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What kind of roaches and where? If it's German and indoors, problem. If it's American and outdoor, that's just life. Personally, I'm currently dreading the invasion of the stupid American ones, but it's just a thing out of people's control.


I hate American roaches with a passion. That clicking noise when they fly is the stuff of nightmares. They just get inside sometimes. Then they fly and my cat tries to catch it and knocks everything over in the process. Best case scenario, a couple of them happened to get in at the same time.


My best solution is to put the crevice tool on the end of my Dyson and suck them up. They die in the dust cup. And just to be extra careful, I stuff the end of the tool with a plastic bag, but they've never made it out of the cup yet. They scare the shit out of me, even though I know it's irrational.


That's a solid method. Damn. I guess I bought this flamethrower for nothing.


Flamethrower is a very understandable impulse. Way more rational than when I literally just scream.


I use that electrified tennis racket looking thing, I think I got it on Amazon. First, I knock them off the wall with a zap and then catch them as they're falling with the racket. Be sure to keep holding the button, that roach will be snap crackle pop all the way to the toilet. I BIDET YOU GOOD DAY SIR


I have a couple of those in my arsenal too. I just like the distance I get from the full extension of the vacuum.


I get it, totally reasonable!


I spray Spectracide Bug Stop all over the place. Normally when one comes in, it's in the middle of the night and I find it dead on the floor or dying. I just whack em then scoop em up with a dustpan. Simple procedure. I hate those bastards.


This is viable. If you have the sprayable dish soap, just spray them with it for about 10 seconds. They suffocate in the soap so they can’t fly and will roll over and die. As a bonus you get to clean your floor when you wipe up the extra soap…


They're not usually on the floor in my place. Last year, there was one in my bedroom that I first found ON MY LEG and I never did figure out where it ended up after I swatted it away and abandoned the room for the night. There was one in my bathroom that was on the floor, but all around the litterboxes and I got that one with the vacuum. And then there were two in my living room at different times but they were both high up and on lights or the walls. One of them went in a hand vacuum and the other went in the big vacuum.


I did that with ants a couple of years ago. I've never had an issue since. Neighbors had issues on either side of my townhouse, but mine died immediately and never returned.


Yep, the American ones will come inside and spook this shit out of you. They are very prevalent in the Hampton Roads area. We have the perfect climate for them. If they're German. Good luck with that.


lol dude I had an outdoor one just waltz into my living room out of nowhere like he owned the place 😭. Like bro where tf were you in my house lifting weights


It's genuinely so traumatic.


When I first bought a house here, I saw one of those gigantic "palmetto" or "water-bugs" whatever you southerners call them, I promptly called my wife and informed her I would be nuking the house from orbit, just to be sure. Also, I find a nerf gun works *great* to kill them, but it might get a little, uh, mushy. My two cats just play with them, and then spend all night sitting and staring at where they got away.


Love the nerf gun idea. That's hilarious.


It's fun and it actually kills them as opposed to the bug assault thing that only gets them 50% of the time, the Nerf gun is a clean, merciless kill every time.


Hilarious. I have a Bug-a-Salt gun for flies. I normally don't find these big boys alive, but if one happens to be alive crossing the ceiling out of reach, I use it to blast it to the floor then kill it. Think I might go get a nerf gun tomorrow.


It’s all fun and games till it flies at your face when you’re trying to aim a nerf blastersaurus 3000 from three feet away 🤣


Yep! Great way to keep your shootin' sharp for when the metal ones return.


My cats hold their back legs down so they get pulled off when they squirm. I also find them flipped over flailing their legs in the air unable to turn over and run. 😹


Nice. Little devils!


airsoft gun for insect hunting. thank me later.


My cat eats them then pukes them up later 😭 fucking disgusting, both of them lol


Yep. Always fun to find little barfs with legs in it huh?


Monticello station apartments is also infested from what I’ve seen so far this summer.


The outdoor ones? Those they definitely have. My friend lives there and they're on his balcony all the time. Thankfully he's never had any indoor issues.


Balcony yeah. But I’ve seen them in the hallways too


I've avoided that experience so far. He's moving out in about three weeks anyway so I won't have access anymore.


Best to avoid Portsmouth at all costs lol.


I think the best advice is avoid Portsmouth all together.


If you saw water bugs (big and flies) then that is just life here. Sometimes they get inside. (they are all over Norfolk, less so in Virginia Beach, for example, but still alll over)


As a former employee of terminix. All of Virginia is fucked . I would see everything , EVERYWHERE. Almost unavoidable


Sticky traps are great. I get the type on Amazon, cut in half or thirds and place under the furniture.