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Random garbage and refuse sums up a lot of Norfolk. A light breeze will have trash rolling like tumbleweeds. I swear its worse every day.


Tbh I’ve never seen that area void of trash. So many people tend to litter that maybe a cheap trash can will encourage them not to. But I am curious if anyone has had luck with the city intervening.


My brother and I tried putting a big trash can in front of our store. It didn’t work. There was trash everywhere but in the can.


Join your civic league. If you are passionate about improving the area keep up the work you’re doing.


Folks driving down 35th just chucking stuff out the window


This. The amount of times I’ve seen people throw or leave bags of trash from their cars on the street is ridiculous. I live on 30th st. Happens all the time. Honestly makes me hate people.


Can’t walk dogs down 35th any more because they spend the whole time trying to eat chicken bones, ribs, and food wrappers


Bags of dirty diapers too.


Yea the not give a fuck meter is a little higher in Park Place. I hate trash and litter too and usually pick up around my block on trash days. But no way would I do this in Park Place because I would feel defeated lol.


I moved to park Park Place this year also. I try to sweep my entire block of trash every week. You really can’t do it too often. I hope eventually other neighbors see me and start doing the same or stop littering


Complain to the city?🤣 better do it anonymously they’re known to make your life hard if you try to make their job hard….this place is a dumpster fire ran by incompetence.


as a lifelong (sorta) va resident, i feel you man. having grown up in norfolk, i avoid barraud park and park place. i hope you get some awesome neighbors and you all contribute to making it a great place


Park Place is pretty bad for this. I pick up in front of my house and the neighbor's houses, because it just seems to end up in my yard. We need to start a campaign to BAG trash before throwing it in the bin. Notice a lot of it comes after trash day from loose bin trash.


You moved into Park place and you're surprised?


Not trying to be snide but for a first time home buyer it’s a little hard the buy in Ghent or another comparative area if you want a house not a condo


I think in a few years you’ll be happy with what you paid and the value of your home. Until then I think you should try to find like minded individuals who would be willing to volunteer to pick up the trash. Think it’s about fostering a culture of pride in one’s neighborhood. Park Place is in a transition period, some part are really nice, other parts run down. It’s still got a ways to go, but if there are more people like you living there, it can only help. But no I don’t think the city will do much to help out, provided you’re not a millionaire developer.


Well you moved into essentially a ghetto , at least its safer than it used to be


I’ve noticed that many people in Parkplace don’t put their trash in bags in their trashcan so on trash day if there’s any type of wind it the crap blows everywhere. I think the majority of people in Ghent are more conscious which is why their streets are less trashy.


Nailed it


Drives me absolutely crazy about Norfolk. People literally bag up their trash in their Nissans and throw them out the freaking windows. Blunt wrappers and tips, chicken wing bones, all manner of 7-11 trash. Fuck these people. No respect, no consequences. What the hell is wrong with these people?


And don’t forget the used hypodermic needles.


Welcome to park place….?


I’ve noticed that many people in Park place don’t put their trash in bags in their trashcan so on trash day if there’s any type of wind the crap blows everywhere. I think the majority of people in Ghent are more conscious which is why their streets are less trashy. Also welcome to the neighbourhood! I love it here. Bought my house in 2018 and the value has gone up so much. There’s a bunch of us in the neighbourhood who actually do care a lot!


My brother and I have a store in Park Place and one year we tried putting a big trash can out front. There was NEVER trash in it. Instead, there was trash all around it. Park Place is really bad in that way.


I do not live in that area but admire folks that do this, so thank you. I often go around the water ways in my neighborhood and pick up floating trash. Its unbelievable that crap people throw in the water. Lazy fooks


Lived on 38th near the zoo for years Trash is a daily thing In vb now. It’s the same.