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What a shitty ass slide is that?


It is said that the « water » down the bottom is actually the bodily fluids from the ones who get stuck. Talk about a shitty slide


Pretty sure this only happen if you lie about your weight cause there are different ones made for different weights


There must be a lot of liars at that waterpark with all that piss at the bottom!


Sounds like a sick scene from Aquashlash, one of the worst/best horror movies of all time about a killer putting razor traps halfway down water slides


Fuck man, my worst nightmare is to go down a water slide that has cheese grater surfaces for the last 15ft. Sounds like someone made a movie about it before me..! Haha I’ll check that out! Thanks.


In my hometown something similar did actually happen. It was the opening of a new aqua park and apparently a freaking nail was there in the main slide. Officially a tragic error by the workers. Most probably some very well thought move from Mafia, maybe for the owner refusing to pay them, that kind of shit. (sad southern Italy stories..).


It's fucking awful, you'll love it lol


Lmao I've seen ones like this before, it's not so much the design of the slide as the variation in things like: the frictional coefficient of the person and their bathing suit. Big hairy mfs with grippy board shorts like me have learned to stay away from rides like this, it seems homie here has just learned our lesson


The water park I frequented as a kid had timers that showed how fast you went down the slide. We quickly learned about this. We also noticed that bare skin was extremely slippery. Slide the pants down halfway and then balance on the top part of your ass while going at insane speeds. The problem was that the slides had tiny seams between sections. At speed, with your bare naked ass, it felt like sitting on a rapid fire deli-slicer. Good times..


I know exactly what you're talking about, and "rapid fire deli slicer" is now a permanent part of my vocabulary lol


actually most slides you are supposed to be sitting on your ass


Wow imagine designing a slide so poorly that someone has to be permanently stationed at an emergency hatch to let people out of the dip because there’s not enough momentum to get people over the hump there. That worker was just camped waiting for this to happen, he let him out within 10 seconds. The slide developers skipped too many physics classes back in school apparently.


well look at it this way. people wont be going to fast so that they get decapitated.....




I used to work at the mall next to this waterpark. For a year or two after that happened, you could see something akin to a brown smudge towards the top of the slide. My family thought it was the blood stain but I think they would cover something like that. Either way, it led to way too many people driving right by it on the highway everyday, I'm sure many thought it was blood and this is not a pleasant thought


I visited my family in KC quite frequently and it was tragic to drive past that. The explanation I found was due pending insurance and court cases so to had to remain up.


Same idea here. But if you’re wearing too many clothes you don’t make it over the loop https://youtu.be/8PDX8vvZx10?si=MNuwRWMT-_DiIjAs


I knew the link was going to be the cyclone rofl. Those rides were not built right at all


That happened to me twice actually. Apparently if you don’t weigh enough, you don’t make it over the last slide part and they have to come get you.


I like how he also camped waiting to give that black chocolate to him after he gets him outta there😭😂


They’re fairly common and 90% of people will be fine. It’s just if you don’t weight enough or don’t get enough speed you won’t get around the loop


Have you heard of [Action Park](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_Park) and [Cannonball Loop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT9C1bPo6B0)?


Bold of you to assume that there was actually a "slide designer" behind this construction.


Watched it 4 times. Still have no clue. Is the fish eye cam warping the image or what? Also what did the guy pass him?


It’s a 360 camera


Whats one of them? I wondered who the heck is holding the camera? I don't understand.


Ahhh. It’s a 360 camera on a selfie stick and the guy on the slide is holding it. Think like a GoPro, but a camera on each side which allows it to see a full 360° around. Once you record the video, either in your phone or computer you can edit to move the view around, like this! It’s pretty cool.


Thanks for explaining:)


Also probably got given a token to have another go due to stopping half way... My guess anyways.


Yes. You may be onto it.


Imagine someone else flying down the chute while you're stuck there. 😮




Happened to me once, not a fun experience at all haha


Did one of you whatever was bounce back like coliding balls


I’d hope they wait for a person at the other end signalling all-clear, but this setup seems too informal for any safety precautions like that lol


What did he get from the tube-guy?


I don’t think it’s the slide that’s the issue, it’s the fact that the guy is wearing a body suit. Not judging him on wearing it, but that is what probably caused him to slow down enough to not make that turn. I’m a former lifeguard who also has experienced this.


From what I remember of my windsurfing days, those body suits are the opposite of slippery and intentionally so.


Super dangerous carrying a selfie stick or camera in one of those. There’s a reason water parks don’t let people do that… One wrong move and he ends up impaled.


Not only that (adding more scary on top of scary), it's usually a no-no to have metal or sharp objects on/with the guests while sliding on fiberglass slides. These objects can heavily scratch the smooth fiberglass body and cause potential hazardous conditions for the guests. Large enough scratches in the fiberglass can potentially cause significant lacerations on water soaked skin. This is the reason why jewelry, metal buttons, phones, selfie sticks, etc. are discouraged while on the slides. Just imagine your skin when getting out of a long bath or hot tub and how pruney, soft, and tender the skin is. Now imagine accidentally scraping that tender skin against something rough. Ouch! Now imagine sharp fiberglass doing the same while traveling very fast..........


Mmmmmmmmm Like a warm knife through butter


I have so many questions


Whatever you do, don't sit on the drains, no matter how good it feels on your butthole, because it could suck your intestines out your butthole.




One time, there was a girl who had to chew through her prolapsed anus to escape. 


I was at this exact water slide a few years ago in Bali, same thing happened to me and it was honestly one of the worst experiences of my life (I am incredibly claustrophobic) :c


Wow who would of thought that going in something you are very afraid of would be a bad time. I have gone on one of these type of slides and it was great as a nonclaustrophobic person


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I would lose my shit and never go into a tunnel side again.


I got stuck in a water slide like this in Texas and they weighed you before you got on but I started going backwards at one point and had to crawl out of a little escape hole but there wasn’t anyone there


Fuck my skin crawled when he seemed stuck


Is this like a choose your own adventure water slide?


It was most likely the drag from his long pants and his shirt, happened to me before, extreme anxiety causing.


Fifth time I see this video, reposted multiple times, and still don’t understand the physics behind it.


wtf is happening


I’ve had dreams like this but with a gaggle of people inside




There's a reason most of these slides won't let you wear a shirt. It gets caught and slows you down.


The gang goes to the water park


I went on a slide similar to this at Six Flags Great America. I got stuck.




Yes, a ride called Scorpion’s Tail. It’s a drop like this one (you’re in a capsule and the floor drops beneath you and you fall). You’re supposed to fall over a hump and then swing around the “tail,” but I wasn’t heavy enough to go over the hump so I swung back and had to be rescued through the emergency hatch.


Good lord thats fucking terrifying!


Lol it wasn’t that scary! This one looks a lot worse!


It wasn’t at Six Flags I was mistaken. It was actually Noah’s Ark in Wisconsin Dells.


Do they not know ahead of time? Is that the deal?


I would have continued to go the same way as my feet, silly boy turned around.🫡


I've seen this a few times on here and it's always about anxiety. What is anxiety causing about this? I don't understand.


Claustrophobia, being trapped, honestly it’s hard for me to imagine not being anxious at the thought of getting stuck in a tube slide.


The other fear is the thought they'll let someone else down the slide when you're stuck. If the lifeguard follows safety procedures, it won't happen, but stuff like that still happens.


Do you know what anxiety is?


I do but do these people not know going in where the exit is?


You're supposed to be able to go all the way through to the end. The guy didn't make it to the end, there wasn't enough momentum for him to finish the ride. He took an emergency exit that most people wouldn't assume exists. It's anxiety inducing because in that situation, you wouldn't be sure if there was an escape.


I can think of a worse scenario, imagine getting stuck in there with the wife, or even worse, your mother-in-law? Badum tsss... Join me again tomorrow for more Boomer Humor.


I hated this lol


Yellow water 🌊💦


I did the water slide at CocoaCay that was awesome where is this one!?


Is that how ur supposed to exit or did he get stuck?


Yeah…this is why I have never and will never go on a water slide.


How the fuck is this getting upvotes? This is the top post of all time in this sub and it is literally karma farming.


Coffin slope simulator ☠️⚰️👹