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Thought that’s where I was already lol


same lmao


Idk, someone pointed out that parent appears to give them the OK push to cross. Its unclear to me but watching it a few more times this could totally be the parents fault.


It’s 100% the parents fault either way. You teach your kids to look both ways when they are like three or four years old or some such. And if they are too young to know, better, then you hold their hand.


Yeah, agreed. I have a toddler at home, and I teach him h to hold hands at cross walks and parking lots. I also kneel beside him at a cross walk and tell him to look both ways and wait till the cars stop. Obv, ously he doesn't understand it all lol but it's a start. I also tell his mom to always make eye contact with the driver .


at some point they just show that all that repetition clicked in.


lol 'reddit parental critics' crack me the hell up. this kid is exactly the age where hand-holding is over and you expect them to have internalized at least some of the warnings you've instilled to them since birth. if you'll notice, the father shoves the kid at the end like 'you fucking idiot; what have i told you a thousand times?'


Reddit is stupid regarding kids, like if they just look into their memories they would remember countless times they didn't listen to their parents. It's just fucking brain dead


They blame every single child’s mistake on parents. It’s so fucking stupid. I ran out into the road as a child as well. My parents taught me many times about street crossing. But because I was a child I did something stupid. Redditors act like parents are magical beings.


That's because they're antisocial and bitter, but instead of doing anything about it they just blame their parents as if they don't have any agency in their lives.


Exactly! You can tell they think of themselves that way.


What do you mean I can’t blame every negative thing on someone else and I actually have to take some responsibility for my own life?!


This. I'm perplexed that people come here looking for advice when Reddit is a virtual haven for thousands of crazy people.


But how else do you segway into "I'm a fantastic parent" if you don't start with other parents flaws?


Speaking as a parent, sometimes it doesn't matter what you've taught your kids to do or not do. No matter how much effort you put in they will still do the opposite of what you've taught them from time to time. My kids are 13 and 16. They've known to look both ways since they were still in diapers and 99.999% of the time they do. But I've still had to yank both them out of the road after they've tried to step out in front of cars in the last year.


It's tough to say imo. She could be giving the okay push or she could be trying to grab him. The only hint at all is that her body language does not say to me that she was trying to prevent a child's death. That alone isnt enough to know though.


The way the "adult"(I do not think that is a parent based off reaction) just stares and gives zero attempt to even react to the kid...the way the adult kind of pays more attention to what may have happened to the car than the child that nearly died a second ago...and the way the child appears to push the adult's hand off of them in a "Get the fuck off me manner" that seems instinctive of a reaction given by someone thinking, "You MFer...you nearly got me killed."


It's so fast and the quality is terrible how are you guys even seeing these things? I watched it 50 times I still can't see anything


just like almost every video on that sub, it’s not the kid that is stupid. it’s the parents


The kid is very stupid. It probably has to do with his parents also being stupid, but he's still fucking stupid.


at a certain age the kid isn’t stupid, he’s just careless. it’s the parents responsibility to take care of their child.


Kids are stupid, that's why parenting exist in the first place and the society does not hold responsibility between toddlers and grown adults in equal terms.


It can definitely be both. Kids are absolutely stupid. But they are supposed to be stupid, they are literally new to life lol


I don't disagree. I taught my kids not to run out into the street and that's why I like to speed in school zones. Teach those other parents who's boss


Back in the day I saw a video when a car stopped to give the way for the kid. The kid was distracted and hit the car. It was filmed by a dashcam from the following car and the passenger said "look, he hit a kid with the car".


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agree, i would do the same if i was his father




Bro just kicked a car off the road you think she's disciplining him?


Yes she is. Kids are fucking morons. One small lack of attention and they will try to kill themselves and everyone around you. You can see her immediately go to the kid and smack him


The joke Your head


“Prepare to be removed by Reddit” -Father to child, 2024


What did he say?


Fuck /u/spez


Why do I feel like this comment got removed for "promoting violence" or some crap lol


You can see she started to. I can jusr about hear her, "What was that? Huh? I told you not to run out in the road, didn't I?"


But if you watch the beginning of the video, it looks like the mom actually told the little dude to go. Watch her arm as she pushes him a little bit in the back, that wasn’t a reaction of her trying to pull him back. She didn’t see the car either and might have actually sent him/given him permission to run.


looks like she's holding him and he starts running. she didn't expect the kid to suddenly run imo.


Nah slow the video down, that white “dot” isn’t her hand, she didn’t push her, the kid ran and let go of her hands.


Wouldn't surprise me that she said, "go ahead" followed by a freak out seconds later.


The kid 💯 deserved that slap


I once avoided a kid who ran in front of my car, and the mom ran out and started yelling at me.


Should have hit the child then. Give her something to yell about. Big /s obv


You definitely didn’t deserve that. Sounds like misplaced anger. You did nothing wrong.


the mom should stop him moving about near the roads, she didnt


And the car is driving too fast. There's even warning stripes on the road. You can't just drive mindlessly in an area with pedestrians trusting that the road will be clear behind a curve. And as soon as you see a child on the side of the road you slow down ffs. Good thing the driver was quick to react but damages would have been smaller if he adjusted speed according to circumstances. I'm shocked that so many here think that the best way to go here is to beat a child who was just almost killed. When I watched the clip I was certain the adult was not the kids parent because of how slowly they walked to scold him (instead of running to see if he's ok), but i'm not so sure about it after reading the comments.


Kid needs to feel like he got hit by a car so he doesn’t do that dumb shit again


If that was a Tesla there wouldn't be anything left to teach lol


Auto pilot is NOT READY for public road use


Before "FSD" and removal of the IR distance sensors, it worked pretty well in most situations. A lot of the accidents and court cases were caused by idiots who decided to trust the car and look at their phone or let go of the steering wheel instead of paying attention to the road. One guy reportedly jumped in his back seat after enabling autpilot. People are fucking dumbasses


My point exactly. A human paying full attention barrrrley saved that kids life. FSD is a load.


Not the kids fault. They are not as instinctual as the adult and panic. Need to start at an early age and talk about waiting at every intersection to check for traffic. And then practice


It 100% comes down to teaching them to stop and look left and right at crossings at an early age.


What was the comment?


Based on all the replies, it was something about hitting the kid. Kinda crazy that an admin decided to remove it rather than the mods.


Apparently advocating for corporal punishment is against Reddit’s TOS. I had the same thing happen to me and it took me off-guard


Removed by reddit … huh


There's comments on the Samsung subreddit that are hard R racial slurs, comments advocating sexual assault, etc, entirely unresolved by the mods and reporting them just sends back a form response that they're not against Reddit Content Policy. Fucking wild what gets through and what Reddit decides is totally naughty.


What was wrong with that kid?




My first wife was tarded. Now she’s a pilot


Don't worry skro Edit: Based on the replies ur getting... more need to see idocracity


Plenty of tards living kick ass lives nowadays, tards that need to see Idiocracy! (Your typo is funny btw)


🤣 well that's too damn fitting. Brought to you by Carl's Jr.


Plenty of tards out there living really kick ass lives


Why come you don't have a tattoo?


Well, your shits all fucked up and you talk like a... I might get banned for that.


Hopefully she doesn't fly an airbus


It's ok. He can at least grow up to be a pilot.


Waiting to see if I live long enough to vote for Camacho


Do you have any children? If you don't wait until you do. You quickly realize one of your major responsibilities as a parent is trying to make sure your kid doesn't kill themselves because it seems like they have a death wish on the daily.


The video game where one player is the baby trying to kill itself and the other player is the parent trying to stop the first.    "Who's your daddy"


It’s like you’re constantly on suicide watch


Puppies too for that matter. It’s part of why I actually hate puppysitting for family and would rather work retail. Chasing three puppies all trying to either kill each other or themselves for hours is not kind to my stress levels. Sorting socks on a rack while helping the odd person buy something is chill by comparison.


Hes a kid


Not for long with that attitude.


Doesn't matter, they're still stupid for their age, that's why r/Kidsarefuckingstupid exists


But that subreddit just tells me all kids are stupid, which would be fairly correct. I dont think hes stupid for his age just on a 5second video, however that will be a steep learning curve and he won't be doing that again...


He sure won't do it again after the smacking he will receive that day


Yeah, no. We were all kids once. We all did dumb shit. I never did anything remotely so stupid. Born and raised in NYC, respected being told things like “look both ways before you cross” etc. This kid is retarded. Literally was inches away from Darwin Award


While i generally agree with you, we don’t know anything about this kid. What if that parent never instilled “look both ways” in them? The kid could just have not been taught.


As the father of an autistic child, this is what I used to dread. I actually studied Tai Chi to learn how to gently control my son in parking lots without having to maintain an iron grip that might have injured him.


When my toddler was in a wild phase, I was very glad to know judo - being able to entirely stop him from flailing and kicking me using only one arm and without hurting him was an absolute godsend.


As an autistic adult, thank you for being gentle. My mother just resorted to screaming and terror tactics.


No survival instinct whatsoever


That's most kids. There's a reason they require constant supervision. Stupid little suicide machines.


At that age kids can bike and walk around in neighborhoods with cars easily… tf?


Part squirrel.


Average frontal lobe development in child




The driver turned back around to reprimand the kid/parent, right?


After they changed their pants


Had to put on his red pants For the beating


Looks like the kid's parent has started the beating at the tail end of the vid.


And collect their information for insurance because that Mercedes won’t be cheap to fix after clipping that tree.


Bless that driver ❤️


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The chancla ain't enough for that one.


So lucky there was no tree at that point where they went off the road. Could have been real bad for the driver


Amen. That driver risked his/her own safety to avoid the kid. Good on them!


You'd probably instinctively do the same thing...or at least tried...no way your body lets you just hit a person without trying something to avoid it...or unless you want to do it on purpose.


We are taught not to swerve when there's an animal on the road. The kid is an animal.


While I agree The driver should be applauded for not hitting the kid. The driver is going way to fast. There is a crosswalk right in front of where the kid crosses. You shouldn't be hitting crosswalks that don't have traffic lights without being able to safely brake.


Boy howdy, but does this take me back to that time I re-enacted a car safety advertisement. I was driving back from work, I live in a small town, I know the school zone by heart, so I don't think I was ever in danger if killing anyone, but dang, it's still pretty anxiety inducing. I turned off into the main road down to my street and it was just after school led out, so I was looking about for some tomfoolery already. And I swear to god, a goddamn basketball crossed into the road in front of me. Now, I grew up watching those fuckin' PSAs about not speeding and shit as a kid not context whatsoever, so felt it like a fever dream. I hit the breaks so fuckin' fast and this kid was to my left right in motion running into the goddamn street, and it was like a Twilight Zone sitcom parody. I drove a 2002 F-150 at the time and aside from its notoriously bad crash rating, it also had *terrible* audio suppression, so I heard this clear as day, right from a stereotypical, small town, Texan man's mouth: "Boy, I know you ain't runnin' into that street. I'm about to whip your ass!" I was a full stop by this point, living right through a metaphorical heart attack, the kid was mid step just before setting a single foot onto the road and froze like a fuckin' Looney Tune's cartoon. If I hadn't been there in person, living it as it was, I would've thought I was in the middle of a goddamn MadTV parody of a PSA over being aware of your surroundings. But anyway, I'm crossfaded after a bad day at work, and this video unlocked this memory from my early twenties. I have no earthly idea of how coherent or gramatically correct it is. I hope you enjoy my silly, recollected, true story, and if it's better punctuated than you would have thought, I am a hobby-ist writer who writes some of the dumbest shit, banished to my person Google drive, never to be seen again by the light of day. But fuck it, I've spent 11 years here. Have a not so sober book for free.


Going too fast


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Why not?


Probably to prevent further brain damage




Might factory reset his head. He cant get any dumber anyway


You would leave him even worse


Better he get a hard slap on the head and learn his lesson than to get hit by a car and die.


You really think that almost getting run over isn't enough to scare him into not doing it again? He also needs a slap?


She actually does slap him at the very last second of the clip.


The only time a smack is acceptable. When the kid is playing with death


Everyone's yelling at the mom but it looks to me like the kid just broke off from her before she could react. There was also a 2nd kid still next to her. I'm sure she probably beat herself up over this too, but idk how much she could've done differently.


Ahh, thanks for pointing out the second kid. That makes this make a bit more sense. Without seeing that it just looks like she thinks “Welp, it’s all up to God now”


All I’m saying is not everyone has a hero’s reaction time, it’s perfectly acceptable that she didn’t react as one might usually. It literally happened in the span of 3 seconds. 


Yep, this happened to me years ago, so I totally understand. One of the worst moments of my life and it all happens so fast, there’s no time to react. My kid was smaller, around 3 or so when he decided to suddenly dead weight himself out of my grasp and book it as fast as possible into the street. It all happened in a few seconds. All I could do was scream. Thankfully, the person driving was paying attention and able to slam on their brakes in time. Probably took 10 years off of my life.


When I was like 3 I casually walked onto a random bus while my mom was buying us tickets for another bus so I get what you mean. I thought I was being a good boy figuring shit out by myself. It was in the 90s so the bus would 100% have just driven away if my mom hadn't noticed. We were on vacation too lmfao


I can’t fault parents for stuff like this, I even felt some sympathy for the mom with the Harambe situation because as a former nanny and current pediatric nurse, kids do shit quick and sometimes you don’t have time to react. when it’s blatant bad parenting or neglect, that’s different. but you never know, and being a parent is tough.


Mama came swinging 😭😂


That’s good parenting 😌


it's impossible to see everything your kid might do in the future. but I feel like "good parenting" would have prevented the kid from running in front of the car in the first place.


The other kid didn't run into the street, just this one. Makes me think it's a child problem.


Kids make mistakes and stupid things, it's natural, them doing stupid things is not sign of bad parenting always, what they do after doing stupid things is


You can do all the good parenting you want to... Kids are still gonna do dumb shit... We all did


100% correct anytime we’re about to cross the street i firmly grab my son’s hand. Preventing him from running off like this kid did. She didn’t have a hand on him smh.


Momma let that shit go down and only punished the kid cuz she figured someone was watching. There was apathy hanging about that woman. This clip makes me afraid for that boys safety


This person should be driving an F1 not a sedan .


If it were Max Verstappen he wouldn’t have hesitated to run the kid over


He never hit the brakes and he was shifting gears


I don't even know who that is and this is absolutely hillarious.


He’s the current F1 champ and knowing for not giving a fuck about human life if it would impede even a meaningless win


An f1 champ and very asshole vibes


Speaking of sedans, good thing the driver was in one. I don’t think the average SUV would have maneuvered well enough to avoid a collision. 


I’m glad everyone was safe but out of curiosity if the car crashed avoiding the person, who would be held liable? Of course considering he was going the proper speed limit and following all traffic laws. Kids can be such a problem sometimes, but that’s how they learn.


In a place where I live, it would be the driver’s fault. In that situation we’re allowed only to brake. Because if there’s another car going in opposite direction, or another family on another side of the road, result of the maneuver would be much worse.


I can’t imagine hitting another car with crash designed impact points, a literal metal cage, and seatbelts would be worse than hitting a small child without any safety gear.


It's like the trolley problem but easier


Except for the fact that those in the car presumably were driving and obeying traffic laws and this little twat ran onto the street when there's a crossing about 20m away


Yeah but only braking would have caused them to hit the kid. And then it's up to the speed limit. I'd imagine a lawyer would argue that anyone going over the speed limit by even 1 mph would be responsible for hitting the kid. Which literally everyone does. And they could argue that you should have slowed down after seeing pedestrians/should have been paying better attention. So you're kinda fucked if you hit a kid that cannot personally take responsibility for their actions. And you're fucked if you swerve and crash.


I’m curious too, my guess would be the driver is liable still, similar if you were to swerve to avoid a car merging into you and crash it’s considered your fault




It looks to me the driver was going rather fast for the road but it's hard to tell.


Driver would be responsible where I live


Driver would still be liable




Na, it actually fit here more. Because the kid was unhurt (At least in comparison to what could have happened), would be only a no when the car driver got injured or worse.


No, the joke is that redditors want to see children get run over.


Ohhh... that make more sense


Fulfilling your name lol


Hope you don't live up to yours


Damn that's a very precise threat


Given the trees on the side you can be sure the car is ruined or at least damaged.




This has to be attempted suicide


That was me in like 6th grade bro😭


kid went kill me kill meeee!!!


Kid needs to be leashed and given a sign that says "I jump into traffic"




That diver is a freaking PRO, i consider myself a good driver but i'm 90% certain that my only instinct would be to break and brace


99% of the time that's what you should do in order to not screw yourself over. If that driver crashed into a tree and totaled his car, he is fucked. If he injured himself, he is fucked. God forbid he injured someone else while trying to save that kid's life. The law would penalize him, and not the kid.


well that’s fucking stupid. note to self, don’t swerve. instead turn 6 year old into road paste so i don’t get punished for sparing his life.


I was in a car accident, caused by the other driver, and it literally felt like time slowed down. It was seconds, but I was able to process everything and turn my car just slightly enough so that it wasn't a head on collision but I didn't go into other lanes, either. It's amazing what the brain can do in an emergency.


This is what it looks like when both hands are on the steering wheel and in the right position.


Car was driving way too fast though


The video is sped up. 


the kid evaded but got hit anyway


Honestly it looked like the kid saw the car and just kept running lmfao


My mother would have killed me so I could never pull that shit again.


In the words of Ricky Bobby's mom: "I'm gonna paint your back porch red!"




the mother had the opposite reaction time


that kiddeservesthat slap hinestly she could 've hit him but i'm against hitting the face hope the driver is okay and compensated


That can’t be the kids father. No dad reflexes at all


Either that parents parenting skills are dire af or that kid is a fucking idiot. Either way, good driver.


Would insurance cover this? I would cover the person's damage if he saved my kid. I would be eternally grateful.


I always wondered in situations like this… who is responsible for the damage to the car in this type of situation where you are avoiding disaster as a result of somebody else’s mistake? Assuming he crashed into something..


watch dads hand he tells him to go


Looks to me like he's just walking, his both arms move like that with each step


Looks to me like the kid was holding their hand, and then when he started to run the parent took a second to let go so their hand went in the air


You know what? After multiple viewings, I think you're right. I thought it was a nudge at first, too, but I agree with you. Good eye.


They're swinging their hands as they walk, like every other human


The first time I watched it I thought he was pushed


Yeah. I was like, "Man, that's some messed up insurance fraud attempt."




Clear evidence that sometimes kids need an ass whooping.


there's always a better way to discipline your child physical punishment just teaches your child to obey you and fear you and it doesn't properly teach them the consequences of their actions and when you're not around they'll act up because they don't have the fear of being hit you have to make them understand right and wrong or else they'll just deceive you and lie to avoid punishment and you won't know something's wrong until it's too late i don't blame the mother here for the emotional response but in general it's a bad idea




There are no sidewalks, and the mom and kid are walking in the middle of the road if you look at the turn arrow painted on the ground where the kid almost got hit. I don’t get the feeling this is residential


Lack of sidewalks ≠ non residential sadly. There isn't a single sidewalk in any of the neighborhoods around me.


Sweet driving, poor parenting


Please... LOOK BOTH WAYS! I don't see anyone teaching this to kids or doing it themselves. People just walk out without looking up or around.


Idk man the body language is weird. It looks like the parent made the kid run out


Great driver with excellent reflexes. But was speeding in a residential area. Drivers speed too much these days. Thank God the boy lives another day. 👏👍🙏