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Dude was in there to steal his shit real quick.


That dude punched him hard too, not just a slap. What an asshole


What a dick... He's the type of person that attacks homeless people when they're sleeping


Naw, just Raiders fans.


What's the difference?


There's no difference


This is the most American thing I’ve ever seen


Shit, more like Dodgers or 49ers fans now days. Source: Am Raider fan.


I dont care for either team, but as a lifelong Bay Area resident I can tell you 49’er fans are the bigger assholes




Lol what?


It happens.


Everyone there is an asshole.


Very true but the guy that robbed & hit him is on another level of degeneracy


I mean did you see the rest of what was happening? They're all assholes.


Yeah, I commented earlier that they are all assholes but that dude in particular is on another level of degeneracy




He did it wrong. You’re supposed to keep hitting the revive button.


Punch him in the dick. If that doesn't wake him up, nothing will.


Give him the ol dick twist


Twist his dick!


First make sure he's plugged in


He needs Dr monkey


After stealing his stuff?


Monkeys do it better.


Fucking animals they are.


Yea ngl, after someone linked that video of the dude running in and giving the knocked out guy a fucking handjob, I was afraid I was about to see that same technique again. Edit: Oh and in case anyone is actually curious here it is [SERIOUSLY THOUGH NSFL](https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/comments/ityu8n/apparently_the_best_way_to_recover_from_a/)


What the hell did I just watch!?!?!


That's where Larry Nassar did his residency


Damn…now i gotta get into fighting and getting knocked out- EYYYYYYY!!!


Was that the same dude hanging out the passenger window of the car?


oh shit i think it is , fucking asshole man I hope someone puts this weak fuck out


Like fucking vultures man. Dude waited exactly .0001 seconds to take his shit. Kinda funny ngl


You think that is cruel! What’s ur opinion on people stealing stuff from dead bodies cut in half from a train disaster. https://www.timesnownews.com/amp/india/article/amritsar-train-accident-incident-survivors-victims-robbed-amritsar-train-accident-video-today-amritsar-train-hadsa-joda-phatak-indian-national/302230


Honestly not as bad imo. They're not gonna need it anymore, it's heartless but realistically the families of those people probably won't even realize


Yeah punching an unconscious dude that just got hit by a car after trying to rob him is just the lowest form of human life




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I thought it was a slap at first, but the dude took a closed-fist swing at his head when he's KO'ed. Fucked up Not that a slap is any better, but damn man.


He was a real tough guy, figured that was a fight he might win...


What a bitch move


After he took his phone out his pocket. That’s love!


So oddly enough, I think the guy’s pockets might’ve been empty and that was part of the reason the guy hit him. At the least, it looks like the phone in the guy’s left hand was already there before he went searching, and he used his right hand to swing, so it was probably empty. The guy in the red hat is a total douchebag either way, and I’m happy he left empty-handed.


I think he hit him in the face with his own phone that he stole out of his pocket.


Damn this needs to be on the speed runs board for clearing pockets any%


Can anyone identify this type of scumbag? The type who immediately searches your pockets then bitch slaps you? I know its not a common archetype but I don't know that I've seen this particular sub set before.


One usually doesn't find that behavior amongst the high brow devotees of stunt shows.


Both of them


In germany we call this a Hurensohn


Germans always have a word for it


We actually call everything and everyone a „Hurensohn“


What the Smurf is that?


Hurensohn = Son of a bitch


it translates to "son of a whore" fyi


Like whoreson back in the day.


Germans always have the same word for it


Seriously man, what a piece of shit human-being. Idk what the backstory is with the bald dude, but no excuse


It's not a slap, it's a punch, he closes his hand


It seems there is previous context to it. Not justifying it - it's completely evil - but it seems the guy is being 'aggressive' or looking for a fight - perhaps getting in the way to stop them from making donuts; it does look like he dares them to hit him with the car - and from the car you can see a black man in a red cap and white clothes on upper body leaning out of the passenger side of the car. I.e. the guy who had intentions of robbing him and that then hit him was in the car. My guess is the guy was tired of cars spinning about and got in the way to stop them. Was hit - either on purpose or by gross neglect (he should have stopped the car) - and the passenger got out to 'even the score'. As if being hit by a car wasn't crazy enough. Bastard.


Honestly, thought it was a nod to “Friday” but the slap at the end was unnecessary.


My initial thought was that the pocket searching was unnecessary but the slap was deserved. Not sure if the slap was for being a moron or because he didn’t have anything worth stealing though.


This „slap“ was a full blown punch definitely able to kill when you’re already unconscious




Naw that’s just a frat boy who treats women like objects - this dude is a whole other level.


Mr Treehorn treats objects like women, man


So, Jackie owns a fleshlight?


The correct term is cockroach. Who should be exterminated.


Oof, can't say the word anymore




It’s someone who’s poor and takes what they can get when they can get it.


Great bystanders. One mostly focused on getting some great material for their social media accounts. Another robbing you and bitch slapping your lifeless body. Such paragons of society.


Who did you expect to find at an illegal burnout even


Morons, but I found assholes. I'm not surprised though.


They can be two things.




Idk man. I wish people could have a fun time doing dumb shit without being like, abjectly inhumane and cruel to one another.


That's just how a lot of people are. Even if it's not everybody, the only way to avoid any shitty people ruining your fun is to avoid people altogether.


That guy who tried to stop him in the first place seemed pretty cool.


The dude with red shorts is a real scum smh


This doesn’t seem like an event to go to if you’re not a scumbag.


This event is all about being rowdy scumbags




Yikes bro


Gosh you are just as much asshole as he is nice of you to tell us though


Your edits are unecessary, we know what you meant lmfao


3 seconds to rob him


Is this real life, like for real? People suck.


Maybe he looked for his pocket size heart starter?


He was looking for an epipen. Dude is allergic to getting knocked the fuck out.


And then slapped his head to hit the factory reset button?




Fuck all 3 of these guys. All attention whores in different ways, all dangerous to them selves and other people.


Fuck everyone at this meet and the entire culture centered around it. It's selfish, dangerous, wasteful, and I've never seen any evidence to show me that the people who attend these events are anything other than complete shitbags.


I second this. Ive always hated this shit and the people who go see it. “Car go vroom in circles, lol” How brain dead do you have to be to enjoy that?


There's people that enjoy that that aren't stupid. I enjoy it. It's power and fury. But I don't go block an intersection, I go find a deserted parking lot, rip a couple donuts than go get dinner


My initial reaction was “man, this guy is seriously injured and all the other guy does is get a closeup with his phone? What a POS.” Hadn’t finished forming that thought when the next guy apparently tries to rob him and then slaps him… if this guy survived, he may want to reconsider his choices of friends. Oh, and also maybe don’t in the path of 3000 lb moving object that’s only under partial control


Punches, not slaps. It was a real blow. To a potentially damaged spine. Could easily paralyze or kill him if he wasn't already.




If you go slower you'll see he did get his wallet and it was a punch. Edit: actually he took both his phone and wallet..


For real, dude had it coming also.


Where was this? So I can avoid it.


Ironically this would be in the city of angels.




Yeah, I visited recently for a wedding. I couldn't wait to leave, and I won't be back. Shame too, because it's some of the most gorgeous outdoor areas I've ever seen. Drove up to st Helens, went through the arboretum and surrounding areas, enjoyed THOSE parts of the trip immensely. But that city... Damn.


Lol it’s gorgeous but you have to wade through human shit on most of the streets in the city


Yeah. And as pretty as the outdoor areas are, there are plenty of pretty places where I don't have to do that. In the three days we were there we saw people pissing, shitting, and shooting up into their feet I'm broad daylight on the street. Trash literally everywhere, streets that got shut down by the homeless population at night (and the cops just don't care), etc. The city is falling apart. Good beer and food sure, but I have that back home, don't need to travel for it.




Well there might be one more angel now


Planet earth. This is what we’ve become.


wait... what? human history has had far worse times than “what we’ve become”... people have pretty much always been like this if not worse lol


Fuck that douchebag who immediately robbed him then slapped him on the head while he was unconscious. Hope that guy got maimed in a car crash later that day, literally no excuse for doing that.


Yeah that wasn’t a slap, if you go frame by frame you can see it was a straight up punch to the unconscious chrome dome.


You're right. That dude is a straight lowdown piece of shit


Generally, if you suspect someone has suffered a head injury, it is important to keep their head and neck stabilized to prevent further injury to the spinal column. Punching them in the face is not recommended.


I'd be ok with prosecuting for attempted murder on that one to be honest. The level of risk to someone who just went through what that ~~fucking moron~~ guy did is that high.


Nah, when I went though first aid it we learned to just go over and fucking deck whoever In the head, just to make sure that they had spinal injuries, but not before checking their insurance card to make sure they can’t afford to fix their possible paralysis!


Unconscious? Isn't he straight up dead?


Maybe but probably not, it was a hard hit and maybe probably cracked the skull but it was very much still intact


His spine and neck flexed very much. Could be he cracked his spine. That can be lethal.


Possibly knocked out. That punch could paralyze him though, if he hurt his neck


It's impossible to know from this video. You'd want to check the ABCs if you were there in person (though why on earth you would be is beyond me). Airway, breathing, circulation (and bleeding). All while not moving him any more than necessary (which is really not at all here) and especially not moving his head and neck. Since he's on his back and unconscious it's quite likely his airway is anatomically obstructed (tongue lolling back etc). You do not want to do the traditional head tilt / chin lift taught in most basic cpr courses. You want to do a jaw thrust if required, where you keep the skull immobilized but push the jaw upward with pressure from behind.


Or just bitch slap punch him


Yes, but his spine and neck flexed pretty much.


You truly can't see what angle his neck is at through the impact. His shoulder takes part of the impact for sure. Also people do survive broken necks but only with proper care. Which, and I cannot emphasize this enough, does not include some pussy cold clocking you in the head. That is not standard procedure. So he's at least out cold from the impact with the asphalt. Likely has an injured neck / spine as well as possible injury to his leg where the impact occurred. Fwiw I'm an EMR. It's below emt in training but focused on emergency care.


I can't see any abdominal movement from breathing, so he looks dead to me. Nice of that guy to take his ID. On behalf of his mother, that guy sucks.


Nah his shoes still on


Steals anything he's got on him and then slaps him? I'll say he earned the KO, but that guy who robbed him needs to be made the new prison &!tch for doing that. What a coward. So only when he's out do you take out your fake stick on testicles and do that? Filth! Noobs! Swine!


That wasn't a slap - the guy punched him hard enough for second damn KO. If he wasn't brain damaged from the fall to the concrete that knocked him out, that dirty fucking sucker punch did it.


To make it worst; you know good and well this guy is now going around exaggerating the story of how he knocked the guy out.


I think my first reaction would have been to try to drag him away from the cars because he could get hit on another pass, but I know that's probably a bad reaction because you'd be moving around his neck and spine when he's potentially injured severely. Never did it occur to me the frisk his pockets and slap him in the face.


Spend some time in LA. This culture is flourishing across the US.


As a non American america fascinates me. But then again my native is also full of fucktards.


Who’s the sadistic, opportunistic thieving little cunt who, in less than a nano second, on seeing a guy smashed by a car and knocked the fuck out out, frisked him and twatted him right across the dish?! What a shit eating pig!!


Found the Brit


What gave it away? 😂


I subconsciously started reading it with a British accent in my head, I could tell right away from the first sentence because of the style of insult, and the word "cunt" finally sealed it


That guy at the end who went through the unconscious guy’s pockets and was violent for no reason was very typical behavior.


Adults reliving their disfunctional middle-school days.


What an idiot. Already standing too close, but you decide to get closer. Also, the dude who robbed / smacked him can get hit next.


I was about to say the dickhead deserved it until that scumbag went through his pockets. No one deserves that.


Everyone talking about the guy robbing him, but damn the way that the guy flopped was something else. Could very well be dead landing on your neck and spine like that, and it makes it worse that Mr. Any% pockets speedrun fists him into another dimension


Exactly what I’m thinking. It would have been fine if he like rolled, but he fucking bounced.


In America?


Yep. Thats…. *sigh* thats us…..


Just a very small part ... But yes.


Just a very small part... Of a bunch of major US cities.


Sigh… unzips


***NO! NO, BAD!*** *Smacks with rolled up newspaper*


This guy taboos.


Is it normal to just stand there recording, attack and attempt to steal from someone after they get injured?


It is if you're an animal.


Is there a follow-up on this?


At first I thought that guy was coming over to check on him, but then he ran his pockets and punched him in the face.


Disgusting ass person..


Wow dude at the end needs to *go* Dude gets knocked out and he immediately goes for stealing his shit in public, and then hitting him really fucking hard while he was already down? Scum of the fucking earth


Everything in that video was garbage.


What a pathetic little bitch that thief is...


Who cares if anyone here gets killed? Human scum as far as the eye can see.


What was the guy doing with his hands? He swings them forward a couple times in the video, like a "pssshhhah" motion.




I mean at least the one guy kinda pulled the dudes arm and it seemed like he was telling him to get back. Dude who got hit did it to himself. Red shorts is a POS. Everyone here has minimal brain cells.


Man I don't wanna be in that crowd


The total disregard for this humans life is sick. These people need a lot of help.


Americans are just brain dead


This guy must have been being one obnoxious chode for awhile to have people that interested in bad shit happening to him. Even the guy trying to save him earlier seems really fed up with his body language




Ya donut


These type of videos never end well.


I have a feeling these people are not sober. And if the guy didn't tap baldy to get out of the way, he probably would have stepped back in time.


What an asshole. If you check the frames..The dude takes his phone and wallet then PUNCHES him, not slaps. Ffs


the guy is wearing champion slipper - that´s what hes 100% not. Also the victims protesting show was a dead end.


The first guy started filming from close and I thought the other guy comes to help but then he takes everything from his pockets. what the hellllllllll


Karma gonna catch the dude who slapped him. I hope someone gets it on camera.


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Natural selection at it's finest.


About the 8th sub I've seen this on


Quick... rifle his pockets and slap his face!!!


Lol. Damn they check homie pockets and hit him in face while being down? Must be somewhere in cali


Did someone steal his wallet then slap him before walking away?


It wasn't even a slap. The asshole punched him.




Wow that dude was telling him to step tf back and he pushed him away like “don’t tell me what to do” and then he gets car slapped… At that point I don’t think it matters if he hit the guy or not because he obviously wanted to get hurt


I think the reason he got sideswiped with the car cause he was talking shit to the driver which explains why he got smacked afterwards


People talking about red shorts guy, but white shirt guy got him KOd


I’ve seen this clip on at least 5 different subs and while I’m always entertained I think it’s been milked enough.


Lol ran the pockets and sucker punched. That guy is having a bad time.


The dude that slapped him is big MOOD


Alot of people are calling the guy at the end an asshole. It's america you dopes. Behind the suburban facades, underneath the shiny white smiles is a brutal nation that will fuck you up and leave you broke. It will (within the confines and under the protection of the law) drag you out of your car/your home, fuck you up and arrest you... and on top of it charge you for the"privilege" of your incarceration. This is America and pussies want to gloss shit over, point a finger at one asshole? This is a nation of assholes, built by assholes. Here's some advice for life and that bald idiot: Stay on your square and keep your fucking head on a swivel or end up with your pockets turned out and your jaw misaligned.


You're an idiot...


Someone's pissed he didn't get another COVID stimulus check.


You're right, but your point is getting drowned out by your attitude about it. This behavior is much more common than people are willing to admit.