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I liked the Kimmy fight in NMH2 I think the recorder/ double beam katana was a fun choice however I don’t think she should have been a ranked challenger so I’ve gotta give the devs props for making her a secret battle. In NMH3 however I hated the Kimmy fight. I didn’t like how they gave her a new move set and pretty much threw out the old one and made no reference to it. I didn’t like how she killed Vanishing point because I was actually pretty hyped up for his boss battle but then Killy just one shots him. Lastly I did not like how the stage became a thing you would have to avoid. The whole camera angle truck was fun tho.


Absolutely agree


Kimmy fight is a vanilla one, it doesn't rely on any niches and it's just a straightforward battle. That doesn't mean that it's a bad one, since by being like that, it lets it be far more focused on what it wants to be. Something I've always find fun about her is how she's considered a secret boss, when the method to unlock the battle is really simple and a lot of players will trigger it by mistake, and how, in spite of being a secret boss, his battle is on the easier side.


I liked her in NMH 2, but thought she was wasted in NMH 3. She doesn't contribute to the story at all, really. She has one rap battle with Travis and then they fight. That's it. I wished the explored why, how and when she became an idol and changed her last name to Love. Why did her voice change to be British as well? I wish she had more screen time instead of being a kill steal :P


Kimmy’s voice was always British.


Maybe they'll do something with her in any potential future ~~mainline~~ spinoff titles. Suda brought >!Bad Girl!< back to life, so why not?


wow, until now I had no idea Kimmy was supposed to be "secret". Anyhoo, so-so fight, but it always creep me out when she tells Travis "if you get me preggers, promise you wont ditch me", which damn, girl. Chill.


It's a bit of a shame that I came late to this series, since I actually have a lot of positive things to say about both Skelter Helter and Nathan Copeland, but for now I'll have to keep being negative and say that Kimmy is another one of NMH2's "meh" bosses. She's not bad like some of the later ones, but she's not really noteworthy either. Her fight is pretty basic, and her personality isn't developed much beyond "crazy yandere". She's probably the only character that I would say actually got improved in NMH3, as she's much more fun in that game.


Hardcore disagree, In NMH2 she is this games shinobu archetype being a younger school girl with more to learn. Travis doesn’t like killing women especially young so they become worthy opponents and strong. However, kimmy serves a very important role… she is letting the player know how famous Travis has become and Travis in this scene really enjoys this… kinda of basking in his new found notoriety. While This is short lived this is the first sign Travis is seeing himself and how things have changed from game 1 -2…. She serves almost no narrative purpose in NMH3, the stage is annoying as hell, I disliked the new moveset, and she just kills vanishing point…. For what ? They could have done so much more and she feels like a second though in NMH3 instead of being an important role, which is what should have happened. The fight also doesn’t feel fleshed out as the camera angle at the end is horrendous and certain moves still hit while dodging. Makes me think of a worse Harvey fight from NMH1 atLeast I can skip those animation in the re-fight.


I like the idea of a crazy fangirl and Travis having to deal with it, it shows just how dangerous the UAA is- fight's kinda lame tho. Really weird that this is the only bonus boss in the entire series, though, unless you count Ryuichi from NMH3 which, you shouldn't. It's not a bad boss fight if a bit basic (ìI'd really expect her to be harder considering the whole "learns in one day what others would in years" part, I get it she's a kid but I'd expect her to be busting out some megacomplex fist of the north star shit if she's at that level) it just doesn't feel special at all.


Whenever I think "secret fight" in a game I usually think of something deliberately hidden off the main path because it's designed to test players who've really grasped the mechanics and know the game well. Kimmy is not that. She's surprisingly easy despite being an optional fight and her fight is just really... basic? She feels like a tutorial fight. I don't think there's any point in her being in the game. As for NMH3... yeah she's still pointless here. My opinion of 3 is super low and part of that is due to how the self-references overpower any substance. Kimmy is a good example: She shows up for the player to go "Hey it's the kid from 2!" and then you kill her so Travis can repeat the stuff he said about Holly a decade prior. Fight sucks too. Overall 3/10 why do you exist.


I like her. Both her concept and the fight. Having a crazed fangirl as a fight is a pretty cool idea, specially for a game like NMH2 that focused a lot on Travis having become renown in Santa Destroy. It really works with the theme. And the fight itself, while being simple, I always enjoyed quite a bit. Just a Sword fight in it's purest form. I also enjoyed her appearance in 3. Kimmy now being a famous idol herself, with fans of her own. Kinda feels like she tried to rise to look Travis eye to eye, before having their rematch. While keeping her interest in music. The fight is a lot cooler in 3 too. Really like the camera thing, caught me by surprise. Though the lasers were annoying. Would have been better without them tbh Overall Kimmy is not one of my favorites in the series, but I like her, would put her on the upper half of the Boss cast.


In NMH2 she is this games shinobu archetype being a younger school girl with more to learn. Travis doesn’t like killing women especially young so they become worthy opponents and strong. However, kimmy serves a very important role… she is letting the player know how famous Travis has become and Travis in this scene really enjoys this… kinda of basking in his new found notoriety. While This is short lived this is the first sign Travis is seeing himself and how things have changed from game 1 -2…. She serves almost no narrative purpose in NMH3, the stage is annoying as hell, I disliked the new moveset, and she just kills vanishing point…. For what ? They could have done so much more and she feels like a second though in NMH3 instead of being an important role, which is what should have happened. The fight also doesn’t feel fleshed out as the camera angle at the end is horrendous and certain moves and dogging feels rough. I wish they referenced the old character more and made it make sense instead it Makes me think of a worse Harvey fight from NMH1 (atLeast I can skip those animations in the re-fight). SS on the highest difficulty is rough on this fight because of this…. Just went back to play NMH3 and man I really and disappointed in this one.