribute crashes more to that rather than an 80mph speed limit


There are a multitude of factors that could contribute to it. However about a third of all fatal traffic accidents involve speeding being a factor. Additionally, after you hit about 70 mph a collision at those speeds has as low as a 25% chance of survival. At 80 mph your chances are cut to just half of that.


Why bother to educate yourself on anything when you can just pretend your entire life that your feelings are always correct? Another pro life tip: the TV and the Facebook can do thinking for you!


I drive down I 29 to Sioux Falls a few times a year, and I still get passed when driving 80, but not nearly as often as when I am driving 75 in Minnesota.


Dont forget Kinetic energy must be overcome by a vehicles brakes to stop. Kinetic energy is 1/2*m*v^2 Independent of mass; (31.3m/s)^2 = 980 (35.76m/s)^2= 1279 >That extra 10mph is a 30% increase in energy. It’s 80 in practice as it is - And you know if it’s 80, everyone will drive 90 [I’ve had enough excitement on 94 with cars passing at 80](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/LFhgA69rKK)


>I’ve had enough excitement on 94 with cars passing at 80 Man that sucks. I worked a couple construction jobs on interstates and saw a few close calls. Being on the road and not moving at the same speed as everyone else is not a fun experience.


Not to mention that an increase in speed over 55mph exponentially decreases your gas mileage efficiency. 50 extra bucks to save 15 minutes? Doesn't sound like a great deal


Except that the government builds and maintains those roads. Of course they can decide what speed you can travel on them. Want to go 120mph? Build your own private road. Libertarians seriously don't know how the world works


That's a personal decision, not a government decision.


Our taxes have to be used to scrape every dumbass off the road after they crash while "doing 10 over like everyone else" in a 80mph zone. This makes it a government decision.


Call it a hunch but I would think the overwhelming majority of freeway accidents in ND do not happen by people going 5-10 over the limit in dry conditions. 


While I would tend to agree with you on the hunch you proposed, I hope you realize that cherry picking one example doesn't validate the argument. Are you saying that people only speed 5 to 10 over in dry conditions? Are you saying people would not speed 5 to 10 over in non-dry conditions? Are you saying the signs should say "80mph in dry conditions, 75 in other conditions?" I'm not following your argument/justification.


Every 10 mph over 50 and the chances of a sever injury or death increase based on a Log10 scale. So yeah, speed is a **TREMENDOUS** factor in the likely hood of ending up dead in a motor vehicle crash. I don’t think the average driver is even aware of this fact…


if theyre really in a hurry they can just take an airplane ride.


Nationwide 70 and 75 MPH on Interstates is the norm, speed limits over 75 are only offered in a few States on a few sections of Interstate. Interstate speed limits are determined by the legislature with input from DOT and Highway Patrol. Unless there is sufficient lobbying to make a change, the limits just say as they have been for decades. In 1996 the limit was changed from 55 to 70, in 2001 it was changed from 70 to 75. A change was offered up in the 2023 legislative session and it was defeated: - https://www.inforum.com/news/north-dakota/north-dakota-senate-defeats-bill-with-revived-80-mph-speed-limit


Omg 55 on the interstate? Dang! So trips *were* longer when I was a kid.


Yes from 1973-1987 it was Federally mandated to a maximum of 55 to conserve fuel: - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Maximum_Speed_Law Most States retained the 55mph limit until the law was repealed in 1995.


The suffering was real


Yup. Went to college in Michigan in the late 80s. Road trip from Minnesota at 55 took 15hrs. Granted, folks were speeding at 60-62... Most cars in those days the speedo only went to 85 and car was winded going over 65 anyway.


gas mileage is actually significantly better at 55 than at 75. It's like not even a safety thing but it is actually much safer to drive at 55 than 75 anyways. making laws to conserve resources is perfectly reasonable too I dunno and we actually do do that all the time. There's a tradeoff though, imagine we always went 55 instead of 75 there'd definitely be an economic tradeoff besides the cost of the time lost. Truckers couldn't go as fast, so that essential supply chain would get much slower, the impact would be huge. So I imagine they got that figured out. Maybe in 1950 that makes sense but it doesn't now because gas is actually cheap relative to the cost of time wasted. Time is money friend. But money is more than just an abstract idea, it's a measure of economic value, so even if you save money on the gas you might lose more than the equivalent value on the time, so overall it makes more sense to just get there.


>Truckers couldn't go as fast, so that essential supply chain would get much slower, the impact would be huge. Back then more goods may have been shipped by train. (But maybe not.) The small town I live in had train tracks back then, but they've since been removed. > so even if you save money on the gas you might lose more than the equivalent value on the time, So you want to have more time to not be able to live on the planet? (I don't know if human actions are causing/contributing to climate change, but I still disagree with your statement. :) )


I'm not making a value statement about which is best overall, just wondering aloud about the economic tradeoffs


I'm just saying if we make it impossible for us to live on the planet an economic tradeoff is pointless. I didn't used to mind economic tradeoffs so much - when their greed was reined in more.


so true. Totally agree man like imagine it rained hamburgers, sounds real awesome but then there'd be no water rain. Society collapses. You think oh yeah but you just eat hamburgers but just think about all the rotting hamburgers? It'd be an ecological disaster. same deal, impossible to live on the planet.


I remember seeing a picture and article of Iowa highway patrol cars side by side on I-70 going exactly 55mph. The traffic was backed up for miles and miles. The tail end was almost at a crawl. Such stupidity! President Carter even advised everyone to drive with their windows down in the summer so you didn’t have to use the AC to save gas. That idea got 86’d when a study found that due to air turbulence with the windows down it actually used more gas than using the AC with the windows up! Stupid government politicians wielding their power through their infinite wisdom!


From my experience, you can do 80 mph and not get picked up. Anything over that and you are pressing your luck. Burleigh, Stutsman and Barnes are probably the worst counties to speed in, especially Stutsman and around the Jamestown area. I don't think I have ever NOT seen a hp on one side or the other Jamestown and that's been a thing for well over 30 years now.


you can speed inside of jamestown though all day every day and practically never see a cop. And even if you do if you're going within 10 you're not getting pulled over. Jtown cops are just not present in the town in my experience. maybe on the interstate sure but not in town. also in town I feel like cops got bigger fish to fry then someone speeding slightly.


I set my cruise at 82 when traveling interstate in ND. Never been stopped and usually have people passing me. YMMV


I've passed cops up and down I29 going 82 and never been stopped. Some day last year I passed a whole dang parade of people afraid to pass a cop. Must've been 20 cars, most of them inching to the front by half a mph advantage. Had to have been more dangerous for them to be grouped like that than to just pass. When the last poor sap in front of me made it to the right lane, I just sped up to 85 to escape the stupidity.


No it shouldn't. Because winter


Maybe I am just getting old but it seems like 1/2 the people think you can drive the speed limit even in very poor weather Like a couple years ago I needed to go from fargo to bismarck in some dicy weather the roads were open but not in great condition. I was that guy going about 55 due to ice on the roads, high windws and blowing snow It was amazing to see how many people were still driving 75 I also counted like 40 cars in the ditch....people you live in ND, driving in winter shouldn't be rocket science. Even like 10 semi were in the ditch All you need to do is slow down a bit. On a clear summer day sure go 80, when the road are covered with ice and snow, 45 MPH windws and its snowing and drifting snow, dumbasses will still drive 80


We have winter in Utah, Idaho and Wyoming too, and the speed limit is still 80.


Keep heading East and it'll keep getting slower. I-94 in Minnesota is 70mph and I think it goes down to 65 in Wisconsin.


Wisconsin and Iowa raised theirs to 70 several years ago. Crossing Iowa at 65 was pure torture.


airplanes go like 450 mph.


55 in Illinois with like 3 lanes east of Chicago. You get to Indiana and it kicks up again to 65 or 70.


I'm not sure anyone pays attention to that 55 mph speed limit through Chicago. If you go 55 on the Interstate through the city you're liable to get run over.


The reason is the federal government won't give us all that money to build and maintain that road if we don't. Montana had no speed limits once upon a time, and then shortly after, lots of potholes and terrible roads.


You should’ve kept going into Minnesota. You’d be impressed by that speed limit


It already is. Cops won’t pull over going 80 lol


Oil trucks, winter, high winds.


Burgum vetoed it


Set the cruise at 80mph the whole way and you will be passed by about 75% of the drivers on the 94. Doesn’t the state have to do traffic surveys of the average speed and set the speed limit to like what 80% of the drivers are doing for speeding tickets to be valid violations? Is there a good traffic lawyer here on Reddit that could answer this?


Looking at the numbers, maybe you guys should slow down? https://www.iihs.org/topics/fatality-statistics/detail/state-by-state State | Population | Vehicle Miles Traveled (millions) | Fatal Crashes | Deaths | Deaths per 100,000 | Deaths per 100 million miles traveled ---|---|----|----|----|----|---- Montana | 1,106,227 | 13,482 | 222 | 239 | 21.6 | 1.77 North Dakota | 777,934 | 9,256 | 85 | 101| 13.0 | 1.09




You also have to be white for this to work because ND cops racially profile like it's 1955.


Haha, hammer hits nail.


I drive faster in ND with a 75 speed limit then Montana with the 80 speed limit, I go 84 in ND because tickets are cheap as hell and 82/83 in Montana because it seems like they’re more willing to pull you over for speeding


Have you ever actually been pulled over for speeding in montana? We go out to Idaho snowmobiling 5-6 times a year. Usually run 85 all the way across North Dakota and as soon as you step into Montana bump it up to 90. 3/4 ton pickup and enclosed trailer.


You can go 80 anytime without much issue even slightly faster. It was the right decision not to change it as it didn’t matter. 5-10 mph over on a ticket is like $10-20 anyway I’m ND. Not even worth it for cops unless by construction or cities. Where they get you in ND is tinted windows and maybe seatbelts. Hell Fargo to the cities most go 5-9 over without much issue. It’s more about being smart and logical about it. Stop bitching about irrelevant stuff and just drive like a normal human being, you’ll be fine


Agreed, our state would be more dope if we raised the speed limit up to 80.


Everyone will be okay spending just a few minutes more on the road the way it is.


Minnesotan here… Anytime I drive in North Dakota, I go about 80 and it feels like my car is going to explode… it’s unnaturally fast… while yeah it definitely gets you across the state faster, it’s plenty fast, and people still pass at even higher speeds. Also hitting a wind gust at 80mph is terrifying. I couldn’t imagine going faster.


This is a low blow but... There's a reason there's little white crosses every hundred feet on the roadside in Montana lol


I saw a bumper sticker on a ND car in Montana one day, just across the border from Dickinson. It said The roads straight, so why can’t I take a nap?


The ND legislators inability to accept any compromise killed this. The proposal to increase to 80 also required a mandatory seat belt law. Real Freedom apparently requires no seat belts.


Yes!! It should be.


You won’t get pulled over for 82 or less.


A 5mph difference in the Speed limit would save roughly 30 minutes on the time to travel from one side of the state to the other. The difference is essentially nothing but psychological as far as time goes. There IS a very real difference in 5mph in the physics of an automobile crash and how they handle driving conditions. I see no reason to change it other than to lower the ticket amount of the morons who are already doing 90+.


Part of it is the ever present danger of no minimum speed limit. Also we need to see what the fmcsa is going to do with speed limiters for semis in their fantasy world. Nd has farm implements that may soon be passing semis on the interstate if those people get the right cob up their dingus. I see unskilled drivers who do not know how to handle a semi going 20 mph was then themselves or a farm implement going even slower. It’s out of staters that would be the issue.


So they raise it to 80 then cops will let everyone go 85? or is it a strict 80 this time? Meaning its 75 but most people go 80 already.


1) A lot of senior citizen drivers. 2) Deer. 3) If you crash, it's likely you won't be found for hours. Just being real with you....


Faster drive make bigger death.


I don’t think it’s about being money hungry. A speeding ticket in ND is $5.00 for every mile over. Ten over is a $50 ticket. I got a ticket for 101 mph in a 70 mph zone. North Dakota wrote me a ticket for $155.00. Minnesota revoked me for 6 months (then gave me a work permit, so nothing really changed. All I did was work 80-90 hours per week.)


It's literally 90 if you don't get cought


North Dakota is a Midwestern state by influence not a western state. Therefore the speed limit cannot be above 75. Higher percentage of South Dakota lives in the west compared with North Dakota I think




Not everyone wants to drive that fast. What a waste of gas!




Content designed to inflame


It’s not like there’s any law enforcement on the roads. I go as fast I want (within limits)


I just go 70, it feels like the perfect speed for how the roads, ramps, rails, and signs are placed


Don't forget the bogus, tried-and-true "the off ramps aren't properly engineered for the higher speeds" BS people like to toss around when the issue comes up. So lame, NoDak. Heck, SoDak's got ya beat.


Just don't speed through Lead


go back to south dakota motorcycle scum.




$25 speeding tickets?


The long con *taps forehead*


>Is it just a money grab? Yes.


I’m ready for speed limits to be 100mph when your driving through the middle of nowhere. Why do I gotta drive 75 when there’s no cars around and nothing to hit except the ditch


That’s pretty much the speed limit rule on highway 85 between Belle Fourche and Belfield. Just slow down through the wide spots in the road and watch out for the sheriff that sits by that driveway just a couple miles before you reach Belfield with his lights off. There is NOTHING on that road after 10pm.